(2008/08) Aug 2008

i saw the natas special newspaper, so many japan places to go. dunno wat is this tonkusu thinggi..
hubby thinks later she will sure request to go so better safe it till she is 3 yrs old or so
i love toyku disney. i will invade their merchandise store to buy lots of stuffs cos they r so irresistible! haha like a small kiddo myself hor

u got no FB...!!!! my friend;s 7 yr old has lei, hehe
but honestly i got no time to load pics cos it takes so long n i seldom log in liao, will do so after i move

celyn, vanilla
i hope so. after i complain n post about her. last nt she never wake me up lei. slept thru. crosing finger for tonight. i canlt do the training. she see me she cry more n louder! see hubby, she sian. haha. hubby very bad ask me to put her in her own room n close the door. dunno wen i shld train her to sleep in her own rm thru the nt. cos she sleeps in her rm then i carry her over to my rm;s cot at nt wen she is still asleep.

Morning Mummies!
Little Twin Stars
U r not alone. Falisha has been doin that since 3-4mths back. She can sleep quite peacefully on my bed, but my practice is once she falls asleep i will move her to her own cot. THen everytime middle of the night she'll wake up and stand up! Wake up n eh eh eh aredy fan liao, somemore eh eh while standing up leh! Goodness..then when i wanna pat her to sleep again in her own cot, she'll cry loh! Sighs...so bo bian hv to carry her to my bed then she'll automatically continue to sleep! Sighs..i oso cannot do anything...
Aiyo, Kai so boy boy ... can't dress him up like girl lor ... hehe.

The trick is to cut the milk intake lor ... i am trying but still not successful.
Last nite he drank 3 times! twice before he sleeps and once at 3am. 1 litre just for last nite .. faintz.
Changed 2 diapers.

Me dun wan #3 la .... unless it's guaranteed girl. Can't imagine another boy ...
Make hairclip cos it's more special ma. We should have a club to counterteach each others on some handicrafts, quite fun lor.
If we have the time! hee.

I gave roiv my address long time ago liao.

I like girls cos they vv TIE XIN. So far my #1 still young and he's still vv sweet. He'll say "oh, sorry mama, i forgot" even when he is not at fault.
He'll sometimes massage my back, sayang me when I hit something or when I am in pain. When he was younger, he'll come into my room and see me sleeping, he'll quietly go out and close the door even.
He's quite sentimental kind lor but he likes to whine and cry oso ... faintz.

August Baby Bash CD
Those who have not received it by this Friday, please let me know on Friday (after you checked letterbox), cos I am helping roiv to consolidate the lists so she can ask the photographer to resend it.
Maybe those who received can indicate here.

Celyn - received
Catherine - received
Must go sign up a FB account la. U're missing alot manz. Me no time for games oso .... fb and forum enough liao ;)

Sat opening ... anyone can go or only those invited ah? maybe i will go too. if i dun stay up late on Fri nite ... hehhe.
I oso wanna go leh! Dun mind poppin by for a while. Hahah..if too crowded can zao lang! haha...u wanna go together? haha...my poor Falisha has been 'hibernating' with us at home even on weekends cos we fasting, so trying to reduce the activities mah..haha. So poor thing...so tot wanna bring her there.

Anyone else interested? lol

<u>Polliwogs this Sat</u>
1. Hui Chin
Halo Mommies!

Twin Stars,
Not lobang lah, coz hbs HK cousin working at Disneyland so he will help us get cheaper rates. =P

I think Tokyo Disneyland is nice but then the q is killing lorend up, just take few rides only as all q are so long!!! Scary lor

I prefer HKG one coz not as crowded as Tokyo 1still can rbr we q 2hours+ for the WTP ride man!
u also huh. tiring right. plus u need to work...sure ;orh bak kag;
i have prob setling to sleep, by the time i fall asleep she wakes up n it;s hard for me to sleep back. by the time i sleep it;s time 4 her to wake up liao.hiaz

wah, than got staff discount
can cut q too, hehe
little twin stars
Ya ya ya!!! Her timing hor see beh jialat oso...same siah! Everytime i wanna lie down to Zzz then she'll wake up n eh eh eh. TOday i kena loh..orh bak kak nehmind, late for work somemore~! Sighs...

Whoa going all these places need to queue up like tt? Piangs..like tt i wont go one siah. Haha...but it sure sounds fun! And better for u cos got discount! haahaa..
I saw you taking your cam and clicking non-stop. i think you should have more fotos on your gal then the PG leh... :p
i just wake up from nap and so many post liao. hehehe....

where are you? i'm still waiting for you in fb leh. come lah.

you can just come fb to see photos and video. don't play all the games and other things.

i just added you.
Big Mama,

I also wan to go but Denzel going for jab this Saturday. Join u next round.

Anyone keen for another NorthEast Gathering?? Cos we didnt really catch up the last round during Aug Birthday Bash.
Ha. . . I just posted the photos in my FB. Not much photos for individual mummy tho coz I dun really recognise most of the mummies or babies there so worry if I take their photo then kena scolded.

Thanks!!! Saw the baby bash photos in your FB, so nice you tag most of them. Seriously I only know some of their nick but cannot match the name with the nick yet. Guess I have to join you all for more gathering then.
Mon afternoon or Thu (whole day) I am on leave.
Maybe we can go to Seng Kang swimming pool at anchorvale side?
Can can ... I can let my #1 play at the beach after that ... he loves the sand. Hope it doesn't rain, else no go. Can bring the beachmat lor .... so the toddler can crawl.

Polliwogs this Sat
1. Hui Chin
2. Shint
Hey Shint
Ok if it doesnt rain then onz! Hahaha..i think Falisha cannot stay on the mat cos she'll be busy walking everywhere liao. Hahaha...
Ahahaha...Yea Ruixuan IL, when u wanna meet? so long never see each other liao siah!

Rona u joined fb liao or not? hahaa
Ooii, dun anyhow say ah. hhahhaa. Dun wan kenna boxed by the mommies.

Happy mummy oredi commented on Kai taking pic with Allivier. Look carefully, it was her who "initiated" and held his hand ... Kai still blur blur ok .... hahha. Last time boxed him, now wan to hold his hands/shoulder.

No scared no scared ok.

no date la .... all are welcome.
in fact, kai was bioing one gal at the Gymboree trial but that girl not in this forum leh ;) Who knows from where ah? hahaha. I must respect his interest know.
Twin Stars &amp; Huichin,
Ya, hope hb's cousin can get good rates for Disneyland Hotel's accomodation, entrance tics and merchandise hahaha

I so hope to bring both gals to Disneyland lor...
Hi Mommies.

I have been out on a seminar and juz came back to the office. Realised tat there are so many psots to keep up. Going to scroll up to read them now...
Hahaha...Shint must clarify siah. haha...

What i did was, if i hv enuf ebm i will use bm la. If dun hv then will use fm. Haha..
LTS/ Huichin,
My Anvelle is exactly like Falisha. Last nite was the worst. She cried in her cot so hb carried her to our bed (which plus latching on usually shuts her up) but last nite, she was wide awake and even stood up to dance! Forced her to lie down and latch her on also no use. When I asked her to sleep, she sits up and pat me instead. In the end, I bo chap n fall asleep wif my hand over her body in case she gets up again. Whatever happens after tat, I also dunno. Hahaha.... Totally knocked out liao!

I mix the rice cereal (heinz blue pkt) with water. Mix wif BM - ok. But mix wif FM turns Anvelle off.

Re: Facebook
Haven't had time to log into FB for such a long time. Hb keep playing FB games n using both our accounts. Can u ladies add me. Name is Andrina. Hopefully I can go in to take a look over the weekend.

Re: Photobook
Hv any mommies done up a photobook at the photo labs before? I tried playing around wif the software they passed me but ended up with 4 versions of just page 1...And it is only a 20 pg 6x8" album.
Whoa i totally understand the sooooo tired until knock out liao cannot continue to entertain ur bb. Haha...
Ya lor. She looked so happy dancing away but poor mummy needs to sleep. Had 3 cups of coffee today to keep my engine gng. Can anyone teach me hw to get Anvelle to sleep thru?
Yah...Feel so guilty. She was so happy and excited dancing while mummy is forcing her to lie down so tat mummy can get back to sleep.
Sleeping through ....
I just started training Kai last nite.
He normally sleeps say 9pm, wakes up at 1am &amp; 5am for milk.
Last nite, he slept ard 8+pm, then apparently woke up twice to fuss and maid did not give him milk, just give him paci and pat pat him. He slept again and he was only given milk at 5am.

Hopefully this will continue to work and next time he wun have habit to wake up then we all will have good sleep! hehe.

Normally when kai wakes up to dance, i may come over to entertain him a little then after that i go back to sleep ... my maid dance with him lor . hhahha. But she prefers me not to come over cos once Kai sees me, he will be more awake.

Think she will off the lights, put him on the bed then he may play a while, look out of the window and later sian (cos vv dark) then he will fall asleep. I dunno how long she takes but can be up to 30 mins i think. By then i koon oredi. Oops.

I think the trick is dun talk to them, dun play with them, jus tell them to sleep and then dun have too much movements. They boring then know it's sleeping time lor. For my #1, I used to pretend to sleep and then he will also sleep cos see me sleeping.

What photobook application u are using?
I had used one online one before and it is vv easy. Now trying another one but it seems more difficult ... haven't got time.
the other thing is dun let her sleep too much in the day ba.
Can't advise much cos Kai is still not sleeping through.
Mummies, I have send out a gathering event in FB. But venue is yet to be confirm.

Let me know if anyone wants to open up your place for gathering.

If not can be at Polliwogs which may be abit far for some mummies.
August Baby Bash CD

Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
August Baby Bash CD

Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
My SIL just helped me to sign up a photobook pkg from Fotohub at their roadshow last weekend...I haven't start playing w it coz it is valid for 6mths...

Quite a gd deal at 2 30pages and 1 20pages of 6SQ size...all for $69.90!
my hubby use yr method all the time, pretend to sleep until he really sleep n she sian doze off too. later i ask him wat took him so long to settle gg n he say he doze off n wen he woke up gg sleepin liao, haha

jus now mom tried to settle gg for me while i catch some tv series,hee. after i complete the 1hr show, gg still not sleeping wo! i took over, she still wanna play n keep throwing the pacifier n slapping my face n laughing. think mom must have let her n she gets a kick out of it, kena scolding n beating frm me cos i dun allow her to slap face. talk to her n pray n she doze off. haha

mummynana, huichin
hi 5. mine also wake up n stand n nag straight into my ears, at times she wil pull my hair or tap my head! how to ignore......
at least i dun need to work. huichin, i can feel yr tiredness man! hugz

have fun at disney!!! hope u guys get a gd hotel with lots of fun activities or a gd view
August Baby Bash CD

Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx - received

me too! me too ! this couple of nites she keeps crying like having bad dream like that or will eh eh n auto sit up on her cot, sometimes also she bcame wide awake n fresh wanna play
so sianzz... usually when i really cant get up again fm laying down position, I'll just move her 2 my bed.. mummy need bit straightening on the back also.. :p
she's kinda been sleeping thru for sometimes oredi.. will feed her milk ard 10-12 depending her last drink then this will last till morning ard 6-8, but well dunno cos sometimes she cn just wakes up at 5.30 n pointing to the bottle ....

cute uh..... ur Anvelle can pat u oredi... farni hor.. usually I'll pretend to sleep n ignore her even though I moved bb to my bed then usually after sometimes she'll try to sleep again hehehe
MIL fast fast read thru and saw that falisha DIL is going dating with Kai.. i just cannot stop laughing... cos Kai Kai is too big for falisha liao.. my SL is small small... just nice for Zynn (snow's 2nd daughter)

Got some appointment on this sat, if can join u all, will call u okie?

Long time no meet, DIL liao.
I also long time never see jacinta and keston in class too...

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received

Ya..... HKG nt so crowded. n lang wise got eng, chinese n canto. so quite friendly.

Jap loves to queue lah. so very normal for them. hahaha!!

just that in Tokyo, got disneyland and disney sea n a giant shopping mall.


ya loh. coz kai is boy boy, so I like ???? clip on his hair? hahaha!!

maybe u thinking to hv a girl after him pah. :p

welcome to sleepless in singapore, haha
she has not enough to eat in the day huh....
mine jus wanna sleep with me on the bed!

nowadays she is sleeping later n later too ,hiaz

M2B: Enjoy your HK Disneyland! My son went when he was 3.5 yrs old in Mar this year and he had enjoyed it very much and asked to go again but I dun think I would bring him again as the rides are just for their age. The enchanted garden buffet breakfast has a wide spread of food on top of being able to take photos with the Disney characters. We had stayed in Hollywood Hotel. Next trip to Disneyland maybe go to Shanghai Disneyland which would open in 2012.

The fotohub package - very good deal! We done the photo story with them before and liked it very much. Too bad I miss the road show.

We have booked for a Genting trip this month. Will be bringing Amber - it's her first short overseas trip..hee!! she's luckier than Alden who only travelled overseas when he is 3 yrs old but it was to Japan then.

For mummies with sch - going children, enjoy this coming Sep holidays starting this Sat!
