(2008/08) Aug 2008

<font color="0000ff">faeriekim</font>
i think should be confirm.... Snow74 said she saw the advertisement in Mother &amp; Baby magazine.

<font color="0000ff">NiNi</font>
you still in ur 1st trimester? i thought all us Aug08 mummies already in 2nd trimester.
For me, i don't have sore/tender boobs now.
hello mummies,

i m new to this thread - saw some of you chatting abt confinment ladies... Do u hv any recommendations ? my EDD is 25 Aug 08, and it's my first bb..

before i got preg my MIL had wanted to do confinement for me, but then my sis-in-law got preg first and she's now caught in a fix.. so now i hv to look for my own CL..

here r my details to add on to the list : ;)

Age : 30
Zone : NorthWest
BB# : 1
Gynae : Dr Don Wong
Hosp : Mt A
EDD : 25 Aug 08
care to share the info you have on cord blood banking? Thanks.


My gal guess that bb is a didi but last checkup, gynae said most likely a gal...heehee
avocado, sekali you call every month, she fed up, really no show how?
I'm also asking around see who has done massage with who and satisfied or not.

leona, actually it's not a good idea to ask for CL contacts in the same month as you are delivering because we are all booking the same period mah.
but I still have a few CL contacts whom I have not called. PM me if you are interested as I may miss forum postings as I dun check regularly.
hey mummies..
what kind of tea can we drink ah..cos I noe not all fruit or herbal tea..even chinese tea also cannot? i want something hot but abit tired of drinking "heavy" drinks like horlick or milo leh..
so xian...

my mum keep saying sure is boy cos now i very ugly! ....ehhh...dunno how to respond man.

then my friend add, so if its girl u must be v sad, cos then means u're just ugly urself, not cos of baby hormones. *faint*

actually, which way is it? ugly=boy? pretty=girl? or vice versa? whatever la...where got ppl say straight in ur face u ugly so must be boy. some more from my mum. guess they dont realise it can be quite hurting inside even if i pretend to be ok outside.

anyway, hopefully can find out this evening. going for my scan later. boy or girl doesnt matter cos its my #1...but seems ppl around me prefer boy. mil already saying "next time can bring ur SON to zoo...blah blah blah"
sigh,, i am supposed to go for my op today... but i fell sick on monday and it continue until today and the op got postphone to next week..

i keep getting sick ever since i get pregnant... any one experience the same time also?? used to get fever like 1 every year so or.. now is my second fever ever since i got preggy...15 weeks now..

Boy or girl does not matter. I had a scare for my 2nd kid, my Dr said it could be a down syndrome bb. Anyway, did my amnio and she was absolutely normal and cute. What matters most is bb's health.

I already have 2 girls and my mom keep on saying that 3rd one must have boy. So i asked her: "Choose. Do u want a normal bb girl or a subnormal bb boy?" Then she shut up lor.

when i go out i also don't know what drinks to order, everything cannot drink!. end up drink cold drinks or just plain warm wAter. sian
now i stock up pink dolphin or ribena in the car

ugly means boy
pretty means boy
but many swear the oppo to be true too lei........

i also kena the u look ugly now, must be boy........and coming from my part time maid somemore!

anyone did research on cord blood? is it worth to do it as i have read that it's useless lei

My 2nd daughter have the same name as u! Not twins lah. My kids are all 2 yrs apart. Had my first kid at 26.

How i wish i have twins!!
little twin stars,
now i only drink a few sip or half a can of pokka green tea, seasons ice lemon tea or ribena. i also like mos burger, ice lemon tea but try to limit my intake. once in a while, i drink coke too. hhehehe....

i also can't decide on the cord blood. any info or suggestions?
hahaa...ya..if its the first one..i wouldnt have mind twins but since its the 2nd time, I wouldnt want twins..i think I will be dead-tired!

actualli megan is my daughter's name
she is coming to 4 this year.

I have booked a CL but wanted to cxl my booking cos my mum &amp; aunt is coming over to help me. I've not cxl my booking with her. If u want then I can xfer to u. Let me know.......

i tot cannot drink green tea or ice lemon tea, that's why end up i'll order sprite if no other drinks. i tot when i'm pregnany i can eat whatever i want n have the excuse to be fat but end up so much food restrictions!

cordblood, i also have no idea. at first i want, then someone sent me an article saying the blood is only enough for a 12 yr old max. so unless u think yr child will have thal than store cordblood. i always tot can use to cure cancer in future but only till max 12yr old and if it's the same child that is sick, cannot use their cord also. that's why it seems useless to me lei.......unless other mummies got more info?
I just booked my CL w/o paying deposit 1st also. =P
lets cross our fingers together ok?

Ai yo, u gals so gd...still can drink cold drink.
I can't drink most of the drinks beside plain water leh, will have lotsa bubble in stomach.
Most of the fruits also. =(
little twin star,
my gynae told me to eat what i like. as for drinking tea, i cut down my intake loh. i used to have a can every meal. but now, take a bit loh. of course not every meal lah. maybe once or twice a week.
Hi Celynlee,
Is not cheap to keep cord blood right? Some people said they will not keep the cord blood forever. So, I drop the idea.

Hi little twinstars
Tea got caffiene therefore we shouldnt drink. However, other softdrink contains alot alot of sugar. Green tea in can is not make by real green tea, so I dont think have caffine. Still, try to reduce it.

Yeah, yest I throw temper to my hubby cos I only can recall what i CANNOT drink, eat, do, etc.. However, think of it, we still can do just that try to minimise will do. We shouldnt be depress.
yah. its not cheap to keep cord blood.

i will always ask permission from hubby to drink (so that he can help me keep track too). he will always let me have a bit and not stop me. or he will suggest alternative for me loh if he think i had too much liao. i also try to drink fruit juice to replace.

i think packet drinks tea got more sugar then caffiene. so should be ok but still can't drink a lot.
Hi All,
I'm new to this thread. Was recommended by friends to join for support. I heard Cordlife is having an exhibition for Baby Fair in Expo in March and is having discount about $300.

Hi Rata,
Could I trouble you to add my details in the table? Thanks very much!

Age: 34
Zone: Northeast
Gynae:Dr HK Ho
Hospital: Mount A
BB# : 1
Gender: not knwn
EDD: 25 Aug 08
the bubbles is it yr baby kicking? hehe initially i also can't take gassy drinks as it was painful to even fart! hoho

celynlee, carolynn
last night i stole some sips of sprite, hehe "shiok" there are cans of coke sitting in my fridge calling out to me!!! but i will resist and drink apple juice instead. ya i still drink here and there but really cut down already. first trimester i more "guai" warm plain water or red dates drink only

cordblood, it's not cheap but if worth investing i will but at the moment, i've not bought the idea la.

can i ask u........are u forgetful nowadays? i was holding on to my water bottle whille trying to leave the car and frantically searching for my water bottle!!!!! i asked my hubby, where is my water bottle...he was so shocked at my ques, "aren't u holding on to it?" OMG ....hubby said i've become a bimbo...whatever happ to me. hohoho
little twin stars,
i think i still not so forgetful yet.

but now, once i hungry, i must eat. if not, i will want to puke. my hubby say that is baby complaining, asking for food. hehhehe.....
hey do u guys get fixed timing for hunger pangs? Aiyo..almost everyday..i am hungry at 5pm..then I have to eat bread or something..and then after wards..i cant eat dinner liao
and nothing till next morning..so i think I still hv not put on weight!
Hi krex78,
Sorry, I'm not sure who the organiser/s are, as I have signed up for the notification service, Cordlife staff contacted me and told me about the fair.

Hi little twin stars,
Yupz, saw the list..we have the same gynae, actually I was introduced to this forum by Gemini and another fren who is expecting a twins in Sept
guess u guys know each other before the foum. so nice, all preg around the same time. there are sooooooooo many friends and relatives around us all preg...timing all very close to one another. we were saying don;t know if this rat year will beat the year of the dragon for baby boom!
wow, your 5pm bread can last you till the next day. for me, i can't. my daily routine now is
7+ - breakfast (usually noodle soup or wanton mee)
9+ - teabreak (1 or 2 slice of bread)
12 - lunch
3 - teabreak again (bread or cake)
4 - a cup of milo
5+ - dinner
9 - a cup of milk and sometimes (mac wings)

i think i eat a lot.
<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
one of my fren so bad, told me pregnancy kills brain cells, that's y preggies most time more forgetful.

just now i felt my bb's 1st real kick
. Sometimes when sitting down, i like to put the palm of my hand on my lower tummy.
So just now, while doing that, i felt a real thump, meaning my palm felt it also. and then few seconds later, another thump. Then later, i asked bb to kick again, but bb don't want :p

<font color="0000ff">Megan</font>
wow you still haven't gain any weight?
me so far have gained in total 3.6kg liao....sigh...
little twin stars,
ya boy, i saw lots of preggies everywhere..i m also having the same tots, whether we will beat dragon year! hehehe...Gemini is very nice, she has supported me in alot of my doubts.
twin stars,
dun think so lah, the bubble should be due to my gastric problem lor. =(
that is why i'll be missing out lotsa foods during preggy.

me too, hungry must eat. =P
else when gastric juice flow out, will vomit.
especially mid night, sure hungry 1 leh.

hello sabbath,
little twin stars,
you mean our placenta is still not functioning? so when will it start to function? i'm already in my 16/17 weeks liao leh.

yah. gastric juice will flow out if dont eat.
sigh..i just dun hv tt much appetite like last preggie..yday at 5pm I was super hungry I ate some leftover beehoon from lunch meeting, then at 7pm we went to eat sushi..
i noe i am notti but cant resist leh..so I had 3 pcs of salmon sashimi sushi and after tt, i am full

but I also cannot gain too much if I want natural cos I din lose the kgs I put on the last time i was preggie so it kind of work well..just tt cant eat dinner is not a good habit lor
Hi Ladies,

How much weight have you gain so far? Do you gals tend to eat all the time.

I have gained 3.5kg within a mth and got warning from gynae to watch my weight :p Kept eating n eating after my 1st trimester (was suffering very bad MS for 3 mths). Now appetite very very good, i'm very munching all the time...hehe
u eat very little lei. try to eat more

preg slows down brain activity not kill brain cells la! wah, so fast u felt baby kick so hard
i only feel flutters still. most of the time now bb sleeping. this morn i woke up alot earlier than my usual timing and bb kick me, so i went back to sleep lor...now i'm like bb's slave, haha
hey. y u not on msn. i bored lei today

initial preg really very paranoid one. i had my fair crazy share. now finally settling down
u can find alot of support n gd friends here. we r all in the same boat. reaching the shore in the same mth

gastric very common but watch what u eat, no spicy stuff now hor. got gas must avoid food that produce gas es beans n soya products

shld be functioning liao. mayb yr baby really loves food,hehe or could be a boy. mine always kick me when hungry, now since we saw our placenta up, bb like don;t need my food already but of cos i still eat la

i'm so bored today!!!!! anyone wanna adopt me to yr msn?
Hi Celynlee, Megan,Snow74,

Once eat a bread, will have no appetite for dinner. Even if I take 1 cup of milk, it can last for 1.5 - 2 hrs and no appetite for other food. Appetite is smaller then before. Yeah, once hungry, need to look for some food, else will be no energy.

I lost 2 kg during 1st trimester, now put on 1 kg. Anyway, I also not so slim, so not so worried. Later stage sure can gain weight

I drink alot of water, so always go toilet about 1.5 hrs. I need to wake up for toilet 3 times per night. Makes me tired.

Hi Littletwin,
Forgetness - so far so good.

Hi Mulberry,
I lost 2 kg during 1st trimester, now put on 1 kg. Anyway, I also not so slim, so not so worried. Later stage sure can gain weight
Hi Snow74,
Thanks for the welcome

little twin stars,
Mine is a headache, coz i started bleeding 7 week into my pregnancy and i have bad news again and again

lets hope i can perservere..
ya lor, over my side we gotta keep exploring new online msn....
everytime this 1 ganna blocked, we use another 1.
hee hee....
my progress is the slowest...still can't feel bb's movements and haven't gained much weight. abt 2 kg since i got preggie. i hate the in-between feeling of hunger/ nausea before lunch and dinner. sometimes don't even know what to put in my mouth to stop the queasy feeling.

gosh, guess i'm the only one that became a bimbo

i also had bad news in my first trimester, was such a heartache but alls well n let's pray for a smooth pregnancy and deliver at full term

mul is the one that felt the big kicks. mine was like flutters. like yr tummy suddenly kind of shiver at a specific spot on yr lower ab. at times on yr left, at times right.like bubbles. it's not painful ..........not yet. as our baby is still rather small. later when the baby gets bigger and kicks yr bladder and ribs than that is painful
