(2008/08) Aug 2008

happy mummy

eh......... even use the toilet bowl still hv to wash his backside mah.

depend hw u wanna wash loh. use cottonwool/ wet wipes loh......

if use the tum pui, i think can put nappyline on it before poo, so once poo, just remove n throw

Hi mummies,

Finally able to log in today cos it Saturday.. I just got back to office and my PC cant access Forum. So sad. Stupid IT lock the website. So angry...

When are we have the next gathering??? Anyone arranging??
Good idea ! Will ask hubby if he wants that.

Corner protectors,
Went tampines yesterday and dun have. I am so tired just going there and coming back without finding any.

WEre there any left when you bought?

If really dun have, can you spare me one pack ? Adel can stand on his own liao, so the corner of my coffee table and tv console very dangerous.
happy mummy,
no problem. you sms me to arrange to pick up. i should be in serangoon on wed.

i can open my house up for the next one. the only thing is that my place is not near any mrt. i'm staying at serangoon north ave 4.
celyn, krex, hfgaga,
Kai oso same. Last few days he's not been drinking, in fact for a week almost liao ... MIL told me then these few days maid told me and today he did it again.
Wasted alot of my precious milk which is now almost drindling ....

I normally give 180-200ml of milk and now he only finishes 100ml or less. a few times we prepared the milk and he dun even wan to drink. Just now also. now must tell my maid to prepare lesser milk.
Worst thing is HE STILL REJECTS SOLID. He is TOTALLY not interested in any food. how? how? how?

even apple juice oso dun wan. put any food near him he'll shake his head to indicate no.I'll put up a video in fb.

Any concern ah? he's not taking cereal oso leh .. now only milk. i have to put cereal in the milk but sometimes we missed putting it in and he's not getting enough nutrients?
yo everyone! *waves* long time no 'see'!
soo no life... no time to log in to forum oso.

sy oso like tat. no like solids. i'm oso feeding her the cereal thru milk. the other way i'm trying to give her solids is thru those crackers. she likes those
Celyn, Thanks for opening up your place. I guess most of us have drivers and we should be able to travel around easily...

Anyone keen for gathering???
Halo Mommies!

School holidays coming next month so maybe can take a day leave to go paktor with your hb w/o Ashley? =P

Reirei & Vern,
I went Gap just now but Mae not cooperative, she is cranky coz wana sleep so didnt get a chance to buy anything (thankfully?!)...wana get a matching tee for each of them initially...hmmm
aiyah mae help u save money!! keke.. still got tmr keke
:p enjoying ur new netbook? your hb very sweet..
Just now my HB ask when is Mother's Day, after I told, he just smile..
And when I ask how we gonna celebrate, he ask me to ask Izzy *faint* I give up on him haha

Me keen! And I dun mind hosting the next one after ceyln, prob in june?

Have you tried porridge? how abt textured food? Dun worry too much if he is still growing well...
<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
i find my place very fast become dusty leh (dunno where the dust come from...). so no choice have to wipe the toys daily. Jasmine loves to 'eat' her toys.
no lah, u r working mom, where got so much time to do daily/frequent wiping.

i don't mind going to ur place for gathering but need to see which day. ;)

<font color="0000ff">faeriekim</font>
*wave* hihi! really long time to 'see' u here leh. how are ur 2 DDs?
yu ze also like to eat his toys but i can't be bother. people say 'dirty eat, dirty grow up' heheh....

gathering at my place - serangoon north ave 4
there are 2 PH coming up but is it too rush? or we can do it on a sun in early june. any suggestions?
<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
heheh. on yah, u reminded me.. Going for hi-tea with hb this Tue to celebrate my bday
Looking fwd to it!!

so cute! got internal measuring cup? for jonah, got mood swing one. sometimes he will drink half then reject and we gotta heat up a few times to his liking. looks like my son will never learn how to drink cold milk, haha. recently i learnt that he drinks better with coaxing. he will drink almost all if i sing to him or talk nicely. when daddy scolds him that's the worst. gosh, he's behaving like a girl sometimes!


i guess if u can feed kai 100ml abt 4-5x a day, still ok. my PD says min 400ml. keep on trying solids. one day he will learn to accept it.
yah loh. always zhun zhun stop at 80ml if he don't finished at one shot. really wonder how he knows he drink 80ml liao.

your birthday is 1 day after mine.

I think ur IT dept got tracking to see which website with high viewing.

maybe boss force them to do so loh. some boss r like dat.

their appetite is shrinking which is normal. Just like their weight now.. should be increasing by 100g -300g per month.

Plus they want to play, so no concentration to drink/ eating till hungry. Maybe when he indicates that he is hungry then give?

I attend a seminar where one of the PD shared that his son totally reject solid food till 1 yr old. So he said is ok as some babies will take it slower or totally rejection.
Mulberry: my house is also very easily get dusty.I thought maybe its bcoz of the construction work there ( near the school. )

cleaning toys: those plastic ones: will wash with soap and water, if any of my children is sick I'll wipe and clean with dettol.

soft toys: put all inside the laundry net and wash with washing machine once a week.

Fitbaby: glad to know Trudy has recovered.

Finding balance between work and family: definitely not easy, somethings gotta give. I get something but I lose something too.

my (soon to be) boss caled me said that he wants me to work between 5.30 to 10 pm! (4.30hrs work but off on weekends).
I wasnt prepared for it. I thought I can come back by 8.30.that means I wont have chance to put Michan to bed.
- I have to pump and let my helper give her the last feeding before sleeping (best option) or
- stand by a formula milk.for just 1 feeding at nite ( tis one is kinda makes me "sad" because I want to give her full BM till she's 1 year plus.

talk to hubby and think think think sooo much , I decided to give it a try.
I really cracked my head planning this and that to make sure everyone in fam , hubby and my kids' welfare will still be well taken care of.
and its only a part time job .

I am already tired making schedule and plans for my kids, hubby and maid even before my job begin hahahaha.

anyway I am very excited. I will start working this Mon evening. wish me luck mummies.I havent worked for 4 years, hope I still can catch up with the younger girls.

Ling: wont be able to have dinner with hubby
. but at least I can have breakfast and weekends with him

Shint: If u give cereal in the bottle, wouldnt it defeat the purpose of introducing semi solid? I know u want him to eat badly, just becareful he realize got cereal inside the milk then he rejects the milk as well.
I heard some babies who doesnt like cereal,porridge, they usually prefer those crispy and dry food. (like those corn flakes, weet bix, etc)

Mel ocean: u can give her minced meat and use blender to make it really soft, so she wont get choked.

YLN: I find light weight stroller is good for travelling. and can use longer too.
which budget airlines u taking? jetstar and airasia i think no need to pay for checking in luggage/stroller.

Hisstory: yes, I think my helper can feed both the kids. Ryo can feed himself already but still need someone to watch him.

Happy mummy: corner protector: can by at both daiso and home fix too
toilet seat for toddler: can buy at kiddy palace/ toys r us (i bought at vivo city).

Sylvia: same here. my pelvic bone is also expanded especially after my 2nd baby.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Yupz, i saw ur FB bday update.. heehee
How are u going to celebrate it?

<font color="#CD3278">hashisan</font>
Oh, then u can really go ahead liao.. Will pray tt the 2 lil ones wun feel abandoned tt u're gone

*gd night all*
my working place also restricted to all outside internet website..hehehe
i subscribe broadband on mobile..ahahahhaha...so my hp very precious..hahahaha...

all the best man!

what job did u find? your hb not able to come home for your girl's last feed? maybe u can pump b4 u leave or give frozen milk if you dun want her to drink formula.

anw, hope you find more sanity with your pt job. gd to get away from kids for awhile and get in touch with the outside world
all the best at work

ya i want to keep everyday after use cos i dont like to cluster the living room. and unless we move to a bigger hse to give her a playroom
i'm still considering cos i dono if she will be willing to be confined.. sigh .. maybe shall go her bf hse to try it out first...
morning mummies

all the best to your new job.

no plan leh. i will be on leave. morning will have to wait for nestle to send me the hamper before i can go out. hopefully, hubby can go home early loh then we can go pak tok. heheheh..... he still don't know what to buy for me, i also don't know what to request from him.

yesterday, he told yu ze this.
hubby: mummy's birthday is on mon leh, what you want to buy for her?
yu ze: just look at him innocently
hubby: don't pretend. you got $$ in your bank. what are you going to buy?
yu ze: he just smile back at him.
Good morning mummies....

Just to rant: MIL issues
Last night, I exploded... This was what happened. Baby likes to put his fingers in his mouth causing himself to gag and vomit. So I will use my finger(like playing marble)to smack his hands and sides of his mouth if he persist. Sp last nite we were out for dinner, on the way back baby kept putting his fingers in, so i smack his hands.. but he still persisted so i oso smack th eside of his mouth. On the way, MIL asked what i was doing and she told baby 'cannot put ur hands in ur mouth, mummy will beat u'. I told hubby to ask her to keep quiet and ignore baby (personal view: when one parent punish the child, the rest of the family members shd just keep quiet so tt child will know what he is doing is wrong and will not get support from them as well) When we entered the lift, she saw a red mark on his cheeks and asked why like tt? What happened to his face?!!! I said calming, i smack him. And u know what she did???!!!! She screamed at me and told baby "CANNOT HIT THE FACE, HIT HANDS ONLY. AH MA IS VERY ANGRY. MUMMY CANNOT DO THAT. AH MA LOVES YOU!" Walau!!!! The moment she bend down to sayang baby i was oredi pissed cos by doing that she's spoiling him! Then when i heard what she said to baby in front of me, i hit hubby to get him to intervene. So hubby told her cannot say like tt in front of the kid, if not next time he won't be afraid and will do whatever he likes. MIL still dare to say i shouldn't hit the face, so i burst! I was damn pissed and scolded how cld she say like that in front of the baby? And when th elift door open, i pushe dthe stroller out angrily, reached home quickly carry baby and went into the room. Damn damn pissed off!!!

After that, hubby came in and we quarrelled over this. He felt that i was disrespectful to his mum and that i shdn't smack baby's face. As the mum, i oso heartpain to see his face red red lor. I know i shd control my strength, but the whole issue is not that lor. Even if i acidentally hit my child too hard, shd MIL say those things infront of him? I admit my reaction was quite big and i shouldn't show temper to an elder.. but that was too much liao lor. And it's not the first time! Last time she always kept telling baby "mummy scolded me" when i didn't! I just told her things like please dun keep carry baby, dun rock baby, etc if not he'll get used to it (but then again... she didn't stop lor.. now my boy i think is quite spoilt...
)And i oredi voiced that out to her before that if there's anything she wan to say, tell me and NOT to baby. Hubby also told her before that she must remember that baby is just her grandson, not son... so when we discipline him, she shdn't interfere. She said of cos.. then look what happen now??!!

Now i have this phobia lor.. im so worried she mighht be brainwashing my baby, telling him things against me when im at work. Really... i really dunno what rubbish she says to him everyday.

When my niece was my son's age, she'll cry for her mummy the moment she's back home... my son won't leh... i feel so sad... sometimes he sees me come back home, he just smiled. Sometimes he'll lean forward and wan me to carry him, but MIL will hold him back, turn him away. I think MIL is trying to fight for baby's attention. Even on weekends when im home, she'll still carry baby around... even when she needs to drink wter, she'll carry him to the kitchen.... what the...

Sigh... sorry for ranting so much in the morning.... i cried the wole nite.... i think my marriage is not going to work.. i very sick and tired of the quarrels with hubby.... and our quarrels sure have something to do with MIL. When i was pregnant, hubby quarrelled with me a few times cos he felt that i shd not keep going back to my mum's place (why? So that i can spend more time communicating with MIL! duh), when i was doing confinement, quarrelled too (why? cos MIL forgot how to take care of a baby and said stupid things abt bm put in fridge not good for baby and i shd stop bf when i return work) and throughout the course of my marriage, hubby quarrelled me me all becos of his mum. I really duno what to do... and worse? Hubby is only child... MUST stay with parents-in-law...
sigh..... sometimes really feel that we shdn't get married....
*hugs* it's tough cos your hb is the only child and thus makes baby her only "internal" grandson so she will tend to be more possessive. take a breather and maybe take bb out for a stroll and hope after that you will have a clearer mind to deal with this matter
Morning mummies.... these days super hot man!

Weather so hot till my ger refused to drink &amp; sleep! Even on the air con for her...

Internal measuring cup....keke, sometimes wonder why they can stop drinking milk at certain volumm, my ger also like tat too!

hope emre ok now... my ger v playful &amp; always got baluku at her forehead.... partly blame to me.. careless mummy lor

Hashisan, will let her try to intro the mince meat later as i notice sometimes my ger eat too fast she'll give me wannna to poke kind of face...
aurora, i m not prob the best person to give u advice on MIL issue...afterall I'm part of the MIL issue club member..ha...its hard to be
living with ILs me no diff oso as this mth I'm staying over at ILs place for almost 3wks liao, like wat Cat says, ur MIL might have been too over possessive without realising it..when u r working is she taking care of ur bb? If yes, maybe when u r off work, wkends liao bring bb out so that u and bb can have quality time together? Also dun think so much on the brainwashing issue lah..our bb is too young to understand these..cool down, think more abt bb..like made life more passable..

Rona, so glad can borrow the Mum &amp; Babes card from u..i will call the shop and ask them whether need the physical card or not k? If dun need can save us the trouble of passing to &amp; fro...but of cos if u wanna go shopping I'm more than happy to..hehe..will PM u..many thanks ar

hope emre is fine now...they forget these incidents very fast one..
*hugs* I can feel your pain. I also worry that my MIL says things to my baby when I'm not around cos I have caught her fervently whispering in baby's ears and stop when I come nearer. What to do? We're not their flesh and blood yet our sons are their bloodline...

Perhaps try to get out of the house with baby during the weekends so you can have quality time. Stop. Breathe. Stay positive. Smile
Morning Mommies... Laptop crashes.. Now borrow sis' The laptop epair may take at least a week b4 they call me and tell the problem
Ihik... waste big money....

Sayang Emre..... Hope the fall not too high...

April &amp; hfgaga
hehehee.. SMH forum very addictive one huh... :p

Welcome back... Nice meeting u at Orchard.. After reading ur post here, the weather here must have been very torturous compare to HK.. So damn hot rite ??
WAhhh.... fruitful shopping.. Very efficient one hehehe...

Mayb u wanna try finger food for Kai ? who knows he likes it..

dont mind to have a gathering at ur place.. I'll just take taxi lor

In that case All the best ya... Mayb i's good to give it a try cos nobody knows how it will b like b4 try rite ? But do hope everything goes well for u

BB drinking less
mine oso... she can take solid 3 x nowadays but the milk intake really drop lor.. Bit worried cos she wasnt big drinker to start with.. now even less then sometimes reject oso...

So since she still wake up for nite feed sometimes me will feed her even more lor.. Cos it's dream feed, she can finishes them... Haizzzz.. is it cos solid, teething or crazy hot weather ??

Sam &amp; hfgaga
Good news !! The Pikkolo BP still have some extra Pikkolo. but only mocca Rouge n orbit design.. wondering shall I get one uh ?? Like mocca rouge but if hb uses it, is it ok ? :p

was planning to et something for hb n bb,didnt see anything then the brand i was looking 4 hb is not at vivo, ended up buying for myself :p Got la senza loots heheheh
*hugs* MIL issues looks really tough. But to let it affect your relationship with your hb sucks even more lah ! But I see that you must 'ren' alot , if you keep insisting your own way, ultimately you will fight a losing battle.

My mother is the same, always make me feel like i am not a good mother. Eventually I just close one ear and then both ears.

Phew !! Maybe I may have a chance to buy the corener protectors then ! =D

For me, gathering better on 1 MAy as 9 May is hubby's b/day. Will be there with adel if it is 1st may.

hot weather,
Nowadays so hot, i also gave up, turn on air con in the room. Din want to because I din what adel to get used to it and also the electric bills ! But after i turned on the whole night last night, Adel slept through the night finally ! Maybe it is the hot weather !

But need to ask, does any of the babies here have stuffy nose after waking up in the aircon room ? Adel cannot breathe through his nose when he wakes up ! So young sensitive nose already !

Is it a rule that the 2 top front teeth must come out first ? Adel's top side teeth coming out leh ! Now he looks like dracula !
if u worry the room being dry then u place a glass of water there everynight when u sleep with or without aircon you can also do that. else get a humidifier.
i love the mocca pikkolo leh, but thomson there dun hve, so i ended up with cloud... you must ask ur hubby he ok anot... hee
sometimes cos mayb Adel hasnt used to.. For me I'll switch on the AC for sometimes at cool then I'll reduce it but keep a fan open to circulate the cool air.. Not so bad lor... not too chill but pleasant

Ohhh u like the mocca oso uh ?? Hehehehe.. need to ask hb then but then if wait til he come back mite run out oredi lorr ... LO
Mel Ocean
me oso ended up turning on the AC everynite for my gal to sleep... wait til bill this month come in :p

Welcome back.... no life couldnt get to Forum even feel more no life uh ?
a bit of out of topic chat here, anyone got any good hair stylist to recomment har? I wanna a new haircut..aiyo I feel that I'm out of maintainenance for a very long long time liao...now hair so boring and thin(cos dropping hair)

hope u've cooled down by now. yah, not easy to stay with MIL in the same house. i live in separate houses as my MIL and i already feel so suffocated. i see my hb's family (including sis &amp; family!!!) 6x a week and sun is my only day not seeing them. so happy!

if u stay under the same roof as your MIL, then maybe u shld go out more often on weekends without MIL. have some family time - just the 3 of u. i'm trying to do that more often nowdays.
babies tend to have sensitive nose and respiratory system. so its actually normal for them to have stuffy nose if they are in the air-con room sleeping the whole nite. as they are young so will get it worst then adult who will be able to regulate our own body better... you can do waht lingx do lah, me also like that, will switch on the aircon then around 2-3am, off the aircon and turn on the fan.

yah lor, fancy meeting you in the over crowded orchard rd in such a hot hot day! i think my gal caught a chill - too hot, then went into aircon place with slightly wet clothes and that does it. she coughing a lot starting this morning.

no time to go into any of the shops lah, keeping the two kids in check already very busy.
She got cough uh ?? sorry to hear that... Agree weather was so crazy.. Ur gal mite have sweat a lot then suddenly chill air con... Hmmm that's the problem if we ahve weather like this.. Hope she get well soon... Give her more warm soup then as today is rainy...

Ya lor not easy shopping with kids uh.. that's y ur HK trip so fruitful hehehe.. can shop fast fast without any disturbance

anyone knows where are the gymboree outlets in singapore? can't find a listing online. is there any free trial?

re: pikkolo carrier!
ooh i wanted to get this but i am not sure cos heard its not suitable for hot weather. I got BB bjorn synergy but only used a few times cos i find that its causing strain on my shoulders. But i like that it can be carried outwards. I am interested to get pikkolo too if not for the fact that its warm..sigh
