(2008/08) Aug 2008

I have eaten lots of pineapple tarts today, couldn't resist!! Preggie can eat or not?? Pineapple is "cooling" but after cooked till melted should nbe heaty right? hee!! finding excuses to eat more!!?!

Snow74: Have leh! I always feel sleepy in the afternoon ard 3-4pm. So hard to stay awake! Hopefully like Lindsay & M2B all say, 2nd trimester will be better! But for me at night cannot really sleep...Cos kena constipation mah...so stomach always feel uncomfortable at nite. Sianz. But trying to sleep earlier. My hubby oso got scold me..y always sleep so late ard 1am. I tried but just very hard!
boobs initially tender, now no more so sqeeuze also no use.... only thing for sure i'm ok is constant burping and gets very grumpy if hungry

try to take more fruits to ease constipation. Me have 1 for AM and PM tea-break..... also to ease hunger pangs till next meals.... my tummy is so obvious got 1 female colleague ask me 4 month already har.....

peeing.... no night peeing for me even if i drink a full glass of water before i sleep but also ensure that i go before bed.... but 1st thing in AM very urgent....
Huichin, u also got constipation?? i have it too.. stomach is forever uncomfortable... i eat alot of fruits, drink prune juice and water to make it easier...
chip chip...paiseh i forgot to ask but its 1200 for the package..but not sure start from when but my friend say his charges are very reasonable.

His scan is 30bucks, consultation is 50bucks and dun need to buy medicine from him.

aiyo...been feeling hungry very very fast! but have no appetite for meat...french fries and tuna sandwiches!!1
happycat: Yea i'm trying to take more fruits man. Otherwise at least fruit juice. But guess i really need more REAL fibre. Hahaaa..

Ahaahaa..for me pee in the nite like AM wake up still very urgent! And i really hate it when i wake up 1hr b4 i'm supposed to wake up! Then i will end up waking up late. Sianz leh. LOL

Re: Maternity Leave
If you are covered under Employment Act (non-executive, managerial confidential staff), you will be entitled to 12 weeks paid maternity leave under the Act if you have been employed by your present coy for at least 180 days prior to the birth of your child. Otherwise, it's based on the coy's discretion to give you the benefit, based on the terms and conditions of employment. It is an infringement of the EA to terminate a pregnant female employee who is in the last 3 months of pregnancy prior to confinement (before the delivery date) without good reason.

If you are an executive, managerial or confidential staff, then under the Children Development Co-Savings Act, you will be entitled to 12 weeks paid maternity leave if you have been employed by your present coy for at least 180 days prior to the birth of your child.

For both, there is a cap on the number of children you have. Beyond a certain number, you're not entitled to the benefit anymore.
i feel so terrible today. sleepy after lunch and feel nauseous the whole day. tried to eat small meals every 3 hours but still doesn't help. dunno what's wrong with me. sigh sigh sigh!
Hi Megan,

I think $ 1200 is for professional fee not for the package.. i called his clinic and the nurse told me that no package for Paul Tseng... used to have pacakge for consultation , fr week 20 and cost $500 ( i saw it on other post) and I think now no more ... I didn't have chance to ask many questions as i was in the office.. not convenient to talk... u mentioned, His scan is 30bucks, consultation is 50bucks, even for first visit?? price seems reasonable ... Many thanks
me too.. have been feeling hungry all the times.. scared will gain lots of weight during preg..
I have good appeptite for meat and french fries
want to eat bak kwa hahha
i went out for a while n i got 5 mosquito bites!!..sheesh..should be ok rite? so scare wait kena the chiku disease or dengue!
oh no..first consultation was exp. But second onwards (tt was my 2nd visit) was okie. But also depends on length of consultation though.

hmm but I did see the 1200 as package leh, prof fees..isnt tt very exp?
sorry not much help. yday was in a great rush think we in out less than 15mins...

curious...anyone here did the gender predictor and had a male result? someone told me bb ard this time usually gals
prune juice helps. gynae also told me not to take the antenatel pills everyday coz' too much iron. he also prescribed liquid parraffin (yikes) for me. it helps a little.

pineapple tarts:
not supposed to eat pineapple during pregnancy, so i'm avoiding pineapple tarts as well.

maternity leave:
i checked with my colleague who just came back from maternity leave. my co doesn't give 12 weeks, it tranlates to 84 days or something. quite pathetic.
I just found out that we cannot take goat's milk.
My FIL vv nice, say goat's milk is good, etc and bought a tin for me. Had been drinking for a few days liao. Just now checked and found that it is not good to drink as it may cause deformity to the feutus. I immediately called my FIL and told him. Now a little worried.

Also, I had developed some kind of rash, dry skin below my lips .... skin vv dry and also peeling. Been putting some gel but it's not helping. ANyone has same problem?

I think it's the hormone changes caused by this new baby ..... also heard that gals normally makes the mother uglier and more discomfort cos clash ma .... female to female. Dunno true not ... me hoping for a gal.

Some more this time the MS is bad. My first born is a boy and his was vv easy.
Pineapple tarts ..... No no ...

Peanut Butter ... No no ... may trigger allergy in the baby.

Bak Kua can or not? I also have cravings for it.
Pineapple tart cannot huh? Can la, in moderate amount? I like it very much le. Anyway the pineapple is cooked and should not be as liang liao ya? I like ba kua too!!!! yummy!
who do u check abt not able to drink goat milk?

July thread mummy say can eat Pineapple Tarts lehhhhh got baked one lehhhhhhhhh. BUT pls lah take in CNY!!! Dont take now! Still early to eat *roar*

Heng ah I dont like Ba Gua! NEVER!!! hahaha. Ba Gua is all abt preservatives, lots of sodium etc. Eeee yucks
Shint..my girlfriends also say if boys, don't have MS. But girls very 'mah fan'. hehe!

I don't have MS at the moment...hoping for boy but girl also like...as long as baby is healthy and normal.

Penut butter cannot meh? The book I'm reading say penut butter can coz got protein. But of course eat in moderation lah. I think pineapple tarts should be ok...but also eat in moderation lor.

I also super tired all the time. Lucky I work from home, so can take short naps when I really cannot tahan anymore. But this month, my work really suffer and don't dare to tell client why I so slow these few weeks.
I was so sad today, one of my colleages pretend not to know I preggy but I am sure she knows and she said that I must let my the other colleague take lunch first as she old staff and preggy 2mths liao and I wait for her to come back from lunch till 1.45pm and almost faint and another incident is that she also told me to carry heavy files to and fro. I dun wish to emphasis I preggy so bear with it.Seem like I am not welcome in the co when they found out I preggy as I work there only 5mths. My hb ask me to look for a temp job instead, a temp job that last till end Jul08.

Gals, do know is there any co employ preggy as temp staff. Financial very tight as I have #1 and a car. Sell car now also cannot as it will be a very heavy loss, #1 expenses also very high with maid at my mum house
avocado, so sorry to hear dat. Bring some bread along next time ve a bite in office since u ve to go late lunch.
<font color="0000ff">avocado</font>
oh dear, your colleague so bad. but maybe she really don't know you preggie? Perhaps you just straight tell her that you preggie and see how's the future treatment towards you.

<font color="0000ff">Shint</font>
hmmm....why can't take goat's milk?
As I read from the internet, they only say don't take unpasteurised goat's milk, the pasteurised ones are safe to take leh.

and regarding peanut butter, it's not peanut butter per se, it's basically peanuts. BUT not everyone need to avoid, only those ladies which have history of asthma, eczema, or hay fever, or if her close family member has one of these conditions, then they may wish to avoid eating peanuts when they preggie. The reason is it may reduce the risk of the child developing peanut allergy.
i already announce once as my tummy is showing very fast as it is my #2.

Thks, will take note. I will also try looking for a temp cos if I am so unhappy at work, I feel so scared it will affect bb too.
<font color="0000ff">avocado</font>
then ur colleague really bad. she should know preggies get hungry fast. Actually if i'm you, I would just say I have gastric also and need to eat NOW and rush out.
But ur this colleague is your supervisor? how come can ask you to do things? Actually just say you are still in 1st trimester and doctor ask you don't carry heavy things. No need to paiseh.

But yeah, if you unhappy, just keep lookout for other jobs. Once find it, just leave.

try to beat their time, go off at 11:45 or so. at least u can also best the crowd. not convenient for preggie to squeeze with them. try to go off early then tabao a big pao in case u get hungry later. u can also bring cupsoup with crackers.

nowadays i get hungry easily . baby wanna eat now means now if not tummy really churn with gases
need some advice.. I am currently @ 10wk now...Doctor told me that I have a cyst and have to go for op somewhere around end of feb'08 when the bb is more stable. I wanna go for travel (taiwan) b4 my op.. adviseble?
Good Morning!

You must be feeling miserable having to face such coll at work…I think some companies do accept preggies for temp job since they dun need to pay for the maternity benefits…cheer up and hope things will be better for you soon.

Look ard 1st and leave once you find an ideal temp position.

Congrats and welcome!
I think your gynae is in a better position to advise you on the traveling.
Hi Avacodo;

I'm reading this thread for quite sometime &amp; i'm soon to Aug mum too. When i see your colleague treat you this way, wah really piss off le...

If your colleague isn't your superior or Big boss, simply tell her off!!! Really despise those senior staff trying to act "Lao You Tio". Just go ahead your lunch on time. If not, report to your boss.... What kind of rule senior must go for lunch first, all preggie are equal, no double standard.
If she is not your boss then just ignore her. Bring something to office to keep in case you hungry. Although easily can say quit the job but thinking of your financial situation you need to bear with it at the moment and at the same time look up for other better job. If cannot find one then wait till after your 3 months confinement then see how lo. I think there are still company that willing to employ preggie staff. In fact I join my company when I was already 6 months preggie and immediately after my 3 month probation the next day I went for maternity leave liao. When you unhappy just come in here and you know we are always here to listen to you!!!
morning gals, me on mc todae. Yesterdae noon got once after going to toilet &amp; wipe i see the papers pinkish. scare me... called emergency line &amp; gynae called me back tell me to monitor 1st as clinic is close if it got worse then go a&amp;e he will see me there, in the evening he called to follow up again (so nice) Luckily it stop onli once &amp; stop. Still later going to see him for assurance. Hope baby is ok.
U in service line ah?
How come need to wait for each other?
My side lunch hr no one in office also nevermind leh.
Look at thing from another angle...if u dun want anybody to feel guilty of hurting ur bb in future, dun follow what they said now.
Dun listen to them, sometime even if they are abit more snr than u lor. =P
she pretend not to know then u remind her that u are in 1st trimester and gynae said CANNOT carry heavy things. all those that u have carried is under Heavy things in gynae dictionary.

as for having meals, then tell her to go the last since she is the one not pregnant. u can join the one who is pregnant 2mths?

otherwise just go for yr lunch or ask yr supervisor etc for help.

hey hey i asked other mummies but conclusion is like MS=girl or boy is not really valid. hehe.

dont worry and update us on yr visit.
Ya..theres alot of baby gender predictor test...www.babycenter.co.uk also have right? Sorry lost all the links..so aint very sure.

a friend of my who is preggie at the same time told me that its okie to eat liang throughout preggie cos body is heaty..according to her gynae..is this right?
dont quit now, emphasise again that you are preggie and your gynae say cannot carry heavy things, if not need to go for MC and rest at home etc and must eat immediately when hungry, if not, will vomit and need MC etc... if you go for frequent MC then she dont need to fight who go for lunch 1st lor... she lose out wat...

better have a good rest and dont move about...

it's not really true that symptoms can predict the gender... when a few of the MTBs here tried the quiz earlier, it's a combination of many symptoms that determine the gender, but it's more for fun la... different bodies will have different symptoms... hehe... you hoping for boy or gal?
<font color="0000ff">Rata</font>
don't worry too much ya, as stress no good for the bb also. Just rest in bed today. Don't move ard ok.
rest well and hope everything is fine for u &amp; bb. update us after ur visit to gynae.

re MS = boy or ger:
i think it's diff for each individual. my ms is bad for #1 (boy) and this one is even 'badder' (yet to know the gender). my coll 2 boys and 1 ger - all w/o ms.

anyone of u realise that your neck line &amp; armpit is darkening? when i had my 1st one my neck line darken by the 2nd mth (b4 knowing the gender) and one of my coll told me that it sud be a boy and true enuff it's a boy. and slowly my armpit darken like "chao ta"! no matter how hard scrub, it just refuse to come out. and for this pregnancy, i have not seen any sign of darkening yet, so hope that its a ger haha...
Have you all ever come across a chinese chart which says when you conceive at what age, u will get which gender? My colleague happened to pass me one... i am still waiting to see if it's true..
I feel so too. If yr body is heaty, of course eat liang is not as bad as those of liang type or shi re type and go eat liang lor. but 1st trimester also dont eat until every meals liang. but if she is saying every pregnant women is heaty body type, i think thats wrong.

i am hoping for boy then not so stress liaoz. But if girl also ok. as long as healthy, smart, listen to me ok liao haha. most of my friends so far have girls. one has 2 girls already and she told she before that she needs to try until have a boy. *faint*

i didnt see darken armpit but my face like darker like that. maybe because i havent wash face with soap haha

for the chart, mother age and month is lunar or angmoh calender? so i think when someone said accurate or not, maybe they refer to wrong calender date.

hmm i asked my husband he said 1st tri is not to eat liang, 2nd tri can, 3rd tri cannot..so I also dunno..

i just hope I can go past this 1st tri soon..cos i feel tired all the time
