(2008/08) Aug 2008

Morning ladies!

To be on the safe side, u better update ur HR personnel about ur mc also lor. =)
After that, just rest....
I understand the feeling of going shopping, just try to limit urself ok?

Ya... now come to think of it... I still have 9 months to endure his stupidity and temper....
M2B, yr sis doing confinement over CNY period ah?! Who's doing for her? Yr mum? Yes, I agree.. new borns are very sweet and cute too.
It is my SIL who just gave birth. Ya, she will be confined at home during CNY...heehee, same as me when I gave birth to my gal...

Nobody is really doing confinement for her...think my MIL or her MIl will cook for her but taking care is all on her and hb...

Yap, NBs are cute and sweet when they aren't crying...heehee
<font color="0000ff">HewChen</font>
u must be 'guai guai' and stay at home to rest. Don't go out! Perhaps can do some online shopping? Go to the Bulk Purchase section in the forum, see got anything you wanna buy or not...keke..

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
oh dear, can get blind??
My gynae didn't say that. he just say the bacteria may be harmful to NB coz their immune system very low. Oh dear, I must ask him on my next visit what's the effects of the bacteria.
Is the bacteria you got also called <font color="aa00aa">E.Coli</font>?
Actually i googled in the internet, i read that this bacteria can cause diarhhrea, vomiting, food poisoning.

My gynae already said no point to clear now coz it will come back. and I can't be taking the antibiotics thruout my whole pregnancy as it's not good for bb.
So, only take the antibiotics near to my EDD.

<u>Re: the book "What to expect when you are expecting"</u>
I bought the book early last year :p
I bought 2nd hand from the Marketplace WTS section. Though it's 2nd hand but it's very good condition. Paid $10 for it, i think. But mine is the soft cover version.

I see got someone selling it:-

someone i know also jus gave birth yest, yr sil stay mt a? bro's name starts with b? gave birth to son, name starts with a?
Is it normal to get slight cramps? No spotting or discharge.. Like the rest of the MTBs who have no ms, i also worried.. only thing is breasts tender so like me everytime u can try squeezing ur boobs if feels tender, then okay. hahah

Do you MTBs experience/d more weird dreams? I mean I rarely have nightmares before preggie, but now i get weird/bad dreams sometimes...
Was telling my gal that bbs are angels when they arent crying and she laughed...

Hehe, I dun know the name of the bacteria I got but my gynae did advised me during my last pregnancy that it is harmful to bb when bb pass through the passage way thus must make sure clear during delivery...as at now, no harm is done to bb lor...

will need to check with my gynae again next Fri coz I suspect the discharge is due to that prob again...if not preggie, I normally ignore it...heehee

No, my SIL gave birth in GlenE on Mon...and itz a gal.
Nini, don't have wild thots or eat too full before u rest for the ngt okie? It's normal to get slight cramps and tender breast now that we r pregnant...

mulberry... okie

the infection will only affect in later preg not now. it affects bb most during delivery, so must clear by then. tt's all. bladder infection on the otherhand will cause pre term labour, but u don't have so don't worry.
at the mean time use ph balance wash to keep there clean and keep changing underwear if u have too much discharge.

yr dr is gd not to give u anti biotics at this stage, best to avoid. v infection at this pt doesn't harm the bb.u can call yr dr to confirm if u r worried.

really nothing to worry about
i ve cramps intially but now no cramps. i have dreams too. getting more n more weird hah. but anyway no dream is weird to me since i always anyhow dream. i notice i have more dreams when i wake up go pee n go to zzzz

eh i have infection due to overdose of antibiotics even b4 pregnant. then 1st visit doc help me wipe clean. he said still ve a bit. but subsequent didnt check. i think i will ask him on my sat visit.
I can see that some of you have yet to decide on your gyane. Hope you find the right one for yourself!!

HewChen: Sorry to hear that you have such a nasty boss. Hope all ends well.

My mil bets that I am bearing a girl this round. Shall see if she's right. My hubby gives up guessing as after his experience with our first born he believes nothing but the gyane's report. Haha! me too actually!
Jang: Ya!! Wanna go crazy man..I can wake up n pee like 3-4 times a night....
Tried drinking less water, but the frequency still there jus less pee.

They say no MS n glowing skin means having a girl... but im sure im having a boy cos 1) Hubby's genetics there all BOYS 2) Been to FT once n he predict i have 2 boys.

Anyways boy or girl, as long as healthy is most important. Still our own child

phew, scare me. cos i haven tell tt friend i'm preg yet. waiting 4 next wk

get gynae to take a sample of yr discharge n get it lab tested before eating any meds hor. cos i have green discharge n i tot, kena liao. in the end lab test came out, no infection. strange but i happy la
<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
mine was detected during my Oscar test (in the urine test section).
You'll be doing your Oscar next Monday, right?

<font color="0000ff">little twin star</font>
thanks for your comforting words

but can't help but worry abit leh. Hear the word "bacteria", it's like eeeeee.....

actually Dr.Cheng said it's not vagina infection, use those ph wash also no use. And I have no unusual discharge.
Heee.....he already asked me not to worry and he also said it doesn't affect my bb in my womb.
Me is a worrywort lah. :p
Hey all..morning..

Was on MC yday and went to see PauL Tseng also...
I did a culture test cos of the vaginal infection with the brown stains so hope its OK too!

realise that I am always 1 week behind in my counting...yep..10 weeks and 3 days liao..cant wait for 12 weeks!

Hew Chen

Hang in there! heard from a friend that his wife's boss had been making sarcas remarks abt how good preggie women are..can stay away for 3mths in a row and then guys have to cover the work! such discriminating remarks and ppl it seems exist really in this world!
I know of some companies which dun cover maternity leave some more, they put it upfront when u sign ur employment contract....
Funny hor? But is maternity leave a MUST benefit in s'pore?
Hey Jang, oh u experiencing heartburns ah..oh my...tts terrible! Izzit like a burning sensation in ur throat and very uncomfortable?

Nini: Yay i got company. heehee..oh i guess no hunger pangs might be in place for having no m/s bah. For me i always fel hungry...so i usually take biscuits + milo loh. Sianz. But already must have my 3 regular meals per day, so cannot have more. Sometimes i hungry i just take fruits or drink juice.

HappyCat: I oso feel the same leh..like...no feelin - so 'duno' how to feel oso. But me suffering from constipation + wind in stomach..very sianz.

Krmeow: Totally agree. For me is my breakfast - being the 1st meal of the day i feel abit queasy in the stomach 1st thing in the morning. So i usually drink some water to fill up my stomach for the time being till i get to work and have my breakfast.

Btw, can someone tell me what does EDD actually stands for?

And who's BB is 10wks old? Feel so new to all these.
Jang and Nini: OMG i oso! At nite oso have to wake up a couple of times to wee man. And the peeing frenquency is so high, i have to go weewee every 1hr when i'm in office! Very sianz leh...same oso, i dun drink much oso still need to pee! But nowadays i have to drink more water cos need to cleanse out and clear my constipation prob. Sighs.

Nini: I oso get cramps but once in a while only. And yes..if i bathe, u sure will 'langga' ur boobies rite, they feel super sensitive and sore...

EDD = Expected Date of Delivery
I just reach 10 wks, went for scan 2 days ago at 9wks 6days and saw bb waving hand. Not much feeling though, just look like a twig moving! haha
Twin Stars,
Hehe, ya, understd the world is small so we cld know someone in common, who knows…

Ya, will get gynae to do a lab test and see how it goes but I suspect it is the same prob again…

Yahor, I’ll be doing the Oscar Test so I think my gynae will pick that up if it occurs again…Thanks!

Can you tell gender during Oscar Test?

Guess what, a FT told me b4 that I will have 3 boys before I have a gal and heehee, my 1st is a gal liao…

Talking abt that, any MTBs have maternal instinct whether they carrying gal or boy? I have a coll who was super accurate for both her pregnancies.
rest well, CNY stuff can ask your hubby to help la...

i wake up a few times to pee also but most of the time only little bit of urine only... i more afraid that i fall down at night cos still blur blur... i also have slight cramps here and there and gynae has assured that it's normal...

you mean genetics will determine whether boy or gal? wat is FT?
Hi Snow74 &amp; Yuuri: thks! Now i know...heehe.

Yuuri: Oh we sama sama 10 wks then! Heehe..whoa...can hear heartbeat with the device? Is your like a ultrasound scanning?

I'm scheduled to go for my 1st scanning only in my 14th week. So far away...cannot wait to see my tiny bb waving back at me! LOL.

Megan / Hew Chen &amp; Snow74: I know that the 1st 2 months of the maternity leave is given by government so usual company procedure must give one, and the 3rd mth of the maternity leave is usual given by the company.
My ultrasound scanning cannot hear the heartbeat, can only see the blinking. You very good, can tahan do long before going for scan. For me, I've been going every 1-2 weeks since 5 weeks...seems like a long time already!!!
Yuuri: Whoa u damn onz leh! Haahaa..aiyo! Actually i oso duno what's the usual procedure, so when i went to see my GP she advise me no need to waste $ so can wait abit later...now then i realise by the time i go to see my gynae for 1st visit my BB is 14wks aredy! LOL
I thought most docs advice to immediately seek gynae upon discovery of pregnancy...especially since the rate of miscarriage is much higher in the 1st tri. Dunno why your GP ask you to wait until 2nd tri....but really peifu your ability to wait. For me, I need assurance first that it wasn't ectopic, and then need constant reassurance that the baby is growing well.
For my case if not wanna get something from my gynae to stop nausea, think I won't go visit him so early also. =P
Maybe because this is 2nd time already, so not like 1st time so excited lor.
HappyMum (pig2)
What does MS mean?
Where did U get the "sha cha", can it be bought from chinese medicine store or need to consult TCM inorder to get it
<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
no leh, can't tell gender yet. during my Oscar last friday, I was only 11wks 3days. I think too early bah.

<font color="0000ff">huichin</font>
wah i also think it's very unusual leh that your 1st gynae visit is in your 2nd trimester.
Really salute you that you can wait so long. This is not your 1st pregnancy izzit?
ya loh not good feeling at all. vomit out also sour and spicy feeling

Re Shan Cha
Lost track liao. who was it who told me opposite with stomach acid? So this is for gastric juice one ah? hmn not sure leh but TCM shldnt be wrong hehe

is gastric juice bitter n yellow? today i just vomit out. Boohooooooooooo Horrible feeling too.

There are like 2 type. One type is the slices one. We eat when we eat those medicine etc. Then another one is fresh one. My mum asked Chinese Medicine Hall to help her grind into powder.

Oh no I am still vomiting as of today! *faint*
I oso peifu you can tahan so long then see gynae if this is your 1st pregnancy...I think I saw gynae when I'm in my 7/8 weeks during my 1st pregnancy...this time, I visited him in my 6 weeks coz didnt know preggie actually.

OIC, next Mon is my 13W1D when I do my Oscar Test.

Like you, dun really want to see gynae if nothing wrong this time rd coz dun wana waste $...gynae charges are ex nowadays...

Hang on!
Hey Yuuri / M2B / Mulberry, i oso duno when's the right/usual time to go for 1st scanning until i met u girls here! haahaa

Mulberry: This is my 1st pregnancy la! LOL. if not 1st one then i would have been an expert liao! heehee

Jang: Oh my...sometimes i feel nauseous (once in awhile) in the morning oso like sour sour one...eeeeiikkss*
Anyone feel really sleepy during 1st tri har?
I've drank a cuppa coffee liao, still very sleepy leh.
Later still got meeting with boss, now also dunno how.
Ya lor, ya lor.
It got nothing to do with how early u sleep the night before ya?
Just feeling very sleepy, sometime drink coffee also no use.

Ya, I also feel sleepy especially after lunch. For me, after taking chinese tea, I will feel much better and more energetic. Can't wait for first term to be over and I will be back to normal for second term!

Snow74, i don't take coffee.. so i am not sure if it's gonna help.. but i know, i will usually feel tired now till the time i get to bed.. i wish i can be in bed all the time...
