(2008/08) Aug 2008

you good leh. sometimes, i also don't know how the kit reads our result.

this morning, my result is 4.7 then after breakfast, its only 4.9. eat liao, only increase so little. don't understand too.

so good. Here I everyday worry my #1 will be jealous. She do not understand bb coming cos she is less than 2yrs old. sign...
GD Test:
It depends on what we ate. If we eat less carbo in main dish and then have durian then the reading would be normal.This way we can know what to eat and what not to eat along with it ;)


I am not too sure. May be 2nd time moms can help us or alternatively you may want to call your Dr.
ya lo .. hubby say the machine spoil .. hahaha.. that day i ate 1 pc of prata and it went to 7.1.

i ate the same portion of carbo as per wat i eat everyday then + the 4 durians in.
Same here.. I also dunno if my boy knows the concept that he is havin another sibling anot but I everyday got tell him he must love meimei. He will then pull up my shirt and kiss my tummy. Last nite, he put his milk bottle against my tummy like indicating he wants meimei to drink also...Then that day i carried my 1 month old nephew and he cried and pestered me to carry him also... *scratch head*
another question .. for the baby shampoo/bath, do you buy the pigeon one or the mustela one ? any recommendations on which is better ? My mom say pigeon made in japan so should be more suitable for asian babies. But the Mustela one is neutral ph and soap free so should be good for baby's delicate skin.

I'm confused. any Advise ??
tummy hardening is normal, i have it for as long as i remember. but now it has moved on to cramps.
i got 2 types of tummy cramps. u can differentiate it from baby pressing yr bladder. like when i was walking, it's even more obvious. sudd, i will have lower tummy cramp, it's quite painful, i need to stop n hold up my tummy. but the pain last only for secs. then within a min, it comes again in waves. ( abit scary, y nurse friend said it's a preview ) i hear also scared liao. after the lower cramps comes the top to bottom pain. the pain will spread till it fills the whole tummy. tt one i need to take a deep breath. i really hope baby will hang in there longer

u must take care. drink lots of milk n eat meat etc to fatten up yr baby. really restrict movement. get yr mom to bring lunch or dinner to yr bed to eat. the longer the baby stays in our womb, the better. u take care k.
i told my mil, i may be having preterm contractions n moreover my risk of preterm is already very high. she replied: then u better get the room ready fast! quick get the bed in etc and get ready liao! sigh, so much for hinting! wed, i will be on ctg to check on contractions. crossing fingers.
BTW, my stretch mark got worst!

oh, mul i scared after i give birth i may not have the time to rearrange, tt's y lor

yup, now all major things, i get hubby to talk. even talking to his mom, hubby also more power. hehe
jus now, packing my stuff toys, i also need to direct my maid n help her. everything must be packed to category n sets! cham ( y must i be so particular ) think i better listen to mulberry n close one eye n wait till after birth then repack. cos, i;m having lots of discharge just by packing. better dun leak amino man!

i got No. 1 and No.2. how?!!!!! pre contractions?

i also wanna go ikea again to buy drawer organizers etc. oh, the kid's cupboards and furniture is so cute. check out the flower wall lamp as well. cute
i think seeing you actually carrying another baby and imagining he have a meimei in tummy is 2 diff things.

is it ok not to have BH ? I dono if i have them or not cos previouly baby doesnt move much. But lately can feel more movements and also suddenly tummy may harden for awhile. No pain nothing.
Haha! You are not the only one.. I also quite particular one.That day she arranged my boy's going out clothes, I told her must put according to category.. t shirts, pants, shorts, shirts.. then must still be same color same section : p
But do take care and dun over stressed! hee
Luvlel: Thks! i will go check out. heh..

Cindy: Oh how much did u get the whole set for? What's included in the package? Can share wif me the details? Heh. So far the cheapest i saw was 99bucks for the steriliser alone.

Celynlee: Oh..me is having a ger. So i guess i can go see at Aussino rite! LOL

Medusa: Whoa looks like Aussino is like a popular choice hor! Hmmm...ok set la! I must go check out liao...hehe

Catherine: Yea i guess as long 100% cotton - for baby's sensitive skin rite. Heh. Oh ok i think i shall go for the Pigeon steriliser! Heheh...btw i went Geylang for durian last evening - whoa laus super cannot make it! Watery one...sob. 3 x all the same! Sighs..somemore kena the Uncle like damn moody type anyhow choose liao then put inside my basket. Bleahhhh...not shiok one

Anyone knows if Mothercare still got sale, how much off and till when?
re: 35 - 40.5cm pads
jus to highlight to u ladies dat u gotta get those high-waisted panties if u wanna use those super long pads hor.
I used to use 35cm pads at night and realised dat my low-waist undies r -jus- nice oni.. :p

i've oso been experiencing hardening of tummy quite often lately.
noticed dat it happens when i walk too much or stand for too long, and esp. at end of the day. but once i sit or lie down to rest it's usu better.
so moral of the story is..Rest!
Yeah lor... so I am thinking cham ah lidat when i deliver liao cfm he will be possessive one. Already sometimes when he sees me cuddling up to my hubby he will find a space to squeeze in between us... : p
i want to take mc to rest but my mc is running out liao only left 4 days for the year. better keep for next month.

yah, when i walk can feel its getting tighter and harder. must walk super slowly then it will be better but still tight and hard.

i still have a 15% discount voucher for mothercare for harbour front branch. do you want it? i can mail it to you. if you want to purchase in other outlets, i can tell you my membership number to get 10% discount.
all the talks about durian...:p I finally bought some durian puffs from prima deli & its nice! Satisfied my cravings without getting too much sugar loading..:p

Re: BH
BH is like tummy hardening with any cramps or what huh? I also have it quite often leh...Is it normal???
no problem. actually, i want to use it to buy breast pump but end up i get better discount at OG so no use of it now. but that coupon can only be used in harbour front centre and till end july.
Hi Twin Stars,

Thanks..think i gonna have a problem if i get indo maids then..

You take gd care dont tired yourself, do bit by bit per day.
Some days I will be lazy and wana skip gym but told myself must preserve lor…heehee, gotta ask gynae on Mon if it is ok to continue my exercises liao coz next week is gg into my 36th week…

Maybe coz my gal is bigger thatz why she understds better…dun worry, your #1 will understd when bb is out.

I bought the pigeon body wash this time and I was using J&J top to toe for my #1 last time…

Twin Stars,
Too bad gg with hb so sure get practical items only leh…I oso like those wall lamps…so cute and sweet!
Hi Luvlel &Cindy, I bought the underpads at John Little, 5pcs for $4. But I think you can get those at Guardian phamarcy as well, you know those hospital kind in blue color. Its not mattress protector but smaller than it to put below your bedsheets in case of staining..

mulberry: Yes, it like those incontinences sheets. ut mine is bought from John lttle, look abit different.
Little twinstar: I know lah!! Kekek...

celynlee: I don't want to stain my mattress protector cos the other time I bled & stained my protector, till now still have a stain so I bought underpads to protect.
But really up to individual.
Gynae say Ventolin will cause faster heartbeat and nipi has a more relaxing effect. Its supposed to relax ur uterus/womb. My gynae gave us nipi cos many mums had complain abt taking Ventolin.

As far as I can rem, I paid 149 bucks for sterilizer, warmer, 2 wide neck bottles (one big one small) with the teats, washing equipments. Got another free Avent bottle from the parentcraft. As advised by the mums in this forum, dun need too many bottles as baby outgrown them. So might just be getting another small one.
thanks. since its not ex, i think i better buy. if not stain my mattress protector and sip in and stain my mattress, it will be worse.
celynlee: oh no wonder! But i think it's good enuf! hehee..thks in advance! Have just PM-ed u

Cindy: Whoa damn gd deal u've got there leh! I must go check out and see if still got the package set liao..heh. Yea i got one Medela milk bottle aredy. So like u said, another 2-3 bottles is more than enuf for now hor. Heh. Thks!

Oh, due to GD diet, u lost 7kg.. Really thankfully ur ger turned out at the right weight. I know some mummies will feel guilty when the kids are small/underweight

How's she doing today? Did she get any nightmares after her fall?


She's such a darling!! My niece strokes my tummy & calls her meimei.. Bt when we say next time must share toys with meimei, she bawls..

M2B & Snow

Since u're 2nd time mummies ah, u're gd reference for blur ppl like me.. *heehee*
Maternity pads aren't really necessary issit? I have Laurier ones, which are meant for night usage, so they shd be quite absorbent. Can they be used in place of the maternity ones?


Nice to see u here again!!
I think the Pigeon Rapid sterilizer (purple one yah?) can accommodate bottles of other brands.. I was also considering tt model, but in the end I got a Tolly Joy. Not tt it's better, but I didn't spot the Pigeon one at Robinsons when I had to exhaust my vouchers


Oh underpads are not the same as mattress protectors.. Hmm, are they the same type used often in kids' beds where they may wet their beds?


Can I trouble you & 'borrow' ur Mothercare membership no.? I've been eyeing this Winnie the Pooh cot mobile..
M2B: I bought it at the Ocean toiletries store few weeks back @ Chinatown. How much is Watson selling? Your gal is super sweet! I am sure she will be a good "jiejie" to her "meimei"!!

Luvlel: No prob!!

Catherine: My fren recommend the Sebamed bb shampoo & bubble bath. Was told that its better.

huichin: Cheong Choon at Chinatown is selling the Pigeon Rapid Steriliser for $88 on the price tag, but I am not sure whether if you but alot will have further discount or not.

Take care little twin star!! Just close one eye & rest more.

Snow: You little ger ok liao?
catherine, i bought gaia range of pdts since it's organic and gentle to the skin. when i went for antenatal classes, they did not use shampoo for bb. i think they just used bb bath for hair plus body (maybe coz' not much hair). i bought the gaia shampoo and body wash anyway, and i've got a free one from philips avent from buying the bb monitor last time. will try all and see which one is gd.
I was told Lacticin (hope it's the correct spelling) is good cos its ph level is suitable for bbs.
So far i oni know KK hospital pharmacy sells it.

ur girl is soo adorable! muz realli learn some parenting tips from u!
btw does she ever haf her notti days? :p

i thot u wld choose pasir ris over SK leh.
but happie dat we'll be staying pretty close to each other soon!
next time can meet at compasspoint wif our bbs for tea! haha

so is it confirmed? when do u plan to move?

Twin Stars,
U have a V supportive & loving hb who realli dotes on u. can't ask for anyting more liao.
so, for bb's sake, cheer up and put those unhappie tings behind k!
Hi there hisstory, haaha..yea i think it's purple bah. I only remember the name - Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser. Heh.

Storeberry, really ah! Can gimme the addy for Cheng Choon shop?

Thanks Luvlel, i go check out the Avent one! hehe. Really ah. 70 bucks only? Looks ex! LOL. Where did u get urs?
I have pain at the pelvis area, especially when i stand up and walk. Is that contraction or just the pressure of the bb head acting my my pelvis ??*blur*

Sometimes bb stretch at a concer of my tummy, can feel that area harden up for a while. Then talked to bb, the hardening feeling will go off!

I bgt a pack of maternity pads already, will start using at the hospital, so that i can finish that 20 pcs. Later on if menses still flowing, then buy those normal pads for heavy flow.

Thank u so much!!


Heheh, have u tried Baby Kingdom/ Hyperstore? I was there qt some time back & I think I saw them having some bundled deals..
i got Lactacyd too..u can get from Ocean at Chinatown..around $7.80 per bottle if I remember correctly. i know pharmacy is selling at $10-12.

i got the pigeon steriliser too. haven't tried to fit in other brands of bottles but heard from many mommies here that it can fit other brands. i got it at $149 at Istean Pte Sale, comes with food warmer and NB kit.

sorry, where is pelvis? :p i also feel pain at the bottom area esp when i stand up from sitting down or lying down position.
I saw the Kotex maternity pads in Watsons and those have no wings and think only 25/28cm so I felt rather unsafe thus decided to get those that are longer with wings instead.

I think I bought 2 pkts combo at $4.75/$4.95 from Watsons. I oso hope my gal will be a good jiejie when meimei is out…

Of coz my gal has her own noti days especially when she was younger…now that she is bigger, I find her more dong shi and fun to carry out a conversation with.

I think I've seen the Kotex ones too.. Seem like they didn't have wings too, and I was then contemplating. Okieokie, I think I will stick to my Laurier Night ones, esp since they are my regular ones & I stocked up previously
Maternity pads
No need. I bought alot during my first pregnancy, in the end din finish and let my maid use!
Cos hor, i oso dun like to use it.It's exp la but it was lying there for a long time,
din expect to use it again .. so let my ex-maid use lor.

Use those nite pad extra long for heavy flow can liao.

I heard they wun forget la ... just tat i personally feels bad and though I have tons of things to do,I still wan to put him to bed unless i really tired.
But I also heard that when #2 arrives, they will tend to get closer to the maid.
I think it's also bad if he knows mommy is not in the picture, and he can "bully" the maid.

Hope your gal is better. Dun cry la, not good for baby ok?

Thanks, I will give him a call to check up on the setup.

I shifted my son recently, after my new maid came.
He used to sleep in 1 room with my ex-maid but since #2 coming, I have to make space for #2 to sleep with my maid when I get back to work.
Hence, I changed the study room to my son's room, putting his bed there. There's oso another bed which I can sleep there if I wan to put him to bed.
However, my hubby always using his computer, ended up I still put my son in my maid/#2's room in the meantime.

I also think better to split them cos if #2 wakes up every 3 hours, then #1 oso wake up, we suffer leh.
Better shift him earlier and let him get accustomed to sleeping alone.
So far, he had been back to my maid's room so not sure how that helps.

Decorating and moving furnitures. I did all that. No painting only cos paint(chemical) is bad for the baby.
I even fix up the cot myself and dismantle it and shift it myself.
I shift here shift there oso. Last pregnancy, my MIL even renovated her own house(though she tells me all the pantang things) when I was supposed to go there for confinement.
In the end, we din go cos it was not completed!

Think our solution is the same ... haha. Best lor. At least your hubby dun use your #1's room for his own work at nite.
What to do, with only 3 bedrooms, that's the best we can do.

My tummy oso tightens alot of times this round. Last round like nothing leh.

Milk Warmer
Anyone invested in a milk warmer yet? I am getting one but not sure which is good.
Last round I bought a cheap brand one .. think was Pigeon but after I loaned it to a fren, it spoilt.
I find that it takes 7 mins to warm up the milk from the fridge so it takes too long, baby cannot wait.
2nd time mommies, any recommendations?
My gril also will kiss my tummy but she super sticky and naughty this few days and start to wake up @ 2am daily. haiz. Not sure if she senses I am going to give birth soon
Hey, do you ladies know where to get the packet to clean the sterilizer? Mine is the Avent one.
I loaned it to my fren but not sure if they clean it ... so better clean it myself.
I also feel gulity when I scold her, she is only 21mths old plus and I cannot give her 100% attention after bb is born. Sometimes wonder if small gap is gd or not
I have this book which teaches my son about being a big brother.
Always psycho him to say he loves didi and didi loves him. He will also feed things to my tummy.
Most funny is that he will tap on my tummy and says "Bouncy ball" -- faintz!

The book even teaches him to say "Welcome baby"! I ask him he can give me all the politically correct answers but the real fact is that they will definitely behave differently when #2 is out and he can see and feel the difference.

So be prepared to handle them and their expectations again when #2 is out.
Understand from my cousins that when the #2 is coming, the #1 will usually get jealous during your last stage of pregnancy as they seems to know they will be getting divided attention when the #2 is out. However, after birth, they will love their siblings one.

think mine bundle same with missysz. maybe you can go Istean see see look look since they still having sale.
Milk and Food Warmer:

I heard if you put the bottle or the milk packet in the hotwater. It should be good enough for baby.

Do I really nead to buy a food warmer?
high five, me too
like to pack according to category and colors. i jus done 3/4 baby stuff packing liao. perspire like crazy, now ask maid to make fruit juice 4 me to go with my iron pills cos i;m already breathless and i may puke anytime liao

aiyo, i never call dr lei, i wanted to wait till wed when i have an app with dr. wil monitor again n c how, thanks

u also have a doggie hor.....majority of indo maids are ok with dogs, they may not love them la or talk to them lor. but i use to have an indo part time maid n she loves my dog n my dog loves her too. so it depends

i just packed my room, my sil actually gave me those sheets from guardian so i no need to use my dog's one already! hahahahah, but i tell u, my dog;s one better quality n more ex lei

thanks buddy! u are really my lifeline

their practical stuffs also look cute lei. some furniture looks like alice in wonderland!
ur ger is 2-3 yrs old? to haf such a "dong shi" ger at tis age is v "nan de"..hope my ger will be like her too.. i tink upbringing plays a v important part.

btw who helps u to take care of her?

Tt's what my mum does to warm up the milk for my niece too.. Esp when outside & when she takes a long time to finish her milk, my mum will get hot water to warm it up coz my niece likes warm milk


There're products to clean sterilizers eh?
The manual tt came with mine says to use some liquid.. I think lemon juice or sthg. I need to go home & check..
shint, how many maternity pads did u use? hospital will provide one pack but must use loop belt one, and i already bought a pack of 20 (madame pureen) and a pack of 12 (mothercare). just wanted to try out both highly recommended brands.

as for milk warmer, i bought avent iq. haven't started using yet obviously

Hi mummies,
Din login cos' now staying at parents place temp until hubby comes back. Lots of posts to catch up.

Thinking of newbaby cos' TMC SBI has discount if cater from them. Hehe, I bath and wash my hair everyday at night. On aircon and fan if not too hot esp all those hot soups. So far ok but nobody can tell until old age. Keeping fingers crossed. Maybe for this confinement try not to on fan, on aircon instead.
