(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hi Joanne,


My mother bought me many bb clothes ( 10 piece) from hk.. i also bought some bb clothes in singapore.. i think i have about 15 bb clothes for new born bb.. i think i have to stop myself from buying any more bb clothes..

<font color="0000ff">missysz</font>
yeah i think it's a good buy too. Don't think got cheaper price in Singapore. But in US, dunno whether that's the cheapest price actually coz I told my fren no need search ard, just get from Toyrus.

wah seems like Neo garden very good. So many of u all give positive feedback. Ok, i can consider it.

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
Actually i also planning to use nappy cloth to swaddle which I think my CL should be using, as that's the traditional method.
hee...but since my fren is in US, i just ask her to get the SwaddleMe as it's quite cheap there, US exchange rate is low ...keke.

btw, rgd full mth celebration, i noticed this is the norm: if that person got attend your party, then no need to give the full mth package/cakes,etc... You only give out to those that cannot attend your party or to those you not planning to invite to the party.
<font color="0000ff">Joanne</font>
hee...i think alot of us here r 1st time mommies. So more gan chiong lor.

<font color="0000ff">chipchip</font>
if my memory serves me correctly, you are from HK, right?
can ask are bb clothes cheaper in HK? where are the good places to go buy bb clothings?
my hubby in HK now. thinking to ask him buy some 3-6mths ones.
hi joanne

wa, u bot alot liao lo!!!!

since cheap, jus get la. my friend is in london buying clothes for my girl girl now...she say she stocked up alot of clothes for her liao...faint!!!! she's worst than me. my girl really got alot of "doters" one lucky fella. last time i also don;t have so many things
oh, never go then give.....then they no need to leave hse still have cakes to eat.....

i wanna be fair to those that comes....for those that we know gave alot...i'm planning to do a mini hamper or extra cupcake sets for them to bring home as a bonus

yes. I'm from hk
i think bb clothes should be cheaper in hk. my mother bought the bb clothes for me from Jusco in hk.. cost S5 to 7 per piece.
Heard from my another hk friend, she can get 1 bb jean jacket ( for 1 year old) from Garden Street.. cost only $2 and lots of cheap bb imported clothes there...
i'm going back to hk next weekend.. will go there and check it out

she also recommended me to buy nursing bra from hk

my friend also asked me to buy handkerchief from hk... she said cost $5-6 dollars for 6 pieces.. buy those are made in japan
quality are very good..
<font color="0000ff">chipchip</font>
ooo ok, pls do let me know the places after you check it out ya.

sigh...actually i was planning to go HK this mth for a short holiday. but my gynae don't allow
. He 'scolded' me coz got the flu cases there now, ask me don't go n risk it.
But my hubby said it's still normal there leh. he said central areas and TST, there's a lot, a lot of ppl walking/shopping ard during weekends. No one seem to be scared of the flu thingy.
<font color="0000ff">twin stars</font>
ooo...the cupcakes are sooooo sweet &amp; adorable! now i really wish i could attend your party so i could take even 1 cupcake home...hehehe.

thanks for the link, i can consider ordering their full mth package if i'm not planning to have a manyue party. It's good that they allow customisation.

my friend just went back hk last week .. i think should be safe to go.. but mayb better for u don't go..

As for me, i want to go back to see my family and
friends ..
cakes are so nice but i don't think i will order any.. as my family n relatives r in hk.. and i dont have much friends here

actually u can order jus a few for u and yr hubby to enjoy. i placed an order in the perfectfairy one but too bad the person in charge was hospitalized then so can't do it...now very tempted to order again
make yourself happy ma hehe to reward yourself for giving birth also can
Hi Ladies, thank you all for your concern. Me &amp; family is handling well. Yesterday I started to cook dinner for my dad &amp; bro. haha turned out well, so happy! :p Cos all along Mummy was around to do the cooking, i just took advantage &amp; waited for the meals to be ready.

Well, for the past few days Me &amp; hubby felt bb's movements. The movements are from inside, so very sure its from the little one. Now I am in 21 wks. Tummy getting bigger, have slight problems to reach my toes!! Face still have outbreaks.

Now in the process of searching for a confinement lady. Next checkup will be in the 24 wks.
yesterday quarrel with my hubby again..he still "whack" me the same despite im having bb.. He keep screaming n yelling so loudly in the car (at me) till i scream back n alighted in the middle of the road! I just run across the road after alighting from his car n he just drove off...
Sometimes wonder why i married such a hubby....
I give in and said sorry... cos i got no family (my parents in heaven when i was young) to turn to..my silbings all got their own lives liao.. Sometimes feel very sad...But luckily got a channel here for me to "vent" my fustrations. All started coz i was flipping through his past, that i keep asking him why that time he got bonuses he bought a diamond ring for his ex-gf n treat her to BKK..but for me, he never splurge except a prospoal diamond ring. He explained then he saving for wedding and now he focusing on setting up family.. And he say all the things i wanted very expensive. Pls lor.. just a simple bracelet only, how much only? $100 at most..but he say he too busy to go n buy.. n everytime got free is with me...sigh. Boils down to got 'sim' or 'bo sim' only...
I really really really envy u all for having great hubbies to treat u well... Cherish him!
last nite he initally wanted to starve me n bb.. i have to say sorry again n we went out for dinner. Sometimes i jus couldnt be strong cos i got no backup family...Life is pathetic. i m havin slight depression but i m fighting it cos i know its not good.

Hope u r better by now.. i don't have family in singapore.. i have no where to go when i quarrel with husband.. i used to quarrel a lot with husband but now we are better ( after i'm preg
as we seems appreciate each other more and i always feel very tired,.. sleep all the times.. no chance to quarrel with him)... haha my husband seldom buy me things.. always say need to save money for bb etc.. haha

u must take care urself well.. dont be unhppay ...
Hey ...im so sorry to hear what you are going through...cheer up ok? who say u got no family? ur bb in your tummy is ur family lor..dun feel so upset and down cuz ur bb will feel it too..u really have to take good care of yourself n dun stop in the middle of the road the next time! ..must live happily and cheer up so ur family in ur tummy will be happy 2!
some hubbies are less sensitive to us preggie mummies cuz they dun go thru what we r going thru..but we all understand...

actually it is quite thru what he said (not that i want to side him), but saving for the wedding and setting up of the family cost alot...it is good for him to actually want to save n set up family meaning he wants to give a good comfy home and life to live in mah...think positive

my hubby also always say that...my hubby hardly buys me stuff..even have also the cheap cheap kind of things..but i dun mind lor...cuz now we are living comfortably and have not much worries in terms of money...(not that we r very rich..but enuff for a comfortable life)
don't be too upset. maybe your hubby is really saving up for the family and baby. its not that he don't want to buy things for you.

my hubby also seldom buy things for me. whenever i ask if i will a diamond earrings or bracelet, he will always say he got me a diamond ring (proposal ring) liao. must save for baby.

take care and don't be unhappy.
Hugs! Don't ponder too much...alot of guys don't like their past being dug up, so maybe he reacted more strongly than you can take. Somemore you're preg now, so everything will just seem worse.
Think in the positive sense, he is thinking of you and the bb and how to provide for you both
cool down and dun be upset, you will affect your BB. I agree with YLN that to set up a family not cheap unless you all from a wealth rich family which can support your family well. Maybe he just want to save up to give you and your BB a better and comfortable future living? To me a diamond is a waste and I rather save the money to use it wisely on BB.

My hubby seldom buy things for me as I work as well, if he has bought also those practical type and cheap stuff. I told him no need to buy things or flower for anniversary or birthday coz it waste money. So normally he will cook or we go out eat a simple meal. Most of the BB stuff I bought it myself, I paid for my gynae consultation package. Then he will pay for the delivery charges etc.

Think to have a comfortable and happy family is rather important. You also dun want later everyday worry about money when need it right? After BB was delivered you will need to spend a lot of money on immunisation injection and PD consultation. It is not cheap le. My son was sicked this month with flu and cough and I have spent $300+ for consultation and medication liao.

However, I do believe that sometimes a little surprise on present to us will actually make us happy and 'wo sin' lo
. Cool down ok. I belileve your hubby's primary objective is to care and hope to bring you and your family a stable and comfortable life! Isn't this more important? cheer up ok!

cheer up okie... my hubby also seldom buy things for me.. plus my proposal ring is the cheapest among all his friends( by half or even more).
<font color="0000ff">NiNi</font>
sorry to hear what happened yesterday. Hope you are feeling better now. YLN is right, your bb is your family. Just think of the bb and forget abt the unhappiness ya.
Actually I also agree with your hubby on the point that need to save money for family, especially now with a bb coming. You have to remember, with his ex-gf, it was just that, a relationship and he was young then. Some men are like that, when young, just spend and spend without thinking.

My hubby also like that last time when we were dating stage. But since got married, he bought me less presents and since got preggie, no more presents liao! hee...but it's me whom tell him not buy me anymore expensive gifts. To me, even $100 is expensive. Having a child is expensive nowadays. Their education expenses alone will cost a bomb.
Since I'll be a sahm, thus we are prudent in our spendings now, coz will only have 1 source income.

You should think of the good side, i think your hubby is a good man, he's working hard to giving you and kid a comfortable life. Perhaps he's super stressed with work and thus is so insensitive towards you now.
I know we preggies carrying a baby is very tough, have to go thru emotional and physical changes and all.... But sometimes we need to give our hubby a break too. Especially those that have stressfull job and are the family sole breadwinner. They are afterall human too, they have feelings and temperament too. Perhaps yesterday your hubby had a bad day at work.
so cheer up ok. Think of your bb and everything will be fine.

hahha my husband still own me a proposed ring.. promised to get me a diamond ring b4 married..hahah now he said no need to buy as we are married already hahah
jo, haha same boat! my hubby got me a goldheart engagement ring as we were really young then when we decided to get married. i dun suppose he cld afford the few thousand-dollar rings. i never really asked for another one coz' i don't like jewellery. i'm more touched by the small things he does for me, like cut apples at night and create an innovative dish for me. last nite, he served me cut apples with yoghurt topped with 8 pcs of ring 'o's and he named it sunrise surprise. i just cldn't help laughing!!!
Hi Nini,

Try and not to think so much, its not good for yourself and baby. Sometimes, guys can get very "perky" when comparison are made. You are special otherwise, he won't marry you right? But after both of you have cooled down, perhaps, you can talk it out that if he wants to get any message across, speak nicely to you.

Do take good care ya. Think positive.
krex, ur husband is really sweet!

guess all of us here have hubbys that does sweet lil small things for us once in a while, but we just conveniently forget about them, but we choose to rem and magnify those not so good things they have done.

there must be a reason why we married our hubbys. Must be cos we feel he is dependable and able to take good care of us, among other reasons. I think its due to our pregnancy hormones that cause us to b fustrated w our hubby over small things and find ourselves pathetic when they dont give in. Hee, thats me lah.. blame it on the hormones!
chipchip, i just weighed myself yest and got a shock of my life. I gained 3+kg within these 3 weeks!In total i've gained 7-8kg and im only in my 19th week.

Actually im kinda worried, but i noticed my tummy has grown quite substantially these couple of weeks. Is it the same for you girls?? Im kinda worried im putting on weight too much too fast too! becoming a mini godzilla!

hope u have cooled down
yr health and baby's is most important now. must remember to think of the little one depending on u ok. i really agree with wat YLN said. we cannot compare what our hubby's are like a few years ago as situation is different. then, all of us have nothing to worry about. only thinking of enjoying ourselves and be happy. never think of saving money at all. guys do change when they are older as they are at a different season in life. believe it or not......they have "nesting" instinct as well. when their wife is preg, all they think about is how to make more money to feed the extra mouth in the family without loosing their present standard of living. yr hubby may be stressed with finances to "hong" u in a sense for the time being. while he's in the stressed zone....he'll blow up easily. no choice lor. both u and hubby need attention at the same time, so why don;t u guys enjoy the moment together......when baby arrives, very hard to have "er ren shi jie" liao
remember, don;t ever ran out of the car and dash across he road like that anymore ok. yr baby will be scared scared hor.
you take care. go eat some ice cream to cheer yrself up...i always do

wah!!!!!! got to watch yr weight liao...unless u are underweight, then it is a gd thing as u need to eat more
but if u are eating healthy meals, shld b ok la

i 'm very scared of going expo lei..if u are going, "protect yr tummy"!!!!!!!
little twin stars,
i'm not sure if i want to go. cos i never been to their sale there before. don't know what to expect. if there isn't any good buys then don't want to waste my trip.
<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
i think you should not go. I went to the JL sale couple years ago coz then was working near Expo. It as a weekday ok, the crowd was horrible still. That time i not preggie, I also feel suffocated.
Celyn and Joanne,

Thanks for sharing.. i feel i'm much heavier and fatter than before.. dont want to gain so much during my preg.. haha but i always snacking ... hahha
Celyn and Joanne,

Thanks for sharing.. i feel i'm much heavier and fatter than before.. dont want to gain so much during my preg.. haha but i always snacking ... hahha
Thanks everyone..

U all make my eyes teary.. I feel really touched to read your replies.
All of u r right...sometimes i wish someone could slap me awake n come back to reality, n stop being so dreamy...
Yes for the sake of bb, bb depending on me so i must take care of myself more...
I am just mentally-unbalanced when i think of how good he used to treat his ex-gf...then now, he gets me nothing...Yes i was hopping for sweet little surprises... He can spend his $ on cars etc. which he thinks is neccessary n practical. I never stingy on him one, i bought him lots of presents n gifts... But like he said to me, dont expect ppl to treat u back the same... I guess i just have to accept my fate n move on... bb is my everything.

Once again, thank u so much everyone for listening to my whines... Appreciated it
Hi all,

I'm a MTB in Aug and my EDD is 7 Aug 08 and this is my 1st child..
nice to be in this forum to learn new stuffs from y'all..

Welcome : )

Just went for my DS yesterday. Thank god, everything is ok..
Rat, could you pls update for me pls? Thanks! 380g @ 21W
are u gals having back aches now? i have it everyday...xian...put a pillow on my back also not much use. have to look for massage services soon.

Your hubby sooooo sweet! my heart will melt if I am you!!! *envy*

Ya, I am having backache as well. The end of my backbone actually. After sometime sitting I will feel very painful. Do you feel that you have difficulty in walking as well? My first pregnancy I am very energetic one but this one now 5 mth I just feel very tired and walk really like a preggie women at 9mths liao
so sad.
