(2008/08) Aug 2008

morning mummies. =)

hee hee....same lor.
but i'm so sian yesterday is cos the blanket is still swee swee folded, mean no one ever bother to cover her in the 1st place...i'm ok if she is the 1 that kicked it away after he fell asleep.
small 1 dun care, big 1 also dun help look after.
lucky my current helper is kind type, she help me thru out the nite...my previous maid wun de lor, they will just hide in another rm and sleep. -_-"

they all the while wearing long pants, but will become capris lenght in the middle of the nite leh...ha ha... >D
SOCK!?!?! both of them will pull it out even before they sleep, they did that since they are 1yr+...yes, both of them.
so ur kids quite guai leh, my gals? in my dream lor.

hahhahaa..... yah yah. mine also not so guai. i only wear socks for them when they cough badly and i apply vicks on their sole then i wear but all these are done after they are in deep sleep. cannot do all these while they are awake.
Yah. Feel blessed that she is quite a guai kid. But there r still times when i feel like strangling her! lolx

Celyn, Snow,
Velle only wears socks to sleep in skool. She will also take it off if i wear socks for her at hm.

Hahaha... 1 is too much for us to handle liao. He agrees that we should concentrate on bringing her up well den to diverse with the addition of more children. But if really kena, den no choice lor.
Snow, Celyn, nana, Big obe ve been wear socks to sleep since bb till now so it becomes an habit dat she know. Now that she can put it on her own make my life more simple. juz pass her the socks then after she finished will go brush teeth, tight in her top into her pants n go to bed.

In sch no socks, coz all the while nap i never put socks for her.

Nana, you r so blessed. My Jac is super duper notti which i reali dunno how. Feel like killing her.... But of coz there are still times when she is guai n melt me but mostly notti. Like these 3 weeks I wake her up at abt 6am to leave hm she will guai guai wake up, remove her socks, go pee n wear her shoe without crying. When daddy is around n we leave hm at 6.45am wake her up she will ee ee eh eh, cry n fuss saying she still wan to sleep. Mayb she knows daddy not around so ve to b abit more guai.

Other events like ask her to stand still dun run, dun talk when eating all these can never get into her mind.....
that's very common mah. yu ze never really listen to me too. ask him to finish his food, he can bargain with me. ask him to walk faster cos we are late, he say cannot. must walk slowly or yu ze will fall down and pain pain.
you see them guai cos they are outside or not within their comfort zone bah. if he is outside with others, he is more guai.

yu xi is super naughty at home but teacher and principal say she is a good girl in cc loh.
yes, its outside but who is around loh? of course with parents they are very comfortable. if you have friends around, do they behave slightly better?
yes. cos they are comfortable with them, so its within their comfort area. then they are more relax and show their true colour loh.
Hi all

I am new here. I have a daughter that born in 08 too. U gals seems to be very lose to each another. Can I just ask what is yr Plan for the kids during this term break?
with only 1 kid, ur pressure of MUST nurture her will be greater then all of us also ya? =)
ya, its always really a blessing to have a gd kid.

rata & celyn
both my gals also....with or without others around, their behaviour abit diff de. -_-"

welcome, which mth ur gal born in?
eh...all of them noe my ang moh not so gd...but hor...what had we done that make us sound like very lose to each others har? *scratch head*
we "muack muack muack" here before? ha ha.... >D
Welcome! When's ur gal's bday? We have been chatting in here for years now n met up many times. So in a way, we r pretty familiar with each other.

Snow, Celyn, Rata,
U gals make Velle sound like an angel but she has her not-so-gd side too. I think she is very independent n mature in certain sense. Guess it's due to this bochup mum who expects her to do things on her own. But she can be too assertive n wans things to be done her way. Like every kid, she's very guai when we bring her out but can be a terror at hm.

My colleagues n i were talking abt shopping with kids one day. One of them who has a teenager gal told us how she trained her daughter so that she can have a peaceful time shopping and we were shocked. She would bring her 2 YO gal to the toys dept n leave her there to play with the toys. 1st time, she watched discreetly in a corner for 20 mins. The kid din speak to any stranger n walked away when an adult comes near. 2nd time, she left for her shopping after 10 mins n came back 30 mins later. Slowly, she extended the time. By 3YO, she left her gal in the toys dept n could shop for 2 hrs n come back to fetch her. What do u mummies think? Personally, I wun want the risk of losing my daughter.
Wah...ur colleague not afraid? My gosh...I would never leave kaer alone....that was once I lost kaer in the market for 5-10 mins...and I freaked out like mad!... Kaer freaked out too...and after that incident... She dun dare to run off on her own liao...

Kids guai?
I'm not sure abt mummies with more than one kid..but I realized after kaer has a bb sister...she has mellowed down so much and is more manageable...and so so saying her mei mei...

Mae got homework ar!

Snow, think ur hb knows u can do it n take for granted. Men r 1 sided minded, their sleep more impt n dun function well! hahaha!!

mine sleep like a log so ceiling fall also wont know. he will only wakes up when i go toilet n bbm crying looking for me. if nt, he wont leh. he even drop bbm once at 4mth when he was sleeping n carring her.......knock bbm's head to his computer table. got big time scolding fm me coz i told him if he has to make sure when he sleeps, bbm can sleep safely or slide down safely, so he shld place her to the other side of the bed, nt the side when it is open. if nt for the table, bbm will land on the floor!

nana, ur col super! Last sun, I did left BBM in a coloring corner where there r staff tending to the kids n i let bbm sat to corner which she cant move easily n told her dun move ard. then i stay for a while, walking ard with eyes on her. then after that, told her dun move, went next door which i cant see her to buy things quickly n came back. then stay for a long while, went to another store to chk out dvd. then stand around all the way til the staff ask me go in n sit. I told her it's ok , if nt bbm will stay there forever.

but leaving alone with no supervision... dun think will do that loh.

YLN, she learned her lesson, mine din....... once in daiso, she was half finding half playing coz we r nearby n she kept shouting mummy mummy where r u. then suddenly no more sound, so i tot she went further to find daddy. then when daddy came fm the other side, we went round looking for her til the speaker said lost child. she was standing at the cashier waiting for us.

the other time was she ran so quickly that me n frd were looking ard for her. my frd found her as she heard Mummy mummy!! and went to look for her. she was like playing hide n seek........ after that ran running around again.
i won't leave them alone in public like that loh. i ever almost lost yu ze in ntuc, i saw him running after hubby so let him go but hubby didn't know yu ze was after him so just do his own stuff. when he come back to look for me then i ask him where is yu ze, then he is in shock. he think yu ze is with me all the while but he already walk off. we went round ntuc to find a little boy who is blocked by everyone.

now i always tell him cannot run away if not cannot find mummy and no more mumymy liao. he will repeat and sometimes will still run away.

i 100% agree with you. after having yu xi, yu ze just suddenly becomes a good boy and easier to manage. its yu xi who is a headache.
morning mummies. =)
ha ha...saw a theory we had been saying, #1 will automatically grow up and more mature when u have #2.
maybe cos they finally understand that they are no longer a bb, and only being gd then they will get more loves and concerns.
since after zynn saw my nyphew's bb, she keep saying "i'm a big gal already". >D

nynn wun get lost as she more kia xi, zynn i cannot even let go of my hand else sure run till lalaland.
conclusion, never ever leave them alone before.
think ur friend never read news about kids kena kidnapped in shopping center and never come back again before is it? -_-"

ya lor, their beauty sleep more important like that leh...
i went thru same situation also, just go toilet awhile and nynn drop down from my bed liao.
instead of saying they only take things for granted, i also would like to add on that they are more selfish by nature...haiz...very difficult to make them take that butt off their bed. >P

ya, bbm will run away also...dun leave her alone.
Yes...agree... Kaer has definitely been a bit more sensible and she does understand the responsibility of a big sister...n cuz we keep praising her when she sayaang mei mei..she keeps up the effort to take care of mei mei...

Yes..I heard news abt kids being kidnapped ....scary Sia... That's y now I hardly leave kaer out of sight..after that lost incident...can imagine the kind of scary thots I had when I lost her...*scary*

Haha..I have to wait till kaelyn grows a bit older Liao to see if she is notorious anot..haha...
yes, actually they understand de.
later part u can observe also that they can "fight" between themselve, but will side each others when other ppl bully anyone of them.
this is the part i like...hee hee... =P

ya, sg is not a 100% safe place to leave kids alone...at least i wun do things that might make me regrets for the rest of my life lor...when u already brought them out to shop, u are already mentally prepared mah...else, rather do baking with them or read story books to them at home better ya? ha ha...
yes. they fight like mad. they also love each other like mad.

sometimes i will say mei mei naughty stay at home. yu ze will say i want mei mei go, mei mei don't stay at home.

i heard in cc, yu xi is fine but once she sees gor gor whenever their class pass by each other, she will teh bao and cry for gor gor.
ha ha...can imagine both of them, so cute!

ya lor...#2 born with #1 in their life, zynn also only listen to nynn some time...ma ma scold till die also no use. -_-"
#1 withness how #2 came about, that kinda feeling make them understand they gotta protect this little thing that came from the same "place".
yah yah. the teachers will look out for each other to prevent her from the teh bao scene.

i have been 'brain-washing' yu ze to love mei mei since she is in my tummy. hahahha.....
Morning mummies.

Heng my colleague's daughter was not kidnapped and is now in poly. She has only 1 daughter. Think she will be guilt-ridden for her life if anything had happened.

They are so sweet.

then u hv to hv #3 for yu xi to be matured!! Hahahaha!!

Me guilty loh... bbm ready to be big sis since 1.5 yr leh. now everyday tell me her tummy got bb, my tummy got bb.... n she love carry bb and playing with bb when she sees one.......

dunno when I can give her some to play with. hahahaha!!

ya... recently got another case of missing boy rite.

I tell bbm can run ard but must make sure I see her... but sometimes she runs so far then turn ard to chk........ the distant aga-ration abit wrong. hahaha!!
good afternoon! =)
lucky get back to office before the downpour. -_-"

nana & sylvia
ya....shopping mall is one of the most dangerous place infact, crowded and most parents attention will be on their shopping stuffs.
its everywhere, i mean none of any country can be 100% safe de lor. =(

ha ha...abit of fight at home will only make their bro-sis relationship better in future lor, every time sweet sweet also got its problem de lah...if either 1 got gf or bf, the other will be jealous de leh...just like most mil afraid dil snatch away their son like that lor. =P

let nature take its course, who noe ur next preggy will be 1 time go a twins?
ha ha...then see how bbm carry 1 in each hand ok?
yah yah. 95% of the time, i just leave them alone to fight, quarrel, play and whatsoever lah. only when yu ze shouts very loudly for help then i will go see what happens cos almost 100% of the time, he is biten by mei mei liao.

now they likes to do draw/colour together, bathe together, push cars around together.
mine little boy ve 2 jie jie. 1 is my brother gal coz all gather daily at my brother hse as my parents is care taker but now both jie jie go cc. evening will b dam noisy when they play together lor.

sylvia, jia you
rata & celyn
ya, 2 already very noisy...i agree...ha ha... >D

yu ze must be looking yummy, thus ur "tigeress" at
home keep bitting him...hee hee...

lucky ur parent can tahan, my sis help me take care of 2 only she say no #3 liao har. =P
i don't know leh. that naughty girl hoh, keep biting gor gor and gor gor never stop her too. 一个愿打,一个愿挨 loh.

then gor gor will cry and teh bao with me loh.
snow...........twins? I faintz. then I hv to ask can add another breast or nt. hahahaha!!

ya..... taking nature slowly but sometimes see hw she reacts to all bb ard her... abit guilty.

hahahaha! i think he dun mind alot of kids loh. :p
But yu ze might feel can teh bao so get bitten is ok.
he don't mind but i must think of myself mah. my health and body not sure can take it or not if i'm older loh.

can feel the difference after having yu xi loh.

yu ze ar, teh bao loh. he will still climb up our bed to squeeze with us or kick papa away and sleep with me in the middle of the night loh.
HI Nana

My ger born in Aug 08. HOw bout yours? anyone having the same bday month with mine?

About your colleauge training, i think i wont wan to leave my ger there alone as well. even is she wont talk to adults but there are many many other kids. so how if anything happen?
Maybe yu ze really sayang his mei mei lah, beside cry he also dunno how else he can react lor. ;)

Dun need to feel guilty over something u cannot control lor.

Eh..most of us here have Aug 08 kid lor.. -_-"
all of us are supposed to have aug 08 kids just that some happen to come out early than their edd loh. :p

i would think that the most common response is the beat whoever back loh.
morning mummies. =)

ya, this kinda little response will be their memories next time ya? hee hee...

yesterday i let zynn go for a trial before picking nynn up after her class, its just opposite shop so might as well lor.
when nynn found zynn was missing, she keep pestering me about mei mei where about.
i told her cos zynn dun wanna walk and i dun wanna carry her, so i just leave her where she was and walked away liao.
i told her since she cannot take care of her mei mei properly, so she should be happy that she can have all the attention for herself back mah.
then i found that she is actually holding back her tears already...keep shaking her head w/o saying anything. >P
so u see, sibling is after all sibling.
no matter how they fight, they love each others lor.
so yu xi only dun understand why she cannot bite lor, once she understand she wun do it to her gor gor any more liao lah.
morning mummies

nynn is so sweet loh.

yesterday night, yu xi vomitted all over herself and the bed. yu ze quickly run to her and keep asking me what happen to mei mei. i think she eats non-stop too much end up indigest and vomitted. so i told yu ze, mei mei sick you sayang mei mei. he went over to yu xi and pat pat her then take water and give her. its so sweet to see them like that.
yu ze so sweet...think next time he will be a caring bf also....hee hee...a gd training ground for him lor. =)
u must be so happy to see him doing that.

btw, yu xi ok now? -_-"
she can partner zynn liao...they can form "the big eater club"...ha ha... >D
don't know leh. i send her to cc liao. no news means good news loh. :p

she can finished her dinner, then ask for yogurt, then yakult.
ya ya...no news = gd news. =)

oh...similar lor, zynn is almost every hrly tell me "i'm hungry, i need to eat something." -_-"
but hor, pd told us she is underweight for her age...12.5kg nia...underweight some more...
eh... they move alot n all energy burnt!

so nice, next time can protect sibling(s). :p

siblings are siblings. Naughty mummy! Kekeke!!
If u see BBM telling u her tummy got bb so cant run and keep sayang her tummy... u will feel it. Hahahaha!! But after a while, she also forgot tummy got bb. kekekeke!!

BBM nt eating much sometimes leh. but can finish 1 bowl of udon by herself or next meal.... 1/4 only. Sometimes whole day dun eat.
So I put bread, biscuits, etc in kitchen for her to grab.

who call her to make mei mei cry on sat, wanna go shopping also cannot. >P
ha ha...can imagine leh, bbm seen someone preg and give birth before is it?
else how come she so curious abt it?

maybe when after tehy played too much, can get very hungry easily bah...ya, standby some little things in kitchen is a need now a days lor..ha ha..
