(2008/07) July 2008

Lol jace re lousier body!

I agree with everyone re vacuum bags. They are an absolute MUST. Get those that don't need air sucker so you carry one less thing. Check travel planet (I think that's the name of the shop. They used to have an outlet at marina sq, not sure if still there). Better to buy better quality ones. Daiso also has but yi fen qian yi fen huo. I bought fantastic really durable ones from a hardware shop in perth 10 years ago and they're still serving me well. Very shiok to see all the air getting pushed out. Or if you're staying at hotels you can ask to borrow their vacuum cleaners to suck out the air.

(Army market is at lavender area, opp golden mile complex, where we take coach to malaysia)

Are you checking in your backpack? If not you may want to put your winter coats in there, in vacuum bags.

Diapers- don't bring the whole supply. Just what you need for plane + 1-2 days then buy the rest from there. Milk powder: I used to put in ziplock bags instead of bringing tin. Then check in.

20 plus degrees is gorgeous! Shiok! Actually I've realised that kids don't feel cold wan! But that doesn't mean let the girls run around in singlets la.

Food: aussies are VERY strict re food. Baby jars are likely to be asked to be opened and tasted by customs officers. Same with water and milk.

Bring one stroller enough already ba?

Jo, I know you mean well but it's just SO funny that you are offering to give me your deh kor!!!

Adding my vote for vacuum bags - yes! We used only one large hard case luggage and one haversack for all four when we went to Norway for two weeks. The pump is small and slim, and does not take up much space. Agree with PB to buy bags of better quality too, not Daiso types.

Yes, sticky Poppy is expected. Even S got sticky and a little tantrum-y.

You can find out by checking your basal temperature every morning when you wake up. If it's going up (and you're not having a fever), you're preggers.
Bbp: I don't know but my friends' medela pumps can sell for $200-$300(preloved and well-used), $350-$450 for preloved sets but minimal usage.
I tried to sell mine few months back and people want to buy it at $150! I was like, rather not sell. Decided not to sell.

Pb: hello! The teh kor are brand new and unopened ones lah! The qc tag still there!

Jace: food meant for bb they are more lenient, but must declare. As for car seats, the safety standards are there just that you may want to bring along a big piece of bb's cloth and line it over the seat. Perth is quite chilly by evening, so do bring along a jacket.
Hello!! Thank Q all for the previous advices!!!! =D *MUACKS MUACKS ALOT ALOT* This is one suaku mummy gg overseas with 2 toddlers for the first time. Last time i travelled with xun gal was to HK and since she was already gg to 2yo that time, it was not too bad. Now bringing the mini one so a bit more lost ...

Gg back to discuss with hubby on the luggage and carseat logistics ...
Ur wish came true!!!

How's everyone?
Lately I am too busy juggling with my no3 and my health..
My house was flooded on Monday!! Once again I got to do the flooring.. So very busy again

Plus my elder boy was sent to hospital as the fungus from the skirting went to his eyes!!
Traumatic week for me
I bought it from kiddy palace. Paid less then $20 2 yrs ago n it was on disc. Hehe

Wah hw did the fungus get to E1 eyes?? But why ur skirting have fungus??? Ur maid never clean properly??
Dor dor,
My maid mishandle the water filter..the filter broke.. Flooded the floor.. Hence , floor is laminated and non waterproof so was fully soak.. And the water was ankle height.
The laminate quality is bad thus cracked and turn mouldy and the fungus grew .. If u see my fb u will fully understand..
Wow thanx for the info on the travel vacuum bags. Have been looking but dun dare to get cos some vacuum bags I bought from another BP will still inflate back after a few days.

U mean u posted photos of it in ur FB??
Still dun quite get why E1 kanna his eyes. Did he touch the skirting n rubbed his own eye that's why kanna?

Anyway, just hope his eyes gets better real soon.
Yes.. Dor dor..
I posted of the fungus on my fb..
My boy has this habit of lying Down on the floor to play his cars And train.. That was the reason why laminated was being chosen and was the fastest to lay..
But laminates after soaking in water will cause fungus , moulds and bacteria .. So hence he got infected.. So experts feels that laminates quality has been is inferior coz good quailty laminates will not cause mould/ fungus..

Now I am just praying that is condition will improve.. Looking at him not being able to sleep due to Pain and keeps crying and screaming every 2 hours when it's time for medication really pains our heart..
Wah! Chaotic time for esquare. Hope e1 Gets better soon

Taking deep breaths and trying to stay cool as bbG is getting out of hand by shouting and getting angry and smacking us, despite us scolding him and sigh.threatening too. I don't want him to turn into a brat!
Yikes. When poppy does that she goes straight to naughty corner. She gets to leave only after apologising and must specifically say what she's sorry for. "Sorry for being naughty" doesn't cut it anymore!
Yeah I do the same as PB. I make D stand at the door. It's good cos it cools them down. N when he starts saying sorry then I'll ask him to tell me exactly what he did wrong.

Ehh but I dun use that for E cos she's a princess n jus asking her to stand will send her crying till she cannot walk n need to pee kind. Lol
Sigh..he argues and answers back or shouts that he wont do as told, n I can't make him stand in the corner cos he will cling on...brought him to the storeroom n that's where he starts crying as he clings on to me, so end up cOnsoling him where I lecture n he agrees not to be naughty... But then it all happens again.. Arrgh! I hate disciplining him like that, but I don't know how else to!
Sigh........understand totally cos D does that too lor. N when he refuse to go stand, out comes the cane n he'll immediately go stand at the door haha
N yah D can spend like most of the day standing at the door. Sighzzzz but at least I get a bit of peace to recharge when he's standing at the door
Oh PB, I've to come in to say congrats to u!!Know the gender already?

I was using avent duo last time, and it died on me so often till I got it changed at avent showroon twice (they gave me a brand new motor)since it was still under warranty. I bought a 2nd hand one at that time and managed to sell it off after that coz it was still quite new although no more warranty by then. Coz the motor is still new. So Jo, got value one lah.. But $150 too low bah..

Cellow, I know why u r worried. Coz ur C1 and C2 were like 一击即中 right ;)Dun worry lah, they are a blessing from God.

Jace and DD, have fun!!

Rena, i was also stressed coz my #2 had hfmd last wee. Can't eat, cant talk, and I'm so scared that it'll past to the other 2 kids!
Thanks! Nope don't know gender yet, only know that it's an active kicker, based on previous scan

I think... You're too softhearted! Heart melt when he clings on to you right? Same for me. But I learnt to be hard when it comes to discipline cos it's better for everyone. I cannot stand when she comes up with things like rolling on the floor or shouting "NO! STOP IT!" (Courtesy of playschool friends). So she gets picked up and plonked at naughty corner. She used to cling on but we unpeel her from us and she gets plonked on the cushion at naughty corner anyway. Cry? Cry lor. They're not hurt, just crocodile tears anyway

And I realise that she's not said those naughty things for a while liao.

So if she walks away/crawls away/butt scoots away/rolls away from naughty corner (she used to, not anymore), she gets brought right back with the same message: you stay here till you say sorry.

BB and I are consistent with this. It doesn't work if one parent is dragging child to naughty corner and the other rushes over to sayang sayang. Must talk in your serious "I mean business" voice. And when they can apologise for the specific thing they did (cos they need to know why they're being punished), then can kiss and make up

No point making empty threats you know you won't carry out cos they are smart and will remember

Oh man do I sound like a monster?

I need your empty kitchen rolls! If there is a lunch this week, can bring for me, mummies? TIA!

Ps pregnancy insomnia sucks!!! And why does my fridge making funny noises at night. It's like there are gremlins in there, struggling to get out
Nope, you don't sound like a monster. Cos if you do, then I'm one too. Hubby thinks I overdo it sometimes.
Remember the time when the Tiger Mummy was all the rage? I mused out loud, "I think I'm turning into one!"
The hubby went "Nope... you're not turning into one. You are already one."
Seriously. I've been thinking. Do women generally like nagging, or do the things the people they live with do, make them have no choice but to nag? I certainly don't like nagging! But what can one do when one is the only one picking up after everyone? I am SO tired cos I have to vocalise everything. More than once.
Nobody likes nagging. But yes, women are the ones who think things and do things like turn on the heater before bath time and not turn on only when it's time to bathe the child and realize the heater is not on. So yes, got to nag or in nicer terms "ask them to do things"
Haiz..how do u unPeel a kid whose hold is stronger than superglue? N cries til he's sobbing? Doesn't help that the dad gets into a Rage so furious I worry for his baby bones n if he'd grow uP traumatized or afraid of the storeroom! SuPer heartbreaking to go thru this that I was I'm tears with him too sigh

Hi Hannah! Have fun? Disciplining the kIddo? Oh..going to Aust.. For work la, not holiday. Away from my baby too.. How r u? Still working at same plc?

Nagging? Tell me abt it man! I always say: if u had listened and obeyed, then we wouldn't have had to rePeat again n again!
What lovely weather to sleep in! But my boys are sick so they're not in school and because they are not in school I cannot do anything but wipe noses and give cuddles and lament the loss of me-time in the morning

Oooooh I also cannot tahan the tears and will give in. Just carrying and sayang-ing for a while usually helps. We'll be late for whatever it is we were going to, but at least everyone will be calm and happy. We don't have a naughty corner/room/spot.
rainy morning - agree w youpi, nice to sleep in..BUT it's monday which means work and school..:p

sick kids - i think it's in the air..even hayley caught the cough from her big sis..so poor thing to hear her coughing in the middle of the night

bbp - sorry just saw yr question on xperia..i think it has 3G ..heehee..hv nt used it for ages la.

DD - i guess kids will be kids..for me, i try to sense what is the reason bean is crying or throwing a tantrum..if it's cos she tired or unwell, then i usually go with the cuddle and sayang approach..but if she;s just being naughty, then she gets the naughty corner or just the threat of the ruler. surprisingly, she has been relatively well behaved these past weeks so i think the corner and ruler growing dust :D..hang in there, G is good boy!
monday blues..... popping in for a short while to take breather from work stresses. short tempered with a colleague just now who went round the whole world and dumped me an email which is really really nothing to do with me. i barely managed to restrain myself fm peeling off her skin, figuratively.

hi Hannah!
que sera sera. just have to cope

ok i do it too. ystday i saw this on a friend's FB, told Mr C and he laughed in recognition.
"Whatever you give a woman, she is going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit."
oh... that's why I nag....

C1 is very long winded once he gets into whiny, crying, i want my way mode. best is to nip any whines before it gets out of hand. reasoning, carry, sayang. if Mr C gets involved, then usually reasoning would break down at some point... and there would be threats and physical smacks.
i have learnt to back Mr C up though, no good to have divided parents in front of kiddos.... DD, you might want to try doing the same in front of G, THEN peel HB's ear off later out of sight. G is a well behaved boy generally, so this... too... shall... pass....!
there have been times where I literally ask Mr C to step outside our home door, so that we are alone, for me to do that. away from the kids, away fm the maid and away from the ILs (if they are around)
hope both S and L recover soon.

basal temperature? had to google to find out. hard to rem to do that when the first thing that usu wakes me up is C2's cries of hunger.

i m calm... i m calm....

surprisingly, i am calmer and less aarrrgh abt the possibility of being pregnant today.
Hi, had a group discussion on fresh milk product urgently looking for women tomorrow, 11th Oct at 6,30pm. Age 30 to 50 yrs old, Non pregnant, dont like to drink milk but non-rejector to milk too! Token 80 cash. SMS me your name, age and qualification to 97640028. Thanks.
u having #3? or i m reading it wrongly??:p

re discpline
guess what? Jx got a smack from me on her cheek yesterday. i used to really be agst it but she really got way out of hand yesterday. she was just shouting at me non stop and being really unreasonable that i gave her a smack near her mouth and she stopped and was quite shocked and immediately apologised for her behavior. much as i m agst such punishment, i realised that kids nowadays really climb on top of u! perhaps they are too smart or pick up other non desirable behaviors outside of home. not sure which one it is. but discipline them now before it is too late! it just gets harder as they grow older...

all iherb items are here. i m doing up the cal and let's arrange lunch. anyone keen this wed??
i consulted my hubby's fren at The Learning Lab, she said nowadays kids are exposed to too many things.
All these things confuses them and at the same time can help them.
We need to stop indulgin them in their fav characters and tv and ipad..
so i have to stop buyin the angry birds stff for kayden..
She also suggested IQ/EQ test and behavioural analysis.
some kids cannot interact or behave properly but yet excel at certain thing is an indication.
But our kids are too young at 3. 5 yrs old would be a better indication.

For me, Kayden is always ahead of us in our thinking when we wanna do somethin. SOmetimes, outsmart us..
He has shown a sudden interest in vocab and parrotng them.. Singing and changing the lyrics is a breeze for him..
but going to school each day suddenly becomes a chore, and he comes home and turn into a whinner, a bully and a loving brother.. its all so confusing.. He can change from being scared to laughin a the split seconds.. And the bawling just gets worse.

My naughty corner has no effect on him. Ruler and chillies also no use..
Not sure if its my discipline method, she encourage me to buy cane to replace his naughty corner. Im not keen in it though..
iherb lunch. Thu or Fri instead? Wed is a work deadline for me. Vivo again?

the cane doesnt work well for C1. he just makes more noise and terrifies himself, whines more, which irritates the adults more too.

times like this, i do give thanks that i m able to work from home so that i have the time to do the sayang/cuddle/reason route. i find that when i m stressed and rushed for time, that's when he acts up the most and digs in his heels, and suddenly everything becomes a battlefield. all of us would rather start the day with quiet, serenity and peace, i m sure.

I dun love you
oh and C1 has recently taken to saying that to me, sometimes out of the blue, sometimes when i am in angry-mama mode. Mr C tells me to ignore, he is playing w language and the more attn i give to him when he says it, the more he WILL say it. this mama is def more affected by such unkind words than the papa. maybe tis just a woman thing?
Wow smiggle. I have never heard any professional endorsement on caning before (though at secondary school level they are still caning I hear). Perhaps you could seek a 2nd opinion if you're not entirely sure of this opinion

Lunch: sure. Wed prob ok.

Anyone who has kitchen towel rolls and joining for lunch please bring for me ok?
kitchen towel rolls need time to collect....i may have kept some (if my hb hasn't thrown away yet)...cos last time jh's school needed it and i dun have so i made it a point to keep some. need to check.

re lunch
thur i can't. so maybe fri only...the rest?
she meant hanging the cane, not using it.
Just hang it at a higher place where kids can see and learn to respect it...
sounds like erm.. praying?
its mainly to install awe and respect and fear perhaps?

Kayden told his teacher "Mummy love didi" and "Papa love didi"!!!!!
honestly, he must have been jealous of the little bit of attn we have given to Kasper..
Its like 80% vs 20%...
Despite every nite sayin, i love kayden..
He must want me to give 100% again then he is satisfied...
Poor Didi..
i foresaw this and told his teachers sometime when C2 was born, if C1 ever says such things.... to ask him 'how big is your heart?' and to ask him if he loves didi too. so far so good, he hasnt said such things in sch or at home yet.
and when i ask C1 if he loves mama/papa/didi, tis yes to every question most of the time.

all each of us (child or adult) wants is the security of being loved.
Hannah: hi! Oh! So it does have some value! Ya, that's why I didn't sell cos I think it's too low. She was also very rude anyway, not keen to let her have it. :p

Dd: I use the good girl chart, and naughty corner also. We make the chart with her, cut out positive pictures from magazines then use those to decorate her chart. When she misbehaves, we will take out 1-2 "stickers" from her chart and paste them on her wall. She has to behave to redeem her "stickers". So when she behaves, we will give them back to her and affirm her. If stickers don't work despite me taking them out, she will go to the naughty corner. Like Pb, we will put her back if she runs away.
Days when she is really tired, we will not enforce the above but settle her as quickly as possible.
Nooooooooooooooo!!!!! ;P

You use chilli to discipline? How?
S has told me he feels that I don't love/want him. I guess all #1 kids feel a bit neglected when the younger one arrives, no matter what.

Yup yup yup, everyone wants to be loved
Yup Jo
Same for us. No disciplining when she's overly tired. Except if she hits us then it's a firm and very stern (with fierce face!) "NO"

I'll keep that in mind! If I can sense she's acting up cos she feels unloved then it'll be heaps of hugs and kisses

I like "how big is your heart". Somehow you've put the BeeGees song "how deep is your love" in my head now

Youpi is pregnant? (Hehe, how eaily rumous form from misunderstandings!)
wah wah wah!! Did I hear another pregnancy? Youpi? (this is how rumours are fuelled) hehehe..


I brought milk powder in milk dispensers, surprisingly they let me in. But i brought brand new unopened tin as well. Food wise, Australia is very strict. Those ngiao ones will even pick on sweets you have in your mouth or pockets. But thank goodness I met none.

2 strollers??!! I was also toying with the idea to bring 2 strollers to HK, but i think we won't be able to manage. If you do bring both there, do let me know if it is boon or bane.

Lunch I hear? I can do Friday! But then again I need to reconfirm... got some lawsuits to settle in office... hiaz..si bey sian... sometimes I wonder if I am lawyer or accountant...kekeke
Thanks for making me feel better, fellOw mummies..

Hubb thinks I'm tOo sOft n give in too easily.. I feel bbG is generally a good boy,.but he gets angry n sulk easily, n can be quite stubborn n defiant (telling me he'd buy his own toys when I threaten to take them away!! So wrOng!)

How did u react to the 'I don't love u' Cellow? No-No fOr me!

I'd imagine bbG turning into a monster if he had a younger sibling!

Really hope I can teach him with love and not harsh methods to manage his anger and go back to being a nice boy!

Get well soon to all the little ones!

Quickie thurs lunch at raffles place is the only option for me..
I'm also good for quickie thurs lunch at RP

I don't love you
Just one of the lovely phrases she's picked up from a particular lovely (NOT) boy from playschool. He says things like "you have no mummy/daddy to love you". I kind of feel sorry for him. I wonder what kind of home he lives in, to learn these negative things

There are 3 big cannot-says for us at home

1) I don't love you
2) You have no mummy/daddy
3) Apu nehneh
(It may just be a funny word for kids but both hubby and I think the 3rd is a really un-nice thing to say since it encourages racism, something that we've both been at the receiving end of. And SG is all about racial harmony right?)

We've given all the reasonings and hugs and reassurances (and telling her the boy is just saying silly naughty things and she doesn't have to be naughty and follow, right? Cos she knows she has mum and dad who love her very very much right?) over weeks and it's worked for the first two but the 3rd just seems like a very fun thing to say.

So yesterday we grew sick of it and told her (again) that it's a very rude thing to say, and some people will get hurt if she says it, and if she insists on saying it then each time she does it again, we'll take a toy away from her and she can only get it back the next day if she stays good for a whole day.

She tested it of course, saying it in all kinds of roundabout contexts. Like "my friend said apu neh neh". One toy gone. "I cannot say apu neh neh; it's a bad word". Another toy gone

So now she knows we mean business. And she can look at the toy, but cannot touch.

So this works la, when reasoning and soft approaches don't, and yet I don't want to smack.
for me, discipline is abt C1 knowing the appropriate times and methods to show the negative emotions like anger/grief/frustration etc [also applies to positive emotions, budden i dun generally think of that as discipline], and generally being pleasant company to be around as well as a good citizen of the world.
so with that end in mind, i just said OK to his 'i dun love you' and busied myself with some other things while my heart was cracking in silence. overall though, i do think Mr C is rite in this particular instance and he is playing w language and its effect on mama, so no reaction is the best.
flooding him with reasons why he should love me is just... counter productive (i know, i tried :p)

mummies are too soft? well i think daddies are too harsh smtimes. different styles, same ends ok. so mummies and daddies have to work tog to cooperate and bring up a good boy, however good is defined.

i have thot abt this a lot ever since Mr C and I regularly fall out over the boys starting... sometime round abt CNY 2011 till London trip. a period of ~4 months of daily hell.

hope my little story shortens the learning curve for you, DD
I agree. Mummies are too soft and daddies can be too harsh. Sometimes I can spend half an hour coaxing and persuading then I give up and hand over to BB then within 2 minutes I hear "spank!" And a cry. Have to roll my eyes
my fatherinlaw taught him that and it stuck!
i really cant stand it...
He dont understand what it means..
so mainly he refers himself as the apunehneh son..
i just cannot take it!!
but to him the phrase just sounds nice.. it makes him happy to see me mad... really..
discipline ... i think i am not great at it
but is still trying my best

there was this book that my sis told me about, 5 love languages. and it applied quite well. we discovered that xun gal works best with words of praise because during the days we praise her, she performs well and during the days we scold her, she will become worse ... and so we started doing that. We praise her for all the good things that she do in a day (like 1 out of 10 actions) then emphasize that if she continues to do that good things, she will be a fantastic little helper and mummy and papa will be very very happy with her. Took us a couple of months. And we saw the effect, she became a more positive person, the praises work. She wanna perform better so that more people love her and praise her. We give her lots of hugs and kisses too but that dun work as well as praises for her.

But of coz, there are times where i have to punish and so, the nottie corner comes in. And i will say things like, mummy is very upset because u did this and that blah blah blah.

Now she will keep asking me, mummy 你开心吗? 我要你开心. 我会good girl 的. Its really hear warming to hear that.

But but i think guys works slightly different from girls though ...
Soft Mummies, Harsh Daddies:
Most of the times, I'm the one that's harsher. There are times when it's the other way la... but not so often i think.

Halloween needs to be on 29 Oct cos I got another function on 30 Oct liao :p
SY, phyphy, can you confirm if you can come?
Who else?

Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd

i also told my kids cannot say the 3rd one. i can't stand it! imagine if one day they say that to another person. total disrespect. but my mil likes to use that to scare kids...

re lunch
RP is out for me...i dun think i can make it there and back. only fri available for me. is it confirmed? so i can know what barang to bring..

think it may be hard for us to make it. will ask hb. maybe we can drop by for a while but that's about it. won't be able to stay....
