(2008/07) July 2008

Oh thanks doggiebb! If really can't get carseat then I'll borrow fr u! I'm looking forward to poppy being nice and comfy in car seat on a not-disturbed-by-turbulance 20plus-hr flight!

oh you want it for the flight, not for driving in canada? a car seat is super bulky. we bought this booster when we went driving in australia as its compulsory for kids to be in booster there...
We already have a car seat there (or whatever is required, or my MIL borrowed). It's just for the flights cos our most recent flight was very uncomfortable for all of us and I so don't want to be uncomfortable for such a long flight! I so don't want to be cranky and dealing with cranky kiddo for that suuuuuper long time!
PB - i cant remember if Gingerbread man was act 3

btw, car seat is heavy and bulky..you shld def check with airline if they let u bring on board and put on the airline seat. i hv only seen baby car seats, the ones with a handle- being brought on board..that also i wonder where they store it

mb what you can do is put a pillow on yr lap and pull up the seat arms and let poppy lie on pillow..a bit uncomfy for you but i think she will sleep better. I cross my bunny ears for a half full flight for you so you get a row of empty seats for each of you
I think the most important is to get a night time flight - so she can sleep through most of the flight. Also hoping that you get empty seats - maybe can also let the stewardess know that you would like to get an extra empty seat to let Poppy sleep - sometimes they are nice enough to let you know
Cin is right (don't go for bassinet seats cos armrests cannot be lifted..pick the next row and lift all arm seats so poppy can stretch out with u n bb at both ends. That's what we did

Italy was fun! Haven't had time to sort n post pics yet though n someone is still wide awake as I type this!
Thanks girls. I only got the idea cos a friend with 3 girls (two are older than poppy) said she did that on the plane.

Ah on our last flight which was a year ago, we did just that - pulled the seat rests up so poppy could lie with head on my lap and feet on bb's lap. Or the other way round. Wr tried everything. Blankets, pillows, neck pillows. Jackets... It was extremely uncomfortable for all. And that was only a 7 hour flight I think.

She's grown taller over the past year and don't forget, poppy is REALLY tall! Think America's Next Top Model kind, she's all legs legs legs. I scared! Bbp I really hope to get an empty seat next to us!

Yup we got a night flight. But the best (shortest) I think leaves at 1am :S sigh if only we could teleport!

Anyhow, a kind friend is lending us her car seat. Let's check with airline and cross fingers!
Any empty seat will do. Actually one that's away may be better cos at least one parent gets to rest while the other takes care of the kid. Shift work. So if you get an empty seat somewhere else, either you or bb shift ok?

Good luck!
Um do you mean 1 seat for 1 parent + 1 seat for poppy + 1 empty seat next to us? So 3 seats for 2 people? Ah ok. Then that would leave the other parent with 3 seats? Oh I want that shift!
Pb: what airline are you taking? Different airlines have different regulations about car seats. Any idea what aircraft type will you be taking? I can advise on which seats are more comfy. Also, you can "chup" your seats when you board, not too obvious lah! Then once "door closed" announcement is announced, you can occupy them. Can't leave poppy alone on a three-seater though. That's what the stewardess taught me just in case they are busy and can't come back to me. Just let them know you want extra seats and they can block out the seats for you first.
Gwyn's high back booster can make it? I have extra, can loan.
Pb: btw, for car seats, only 4 or 5 brands are approved and can be brought onboard. Let me confirm what brands. I know Britax is definitely one of them.
Morning ladies... haven had time to check out forum... and now i see all the discussion on car seats. hmm makes me worried because i have a 5 hrs flight to perth with the 2 children ... morning flight -_- struggling to think how to entertain both of them for 5 hrs.
a few questions for dumbo me.
1) PB can enlighten me why a booster seat will make it more comfy? xun gal has got super long legs too ...
2) Can bring up maxicosi car seat on board ah??! Then i can still squeeze mei mei into it? But but i only book a bassinet seat for mei mei ... hmmm how does it work? If can bring car seat then i will save on the car seat rental!

Counting down ... flying off in 20 days time! Finally!!

Oh oh anyone can lend me inflatable bath tub?? =D TIA!
A friend did this: brought car seats up the plane for her kids so they could be nice and snug and sleep thru all the turbulance (you notice kids are generally happy and sleep well in car seats?).

But jo advises that diff airlines hv diff regulations so better check with yours

If meimei has bassinet it means that she has a mini foldable "cot" that will be placed on the wall in front of you. I think car seat can only fit on plane seat. So if you can bring, it shd only be for xun girl

Haha hi five fellow mummy of long legged daughter!

Once I can confirm flight and all I will seek ur expert advice re bestest seats ok? :D
ah PB ok got it! I will be bringing a booster seat to Perth so maybe can pack that and bring on board for xun gal lo. Will it be useful?

I have nv brought a baby on board before so dunno how it will turn out to be. I cannot imagine having an ultra active kid for 5 hrs not wanting to sleep. But then again, not quite possible because the flight is at 9 and we have to reach airport at around 7 meaning got to leave hse at 6+ -_- = sleepy kids that will hopefully sleeeeeeeep in the plane while i enjoy my meals hahaha ... will tell u all again if it happens like this.

SY, hmm its really small ah? then nvm la. will try and figure out. maybe just make her bath with me hahaha no need the bath tub.

Nowadays my free time is taken up with all the packing that i have to do at home. Coz hubby is only in charge of his study desk (which i helped to clear 70%) and his own belongings. Everything else in the house is my responsibility -_-""
and so i got to pack for moving and pack for perth too. sweat man.
Jacelyn: I have an inflatable tub, when do you need it?

Pb: sure sure... So exciting planning for a holiday!
I think it was doggiebb who brought up that aust also has restrictions on which car seats can be used in cars. So you got to check to make sure yours fits airline and aust rules ya?

For me it's just plane cos my MIL has so kindly prepared everything for poppy's arrival liao. As she put it, we just have to bring her panties and socks haha

Re husbands and anything to do with household... Aiyah what's new.

This morn BB started work late to join us for brekkie but did that make him think he could help get poppy ready to go out? Nah. Just made sure his hair was nice.

Men. Sudah la
sorry to take so long to cal the last iherb order.

cellow - 79.99 (looks like a number for 4D...)
Cin - 92.11
bbp - 40.71
pb - 41.47
DD - 5.93

latest batch of orders placed yesterday.
shd get it soon. so maybe we can meet up next week for lunch....
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA pb..... i m sure BB's hair is VERY nice now with all the time spent preening (and therefore not helping with poppy).

jace, pat. tis ok. what would the man do w/o us? this morning, Mr C asked me (i have been sick since Sun) where one of his papers - to do his homework - was. gee, i wouldnt know, i have been sick, and tis YOUR paper. tis not as if i monitor your homework too. heck, i do not even monitor C1's comm book daily.

oh yes. can bathe mini xun in the sink too. not need inflatable tube la. i did that with C1 before when he was ~9mo. that was MIL's idea. i have a pix of him sitting in the hotel sink with bubbles in his hair.
Is anyone here a primary school teacher or knows a primary school teacher whom I can interview? Help help please thank you!!!!!
Best part, after not helping and spending all that time on his hair, still can ask me "is my hair ok?". Hello, I'm still moving around him like a tornado, packing, dressing, washing, clearing, and that's all he can think of? Sometimes I feel like dyeing his hair pink in his sleep

Actually jace. Can also hug mini xun in shower
For a moment I panicked. I thought "Oh shit, where is my internet banking token?"
Luckily, it was in the place where I thought it was. So I just transferred the payment

I cannot remember how we showered Declan when he was 9 months in France leh. Absolutely no recollection.
Just transferred to you $79.99 (yes looks like a 4D number indeed). trx ref - 7101359409

PB, you crack me up la
hey girls riddle me this:

what do youpi, cellow, SY, holly, cin bunny, jace, batgirl, doggiebb and jo have in common, but not with DD and bbp?

so now i'm in the same group as the latter, but soon will be in the same group as the former.

BUT if we break it down further, i MAY be in the same group as either doggiebb, jo, SY, batgirl, cin bunny or jace, but definitely not youpi, holly and cellow

can anyone break the code?
hee, congrats officailly!! hee, hope u join the same group!

speaking of which, does BB help out more nowadays instead of preening his hair??

cellow, bbp
okie will check.

which day is good for lunch??

when jx went to beijing, i sit her on the floor to shower....easier haha...

so u getting a new phone? can tahan till iphone 5 is out?
PB - such good news
i was waiting for you to officially break the news since quietly catching SY eating all your pineapples for you the other day :D. even told jin bunny and he said not to say anything till you announce!

BBP - i got spare xperia phone if u want a temp solution..iphone 5 only out in spore in dec i heard..

SY - will transfer..can i check if this batch already includes the badger spf/anti insect cream or that's not in yet?
this doesn't include the latest one..

u very sharp eye...haha....

i also waiting for iphone 5. my hb told me nov...initially oct, then nov, and now dec?? long wait.
thx SY - mb I wait for the latest batch and then do one time transfer
..no la, not sharp eye but u were like sitting directly opposite me..i would have to be quite deaf and blind not to notice..lol..I am very close mouth though..heehee
congrats PB!

i m very worried.... i might be too. tis from last Thu's encounter so def too early to test. this is my fertile period (2 weeks after menses) so.....


a baby is a blessing. but not sooooooo close to one another! and i was gonna be done with babies and conc on my career.

small wonder with this worry and being sick, i have been snapping at Mr C!!!!
Congrats! I'm absolutely blind. I thought you just didn't like pineapples like me. Haha.

Which xperia? Did a google and realize there are so many xperia models.

iphone ah. A bit sian leh. Feel like I'm attached to the power cable every day.
Hello mummies,

back from taipei..
had a blasted time..
but it was so scary seeing parents pillion their kids on the scooters..

a dragon baby...
What is BB's reaction or he is still concern abt his hair

anyone can refer a therapist for kayden??
he is back to knockin his head..
Thanks mummies!!

And just for the record, I love pineapples! I realise I totally don't remember the can eats and cannot eats. I think I learnt them all from you girls!

Lol on cin bunny and her spy bunny eye.

Yup today saw the little one kicking away and remembered how magical all the scan sessions are

C3PO? :D
dun be too worried. how come u suspecting #3? it would be quite tough but u have some help right? so not to worry.

update us...

which gynae did u go to in the end? i remember u din wan to go back to your previous one....
bbp- xperia x1..not the best seeing it's first generation - but gd enuff as a temp solution.

cellow - a child is a blessing , am sure things will work out well for you
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Take good care of yourself! Eat nutritious meals!Errr maybe can also "slave" your HB a little hahahaha.

Don't worry ok.. I'm sure with proper planning, everything will be fine.
Congrats pb!! Hope the nausea has been manageable so far..

Mich n BBP... Still holding strong in our ONE BOY ONLY gang? hehe

And Ooh CP3O may come true!

Exciting news as I take a break from swimming to keep afloat at work!
yes they are magical

DD, *wails* I do not want C3PO to come true!

selfish me has just gotten used to sleeping thro the night. and having some Me time back.

pls pls pls menses pls come in 2 weeks! i will be sooooo glad to see you again
Bleah, throwing up every other meal.

Sleeping thru night
I think poppy is regressing a little since I've gotten pregnant. She's waking up 2 times a night and coming to our room.

I've changed gynae. Seeing Dr Woo at Tiong Bahru Central! So convenient. And he delivers at Mt A. BB and I love him. He's so mild mannered and patient and never makes us feel like he's rushing us to leave

SD chick
What nutritious food am I supposed to take ah? Forgot liao. I only know I crave junk like fried chicken and bak kua and luncheon meat :S and have absolutely no mood to cook

Er slave BB? I hardly think so. Like my first pregnancy, HE is the one complaining of leg cramps and tiredness more than me.

BUT his hair is very nice. Haha

Yup yup. It feels so great to finally be able to spill it all out!!!

Haha you also tahan very long for my sake right?

I feel so guilty though, always not enough energy to play and plan outings with poppy. We haven't been out much cos *i* must have nap time haha

And oh I'll be pretty big when we fly to canada so it's very unlikely poppy will be able to lie on my lap. Thus the whole carseat conversation!
U weren't that big with poppy, I recall.. 2nd tri then right?

Talk abt regressing.. Someone just wet his cot during naptime yesterday and instantly is clad in diaPers by the MIL now sigh
Yah lor, since the visit to the farms trip leh
Can eat almost everything and do almost anything. How was your zoo trip yesterday?

Sigh, we were supposed to go to the zoo today for L's school excursion. Obviously, did not make it there thanks to the mini typhoon this morning. When we went out this afternoon, he carried a penguin with him. Doggiebb, were you going to the zoo as well?

Oi, you are a v able woman, you'll definitely be able to manage no matter what
Wah, you solid. Dare to let him go through sleep diaperless. Even though Dec goes thru most naps and nights without wetting his diaper, I still religiously put it on for him. I cannot imagine him wetting MY bed.

Ya at this age it's like a waterfall! Lately he's been makIng me run to the toilet many time with nOthing coming out too grr..

Someone just coughed in the mid of his sleeP and threw up...is his cough coming back again?
