(2008/07) July 2008

When's your EDD?

Can use 3G to surf net? Cos I got data plan so I'm looking for a backup phone that can utilize that so as not to "waste" my plan. In the meantime, I found my old N73!

Morning mummies!

Poppy is the opposite. She pees in the potty then cheekily says "I did not peepee" :S

Just to share something that works for us. If we need to go out and want her to pee and she insists there isn't any, we make her sit on it anyway and we'll count to 10 together. If there is any pee to pee, it'll come

Wow sounds major. And I thought your phone was just out of batt

14 Apr

Napping without diaper
The school did it actually then I just continued. The trick is to pee twice before nap. So far so good. She can take 2-3 hour nap (though the 3 hour one was just on one occasion) still. Steady la. But night time no no, still very much need diaper. And for poo also, totally refuse diaper. Only did it twice then decided it was enough
Eat more fish (but got some guideline which is safe and not. http://www.babycenter.com/0_eating-fish-during-pregnancy-how-to-avoid-mercury-and-still_10319861.bc?page=1 and dark leave veggies (for fibre and folic acid!! keke) and of course fruits. Less fried food, since the oil can make you nauseous. More dairy foods for calcium, lean meat for protein. Dun eat sushi, soft cheese, soft boiled egg.

Emma doesn't use diaper for naps, but we made sure she went before nap. At night the same thing, I'm still putting diaper on her, but in the middle of the night I will bring her to pee. If I do that then her diaper will be dry the next morning.
dowan to talk/think abt C3PO.

i have a problem with getting C1 to direct his aim. he just simply refuses to hold his own penis to aim. how?
Err. mebbe draw a dot with permanent marker in the toilet bowl for him to aim? LOLS joking. I dunno.. this one shouldn't the daddy be the one to train the boys?

Err pardon me what is C3PO?
I somehow feel very anti veg now, dairy makes me puke, and I super crave fried chicken. I'm such a model pregnant mum! Haha

Cellow's sons are C1 and C2 so I joked that her 3rd can be C3PO, a Star Wars character. Like R2D2

Wow emma is so good, can almost be diaperless in the night! Yay! Poppy's night diaper is still VERY heavy hehe.

Hey SD's idea is good! I read somewhere that in some public toilets, they stick a sticker of a fly in the urinals and it works cos men tend to try to aim at something to try to "wash it down".

Or maybe get those blue water colouring thing that cleans the toilet with each flush and ask him to pee into the blue water?

But hey even some grown men cannot aim, right?
Kayden also don hold.
He likes to stand on the toilet bowl and aim..
when he's naughty, he likes to pee on my shower floor area.
He loves goin to toilet so that he can flush!

no more for kayden. he just rips them off..
been on underwear since.. he can tell us when he wants to pee but still poos in his underwear..
he has more underwears than me.. all the angry birds, elmo and thomas & friends..
glad u found a gynae that u r comfortable with.

u try taking mroe small meals? i find that i was very tired when preggy with jx. maybe cos still need to entertain #1 so feel even less energetic than when preggy with #1. but good to sleep more than maybe bb will sleep more next time too!

dun think too much about C3. but what makes u think that u may have hit jackpot??

maybe u can get those urinal that has some aim for them to play with? like quite fun like that.

my kids like to do that. pee on the shower floor just when they going to bathe!
u paid me for the pasta previously? if not, u can pay together when the next batch of toothpaste comes then i jsut aggregate the whole payment together. btw the pasta still with bbp i think.....
Ehh dun say C1 lah my 5 yr old also lazy to hold his own penis.....what can I say.......sigh
I suppose it all boils down the the 'men' thing...lol
They do sell those stickers that u stick in the toilet bowl or potty and make the boys aim at them. But the tot of that sticker getting dirty n smelly makes me not keen to try hehe

No diapers
E has been fully toilet trained since very young and what I realise is(cos I sleep with them ma) when she starts to stir. Just stir in her sleep I will keep asking her if she needs to pee. If she sleeps back or if there's head movement means okie but if she does stir again I will ask her again n bring her to toilet unless she really tells me NO. Another way she tells me she needs to pee is jus wake n cry n cry means urgent....LOL
Cos they are already toilet trained, even in sleep if they hear u asking they will be conscious and wake to go pee. Hope it helps.

Agree with you. Right before sleep Emma will drink her milk, so around 2-3 hrs later she'll probably going to pee. When she is sleeping I whisper in her ear to tell her to wake me up if she wants to pee. And she did kekeke.. But sometimes she didn't la (if in deep sleep) so I put the diaper just in case.

Lols I just read this tip of how to get your boy to aim:

Practice urinating in the family toilet while standing up. Raise the toilet seat, toss a piece of cereal or a square of toilet paper into the bowl and ask your son to try and sink it. That's pretty good idea.
Toilet training:
Actually after listening to dor dor, I realized I've been doing her method. But since Dec is still sleeping on my bed and not some random mattress, I still put on the diaper because I SCARED!

Your pasta is with me!
Wah the pasta from long lOng ago that I can't even recall if I paid or not..so I'll just pay lah, just in case haha. Hope it hasn't expired

So toothpaste is here? Think u listed an Amt for me to pay

Now my turn to look for calendula...dor u ordering? Was comparing it to papaw which has Petroleum jelly, now that's got me worried abt the many lip balms I've been slapping on

Smiggle: urr messy job to wash Poo off undies

But LOL I like SD's idea of tossing a cereal chip in to aim at! Actually i discourage bbG from holding his penis leh or he will start wagging it abt n make a mess instead... Without holding it goes right in nicely leh

Jace..how do u find sjck so far? Me still waiting for their email but already gave notice to current plc!
isn't sjck far from your home? how are u going to send G there?

i m going to bintan tmr!! it's a company trip but all kiddos going and hb as well....hopefully it will be fun!
Ya everywhere is far from my Plc! Hoping to move still.. For the time being we will have tO send him to school b4 work and FIL to drive him home after lor

Enjoy bintan!
dd,think most lip balms contain petroleum products leh.

C1 doesnt hold, and there are times when his pee goes straight down his leg. simply a positioning problem.

wow, HB and the 2 kiddos going, have fun!

a bit paiseh to say how when we are supposedly so educated. suffice to say he wiped himself, then used the same tissue to wipe me. AAAAAAAARGH.
given past experience (C1 and C2), once is all that is needed to make a baby for us. sigh. the curse of being super duper fertile. can i spread it out to some of you so that i wont be so fertile!?

your edd is so near to C2's birthday! apr is gonna be such a special month for you with your anniversary in that month too.
PB: CONGRATS!!!! Such good news!
you want me to keep anything for you before I pack them away?
how exciting.

Smiggle: not sure if this one works for you, but you can call her. She is great with kids. My friend's kid sees her and I helped her brought him for therapy before. Her name is Vanessa, she is at chip bee gardens.
Vanessa Von Auer: 6235 9602
Cel: clear blue has a "test even when it's only 2 weeks old" test stick, go get it!
salute you ah! At this point of time, I would want to rush to shop and get one to prove myself wrong!
Thanks for the kind offer. What's your offer validity date hehe

Does anyone here have a super dok gong breast pump that they won't need, to lend me?

Wow talk of wagging penises. That's what makes our thread so lively la

Enjoy your hol! Will hub watch the kids while you pow wow with your team? Which resort will you be at?

Yup, april will be special indeed
i meant to type: thanks for the compliment. was distracted by pee, wagging penises and PB's news

wow, Emma is so advanced. *admires*

straight after i typed it, i was thinking oh no, these 2 30-somethings need sex education classes. i bet even a teenage boy after sex education classes knows better than to do THAT

*cue slap forehead and look aghast*

ah 2 weeks, so i have to wait one more week.

anyway, i m never so glad to see a pimple pop out in my life. i have a BIG red one on my chin now. YAY. when i was pregnant, my skin was super clear and radiant.

i m not pregnant, i m not pregnant... R2D2 will have to battle the Empire by himself. no C3PO.
You can pass your baby dust or fertility juice to others... don't pass it here hor!

I have absolutely no idea where my breast pumps are. My dear husband will surely kill me if I tell him this.
PB: indefinite. I only have energy and time to pack bit by bit.
I can pass you my breast pump- avent Isis duo. Serves me very well, can pump liters of milk in a night! Breast-feeding pillow, breast-feeding bib, breast milk bags... Still have! Bb clothes, pjs, sleep bag... Just let me know if you want, GLADLY give you! ;)
Hmmmmm sometimes the boys penis will be stuck when he takes off he underwear ma n then he doesn't pull it 1st n jus pees like that. N it will just spray around as it straightens. Then my toilet will smell......sigh
Worse if he does it when we are out cos might get it on his pants!!

Okie I think same prob as D. He needs to jus pull it unstuck before he starts to pee. I'm still trying to make D do it all the time esp mornings.

Dun hamtam me aah but............
<font size="-2">Different sex babies make your hormones react differently u knw </font>

Toilet training....
Even when the kids dun wear diapers anymore.......I actually still put those waterproof sheets from last time under D's bed and E's sleeping area... Just in case ;P

Oh n those r great. I got the babysafe 1 n it comes in 2 pieces and the cotton is soft n very comfy. Like when the kids get sick n tend to vomit, I make them sleep on those ontop of the pillow n mattress. So even if kanna anything.....just wash that sheet lor instead of changing bedsheets in the middle of the night.....hehe
What in the world is a breastfeeding bib? In case I fall asleep while BFing/pumping and I drool while sitting up? Gee I remember being so tired while holding poppy and BFing and worrying that I'd nod off and drop her.

Pregnancy: welcome to the insomniacs anonymous club

On dor's comment re diff sexes give out diff kinds of hormones (cos I'm not too keen on thinking of penises getting stuck on underwear): hmm actually when I first had an inkling that I was preg, I had an outburst of pimples. Worse that I ever did even when I was a teenager. But that didn't happen with poppy. Hmmm

But both kids have happily given me an equal share of MS so far. And junk food cravings.

Argh. What's a dua pak tor woman to do at 230am! I certainly am not going to do any housework. Nor anything that'd get me more awake, like reading. Darn, tossing and turning is not tiring me out at all! Maybe I should raid my fridge. Oops sorry am I thinking and typing out loud?

And btw, any hokkien mummies out there? Isn't there a nicer term for "expectant mother" than dua pak tor?? It's like "please, just call me fatty"
if you can wait, there is a thread selling cb cream.. by agape babies..

Talking abt penis and peeing..
any boys here had an infection before?
Kayden would say he is itchy or pain. i suspect its the school urinal, or he didnt clean himself properly..

ohhh..what a scintillating topic...penises, wiping?!? muahaha...

mine doesn't hold his as well but what i do is once the pants are off, i will thrust his hips forward so it has never gotten onto his legs!

he is also dry in the night but being super kiasu, he is also wearing diapers to sleep. I do what SD do too. he has his milk about 9pm, i will bring him to the toilet at 11pm before i sleep and he will stay dry until 7am the next morning.
what makes you think you have a daughter then? referring back to your original riddle

ohoh, bf-ing bib is for your modesty, to cover yourself. not to catch your drool, heh.

you want BM freezing slim trays? http://www.mumsfairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=25&amp;Itemid=31&amp;productid=92 also still got one box of pigeon milk bags. oh and keep the doughnut cushion till you deliver....

oh. i shall be ostrich and pretend my pimple means i m not preg.
anyway, tis not a good start to not want the baby right.... so i just need to psycho myself that i m not pregnant

okok i know it doesnt work that way.......
Mummies, do #1s get more sticky when there's a #2 on the way? Poppy keeps asking BB to carry her, she wants us to lie with her at night and she clung on to me and didn't want to let go at playschool today :S it's like she knows her days of being "the baby" are numbered?
No ah, if it didn't come out wrong, the hidden meaning of my original riddle was that I could either have 2 girls or 1 girl+1 boy.

Oh breastfeeding "bib" is same as breastfeeding cover? Hehe. Thanks for the doughnut. I'll hold on to it till april/may then! Sure I'll take the pigeon milk bags thanks! Oh the BM freezing trays sound good too! Can I borrow?
Yes, #1s are known to become ultra sticky when a #2 is on the way. I thought a BF bib is to prevent accidental spraying. Yah, I know, I didn't think that the breasts are under it and not above.

Coincidentally, I was just thinking of the exact same thing as dor. Could be a daughter you know?
Heard a saying that a daughter will "steal" beauty from her mom.

Is your Avent pump the double electric one??? Ooh, I would have loved to get that but it was just too ex for me. Even getting the Ameda dual electric pump made my pocket ache.

Dec holds his
Cos I think he gets extremely distressed when the pee flows over his legs if it's still stuck.

And he has his milk at 8.30pm, shower, pee and sleep... and usually stays dry till 9am the next day. Woo hoo!
Eh, I just realize he has better bladder control than me.

The baby safe waterproof sheets sound good! How much are they and where can I get them?
Pb: bf bib, cellow said it. Convenient, just feed everywhere and cover yourself with it.
Yes, the #1s will be super sticky. Just take her through your preg journey and keep assuring her. Everything about #2, involve her. And all these still won't be enough, their reaction will be different when they see the real thing. But tlc is what they need.
Oh ya! Avent products I'll have staff disc lobang.

BBP: yes, it's the double electric pump, comes with manual also. Ya, very ex, but resale value not good like medela leh.
Got it through a friend with staff discount. So I fully utilized it!

PB: Oh ya, still have unused disposable panties to offer! Maternity ones! : p
Toilet training for boys: really so much to think about huh? I better take note so when it's time to train my boy, I'll know what to watch out for. Oh, one silly question: how come didn't let their daddies teach them how to pee properly?
My girl seems easy leh. She only wears diapers for night but fully trained for day.
WOW I think I have missed alot here!! first of all, CONGRATS TO PB!!! Take good care of yourself and yes 2nd pregnancy is definitely more difficult than first. I attribute it to:
1) lousier body
2) busier mummy
3) older me!!

So if you add 1 + 2 + 3 = a forever tired person -_- ... I could not carry xun gal when i was preggie coz initially had a slightly low lying placenta. So gynea wanna be safe as me to stop carrying her. And so, from then on, no one really carries her anymore ... but yes during that time, she was a cranky and sticky toddler. And she suddenly grew up when mini xun was born.
Now she is a full bloom big sis. I think she is milder than mini xun because 1) she has never once attempted or even tot of hitting mini xun, 2) its mini xun bullying xun gal not the other way, 3) she gets extremely upset (like WAIL OUT LOUD kind) when we threaten to sell mini xun to garang guni for bullying her (see that, we say sell mini xun because she bully xun gal but xun gal gets super upset!!), 4) she openly expresses that she loves mei mei... and so, looking at the both of them 'hanging' out together is one of the best things =D but that does not mean i want a #3 ...

I can totally understand how cellow feels now. I can pray hard for u

re toilet training. We are still at the stage where xun gal poos on a piece of diaper. SHE NEEDS A DIAPER before her poo can come out -_- so each pooing session cost me like 50 cents ... and is very messy to clean up. argggh no luck in making her correct this.
And yes DD I forgot to answer ur question!! We are pulling xun gal out from sjck because my mum cant handle 4 kids during school holidays. They are so rowdy, the 3 big ones. And the small one, is always trying to join in the fun ... that makes things worst because she is so small and she does not know how to protect herself. And because the 3 are so rowdy she cant take proper naps too.

Since we happened to know of a new cc near our new place, and there were vacancies, we changed both my niece and xun gal to this cc starting from next year. Hopefully everyone will have better life then.
thank you Jace! i heart you! muaks! at last at last at last someone knows my conflicting thoughts. being mum of 1 to mum of 2 is already a step change. i cannot imagine adding a baby #3 into the mix. think i can just kiss sleep and Me time goodbye for the next 2 years, and hiding in the toilet for a long time w C1/2/3 banging on my door yelling "mama are you out yet?" or some variant of that from C2 and C3, since they dunno how to talk yet.

of course, i will cope (who wouldnt) but haiyoor *shudder at the thought*

and oh yes, i want to finally properly moisturise my face and line my eyes, and do facial anti-wrinkle massages, and generally be pretty (just like SY)
Cellow u know, i was in the same shoes as u a few months back. Remember me posting something abt it? I probably bought at least 4 test kits to check ... stressed me out big time! -_- and so i fully understand what you are going through now.
How come Avent Duo Electric resale value not as good as Medela? I had the Avent Single Manual Pump and I love the pumping - super comfortable. Of cos my hands did not love it la. So I assume the Duo must be as comfy. No?
Ladies i have a question. As everyone know, i will be gg to aussie end of oct. now with 2 kids, the amount of luggages is growing at a ridiculous rate -_-

we are intending to bring
1) 2 26" samsonite luggages - which I think will evolve to 1 26" and 1/2 something else coz the tot of having 2 large ones is like ...
2) Ergo carrier - this is a must!
3) 2 strollers - 1 maclaren and 1 quinny which I can put the maxi cosi car seat on it
4) 2 normal sized backpacks - 1 for hubby and 1 for me
In conclusion, I think the amount of luggages + 2 strollers we have is CRAZY!
Any idea how to reduce the amt of luggages? The tot of bringing all these just makes me sweat! How do u all do it????
How many days are you going? The amount of clothes depends on the number of days keke.

I would put minimal clothes for me, except for the top. For bottom would wear jeans, which I can wear for 2-3 days. Same for HB. For the kids, 1 pjamas for every 2 days. If you are buying some clothes there, you can reduce the amt of clothes to bring. I never bring towels since the hotel provided, except if my child is still less than 1 year old. I will count the diaper and bring ( if have space), if not buy diapers there.

Adults will use the toiletries from the hotel, with the exception of skin care for me. my kids - I will buy travel size, or if not put in small container, just enough for the travel and throw away after that.

Just for comparison when I went to HK last year.
2 adults, 1 10-yr old and 1 2.5 year old

1. 29" hardcase luggage (1)
2. 1 backpack for baby stuff (diaper, water bottles) - can be hung on the stroller, but if not i'll be carrying that on the plane
3. 1 maclaren stoller.
4. 2 cabin size luggages.

But that because my eldest girl is not using stroller. If I were you hmm I probably would not bring 2 strollers. bring 1 for the bbxun and mini xun will just be carried using ergo. In the plane Mini xun won't have a seat on her own rite, so why you need the maxi cosi car seat? is it for driving when you're in Aussie?

i use the vacuum bags when i went on my 18 days road trip for the clothes and winter clothings. i packed some there too for my shopping.
Yesss the vacuum bag helps a lot, especially with winter clothing. I bought 1-2, to store the dirty clothes hahaha. Children's clothes (leggings and shirts can be washed and dried pretty quickly so I didn't bring so many).
SD, thanks for that. And yes because we will be driving that why we tot of bringing the car seat for mini xun...

Doggiebb, vacuum bags works??? But how to u suck the air out when u are there? *dashes off to buy vacuum bags!!*
look for mummycents on the SMH BP threads for the vacuum bags. i find my portable air pump for you...... that would answer your qn of how to suck the air out when you are there.
Can't rent the car seat from the car rental company?

vacuum bags - I use the small sized one which you can just roll to let the air out. But of course not as good as getting the air out using the portable air pump.
SD yes i think can rent but aud so expensive + not sure how clean the car seat is + not sure what pattern it is also ... mei mei is a stick in a mud person. she is used to her car seat .. scared she wun be used to new one then siao liao -_-
Sorry pb..got no preggie/baby stuff to pass to u cos since my Sis had a boy, everything goes straight to her the minute bbG outgrows it..no space in house n telling everyone no more baby no 2 too haha

Wah jace! Think one stroller should suffice? Xun no1 won't be in stroller napPing whole day so no2 can take over when jie jie is uP and walking? Which part of Aust and for how long? Supposed to be end spring soon but still seem cold! Me in syd 16-21oct!

Make sure u declare all food/seeds/med!
DD, gg Perth from 23 to 29 oct! Heard that it will still be 20 degrees plus a bit by then..

Anyone rented car seats overseas? how it is? Hmm declare food then what do they do with it??! What is not allowed?

I think if you rent car from a reputable company, the condition of the car and seat is generally ok. I can't say for Australia, but I can vouch for Europe and US.
Yah, we normally just buy huge ziploc bags from the Army market (sorry, dunno where but your hubby should know), then just squeeze the air out manually. It's very good because you can also compartmentalize your clothes.
As for car seat, we bought one from Carrefour instead of renting cos it's so much cheaper. I think Australia should have Carrefour or equivalent? Then at the end of the trip, we just check it in. But this method - must make sure you're staying in one place after the car trip or else got to lug the car seat around.
