(2008/07) July 2008

Buy from me? Haha sure. Gangsters become drug pushers, I become lip balm supplier. I got 4 flavours: Very Vanilla, Honey Bunny, Cherry Fairy, Choc-O-Luv.

But remember that it won't last forever cos there are no preservatives hor. Yours is about a week old and it will last a maximum of 2 months in total

Hey mummies anyone in their kids' PTA? Kindy/pri sch. I need to ask something
Cell: Congrats!
now you can continue to enjoy life!

Pb: you will be surprised. Some children just don't have that color sense. And perhaps their parents are just too busy for them.
What do you want to know about kindy?

Random: mummies, all your kids can speak properly and pronounce "s", "f" already? Gwyn can speak sentences and relate thoughts and stories but she seems to have difficulty Pronouncing her "s" and "f". Should I be worried and do something about it or do I still have time to monitor and wait?
All other aspects are ok. Anyone experienced similar situation?
i think u can wait. i remember that it is quite common for them to not be able to pronounce some letters that clearly. maybe when they are older and they still can't then it becomes an issue. if concenred u can ask her teachers also.

haha...sure, i will remember to put it everyday....
kayden's therapist suggest that we actually expose them to right pronunciation since young..
sometimes its just takes repetition.
I did that with kayden and he can do so with most words unless he has no patience or lose interest.
So i sing instead and make him repeat the song again and again..
he has difficulty with words starting with sh and th and fo and many more...
jo, i think it's ok la. poppy says "lellow". she says "tree" for "3". when i try to get her to pronounce the "th" it's a whole splatter of saliva and curly tongues and twisted lips. haha
bbG can pronounce his S if made to, but otherwise, it's usually missing..

yeah.. lellow and yeyyow

yayy new school for poppy! now I just wish bbG's new school would write and tell us officially too! Coz I've already gave notice and he gets to relak jack in Nov-Dec

ooh i so wanna join in your crafty sessions again but it's gonna be a crazy period for me... more or less now til like apr next year *sob* maybe i will still try.. need to destress lah.. human after all!

last two days to indulge in my baby before I jet off.. sniff!
Wow, Emma's cc gives very detailed updates and does a lot with the children. So nice!

PB aka power momma
You will work it all out, calm calm calm...

Cellow aka boot camp momma
No wonder you are so slender! Woot on the good (non-preggers) news!

Hmmm L speaks with a cheena accent sometimes. But I think he sounds really cute *gulp* He can do 'f', but still has problems with 's'. As they grow their jaw area will develop more manipulation skills and they'll be able to enunciate better, don't worry. Else send them for those speech and drama classes lor.

Your therapist has it right, I believe. Just say the right word properly so that they do not learn the wrong thing.

Your kids' school closes on 28th? Mine is on the 18th!
haha i will be giving birth in april so i doubt i will be conducting any sessions from the delivery suite

power mama. i like that
still searching for the supermum cloak though. alot of things coming up *which is good but oh i am sooooo tired*

panadol and pregnancy
i forgot - can or cannot? i brought poppy to the pool in the late morning and think i might have kena-ed heat stroke. tried to sleep it off but BB thought i had to work so he very kindly woke me up but that only made the headache worse. in the end i couldn't tahan when my head started throbbing so popped a panadol :S
An idea!!!

It may just be my pregnant mind thinking but what do you girls think of this:

How many times during a meal you wished you could eat in peace? Felt a little disappointed cos you can't order something you like becos your kids won't eat it? Gave up on a dish cos it was too messy to attack while having to look after the little ones?

(Like the advertising talk? Hehe)

I would like to propose....


One day a month, we go out on our own and eat to our hearts content! Get fingers dirty, order spicy food, have a dinner without having to say "no don't touch that!" Or "quick eat your rice".

Open to all yeow kwee mummies, NO HUSBANDS OR KIDS ALLOWED. NO EXCEPTION!!!! No seriously, this is OUR TIME. Think about it - the only meal in the month we eat with friends in peace. Think of all the hot plate tofus... The crab beehoons... The chilli crabs... The fish head curries.... (Omg can we go now?)

Ok I hope there are some takers or I'll simply look like the only greedy girl here. Who's on?!!

Let's target a friday night so we won't have to eat into family time.
I think panadol once in a while is ok. Checked internet and mostly says alright.
I think the pig out is a fantastic idea. Only problem is, I think I've forgotten how to eat slowly liao. But... why cannot order hot plate tofu on normal days?
i wish i can but i can't join!! cos no one can help to pick up the kids!!
prob only when my parents are back..

panadol is ok in pregnancy. one of the few rare medicines that is ok for pregnancy without the need for doc to prescribe.

i m SOOOO tired...think going to zzz soon. woke up at 6.50am today and haven had chance for a single snooze the whole day. brought jh for his grading then after that lunch and hb bought me a new wallet.
this time no longer burberry stuff but he let me choose. so took my time and made a few rounds amongst the shops. the kids were the happiest i think. in the end chose a LV one. jh was really keen in helping me choose one. really made the effort to analyse with me etc. and his taste and mine the same.

decided to bring the kids outdoors more often! hee so i can lose the tummy that had been built up from too much sitting!
Sure join when your parents are back!

Hot plate tofu... Dunno? Spicy at some places? And also cos BB doesn't eat meat and some hot plate tofus have minced meat. Anyways I MISS IT!

Somebody did not want to let me eat crab beehoon today boohoo. Hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman denied of her pregnancy craving!!!!
Next time you want to eat hot plate tofu, just ask the auntie don't put meat and no chill. Half-past-six hot plate tofu is better than no hot plate tofu!
thank you all mummies for your sharing and encouragement. Shall wait and see.

Smiggle, thanks will remember to keep doing that with Gwyn.

Pb: sure sure for me as long as my hb is in to watch the sleeping kids! ;) I really would love a breather, 24/7 with them, no joke! I need some Me time! ;)
Put the boys at mr youpi's office? Hahahah. I'm sure they be able to entertain themselves with kitchen rolls at his pantry

Yup. Time to just be girls (and not "mums" or "wives")... How nice right?

Cos seriously mums, I've mentioned before but I have to say it again ok? I've got an aunt who quit her job to take care of her 2 kids. They're grown up now and she's about 50+ and she's on medication for up/down depression. She gave up everything to care for them and daughter's turned out well but son, though incredibly scholar-material smart, actually looks down on mum for "not having had a real job".

Much as we love our kids we really have to have our own time too so we don't lose our identities as individuals. I really don't want to spend my older years living with depression. The thought of it is very depressing.

Do something for yourselves today ok mummies? Get a coffee, go for an express mani, squeeze in a facial, buy a pair of shoes, indulge in a craving (oops that's just me). Be you again!

(Sorry if I'm being a bad influence!)
i need some me time too..
Count me in on fridays nites..
will leave the kids with my hubby.

how do your kids learn chinese and how do u teach them?
No joke but kayden learns it from singin karaoke!
not sure if this is a good method though......

when is it again???
sometimes, when i go to Vivo, i leave Kayden at the playgym called Singkids or Singplay..
that is the most well-padded gym i ever seen..
of cos the max is 1 hr and i run back to see him..
Do i feel guilty? abit.. but nonetheless i enjoyed my time off.
i do sticker books with jx. get her to speak chinese first lor. sing songs. i do cards as well. jh is easier. his foundation is good.

i think importantly is to speak and read chinese.
Pb: yes yes... Must remain healthy in all aspects, especially mental! It's so easy to revolve ourselves in the kids' life and get lost! Thanks for the reminder.
ha ha ha... Wonder if this is an excuse to cover up the gluttony in me! :p

Smiggle: my girl learns through singing too, she loves to sing. The other is watching a Chinese cartoon together. I do speak to her in mandarin at times.
hey mummies. i was so deprived as a child, i never went for any bakery/yakult factory tours. can't wait to bring poppy!

i called gardenia up and they want the kids to be min 5 years old but are ok if there are some young ones. those with #1s, maybe can also ask their friends if they'd like to join?

timing is 3-4pm. their factory is in pandan loop.

min 30 people, max 80 (parents+kids).
need to book 3 months in advance. (which means my MS would be over by then. hopefully. and i won't feel the urge to puke all over the bread...)

yakult tours are 1.5 hours (either 10am-1130am or 2-330pm). no minimum age. min group size is 25, max 50. they need to know 6 months in advance if we want to go during sch hols. the lady i checked with said that if we book soon, our earliest slot will be in jan.


anyone keen?
Yakult tour
Yes, please count us in!

Oh yes I've seen the Singkids playgym! There's one at T3 too. You are cool! I cannot leave my kids alone, will get paranoid.

Me time etc
Yup, it is definitely important so get some while you can! I sneak mine in when the kids are in school and when they are asleep, and have girlfriend dates on Saturdays when hb is around to look after them -- just had one over the last weekend
But I really love spending time with my kids too, and don't mind being with them all the time. Strange huh? They're just really entertaining lah. Very frustrating too, but super entertaining, hehe. It's a fine balance we mummies tread...
Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2

Dun worry PB u r not alone. i dun think i went for any of such tours at all!!!!

i brought my kids there before. it's pretty safe. i would love to leave them there but mine won't let me get out of sight!

nowadays jx is super sticky. when i drop her off at school, she will whine that she wnats me and hug me, refusing to let me go. worse is at night she just keeps waking up to cry and sneeze. think her nose is acting up.

me time
i think i m prob the most deprived. when kids are in sch, i m at work. when kids are home, i m home. luckily my boss is not too bad. i do work from home when he is not ard and i get to do 'me things'! wan to go gym this week and also go for a nice massage...

but i realised the minute i have free time, i do things like go market, go grocery shopping, pack the house, pack the books etc etc etc....in the end, still not much me time!
Yakult tour
weekend or weekdays?
Kayden loves yakult.. He will go crazy...

i made sure he has gone one round in the gym and he wont get hurt before i leave..
the only thing im worry abt is him getting along with other kids..
Im just waiting for Kasper to grow up and they can play together.. just like ur boys...
Halloween's on Saturday.

Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd

For Chinese, my MIL takes care of that. I don't need to think about it

Same, I don't think I can leave Dec alone at Singkids although I know it's pretty safe. The furthest I went to was Starbucks that's just opposite Singkids. Haha. But it's not too bad. I get to enjoy coffee while keeping half an eye on him.

Gardenia & Yakult tour:
I'd love to go. Yakult link states it's free but how about Gardenia?
I recall my teachers bringing us to Yakult factory...

Me time:
I get mine during his naps and after he goes to bed. I manage to sneak in some Wii gaming. Haha.

Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2
3. bbp + 1

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2
4. bbp + 1
Both tours are free and on weekdays only. Gardenia 3-4pm, not avail on Thurs. Yakult 10-1130am or 2-330pm. Hope this helps!

Yakult welcomes all ages but Gardenia prefers 5 and above. Yakult says that if we book now, we can prob have a slot in Jan. If sch hol must book 6 MONTHS in advance hor. Are you girls ok for the kids skipping sch for one day? Shall we target end Jan so the kids can have a month to settle in?

But youpi, S starts real school already leh. How?

Oh singkids. Furthest I've gone is... The table outside haha. I don't feel good leaving her in there on her own because there is no latchable gate and the kids can literally go in and out on their own and I've realised that the staff don't really jaga them.

But if it's a place like peekaboo, fully enclosed, then I might feel more pangsim to let her play on her own. But hey did I tell you girls that *i* got bullied there? By two 8-year old angmoh girls! So sia sway!
Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd
- youpi

Nowadays it's a lot of fighting, screaming, yelling, and crying too. Your time will come, hehe *cue evil laughter*

If the tour is in the afternoon, we should be able to make it. I don't know what our schedules will be like then, so will have to wait and see. I remember going for all these tours when in primary school, and enjoying the tasting part the most. The APB tour offers free-flow beer at the bar after it's over! (but not while in primary school lah of course)
i think i will sign BB up for the APB tour for his birthday next year. oh wait... i think i may have already done that last year. argh. help! pregnancy brain ta work!

S will be in a.m session?
i survived hong kong!
don't ask me how, but i did it, without stroller or any carrier. did not even rent in ocean park or disneyland. *flexes biceps*

of coz there were numerous occasions where i either wanted to disown the kid or the husband, or both. hehe.

Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2
3. bbp + 1

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2
4. bbp + 1
5. dustee + 1 (only if afternoon tour)

i don't think i could ever let pomfret out of my sight in a playgym until she's like 18 or something. or 21.

hey i didn't know about your auntie and her son who looks down on her. but i have friends who had mums who stay at home and they totally respect them and are even grateful for what their mothers sacrificed. oh wait, mr dustee definitely respects my mil for staying home to look after him.

really, if you respect yourself, your kids won't see you any other way. so don't get all kancheong about doing 'something' to prove anything.

but trying to carve out me time is definitely tough. my expectations are so low now, just being able to utter a complete prayer quietly without any interruptions is me time.

funny how we mothers adapt, and then the fathers can still have a 2hr soccer match on tv time. *rolls eyes*

pomfret's new sch orientation
pomfret's starting in a new school next yr. we just went to the orientation on sat. not enough chairs in the hall for all the parents because..... most kids had both parents plus a helper and/or a grandparent. so that was way too many adults for the number of children enrolled.

then sent a picture of pomfret trying out the new uniform to my ils, and i could almost 'feel' my mil crying as she sent back an sms commenting that it looks just like mr dustee attending kindy last time (yes, pomfret's going to attend the same kindy mr dustee attended almost 3 decades ago)

i'm glad my mil is not crying at the sight of me anymore :p
oooh apb tour. i never knew!

fond memories of free beer at heineken in amsterdam. and then passing out in a park nearby coz i did the free beer on an empty stomach at 11am in the morning. like 2 pints' worth.

funny the silly things we used to do, and then invariably the memory is followed by thoughts of 'no, pomfret is not going to amsterdam to drink beer until she's 40 or something'
dustee - lol on pomfret and beer
good to hear u survived HK...hope you managed to enjoy and eat while flexing muscles

pinkb - count me in for yakult..bean loves it ..who doesnt!

Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2
3. bbp + 1

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2
4. bbp + 1
5. dustee + 1 (only if afternoon tour)
6. cinbunny + 1
welcome back!!! so overall u had fun??

pics pics!

jx's sleep is getting WORSE! she nows wakes like almost every hour and will toss and turn and kick! got kicked a lot by her last night till i left my bed in frustration to sleep on her bed. and even taking medicine before sleeping to knock her out doesn't help. what will??? help!!!!
i wanna join gathering too!!!

Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd
- youpi
- qing
dustee aka muscle mama
hehe finally, MIL and happy tears!!!

re SAHMs and kids who appreciate/don't appreciate
i suppose it depends on the children as well. i just know that i dont' want to start finding/rediscovering myself at 50!

seems like yakult tour is more popular
qing, it will be in jan/feb if we can book like now. come on ah nias, let's try to hit 25 fast fast!

qing, add your name in?
Rainy rainy day...
just wonder what am I going to do with all the kids at a rainy Halloween? Boys no problem.. got cars and trains and I can bring out the homemade road system drawn onto plastic sheet by my MIL. But girls ah... hmm... luckily got more boys than girls... hahaha.

Does JX need to pee? Cos sometimes when Dec becomes restless in his sleep, I just bring him to pee and it seems to work. Maybe her restless bladder is causing her to not sleep properly.

APB tour:
Eh, went during my uni times. Let's just say, I mixed my alcoholic cocktails and my beer and was not in a good shape after that :p

Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd
- youpi
- qing
Since it's a strange in-between timing, I'll scrap potluck (cos we always have TONS of leftovers every time) and I'll just make a batch of cookies for those who may not have had tea and are having hunger pangs. I'll be making beef stew for Dec so anybody else wants some, let me know
oh i like the polite way you made it sound like everyone has hunger pangs like me :D cookies for me please, and beef stew for poppy please!
BBP: anything to prepare for Halloween?

Yakult tour: we love Yakult too! ;)

Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2
3. bbp + 1

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2
4. bbp + 1
5. dustee + 1 (only if afternoon tour)
6. cinbunny + 1
7. Jo + 1
The kid in your tummy or the kid in you?

Careful now... you're starting to sound like a yao gwei :p

Date: 29 Oct (Sat)
Time: 5pm
- bbp
- pb
- the C family
- smiggleprincess & her princes
- Jo
- dd
- youpi
- qing

Beef Stew requests noted! You know what? I'll prob just whip up a huge potful and Mr bbp can have the rest of it for the next few days. Haha.
I've always been an yeow kwee (remember who's always sitting next to you and beancurd chicken whenever there is an event?), now I just have a reason to exploit it!

Speaking of beancurd chicken...

Hey ur beef stew is it the kind with potatoes and carrots? Mmmmm
Heh heh. No more beancurd chicken from now on cos I think the standard has dropped. Feel there's too much flour in it nowadays.

Beef stew:
No potatoes in my stew cos Dec is not a fan of one. So it's just gonna be tomatoes, carrots, beans (either long or french), onions, garlic, beef, button mushrooms.
nowadays i dun buy the beancurd chicken anymore liao. now i like the lemon chicken!

beef stew..u have a nioe n quick recipe?

Gardenia tour
1. PB + 1
2. SY + 2
3. bbp + 1
4. Qing + 1

Yakult tour
1. PB + 1
2. Youpi + 2
3. SY + 2
4. bbp + 1
5. dustee + 1 (only if afternoon tour)
6. cinbunny + 1
7. Jo + 1
8. Qing + 1
