(2008/07) July 2008

Ok, let us know. If you don't mind, even drop by for a while would be nice

Friday lunch I can do... is it Vivo? why don't we just start up a table and see how many people can make it?

I have a feeling you're the only RP person left :p

Friday lunch @ Vivo
-bbp & dec

oops...haha sorry for starting the rumor on #3... :p how about making it real? :p

yup we can go vivo. same place romulus?
Friday 14 Oct lunch @ Vivo, noon
- SY
- bbp & dec
- cellow

Romulus again? i like that place, cozy and not too expensive.

think my iherb barang a lot this time.... :p
i ran out of cookies to feed C1, so i have been feeding him wolfberries (gou qi zi).

oh yes. does anyone know if there are any side effects to eating too much wolfberries? C1 likes to chomp down at least 2 handfuls each time. munch like raisins
Wat food does Romulus serve? I got strict dietary restrictions..hehehe...


You feed him gou qi zi? It is the type you buy off the medicine halls? Or is there a snacking type?
no effects to wolfberries..
kayden also loves it..
but must dring more water cos they are dried..

mummies, any restaurant to recommend that serves food which a person has gout can go??
Meaning no grain-food..
pls remind me what you cannot eat again.... romulus serves pizzas, toast, pasta, smoothies and juices/coffee/tea. the pizza base has no egg. got vegetarian pizza.... there is def smthing for you to eat.

yes i just feed c1 the normal wolfberries i buy off the Zhen medicine halls.

ah ok, thanks smiggle

No chicken, no eggs, no wheat (ie no bread, no biscuit and I think pizza base is definitely no-no), no dairies (no milk, no cheese, no butter) which primarily rules out Romulus. haha

U guys go ahead, I can drop off your creams at you workplace some other time.
wolfberries are orange in color so maybe make sure he dun take other orange foods? not sure wehther there's effect but eating too much orange stuff will turn the kid orange/yellow....

yes your barang a lot!! haha..i told my hb this bag of biscuits are yours and i can see his eyes open wide....

oh my so many restrictions. so what do u usually eat? sounds very poor thing.....

it's cos of your allergies right? will it pass or here to stay?
Ok fri for romulus ok! But I got to chop chop curry pok leave cos I've got a class after. Ohhhh I want the pizza!!!

Sy, is mine a big bag? Can't remember what I ordered liao. I'll pay u on fri ok?

Poor you. Maybe can drink their soups? The sweet potato finger snack is yum yum too

How to give? Must soak first? Or just eat when dry?

Wah dua ba tor woman standing in train and everyone's eyes suddenly got something else to look at. Tsk tsk
Thanks Cellow! So glad to have sensible people like u around to guide me! Must get hubby to compromise and 'meet' halfway first..and ya I thinking better stop scolding him in front of bbG too
really pray it's just a passing phase

BbG was a monkey again during milk n book time before bed, spilling his whole cup of milk and instantly he knew I was gonna be angry n started crying immediately. My poor boy.. I feel so so bad...

Wah must come over to vivo for lunch one day when I can! But though I lost Two fellow RP mummies Liao..still got one lah...jace! Dun abandon me Hor haha

SY..how much is my order again? Wonder if I should get u to pass to BBP whom I will see at Halloween party? U work in the west n stay in the east right? Take the train?
SY stays in the West now. She hasn't stayed in the East in ages!
And make sure you come to the Halloween party hor! Your pasta is going to rot soon leh.
waiting on a data file now.

haha, it is funny to be called sensible when Mr C is of a different opinion.
when C1 does something that he knows is wrong, he will also turn on the tap immediately before i can scold him. i used to fly into a rage, now i simply wait for him to subside then take him through the thought process of keeping his arms to his sides instead of waving them around, cups on flat surfaces etc etc. to prevent a spill next time.

just tap the ones sitting on the designated seats and say 'excuse me but i m pregnant and really tired today, may i have this seat?'
used to work for me.
wolfberries. C1 eats them dried.
Dd: *hugs*... Ya, hope things will get better for all of us soon. I think being consistent in our disciplining methods will help. Just be firm in what we have to do. Jia you!

thanks for the kitchen rolls! yup see you on fri
can you let me know if my iherb order is a big bag worth?

i'm going to try poppy on wolfberries!!
your bag is not too big. no worries.

i will pass to bbp okie?

Re iherb
the final consolidated amt for the following mummies

PB - 82.61
Cin - 132.81
DD - 14.24
Cellow - 61.87

let me know when transfer done.

trx ref 7120620261

i got the wolfberries idea from a HK colleague. she sat next to me in a training session and was munching on them. it was a lightbulb moment for me... i always thought of them as things that you add to soups or teas.....
Wolfberries will make c1's already-big eyes nice and sparkly too! We love wolfberries

Those places that sell dried fruit n nuts usually have them too
Everyone hiding indoors to escape the heat today?

Haiz... Must tell you all about my neighbour. There's a little boy who stays there sometimes. He looks about 4-5. He seems to be a relatively good boy cos the front door and gate are always open and we've never seen him run out. But it's disturbing sometimes cos we see him going down the stairs on his on in his school uniform, so obviously on his way to school, and no adult in a hurry to race after him. He stays on the 3rd floor and below our block is a very busy post office filled with oh I don't know, STRANGERS?

Sometimes his parents follow him down the stairs but just let him walk all the way and cross the rod by himself without any effort to chase him to hold his hand at the traffic light.

He really can't be more than 5. It's disturbing. Sometimes when I see him downstairs waiting I want to wait with him but hey, if his family doesn't care....

Sheesh. I'm all for independance but there's a fine line between trusting your child and bochupness
once every few months, i search for this video on youtube. i think it's amazing. such sporting friends and relatives, such a cool sweet couple... each time i see it, i smile, but today, i actually cried. hey you pregnancy hormones, what are you doing to me!


hey it seems that today is going to be a PB vs PB day!

hi PB how are you
fine PB how are you?
ok la, but super sleepy
yeah me too
yeah nap
one thing abt wolfberries. According to my mum, it is slightly harder to digest. So dont be surprised if you see that they come out in one piece or red small pieces in their poo!!
Pb: ha ha ha... You so funny! looks like your emotional fluctuations have set in! Hope you are ok? I can kopi with lah if you want!
I always buy the wolf berries when I'm in HK.
There is this shop that sells all the nuts, dried fruits n stuff. If I'm not wrong, they r organic n the price is quite cheap.
The wolf berries r very sweet n looks nicer then some I've seen in the shops.
I give them to the kids like raisins n they love it.
Me too! My HK friend is going back, I'll ask her to buy for me!

You're asking a pregnant woman to la kopi with you? Isn't that a criminal offence? Lol. No need la, I'm ok. Was tearing and thinking "what the heck is happening to me?!". Haha.

Ohhh want to share this yummy recipe with you girls. It's a big hit with poppy:

Chicken breasts, cut into strips, seasoned with a sprinkle of cajun, black pepper, oregano and basil (dried)
Fry with bit of butter
When half done, add in sliced mushrooms (I used shitake, about 3)

Serve with side of steamed broccoli and mashed potato. Super yummy. I usually bake the chicken instead (then you just add olive oil when marinating) but wanted to try with mushrooms and they'll sure go dry in the oven right?

I know dec and soph are big mushroom fans. Can try!!
Ooh, sounds good. Maybe I'll try that the next time I have to bring some lunch out.

Where is your workplace anyway? Was wondering if you may actually be working near Mr bp's workplace.
Pinkb - when u inviting bean over for a meal? Heehee

Sy - can u bring my stuff along into yr car? I m at training at spore yacht club till after lunch..mb I swing by yr office after to pick up? Will SMS u oki.
Any time

Craft sessions
Was actually thinking of ressurecting weekly craft sessions at my place if anyone is interested. Def weekday, prob about 5, then dinner after at cafe nearby. It's better now that the kids are older and have been more exposed to glues and paints etc

Umm just wondering what your kids are learning in sch. We used to get weekly emails from the teachers re curriculum but it's suddenly stopped. We get irregular notes though thru the comm book and the latest one said, "today we sorted colours and poppy knew red, blue, green and yellow. Great job poppy!".

I don't mean to sound like a yaya papaya but... Our kids are 3. Shouldn't they have known this for months, even up to a year already?

Lately she's been telling me she doesn't want to go to sch, wants to stay home everyday. At first I thought it was baby related. But now I think it could be that she doesn't really feel challenged enough. On one hand she'll be in N2 next year and it'll be more challenging then right? But it's the same kids who will move up with her ie the teachers may continue with the not so challenging curriculum

Alamak. A proper kindy would do the trick I think. But that'd mean I'd only have 2 hours to do all my work in one day? Gasp

Hmmm I rarely get anything on the comm book but the teachers do send us email weekly, telling us what they learn during the week plus what they're going to learn next week.

Time flies so fast and it is now Term 4 - the last term that your children will be in Nursery One!
They will be encountering a lot of new challenges in the weeks to come but all of them are more mature now to meet these challenges head on. With your support, they will surpass anything with flying colours.

This week, the children learnt about the letter and sound of /m/ with the Alphabet Zoo character Mama Monkey. They listened to a story about a magician and they decorated their very own magic wands. They have been playing with magnets in Science, too, and it was great to see the amazement in their eyes every time they discovered an object or a surface that the magnet got attracted to. They had learnt to differentiate metallic from non-metallic materials and had begun to describe some objects with regards to what they were made of - like the bear counter being made of plastic or the door being made of wood. We had also been talking about the things they do before coming to school and had used a book to learn more about the order of events in the story. This term also introduced the themes of Farm and Pond to the children. We had decorated our theme board with the grass that they cut last term and they are very excited to fill the board up with different animals that they will be doing in the coming weeks. They started this week by making their pigs using paper plates and painting it either pink or brown.

Next week, the children will be learning about the letter and sound of /u/ and continue with our topic on ordering events. For more details, please consult the calendar that has been given to the children for weeks 1 to 5.

Emma is a very picky eater, but your recipe sounds good. I'll try that at home. Hope she'll likes it.
u will be surprised. remember i shared a long time back that MOE guidelines says that kids at 4 years old only need to know 1-10?? i was shocked. but u will be surprised. maybe we do make effort in teaching our kids so they know more. but for some parents who really are too busy or too tired to teach, their kids dunno even the abc.

my fren whose kid is same age as ours ever ask me whether jx knows her alphabets. she said hers dun. my colleague whose son is almost 4 told me the teacher gave feedback that her son cannot recog his alphabets. on teacher told me before that teachers have to pitch at the average level. so if our kids know more, they may feel bored and less challenged. maybe poppy suits montessori style. progress at own pace....

re lunch at vivo
see u gals later....i hope cellow can manage her stuff. it's really not small. :p

jh going for his first taekwando grading this sun!! qutie excited. he started lessons about 3 weeks ago. so far so good but lazy to practice. as the grading session is very very early, i think my hb most likely won't go. but i do wan him to go cos it's jh's first grading. even though it's the least of all grading, i still feel that it's impt. but it's really early and we have to reach the sports hall at 8.10am latest so not much high hopes.

jx is a picky eater too. everyday she just wants fish and vege with her rice. nothing else! dun even bother trying new stuff with her.....

bbp, cin
sorry din see your msg till today...
i m prepared. i will bring my backpack.
i do weekly runs to the supermarket with my trusty backpack, and last week brought home one pumpkin, plus 2 rock melons with assorted other fruits, veggies and 2 trays of meat.
another time, i backpacked 3 coconuts.
gee, i do sound like my PT job is coolie ya.

hmm. i havent been monitoring C1 as much as you do poppy, pb. i m not even sure if the monthly curriculum i used to receive via email has stopped coming in, since i hardly check personal email nowadays.

sd, that is an impressive piece of parent commn!

C1 acted up last night and for the past few nights. takes one hour and more to get to sleep. overtired and cranky. he needs his sleep and his english teacher says he has been tossing and turning for 1h50min of their designated 2h naptime, before falling asleep for 10mins....! then have to wake up again for afternoon activities.
also for 2 days, he has been telling me during bedtime "i tell police to catch you, i call them already". wonder which (un)lovely classmate taught him that.... anyway i put it down in commn book to let the teachers know he might have possibly picked it up fm another child, and asked them nicely to reinforce the message to the children that police are there to protect us, not catch us. yes i cannot control what other children say to C1, but at least let the teachers know and mitigate the effects of undue fear of police!!!!
at least there's something JX likes. Emma is different from day to day so we're racking our brains on what to cook daily...She'll take any soup, but for meat, it depends on her mood.

LOLs I saw your FB status and the comments hahahah.

About the police thingy. I hate it when people used it to scare children. In Indo everyone use either police or ghost. I told my helper firmly that those two words can't be used at all.
oh my......hee all mummies are like coolies....and we tot men do that hard work...

yeah jx is pretty consistent....haha for soup, she will ask us soup we cook everyday and we will tell her soup only. cos the few times that we say pork soup or chicken soup, she will say she dun wan. so we learnt and always tell her soup only!

she really likes fish. i realise that if it's fish soup or soup made with ikan bilis, she tends to say it's nice.....
Oh so funny. Today poppy insisted it was saturday so no need to go to sch

Agree with cellow. That is such a comprehensive update. And they're doing such nice things. Poppy's school's crafts also always the same kind. If I were the kids I also feel sian.

And 2 teachers to 23 kids is really too much.

Bb and I have unanimously decided that poppy will continue at current sch till end of nov then take dec off cos we'll be away anyway, then start new sch in Jan. A real kindy near our house. It'll be lesser time for me but I figured I was going to reschedule my classes anyway when I'm heavily preg+when baby is really small, so a 3hour sch day would be perfect.

Breathe in and out, PB, everything will work out.

Wow fish and veg and rice is really healthy loh!

4 years old? 1-10? And yet at 7 in Pri 1 they have problem sums and need to be able to write in sentences? So between 5 and 7 they go through some sort of magical tunnel of brain zapping or what? Sheesh

I remember you also lugged loads of fruit up the plane on a trip back to kuching once! Super fruity coolie you.

Yay congrats on clearing the pregnancy scare. Next time remember, tissue is not that expensive, no need to share share like that ok? Kekekke
This is the name I got from the packing 蛋卷专门店 - 绍香园
Not very accurate cos I think the words r in traditional Chinese but my iPad doesn't have.

They have a few outlets I think. The hotel I stay at Langham Place has this shop at the basement near the MTR entrance so I always just buy there. It's very near the Ladies street.

u will be surprised. according to MOE guidelines (again), kids at primary 1 need only learn how to add up to 40! my kid at 5 is adding way beyond that already. i did check with my fren on pri syllabus and they said that the sums dun extend beyond 40...phew.

i think the big jump is not from kindy to pri 1. it's pri 1 - pri 2 - pri 3.....

btw thanks for the lip balm. i wan to tell u that it is really good. usually i m quite sensitive to lip balm and a lot of commercial lip balms makes my lips peel instead! even the not so cheap ones. and the one that u made dun! so i m very happy with it. when this bottle runs out, can i buy from u?

dor dor
sounds like a cake shop. it sells herbal stuff or also other stuff?
