(2008/07) July 2008

i have another space that acts like a storeroom. cannot put as much stuff but we make do with it. we have shelving there so just stack as much stuff as we can.

can your MIL and her mother combine one room? seems weird that in the end your bb got no room when it's your place!

i know what u mean. tat's why i told my maid must open the door to sleep but she still close the door until only a small vent. cos the back is very windy and she scared of the cold. if not, u corner a small place for her in living room.
oh no...the headache strikes again.. been pressing my temples real hard for the past few hours... how do you all get rid of yours..

together with the heartburn... productivity gone down the drain...
i dunno dragon brand is really good but so far the one i bought taste not too sweet, concentrated and within my budget plus i'm really lousy in the kitchen so i just stick to the "safer" choice

you're right!! but it's really not up to me to tell them what to do coz husband kept quiet whenever i brought up the topic. MIL offered to have baby cot put in her room sleep with her. What can i say?! sometimes when the hormonal imbalance strike, really regret getting pregnant even before husband and his family willing to compromise! but i'm not getting younger so bo bian... have to think for myself first. just pray that after baby born they will love baby enough to want to make sacrifices themselves willingly...
ref: headaches / migraines
can try these few methods which work for me:

1. drink more water
2. have a sweet or eat something
3. cold shower / cold towel wipe face and press slightly on eyes
heehee stephanie,
since ur mil volunteer to bunk in with baby, then let her try. NB will wake up frequently for feeds, and i'm sure she will be disturbed. hahaha then maybe she will gv up the room?
i have no complaints abt my MIL. she's really unlike the traditional MIL and she helps me with most of the housechores :p so i really don't want to "torture" her. also she's working now.

then again, never under-estimate the older folks. they need much lesser sleep than us!!! hehee...

i'm quite ashamed with saying this but can i just ask whether is it normal for me to feel possessive with my child tho not born yet? if born liao dunno how .. :p
Sorry do1nk, reply to SY:
(I cock eye see wrongly :p )

you're right!! but it's really not up to me to tell them what to do coz husband kept quiet whenever i brought up the topic. MIL offered to have baby cot put in her room sleep with her. What can i say?! sometimes when the hormonal imbalance strike, really regret getting pregnant even before husband and his family willing to compromise! but i'm not getting younger so bo bian... have to think for myself first. just pray that after baby born they will love baby enough to want to make sacrifices themselves willingly...
why are u ashamed to feel possessive? I tot its quite natural for a 1st time mum to feel this way.
Or did u exhibit any extreme behaviour that u feel very paiseh abt?
thanks for your advise.

the doc don dare to give me any. afraid that it might affect the baby.
so he advise better ask gynae as he is specialist in this.

I am really pretty worried. as the doc did mention if the itch goes to my nipples, i may not be able to breast feed my baby.
oh my....
dont know leh that time in need of non-underwired bra then go buy at Maternity House together with Maternity pants. Save $ no need to buy normal underwired bra. Just wear Nursing bra throughout? heh.

Re BirdNest
I also think so that Dragon brand less feathers. That time i bought the 6 bottles type and also the concentrated bottles. I normally eat from the concentrated bottle. 1 bottle (abt 2x the size of normal small one) full of bird nest i think 40-50+? Cant really remember. Not bad but its not supposed to eat 1 whole bottle at a time. Its by teaspoon and finish in a wk preferably.

Lucky for me I have 2 more spare rooms. We corner one area as additional room so total 4rooms. So 1 room, no aircon will be for BB and the one with aircon for my mother to zzzzz if she stayed over. But earlier on during confinment, i will put BB in my room so that we can attend asap. But I really dont want to zzzz with husb because he is SNORRING. I cannot stand noise when i sleep. Ever since I get pregnant, he was sleeping in his own computer rm hehehee. with a mattress on the floor. sound poor thing but i'm even poor thing if i zzzzz with him. I will go in and out of zzz because of his snore. then rest of the day i will be in hot temper. no good for me n bb :p But that means during confinment, must sleep with husb? *faint*

As for MIL, dont cannot bear with BB in their room because she already offer her room. otherwise, put bb in yr own room? rearrange furniture. at least ve MIL to help look after BB and can come back see BB lor.

i am going to put BB at mum place and then that means i only get to see BB 3-4x per wk nia. and with the travelling etc, sure tired one. ZZZZZzzz
it is natural for a mum to feel possesive abt her kids. even now, my hb says i m possesive over my boy. i can't stand it when my boy ask for my maid too often..haha. but i m trying to let go more cos going to have #2. cannot expect #1 to only stick to me.

hmm, how come your hb doesn't want to talk to them abt this topic of sharing room? is there a reason why your MIL doesn't want to share room with her mother? bb stuff can take up quite a bit of space. are you planning to let bb sleep with u then?

u know, this funny situation u have is not unique. my SIL stays with my IL. they will be moving to their new place soon. the weird thing is, my SIL and her hb will take one room, my MIL will take one room and my FIL will take the last room. so next time my SIL's kids have no room. i did mention before how come the situtaion is so weird. My MIL also said the bb can share room with her. then i said yah, like my neighbour whose MIL share with the bb and maid. my MIL immediately said she dun want the maid in the room. anyway my hb told me not to comment too much in case my IL wan to come to stay with us..haha

maybe u try to talk to your hb separately on this? still have abt 6 months to go...

your itch sounds really bad. maybe u do a search on internet to see whether got any pregnancy website got any remedies or any recommendations for lotions or medicine that can help? that way, u r better informed on what are the medicines that are suitable.
yes, those skin creams might be danger to pregnant mothers so thats why its good to be cautioned. Thats why told u to see gynae instead.
ya he said can drink up to 12 cups! But then he also added ‘not everyone will, and not everyday’. According to him, it’s supposedly safe. Funny, he seems to give quite differing advice from many other gynaes. Maybe cos he’s not that old and maybe more liberal? I dunno. I just follow the stuff that seems ‘right’ to me hehe.

Tummy cream = stretch mark cream? I’m using on tummy. ON about the diapers. Better buy while promo is on! Thanks for the tip!

Itchy nippes
Ya the areola part (correct spelling or not? All return to Bio teacher liao hehe). I think it’s become darker and bigger. I never quite noticed.

Sleeping on left
Not that it’s better or what but it’s supposed to be more comfortable cos your heart no need to work so hard I think.

Did you say that your MIL’s mum stays with you? Wow!

Read somewhere that hot air helps so before popping panadol (again, gynae says ok but in moderation), can try turning on the hair dryer. Apparently it will relax the muscles or something then not so tense = not so headachy. But I think I read in some woman’s magazine so dunno whether can trust or not.

Birds nest
Sorry but the ‘raw’ birds nest can get from any medical hall kind is it? How much is too much? I’m taking brands now and it’s so nice :D but I heard that brands put more ‘stabiliser’ to make the birds nest look more plump. But it apparently doesn’t have any effect on us. Eu yan sang is supposed to be more natural. *shrug*

tailbone and backside cramps
ok so far everyone i talk to who's had a baby does not know about this and nobody believes me. in first trimester i got this alot. then it went away and today i felt it again. my tailbone will feel very sng and then for a few seconds my butt will kena cramp :S anyone feel this too? or is it really my imagination!

some say maybe it's just joints loosening. but it's a super funny thing to experience!
Hi all,

This is my first pregnancy. I'm into my 14 weeks and I'm experiencing insomnia. I sleep for about 2-4 hours, wake up to go washroom, and can't get back to sleep. And i'm like a zombie the next day!!!! Does it happen to anyone else?

zzzzzzzzzzzz Thanks so much.
Oh no, today my tummy starts to itch. its the left side of the tummy. *faint* think must start to put tummy cream or what. really not sure if i shld put horse oil. *blur mode*

I dont have cramps leh. before pregnant, i will have tight joints (kneecap). lack of lubricant so tt time take glucosamine. and i still so young. wapiang eh. then after pregnant they said joints will be loose etc so now my joints also not tight. PHEW.

but i have backside aching when i sleep for too long. and i dont face insomnia. PHEWWWWWWWWWW. heartburn & vomiting are ENOUGH!
Hi Karen,
Yar. Me too. Headache and no sleep..... But now, I don't go washroom so often as before.

I had pain in my buttocks before for a few days before it went away.I read it somewhere it could be due to the foetus pressing on the nerve. However I'm not sure if that's the case or not. But I will feel my stomach stretching pain lor.
Maybe can stock up for 1st mth lor but depends on ur bb's growth also if ur bb big size n grow alot during 1st mth might outgrow the NB size.
Last time confinement must take opportunity to go out for a breather at least once a week ma so will go NTUC to replenish stocks lor hahaha.

Actually I think heard before they say bottled birdnest not good cos u dunno the quality of the birdnest n also the sugar level is higher. But bottled ones more convinent ma...hehe

Its common lah. U feel possesive over ur own flesh n blood wat. Like me my mil is not working n stays in the same block as me but I rather quit my job n be my son's sole caretaker as I dun think I will be able to take it if he becomes closer to someone else other then me.

Sleeping on left
If I remember correctly its becos of some major blood vessel or something to the same effect lah. SLeep on left won't press on any major body parts so will be better won't cut off blood flow or oxygen flow to bb something like that...hehe
But I know when in 3rd tri not supposed to sleep on our backs liao cos bb's weight will be pressing on us not good.
rain and karen
take heart. i had bad insomnia during my first trimester (at night cannot sleep, day time so sleepy at work!) but now it's much better. now i sleep almost through the night *touch wood*

don't know if it's stretching or what but sometimes i feel it's quite hard.

oh mummies, last weekend i was at suntec. perfect mum got sale. bought a top at about 30 plus. can wear up to full term. happening. very wu hua like that hehe
ya my maid sleeps in the living room. normally we will go back to our rooms at 10pm lor, so she can sleeps then.

however, sometimes my hb wanna watch cable tv in living room and it's getting late, we will ask her to sleep too..

she wakes up 6am (she's the 1st one to wake up) so it's not so inconvenient.
sleeping on the left:

when i attended antenatal classes at KKH, the guy who taught us how to exercise said that it's best to sleep on the left cos major blood vessels located mostly on the left side and something like to promote smooth blood flow. however, he added there's still no evidence to proof on that. so sleeping on left or right does not matter.

bird nest:
i bought the 'raw' one but cleaned liao, no feathers. and i will boil it myself with slow cooker for 1.5 hours. i prefer that cos i can control the sweetness and sometimes i can add things i like for eg Pao Sheng or cordyceps.
Sept03 Bride:
Nope, i haven't done anything mean towards my in-laws. I always have smiling face for them for the past 2 yrs we've been staying together. it's just that when she offered to put baby cot in her room, i was so negatively affected that i couldn't sleep the whole night. Like what Dor_dor and SY said, won't feel nice should my child feel closer to MIL than me. I saw how kids cry when their mummy take them away from gong gong / ah mah... wow.. dunno how i'll feel if i'm the mummy. heard from my friends... not a nice feeling esp when the kid cry at night want to look for ah mah.

I really am clueless why mother & daughter can't share 1 room. maybe the rooms are quite small. my mum told me not to say anything to the in-laws in case i offend them and that i shd let husband talk to his mum but seems like he'd rather move to a bigger place than talk to his mum despite the fact that we love our current place. MAN!!! It's really nice and comforting hearing kind words from you ladies. I've been talking to the wall when i talk to the husband abt this issue even before i was pregnant... Your hubby is sooo "understanding".. lucky you hehe...

the nipple cream i bought from watson is actually meant for breast feeding mums. it says no need to wipe off even before breastfeeding. there's only 1 brand i saw in watson, maybe you wanna take a look. that's why i bought it coz now tested it, i can continues using after baby is born.

Hi Karen... i've had the same problem as you for the past 2 months... even last night, i woke up every 2 hours to pee and now i can't work .. that's why chatting here :p
Ref: Backaches

anyone feeling backaches already?! it's bad esp when i sleep on my sides. now still can sleep on my back so bearable. i'm worried... dunno is it backache or some more serious problem

MIL staying with me is not unusual.. husband is only child and FIL not ard liao... but the best part is her mum also staying with us! haha...

then again, becoz of them.. my house is VERY VERY CLEAN! hehehe... ;)
oic Steph.
But i think not to worry abt bb not close to u. Just spend time with your baby and i think it should be okie.
Oh yes, ur mum is correct abt asking your HB to take the initiative to ask his mum to share rooms. It will not be nice for u to bring it up.
morning gals !!

ok so the topic is birdnest and staying with In laws ?

my MIL ask me not to take canned birdnest cos she is wary of the source and quality of the birdnest. She rather buy it raw and cook it herself.

Some mothers may feel possesive over their child which is very normal. That why I bring my child home everyday unless I have to work very late, I leave her with my mum. But becos I sleep with her every late, she is very close to me. but day time she stick to my mum.


when you sleep on the sides, make sure the leg touching the bed is straight. You shld not curl up your whole body, that will cause backache.
morning, mummies!

I sometimes feel a sharp pain in the abdomen when I stand up... hope it's nothing serious but juz some muscles stretching?

stephanie, how about the little baby sleeping with you in your room? I guess for those of us staying wiv in-laws, it's all about giving and taking.. look on the bright side, like you said, your house is spick and span, and you have an extra pair of hands and eyes to help take care of the baby..
hehehe topic on in laws very sianz one. the issue has been on going for GENERATIONS hahaha

anyway, unless one bring up her own kids, then just be mentally prepared that the kid will be sticky to the care taker, be it maid, MIL, mother etc. What to do right? I already 'see open liaoz' even b4 bb is born. If really so worry, then dont work, stay at home to take care of kid. Then bb wont be so sticky to other pple. but can control for how long? next time kid also will grow big. then have friends to stick to, gf/bf to stick to. the cycle just continues.

Do u think stock up 5-6packets (58pcs per pack) of the NB size is ok or a bit risky that bb will outgrow them? because i have no idea how many bb will change per day and how long it will last.

hmn now wondering if japanese bb sizing abt the same as sg bb? hmn...

Re Birdnest
Why cook birdnest must cook 1.5hr? wapiang i dont have slow cooker. so i must go n get slow cooker too?

i still like to curl up n zzzzzz. although when i sleep on my right, i try to make sure my legs are bend and back is straight. but v tough. and i like to bend my right leg and put it over the left leg. Qiao er lang Dui hehe

Today morning i vomit out Yellow bitter liquid. Whats that? First time bitter liquid. Yucksss

could be ligament stretching for your growing womb. shld be ok lah.


as i say if bb sleep with u at nite, she/he will be close to you also. Not just the caretaker. that why I insist in bringing my child home everyday.

and dont need to stock up so much diaper. initally will change a lot of diaper cos bb poo very very frequently.

it's also good to get slow cooker now. when ur bb is 6-7 mths old, u need slow cooker to cook porridge for them also.

i think you vomited the gastric juice leh. u hungry ah ?
reg rms... now my first child sleep w me... i insist. hehe cos the only rm left is where maid is sleepin lor...

now this second one i still dun know how... if sleep w us, i think sure wake my son up... how ah?
hmm stocking up of NB diapers, i think i will probably just get 1-2 packets of Mamypoko NB diapers. They hv this die-cut at the umbilical cord area which i tot is good.

For #1, i used huggies when my boy's umbilical cord just dropped off. I found blood at the belly button the next morning. Apparently i think the diapers kinda rubbed the umbilical cord constantly, hence the bleeding. I was worried man.
we shifted #1 into his own room. But his dad is currently bunking in with him. I also scared tat #2 cries will wake #1, so decided to move him to his own room earlier
*sigh* I had a bad headache from sunday to monday, took 4 panadols liowz then recover. Then Tues my ger vomit and diarrhea
....super tiring taking care of her.
Ya lor...cny coming but like not much mood....sianz.

Re: Newborn diapers
None of u all planning to use cloth one? Hehe, me planning to use cloth diapers...otherwise NB diapers xiong like siao...cos if BF babies poo like 8x a day!
sept_03, my 1st one also got blood one time we change the diaper... then we realise is he go and move abt to causing the diaper to rub the part.

then we try tummy binder, he can move until the binder move up and become a mini bra! hahahhahahaa
Sept 03 Bride,
me also headache now...my #1 sleep in the bb cot in our room. Thinking of moving her out but dont wish for her to sleep with maid when maid comes...cos i dont want her to get too sticky with maid...headache now
sept_03, my prob is his own room now maid is sleepin inside. then she do ironing there too.

i scare my maid again got prob makin him sleep. cos last time he used to sleep in his own rm n then in the middle of nite, he cry, maid will carry him besides her to sleep which I dun like. then dun create conflict so I excuse say I wan to move #1 to my own rm cos miss him. then I also dun wan last min bring him back to his own rm cos like v bad... new one come stay w us n he out like tat.

celeste_blur, my first one didn't use nappies when new born as no 1 helps us and my mum say it better to use disposable as no need to dry. she also commented that there will be too much washing too since one day must use so many...
alot of work leh to use cloth diapers..still need to wash.Dun wanna tire my mum out who will be helping me to look after #1 and this NB.
Or u wanna contemplate to move the maid to another pl then ur ger take over her room? Is ur ger a light sleeper?

my HB freaked out lor when he saw the blood. He was so angry that he banned Huggies diapers from tat day on. Haha
do1nk & Jang:
you're so right! in-laws stories never ending one. i think i'm very fortunate liao having understanding and helpful MIL. baby will sleep with me but husband will have to sleep in living room if baby wakes him up too often in the nights :p bo bian lor... he has to sacrifice something if he wants to be filial son and grandson. hopefully baby will grow up to be filial to us too
Ya....my mom also told me now must start to move #1 to own room liowz. Cannot when #2 come home that day u ask #1 move out he/she will sure dislike the younger sibling one cos like kenna snatched things. Tats y me having headache as to let my #1 sleep with maid or by herself. If by herself then I sleep my bedroom door cannot close also but then got maid around so if dont close like no privacy also...sianz...donno wat to do.

Me that time after confinement also I take care myself...then everyday use washing machine to wash the nappies...and I bought like 40+pcs *lol*
last time my son sleeps at midnite! as my maid say he cannot sleep one... so in the end i took over and let him sleep in the playpen in my own room. when he cries now (not often), I just pat him to sleep. never feed him or anything. my maid use to tell me he might be hungry which is not true now.

her method is wrong as now my nephew (4 yrs old) still wake up for milk feed...? think she thot is this way cos my mum taught her.
Sept03 Bride,
Ya...cloth diapers a lot of work...but i heart pain the $ also...so rather use washing machine...otherwise every 8pc of disposable, 1 mth == about 240pcs which is wah...cannot imagine how much $ *lol*
I was thinking of letting maid take 1 room and my ger the other room but then like that cannot close bedroom door...headache over the privacy thingy
celeste blur,
u hv a baby monitor?
perhaps u can use that? My fren loaned me a Philips bb monitor, quite good. I can even hear my boy snoring at the next door.
is it advisable to take so many panadols? have you seen a doctor? take care...

i also feel sharp pain on right side of tummy when i stood up yesterday!! 1st time.. got a shock and sat back down. luckily lbt said only ligament stretch :p

will try out the sleeping posture you mentioned tonight... if i can get to sleep first hehe.. yawnzzzz.... lunch time soon... need to nap... zzzz
aiyah i also got same problem. where to put #1 and #2 ?
ideally all bunk in with me will be the best but room space is limited.

so dunno yet and I dun want #1 to bunk in same room as maid !

i dont use cloth nappies cos v troublesome to wash and need time to dry. and I cant expect my mum to do the cooking and still wash nappies .. ahah she will go crazy.

if those using cloth nappies, need to get NappySan from those chinese medical hall to wash the nappies. It is to get rid of the urine and poo poo.

Sept 03 Bride,
Ya hor....baby monitor sounds gd! But must train my ger to be willing to sleep by herself behind closed doors. Will try to look for it. Anyone noes when is the next Philips carnival?

Ya, I asked my gynae he said panadol is harmless to bb one
