(2008/07) July 2008

thanks! i will check out ERO!

coincidently i was just at city plaza last night. only had time to walk 1st and 2nd floor then they closing liao. got a few wholesale shops (like bangkok kind) but maternity shop i only saw one. and it was only half a shop. the other half selling normal clothes. but i bought a dress at city plaza though. not maternity kind. $35 for babydoll dress

must avoid sesame oil? oh no! i love it! almost everything i cook, i will add it :S jialat

your mummy miss you la, is it? kiddy palace got a few branches. i know parkway got one. and marina. hope your MS gets better soon. mine seems to be, but after most meals i feel a bit uncomfortable. i wonder if it's just out of habit cos i threw up so much in 1st trimester. try to see what it is that makes you throw up then avoid it. for me, it's too spicy, and too oily food

raw food
my mum also say better not eat. cos you don't know how fresh it is, and if not really fresh, got bacteria. and now we are more sensitive to bacteria. but lucky i also don't like.

'baby haversack'
today went to check out some strollers. wah biang. so ex. anyone going to buy baby bjorn 'baby haversack'? i don't know the real name la. like got 2 straps you carry like haversack kind then your baby is in front of you

06 07 08
hey it just occured to me that all of us are likely to give birth on this happening date hor?

dental appointment
went to dentist today. he said during pregnancy got higher chance of getting teeth problems. better go for regular check soon because if not we will be too bigh then uncomfortable to sit for so long

not sure if i have asked this before... anyone has done/intending to do stuff to their hair? colour/straighten/perm or whatever? my stylist said it's safe, but i'm wondering if it's just cos she wants my business. gynae said better to be natural things then do.
U mean bb carrier is it??
I use the ergo cos use the hips to support not so heavy on the shoulders n back. Never tried bb bjorn before.

kiddy palace is at a lot of shopping malls. Where do u stay ? then we can tell you where is the nearest branch.

i think you are referring to changing table. Ikea does have one. BUt i prefer to put bb on my bed for easy changing. COs bb may outgrow the changing table and cant use. And it can be quite dangerous cos the bb will roll off the table ?

anyway it is a personal choice.

oh and thanks for the diaper link ! i dont know abt this website and the diapers are cheap leh !

if u want to buy now, can stalk up on newborn or S size lah. Else I think this kind of promotion will come back again.
you're still having MS? poor thing, mine has stopped and now I just love to eat. but later must start to control diet cos may have diebeties.
i think so? but she also always like to scold. think parents all like this. next time also end up like this haha. i can only eat mostly non-oily, no garlic, no spicy food. as little taste as possible. gosh i have lost 4kg but i'm overweight so now only overweight 1kg.

ya lo. so sianzzzzzzz. I thought its getting better but for me, these few days getting worse *faint*

I stay near bk merah area. so Ikea quite near. i think i need to ask my mum again if she wants that type of table. but she was commenting that her friend complaining of backache because have to go down on the mattress (on floor) and come out again.

diapers......not sure abt the promo because its for the new Japanese diaper. so maybe now they r trying to push that brand, thus give discount. is this site really generally cheaper? i ve no idea because not yet buy diaper. what brand is good for newborn? they said must buy expensive ones for newborns because of delicate skin. but quite waste of $$$ if bb poo everyday for many many times?

Re Hair
I only get rid of > 5inches of hair when i find out pregnant. then no head/neck massage while washing hair. and i dont do any highlight etc. i think they will be absorbed into the hair, might also go into body but little amt. however, i think if really give a choice, do highlight shld be ok but perm/rebonding might not be good. first perm is put the soln onto the hair, and even touching scalp. its v strong because it so itchy i cannot stand since i've sensitive skin. i went kimage to do. so not cheap soln. as for rebonding, the chemical also strong plus have to sit inside for so long to inhale all the hair pdt chemicals, i think better dont do ba? somemore pregnant liao rarely go out to hiao, no need to spend $ on rebonding. hehehehe. but my comment on rebonding is because i never done it. i have FLAT thin hair so rebonding is never my cup of tea. but for me, i wont do any hair treatment etc at salon for this time being. save $ save worries

Re Ice cream
can eat ice cream? i am going to hokkaido fair later at isetan. wanted to eat the ice cream but not sure can eat anot since got raw egg white....... aiyeaaaaaaaaa
ya i think it's safer not to rebond or perm or colour your hair at this time..

does ice cream contain raw egg whites? yikes..been eating quite a lot of ice cream actually..
Hi mummies,

Was reading up about cordlife & stemcord.. anyone of you have signed up or are thinking of signing up for it?
i got check ergo out! thanks!

can give the website again? the diaper one? ice cream makes me vomit cos of milk content but some pregnancy books recommend it leh.

changing table
we're going to get from ikea. changing table and cot. coincidently just today, we thought about where to put it! funny, i just never thought about changing on the bed/mattress hehe. just got to make sure watch the baby or else like someone said, wait roll off!

cordlife and stemcord
sorry a bit blur, haven't really gone into this.

what to wear to sleep
i think someone asked this a long time ago. alot of my clothes are too short now cos of bigger stomach. so husband's t-shirts are the best. thought watch movie can stylo stylo wear his work shirts to sleep. kena scolding. 'siao ah you wear this to sleep then i wear what to work?'. bleah -_-

oh u r at Bukit Merah. Guess the nearest Kiddy palace should be Marina Sq for u.
Refer to http://www.kiddypalace.com.sg/locations.html

I put my bb on my bed during changing. Then wont cause backache.

Dont change bb in the cot cos you have to constantly bend over your back. I dont do it on mattress on the floor for the same reason.

But when bb is bigger and know how to crawl, just have to be very careful when putting them on our bed.

i check out the website, and it is cheaper not for that Jap brand only. I am using huggies now.

for newborn, recommended shld be pampers. It's VERy ex but for bb, guess we have no choice. yes the reason being they have delicate skin so want to protect as much as possible.

They do poo almost during every feed. That's normal for BF baby. But the poo frequency will reduce as they grow older. I think i change to NEPIA S when my bb was abt 3 mths old then progress to Mamy Poko and now Huggies. Huggies' design is high cut at the thigh so easier for my gal to crawl and walk.

do1nk, i eat a lot of ice cream too !! cant stand the temptation leh ..


the website is www.diapers.com.sg.
I am going to order NOW ! hehehe

as for sleep suit, I can still wear my t shirt leh .. cos i usually dont wear very tight one to sleep. but i did wear my hubby t shirt when my tummy was big the other time.

i did not opt for storing of my cord blood.

I think these two companies are quite similar and both give very competitive prices. If you want, you can sign up during their roadshow cos they give good discounts I heard.
helo morning.

yest went isetan. so cham. went out vomit. i dont know abt others MS but i vomit is vomit my whole meal out. so thats why i lost so much weight. husb complaining that i'm not getting enough nutrients and then BB dont have enough. @A&#^A@&*&#@#!

Re Bra Extension
isetan wacoal sells 2 at $5.90 or $6.20 for 2 hooks and price differ because of the width. then triump sell 1 pc at $3.90.

earlier on I bought from Ergo i think? The bra shop at West Mall level1. The extension is like $2.10 or $2.50 if i rem clearly

Re: Bra Cups for nursing bra
I bought from Triump. 1 set at $7.50. Can wash. I went to Pigeon etc at level 4 isetan scotts but they only sell the disposable ones over there. Wacoal also sells the bra cup (full cup) and its at $10+. I prefer Triump because of the bra cup finishing surface.

Re Diapers
Then mummies, for newborns, buy which type better leh? I think i stock up in Feb. a bit Kiasu but hmn bb still need diapers right? hehehhehee. shld get Pampers Diaper Dry or Bb Active? WHy so many types one? Then when will BB go up to 6kg++?

Re: Ice cream
Hokkaido ice cream at isetan only with milk and sugar etc. No egg whites. The melon is nice but of course, eat at Hokkaido the melon taste is much stronger. Tsktsk

Re Sleep Suit
I still wear my normal pyjamas leh. No prob. Because they are loose cotton type. My fav hehheee.

Re Cord Blood
when will they have roadshow?
my maid does household chores as well. in the morning, she is expected to clean the house and do the laundry before bb wakes up. so she usually gets up at 6 to do these things. when bb gets older, must also tell her to clean all the toys every morning. we make her do it with a bit of dettol. i know she never clean all every morning but also close one eye lar.

in the day when bb is sleeping, she will prepare the things for dinner. last time when bb is small, during the time when bb sleep, she will clean our room and toilets. now that bb is older, the time is usually spent either preparing the food or clearning.

during weekends, we do more major stuff like clearning the kitchen etc. my maid also cook dinner everyday. she will cook when i reach home.

i agree that cannot give them too little to do. they will get used to it. before my bb came, she really had nothing to do and always end up sleeping. think it took her some time to adjust to the new schedule.

yup, will be ard 17 weeks when i next visit Dr Han. i also dun wear bra at home when i sleep. other times i do wear.

think detailed scan shd be able to tell the gender. for my first one, the gender was confirmed during detailed scan.

i also been puking more cos of my cough and blocked nose. so sian

your auntie's maid so good life one? so weird. it's like getting a maid but not using them.

for newborn diapers, i like either nepia or pampers premium. the last round i stocked up abt 5 packets and used it up in about a month!
wow so many posts...

Jang, they say they wan the kids to get together so that session (if your kids r in) they sure have to go thru but they can dun sing. so not really sure whether all the songs tok abt christianity la.

tokin abt yu sheng, I also never eat last yr as I just gave birth ;p then this yr also had to give it a miss or else my hb nags.
Hi Mummies,

Went for my NT scan last sat, risk is 1:3590, should be ok ba..(touch wood).

Also bb is now 5.9cm at 13 weeks..

Hopefully my MS will go off soon.
still having headaches too, and yes Rain, it's part of being preggie too, I think..

thought my MS was over too, til I felt sick again last nite..

read that we are supposed to get heartburn in the 2nd/3rd trimester..means we'll be having this all throughout our pregnancy? *faint*

congrats 3D..little baby growing
Hi Mummies,
i just went for my OSCAR last sat too. don't know the result yet. hopefully everything will be ok. =)

my bb is 7cm at 13 weeks. looks like quite big hor. when i was doing the ultrasound, the bb's legs looks quite long to me. hehehe
today the forum seems quieter

i also get headaches but dunno is it cos i can't sleep well at night. plus my boy keeps waking up at night as well.
Hi ladies,

I just "found" this forum 4 hours ago and had been reading the postings in the office since then :p

I'm 13 weeks pregnant but so far had little chance to find out what other pregnant ladies are going through. I'm so glad that I found this forum and looking forward to seeking advise from all MTBs & Mummies here
I also can't sleep well since my pregnancy.
Either go up to toilet, then hard to fall asleep. Will toss and turn in bed.

Sometime even cut off my blood circulation of my right body. Will wake up middle of the night, right body limp, then slowly those "sensation" will kick into my arm and leg. Like having cramp in the leg, so very hard to have a good nite sleep now......
Sian lor, today have been vomiting again. OMG. I hate heartburn!

I have no problem to get myself to bed. Very tired and everytime i lie on my bed, i will doze off for an hr or half an hr after meal. at night, need to force myself to sleep before 12am before i vomit again. Sianz. Then I woke up at 7plus and have to pull myself of the bed and quickly go buy my breakfast. Otherwise I will vomit again if I let my stomach go empty for long time.

I'm vomiting so many times that my throat hurts and THERE"S AN APPLE STUCK in my throat all the time!!! MUahhhhhhh

no mood to reply pple at the moment
Welcome to join us, Stephanie.

I don't know whether delivery room at KKH allows us to wear socks or not... Abit scared the mid wife will scold me. They are pretty fierce. :p

I'm quite keen to store my blood cord with either cordlife & stemcord too. But haven't got time to do research on what they are offering, and what the main difference between them. Any finding so far?

I saw them having roadshows at KKH and Babies fair at Expo before. Not sure when are they having it again, but we can look out for those mummy and baby fair/exhibition.

SY, rain,
my headache comes when I'm having meal half way, so every time I have to nap for a while after few spoonful of my lunch/dinner, then continue again.. I took more than 2 hours today to finish my lunch in office today.. So sianz.
During my #1 time, I don't have this headache.. This time is quite bad.

I was discussing with my hubby yesterday on what should the maid does, but before we go into this topic, another problem comes, we have no extra room for my maid!!! I don't wish to let my maid sleep with my kids. Hmn... Headache leh. Got to settle this first.

i agree that cannot give them too little to do. they will get used to it. before my bb came, she really had nothing to do and always end up sleeping. think it took her some time to adjust to the new schedule.

Bra cups for nursing bra? How does it work?
ans qn later hor
just share sthing i listen from radio just now. pregnant mothers are advised NOT to consume caffein drinks like cocoa, coffee, tea etc. It will reduce the blood flow or wat in placenta. WIll also result in the .... xxx (dont want to say the word :p) by dont know 50% or what and all the talk abt 1 cup wont hurt. think better dont lor. the researcher even comment stop consumption 3mths before preparing for pregnancy.
i also have headaches! sometimes until neck very sng also. my colleague bought me origins 'peace of mind' cream to dab at temple area and back of neck. but still no use

what is heartburn like ah? sorry to make you relieve bad memories! actually we checked with gynae about coffee. he said can drink up to 12 cups leh. of course i won't la. i will take one cup maybe once every few days or once a week. but most people say ok la.

wah you have to sleep during meals? then at work how?

anyone taking? my friend said she drank during her second pregnancy but not the first. second baby's complexion nicer than first one. she dare not tell #1. i started drinking yesterday. think one or two bottles a week ba. wah very ex.

'pregnancy for dummies' say sleep on left side is better cos of better blood circulation for you and for baby
ahahaha there's a brand called "GOON"! quite funny! but wah the prices look good! thanks for the recommendation, jang!
mummies, potentially embarrassing question. anyone got itchy nipples? the dark area around. been having on and off since beginning of pregnancy
Think heartburn also heng suay 1 cos I didn;t get it during my 1st preg. Hopefully this time also dun get it.
I think some icecream use raw egg white to make but duno which brand does leh but I was still eating alot of ice cream durin my 1st preg lah this preg dun eat them cos my bb dun like....hahaha

I used to change my bb in his cot at the highest level then won't get backache cos the height jus nice for me. But when he got bigger n I lower the cot then had to change on my bed already.

I think Pampers n Momy Poko will wrte there for Newborn size. Think last time we everyweek will go ntuc n buy the wipes n diapers. Very siong aah heng I was BFing so at least saved money on FM...hehe

I was from Christian pri n sec sch before n I believe the songs they sing in those places will be the same for praising their lord which is christian songs lor.

Actually I am not looking forward to bb kicks esp the hard ones.....hehe
Cos already dun have a good night sleep with #1 with me then if #2 starts kicking when #1 sleeps I dunno how I am ever gonna get any sleep....sigh..

Heartburn is actually the stomach acid flowing up ur throat so u will feel a burning sensation at the back of ur throat or sometimes might be some sour taste(the acid)like coming up when u burp or something.
Normally worse when our tummy is bigger cos the bb occupy too much space that our stomach kanna push up so the acid can flow out easier. Hehe abit hard to explain hope it helps.
hi all..

wah, so many posts over the weekends....

i have been drinking but restricted to 1 cup a day. the diff is i m drinking decaffeinated from Marks and Spencer. i cannot live w.o coffee

KKH midwife very nice leh, or at least the one i met is nice

and maid sleeps where? though mil has a spare room (i stay with ILs) but my maid nv sleeps there cos it's full with 'rubbish' which mil has collected for past few yrs. she's the kind of person that wont throw things and i m the opposite LOLz...

anyway, my ex maid sleeps in the living room with mattress. so the new maid who's coming this Sat would be the same.
Itchy areola is it?? Cos i think its expendins so the skin stretch might feel abit itchy lor. U should have realised its getting bigger n darker right?? Mine was itchy during 1st preg now only very sensitive nipples.

N sometimes when #1 cry I think I will leak abit leh.
Any 2nd or 3rd time mummy also leak aah??

Re Birdnest hor
I dun think it really makes a big diff lah cos it depends on u n hubby genes for bb's skin ma.
But I do eat it cos during preg then ppl will buy for u to eat ma.....hehehhe
My sis 1st preg eat abit of birdnest only her son very fair n got nice skin. 2nd son she ate ALOT but he's very dark skin like dad n hairy complexion okie only.
morning, mummies!

looks like some of us are still getting all that headaches and heartburn and vomitting ah? must tell ourselves to be strong and endure, coz it only means we are producing the right hormones to make our little one grow..so endure endure endure!

welcome Stephanie! I'm currently in my 13th week too! are you a first time mum?

So far, I've only read up on Cordlife (got too tired to check out Stemcord's webby) but it seems many are more pro-Cordlife..let's look out for road shows coz we can shave of a couple of hundreds there..

coffee: my gynae did say one cup per day's ok too, so I take an occasional cup of decaf (which doesn't taste good).. was quite surprised I managed to "wean" off coffee this easily..though I do long for a good strong cuppa when I smell the nice strong aroma..

pinkbunny, your gynae said can drink up to 12 cups?? throughout the whole pregnancy ah?

on the topic of bird's nest, when's the right time to drink this? some say first trimester, others say must wait til 5th month..so many different opinions, so confusing..

no itchy aerolas for me, but an itchy tummy sometimes...
Re Yusheng
Dont eat the fish, ie no fish mixed inside also cannot eat? *pout*

oic, i think sure kids sing along otherwise so left out. but bb i think shouldnt learn how to sing? even if they sing also gong gong but bb is the stage where they absorb things fast.

I read say cannot wear underwired bra. so i went to buy nursing bra. nursing bra doesnt come with bra cup. Its for the disposable bra pad. but now no milk what. so buy those washable bra pad to wear first. then later on just get those washable bra bad to put behind. nursing bra is such that there's a click in front, then just open up and the nipple/bra cup is exposed hehehe.

like burning sensation, sour feeling at the throat. the stomach acid actually flow up from an opening from dont know where.

i didnt know that sleeping is on the left because all along say sleeping on left is bad/strain on heart.

GOON diapers
I think can trust ba since its japanese? I also buy Japanese pads, those Made in Japan and find them good. haha maybe because of the image build by Japanese. but they also have scam cases too.

The discount price IS ONLY UNTIL MTH OF FEB 2008. So now price very attractive. After Feb, launching price will no longer be valid.

Every wk go buy? Buy 1 packet? Then if I order in Feb i must order like 5 or 6 lor all new born is it too much?

Re Coffee
Take coffee can, take decaffeined ones. I dont like to drink coffee now. Actually i am very fussy with my coffee. so if the coffee cannot make it, i feel cheated of my $

Re BirdNest
my mum said can drink now. I also want to drink because i have many pleghm leh. Drink bird nest will reduce them. Last time i drink dont have this prob. As for making bb skin fair etc, i think its in genes, more than skin. Maybe because mum's fair and i'm fair so i believe its genes. my bro also fair

Then my mum said dont drink those bottled ones. Not good. I think she is referring to the quality. She said buy those loose ones and brew ourselves. Thats expensive. I dont know she go n buy also like not well known brand. I said buy from Dragon Brand she said dont want. Mark up by a lot. Tsktsk. But i have 10% discount mahhhhhhh

I dont have itchy aerolas.

Re Tummy cream
anyone starts using it now? I havent use leh. I went to Isetan and the lady seling horse oil said can use it on tummy. Horse oil = 100% horse oil. Oil extracted from Horse's skin. But not sure safe to use anot since no pple do testing etc. But i tried horse oil for burnt, really very good. No scars etc just slowly dried up and peeled off.

Re Maid
I think maid sleep in living room ok. As long as have mattress and pillow provided, is fine. Dont have to give them a room or share room with someone else if no room available etc. Even when there's room available, i wonder how many will give them a room to sleep. Maid room ok lah. but big room? hmnn
when i watch the news ytd, i was abit taken back. I'm so used to having 2 cups of coffee daily, that i'm still doing it now. But i have decided to cut down to 1 cup a day due to the news ytd.

hmm with this pregnancy, i also find my migrane recurring more often. But i'm abit hesistant to take pain killers though.

Re: Cord banking
we bank #1's cord blood with cordlife. But for #2,we should be donating

Re:Sleeping on the left
oh, really sleeping of the left is better?
But when i try to sleep on the left, i feel slightly uncomfy. Still prefer to sleep on my right if not on my back.
my maid sleeps in the bomb shelter cos got enough space for a mattress and some drawers. i also dun like the idea of her sleeping with the kids.

i stored my #1 cord blood with stem cord. can't remember how we decided at that time. think i leave such things to hb.

re bird nest
i dun take a lot and haven started taking yet. i dun think it is true that taking bird nest will make the complexion nicer. in fact, some studies show that they increase the risk of allergies and sensistivity of skin (this is what i heard from frens) so not good to take too much.

in fact, my #1 skin very nice and i only took very little bird nest. i also drink the bottled ones some more...

pink bunny
my nipples itch sometimes also. this time round feel that my nipples seem more sensitive than first time round.

re pampers
for my #1, in the first month we used up abt 5-6 packs. so good to store up.

re maid's room
i think according to regulation, maid supposed to have their own room. but since Sg houses so small, sometimes it is quite difficult to give them own room. but at least give them a room to put their stuff?
bomb shelter can stay inside??? door not close? oh ya i kind if know why cant take bottled becoz the feathers not cleared tt well
ya, EDD is 13th.
actually i don't really know how to count the weeks.always get confused. lost count too many times le...

anyway yesterday didn't go work, BF was sick so stay at home to look after him. also got myself an MC. when to see a GP, he dont dare to prescribe me any medicine or cream. i beg him for the anti-itch pills. still 8 more days to the gynae. oh my. the itch is killing me loh.

you must be feeling very terrible. hope the MS go off soon. i too still haveing MS but only at night. no appetite for dinner. so i try to eat more during lunch and as & when in the office.
however, feeling dizzy these few days. my colleague say i not enough blood. don't know whats wrong.

anyhow, i am going to choose my wedding picture today. excited. but somehow wish that future MIL don't go with us. finding her a bit annoying these few days. haiz.
Hi Qing,

I also have itch problem on my whole body n both legs, than my gyane recom me to bath with cold water no hot water n than use eastman(i check out the spelling let u know tonite) to wash with the whole body it quite gd.

cold water ar? i have been bathing with hot water. oh my. is that "eastman" a shower gel or lotion? i am so going to found the product once you check the spelling. where can we found the product?
I also drink coffee more often for this round... then yesterday news my hb happen to see the shorts and remark "no coffee for you..." then I groan. then he say "once a mth"

for my first many things i restrict myself then later part of preg then i start to drink coffee once a week. then my hb see me ok then allow me to drink now... so sian.

guess i try not to drink so often now... but i never drink tea and gassy drinks now.
Oh if really cannot stand, push forward yr appt? see gynae? otherwise 8more days is long. and err, if my husb fall sick, i wont take care of him lor. later he passed the bugs to me leh? How? tsktsk. I am more concerned abt BB and ME. haha. Somemore yr bf got his family member to take care of. U shld be the last one to take care of him at the moment when he's sick.

nevermind lor Future MIL can give some advice on what pics to get. Maybe she is willing to sponsor some pics? heh

giddy not sure but some time pple feel giddy when blood pressure is low/high? rem to check with yr gynae when u go for appt

Re Coffee/Tea/Coke etc
For those who missed the news


click on the video icon n watch the movie clip
Hi Qing,

Yes shower with cold water not hot water as it irrates your skin cells. Let me check out the spelling tonite than let u know, it a shower gel can get it from watson , pharmacy. it has a nice medical smell dun have to worry abt the smell.

n if it itch dun scratch just pat pat on it or rub against.
the bomb shelter door can be opened one. so we put a fan for her and tlel her not to close the door completely. but she still likes to close the door cos she scared cold.

your itch sounds really bad. how come the doc cannot prescribe u any cream? shd have some that's safe for use in pregnancy right?
curious,..if you turned your bomb shelter into a room, where did you put your things that usually go into a storeroom?

sept03bride, do you know if you can donate your #1's cord blood (that was stored til now) and keep your #2's cord blood instead?
Hi Ladies!

Hi! Yes this is my first pregnancy. Happy, excited, worried, frustrated, lethargic, you know...
but your words are very comforting coz sometimes i worry how's the little one doing in there.

Re: Itchy all over my body - i bought a nipple cream meant for breast-feeding mums at Watson. At least not itching now. i apply johnson & johnson baby lotion every night all over body after shower coz i have dry skin so more susceptible to the itch.

Re: headaches & migraines - i suspect mine caused by lack of my usual cuppa

Re: maid - i'm more worried about where my baby will sleep and where to store all the baby stuff.. haha... 3 rooms in my house - 1 for Me & husband, 1 for MIL and 1 for MIL's mother! bomb shelter fully stuffed with MIL's stuff! that's why can forget about maid and even a confinement lady!

Re: birdnest - I've been buying the Dragon's brand coz I can't cook. they're quite clean and not too sweet. About $45 a bottle .. expensive la but a lot of bird nest compared to the less costly ones. So, only have 1 every other week.

Wah, so early u start wearing nursing bra liao? So the bra cups you mentioned is the washable bra pad, and not those cups that used to collect excessive milk flow?

I mean I take 5-10mins nap in between during my meals. In office, I packed back and eat slowly, naps in between lor. I just can't be bothered about how other people look at me.

Ya lor, I heard most of the midwife are very nice, especially those 'old' ones. But the one I met is quite young, abit unpatience. maybe me 1st time, keep asking her questions before the gynae arrived.

Your maid sleeps in living room huh? So she can only sleeps after all of you went back to your rooms, and wake up before you guys lor? Would it be abit inconvenient for her?

We also got the idea of letting the maid sleeps in the bomb shelter. But my bomb shelter is quite small, ventilation is not good too. My hubby said I'm like bullying the maid. Sigh, what to do? No $$ buy bigger house, yet want to have babies, got to find ways lor.

Re birdnests,
Take in moderation lor. Bottled ones normally too sweet, and not so concentrated. So it's best to cook ourselves. It's very easy, just put them into the slow cooker for two hours will do. But before that we must know where to buy good quality birdnests lor.

Dragon brand is good? My mum normally got from bugis market, she said down there cheaper. But I think those got no brand one.
