(2008/07) July 2008

how many wks are u now?

my ger worst still she likes to fall asleep during BF, suckle for like 10-15mins then Zzz..then she wake up in 1hr time and cry for milk again. Thats y ended up during first 2 mths i latch her as well as give her bottle *sigh*

Wow... guess i'm the only one who have yet to inform my immediate boss abt being pregnant. Hmmm... wonder how to start...

Celeste, out of curiosity, y do u feed ur baby only EBM?
SY, Don't worry, i believe u will b successful in ur 2nd attempt. Like me, for my 1st, i only manage to bf for 2mths as there was no support to continue but pressure instead on the baby not having enough milk, convenient of bottle-feeding, etc. However, when pregnant with my #2, i learnt on the benefits of bf thus i tried and persevere on the obstacles faced and managed to bf my child for 18mths. So, when i hv my #3, bf becomes natural n i bf him for 20mths. Frankly speaking, bf is at all a breeze for every mother, but if you r patient, understand any situation that you might face and also mentally prepared, bf become part of your daily life.
yup, i hope after the first experience, i will have more support. last month, mother and bb mag had this article on bf. told my hb he must read and be more supportive this time. esp the part on giving FM cos scared not enough milk. he will also listen to others and just give in one...

yeah how many weeks are u now. most of us are in the second trimester already so maybe u want to check with your gynae asap on when u doing the test.
Celeste / SY: this week is my 13th week. last check up only 9 weeks. so maybe this week's check up will ask gynae bah...

is it true that it's possible to see baby's gender by now? hehe.. :p

how many kids do u have? 4???

wow wow... i think i stop at 2... can't imagine havin more ley... v taxing mentally physically and $$ hahaha
Jmon, SY,
Thanks for the idea of where to put the maid. Will discuss with my hubby further.

So fast come into the topic of bf already? I must confess that I'm a lousy mother. I didn't get to bf my #1 as I gave up due to lack of support from my family members plus very bad engorgement. I went to hospital and asked for help, the nurse helped me to massage my hard like stones breasts until she gave up too.

However I prepare to mend my mistake and give my #2 full bf this time.

Wow.. for those mummies who bf for months, I really salute you gals. Hopefully after I pop, can learn more from you mummies here.

Err.. To clear blocked dusts, I thought we should use cold cabbage? I mistakenly used hot towel method instead, ended up with very bad engorgement. Regreted that I was not told to use cold cabbages earlier.
Hi all,

I also have the same problem of not getting enough support from parents/ hubby...cos my #1 can't feed herself directly fr my breast so I hv to pump out and bottle-feed her. For the excess, I will hv to store in fridge. So when she want to drink, i will warm it up & gv her. But my parents will comment that the milk is cold fr the fridge then later warm up for bb, is it gd & nutritious for the bb for this method? Haiz...

But frankly, really not easy to breatfeed cos u hv to forgo your beauty sleep and wake-up in the middle of the nite several times to pump out milk or else if dun pump out , breasts will become so sore ,hard & painful...u muz hv the preservance...

hi stephanie,
some people will say can see if bb a boy cos can spot the "little thing" ..heee...but really depends on individual gynae whether they want to disclose a not and if bb is co-operative...but mayb 13 wk is a bit too early ba...i heard is around 15-16 wk...

though cold cabbage is one method but it is not recommended. Heard it will reduce your supply.

to clear blocked ducts, I feel latching bb is the most effective method. If not u have to pump and massage at the same time to clear it. but not all ducts can be clear so easily lah ..


i used to pump at 4am during maternity leave but i stop the nite pump before I go back to work. Need to establish a schedule for me and my bb else I know I will have sleepless nites.
oic then i think bb can only zz with me for 2days nia. hehe. What to do? I live so far from my parents.

I'm going to see gynae this wk. hehehe seeing bb. Yoohoo. Then soon to come, screaming or shouting during labour (hopefully can get to shout/scream) and then bb on my chest hahaha

I'm watching this ch70, House of Babies on cabletv. Today is a 1st time mummy and she's so nervous, she's like sucking bb into her bb! so really learn one thing or two on this. This show is about natural birth. So they can opt for bathTub giving birth or if needed, go to bed to give birth. Then the mid wives have to force open the mummy's legs to prevent her from closing her legs because her body is in a shock mode. but after 2 pushes or so, BB out. wwoow. Another one is where bb facing wrong direction (the position of face/legs are correct but face direction is still not completely correct). so midwife asked mummy to proceed to bed and she turned the bb by touching bb head or so, then BB auto turn and wow soon BB out. midwife say if BB is too big, mummy didnt control her diet, then BB cant turn and in the end will end up go hospital for emergency operation. Then the 'blow blow' action is to prevent vagina from tearing after bb head is out. wow wow.

Then midwife say some mummies, esp 1st time will be ganchiong then they close their eyes n like gek 'sai' (my own term haha) and they caused eyes to be filled with those blood vessels, bloodshot eyes etc. Then err, by right is use the lower body to push etc, and the face expression is like calm etc. Very interesting.

Re BreastFeeding
Luckily my mother has some knowledge and know that BF is good for BB. PHEW. Its good to let mummy watch tv prog so they learn!!!

I already scare of BF and all the talks abt HARD ROCK BREASTS....... horrible
does it mean with MS=girl? Then no MS=boy? How true is it for those who already have 1 kid? heh. I just recalled my mum complaining i'm giving her like whole pregnancy MS and she still vomit when she's going to give birth. Then when she's having my bro (2nd one) she dont have much MS and labour also at ease....... REALLY????
haha thanks lbt, for the informative link.. never realised there were different styles of latching for baby.. when I came to the double styles for those with twins, had to burst out laughing..but solid man! can latch both at the same time.. i wonder if most twin mummies do that..

wah jang.. so you've been watching baby delivery programs lately huh.. I'm actually quite terrified of the process..trying not to think about it till the time approaches...
ya. i've been watching even before pregnant. haha. very "wow". but i dont like Runaway Mom because some are schedule Cesearan then u see the preparation for the operation etc. wa gross man and i normally off the sound or cover the top part in order not to make myself feel disgusted. then if natural labour, i might reduce vol or mute because the Screaminnngggggggg is really horribleeeee~~~~~~~ then some is with epi/some without. Wow wow. But its scary when is saw one mummy keep on sucking her bb in. Because she hold back her breath and instead of breathing out, she do opposite. Wasay, really dangerous for BB
i get back aches too occasionally. could do with posture also. when you sit at computer table try to make sure your elbows are at right angles and your back is straight.

the nipple cream is for what ah? dry nipples is it? today i found out mine not only itchy but got dry skin too
aelora area (i can never spell the word!)

about the tests, i'm going for one on 2 feb. not sure if it's the same but judging by what the other mummies have shared, i think so.

i thought maybe i will use both kinds of diapers. cloth + disposable. but not together la of course. where to buy ah? cloth kind. heard that babies that use cloth kind become toilet trained faster!

must brush teeth at night! i just went to dentist. he said preggy women are more vulnerable to mouth and gum diseases. and 90% of that is because we go to bed with dirty mouth. i use aquafresh toothpaste. not too minty.

if mummy never control diet, baby become too big??!!! jialat. i eat whatever i can keep down leh. and my stomach already quite big. but books say big stomach doesn't necessarily mean big baby leh. alamak.

you so funny, say hi to your girl

ya i also heard about cold cabbage! very funny cos when i asked my friend how to put, she said just put the whole head of cabbage in the fridge then whenever you need, take out leaf by leaf. oh... i thought put the whole cabbage on your boobs... hehe
morning mummies!!
on leave today but can't sleep. got up so early -_-

cramps at night
by the way someone told me the best way for the cramps to ease off when you get them in the middle of the night is to stand up immediately. tried it a few night ago and it really worked!!

pressure on your body
as we get bigger it will be more straining on our backs when we get out of bed. best way is to lie on our sides. eg if we sleep on the left side on the bed, then lie on our left side, use right palm to push body up and at the same time swing legs down the bed. the momentum will make it much easier for us to get up. been doing it and it's good!!

going for holiday so see you all next week!!
Good morning pinkbunny!

So shiok.. can go holiday... taking aeroplne?! Can ar?! i want to go away during CNY but HB says not very safe coz still too early in pregnancy... omg...

anyway, nipple cream is for my itchy nipples lor... if not itchy when outside how to scratch?! so awkward right?! hehe...
then better ask your gynae abt the scan cos u are already 13th week liao.

dun need to feel bad abt not bf #1. family support is really impt. i din really have much family support as well but friends keep advising me what to do etc. also at that time i joined the thread on expressing bm and the mummies all veyr encouraging. if not for them, i think i will have given up. it gets easier as time passes so as long as u can get past the first few weeks, u wil get used to it and it becomes part of daily life. i was actually reluctant to stop!

i used to get up twice a night to pump also. very diligently set my alarm clock to wake me up every 3 hours. when i got back to work, i still wake up once a night to pump. very tiring but looking back, feel that it is worth it. so this time round, will try harder for #2.

u have no other alternatives besides your parents? i also live very far from my parents so i din ask them to help look after though my mum is not working.

hee, u may not scream or shout during labor cos u already so distracted by the pain and the contractions. it's nothign like those drama shows i feel.

it is not true abt the MS. some pple have it different way. for me, when i had my boy i had MS also. this time round also got. but dunno boy or gal yet

yesterday i got really bad gastric pain on my way home. then still got to stand on the bus and no one gave up a seat. sigh.... dunno why but yesterday was realy bad
good morning mummies.

wah shiok leh. go holiday... me long time never go liao...

i think after 3 mth, it shd be safe to take plane le. have to check with your gynae.

my sil's MS was terrible, she was suffering from it for 4.5mths. and her 1st bb is a girl. now she is preggy with #2 and she does not have MS at all.

for my case, i did not have MS when i was having my boy. i also dont have any MS for this pregnancy.

and my colleague, who's going to due in Mar, she's having a boy and her MS is terrible too..

so i guess depends on individual leh.. not very accurate that if no MS=boy, having MS=girl.

the CH 70 must subscribe one is it? whole channel on pregnany and babies?!

my HB's friend had MS thru out her pregnancy and gave birth to a boy... so there you are... what your mum said not true.. hehehe..

must keep good dental hygiene and have enough calcium intake. my MIL says last time she ever see pregnant woman's teeth drop coz didn't keep proper dental care and not enough calcium. hehe.. bo ghay :p i laughed when i heard... but not laughing matter leh...


i came across some articles that say baby's gender is determined around this time so i curious... hehe.. i want boy, HB want girl... we got side bets! hehehe... :p
poor SY.. why you got gastric pain? didn't eat is it? my office is full of biscuits, fruits, titbits,3-in-1 Milo. i discovered that i get very bad MS when i'm hungry so i stock up :p

but nowadays reallly not many kind and civic minded people on the roads
sometimes i feel like asking them were they born from their mothers' tummy ...

is your tummy showing yet?! mine still not yet.. so maybe they don't know you're pregnant?!
dun use the cold cabbage. I think it will reduce your supply leh. My MIL say cold cabbage is used to stop supply. I was very stubborn, refused to listen to her and used cold cabbage. And true enough, my MS was never estabilished. Beta to use a hot towel instead.
i din feel that hungry in the afternoon plus i had a pretty full lunch so was quite surprised i got the gastric attack. first time for this pregnancy.

yeah i always wonder how these pple will feel if next time their wives pregnant or they themselves pregnant and no one gives them a seat.

yup, my tummy actually can see liao. got once, this nice lady on the train signal me to take a seat when someone got off the train. i think even if pple know, they also act blur sometimes.

how come u wan boy and your hb wan gal? so cute one. does your IL/parents have any preference?
Jang, wow the channel seems informative but try not to watch too much birth process n frighten u...

not all preg is the same just keep yr best to be calm.

I have MS when i have my first one - son
now I hvae more MS but still dunno gender.

actually 12 wks can know the gender is the bb is v co-operative ;p
tummy showing:
mine still have not shown yet. but luckily i dont have to squeeze with pple in public transport to go to work..

you are welcome !

yes the football hold position is recommended for mummies with twins.

i tried both position in the hospital for fun ahaha cos that time still not much milk and just let my gal suck suck to simulate milk.


actually when u push, you shld not produce any sound cos if u do, then we are pushing the wrong way. I was reminded by the nurse many times when I do the "gek sai" action and gave out a huge "mmmmmmmmmmm" hehehe u get what I mean ??

so u r right, shld push from below but i was on epi so cant feel anything down there !

so if the gynae see that u r sucking the bb in, they will use vacuum lor.

btw hor,... i dont know if u r right, I have MS for my 1st and I really got a gal. But this time I have no MS at all. hmmmm ... but I dont think it's 100% true lah .. still depends on the hormonal changes in the mummy's body and how she react to it ... ya ?


my tummy was obvious but no one gave up seat to me also .... heng I dont take public transport everyday else I cant tahan standing for so long.

if you take public transport often then have to be strong lor.. bo bian one.. like MM Lee said... for our society to be gracious will take another 20 years! you shd see people driving luxurious cars like BWM or Merc.. you'd usually expect them to be more cultured and well-mannered ... NOTTTT! hahah...

usually man want sons right? haha.. i prefer son coz i don't think i can be a good mother to a daughter. i'm quite chor-lorh (unladylike) and i grew up in a predominantly male environment. HB says girls are better coz most are closer to their parents even after they get married.

actually we all just pray baby is healthy and normal. the boy-girl preference is just for fun
those are not drama shows le. They are LIVE video of mummies to be, with BB inside and then the process and out come the BB on their chest! But the mummies mostly ang mohs hehehhe. So angmoh/black (sorry forget the other term for this) scream more loud? haha

Ya lo no other alternativs unless child care. But that means we must rush home before 7pm to bring back bb. Then FIL is working and he is far from us too. Basically, we are stuck in bet in laws and my parents place. haha

Btw, FIL has hypatitis dont know what so i'm a bit worried too. I think BB can only see him after he go for the jab. Better to be safe than sorry hor? I'm thinking of asking husb to not let FIL hug/carry/kiss bb first until he has the jab. Because i think hypatitis can be transmitted from human fluids. Not sure if its air borne thought but i think not.Does anyone else has this prob?

If u take Digital cable box, ch69 (asian fd channel), 70 (home n entertainment i think) plus a few other channels will be FOC. so quite worth it lor!!! Ch70 has babies (giving birth), makeup, proposal, bringing bb home (how 1st time parents cope with their newborns) etc. Ch69 is abt cooking and food. also have sg variety inside. Japan, Taiwan, China, Australia etc

Har? Teeth DROPPED?? Opps. I will cry man. OMG. I must try my best to brush my teeth at night. Last time i always brush but now everytime I brush, i vomit the juice out. wasay. Machiam no brush.

Ohhhhh the midwife is right! she's located at Miami i think. Wasay, if i am in angmoh country, i will go find her. Like so steady and so experienced.

U mentioned abt cramps n standing up. What cramps? ie Location. Wa so good going for holidays

Re MS=gf, No MS=boy
Seem like this is busted! NO real MS rule hehhee.

Re football hold position
This one also recommend for mummies that dont want to carry bb weight right? like those after cesearan.

Re Cabbage
u guys mentioned abt cabbage is to consume it?
the cabbage is to be placed on the breasts.

is your FIL a carrier? even if he takes the jab now, does it help? not very sure. maybe u shd ask your gynae abt it. your gynae shd have some knowledge.

yeah got no choice cos i can't wait for my hb everyday to pick me up. he leaves work only after 7pm and if i wait for him i can onyl reach home earliest at 8pm. will be starving by then.

no leh, my hb also likes gals...

no worries lah, the midwives here are also v experienced mah !

eh cabbage is for use to remove the block ducts in ur breasts, not to eat lah haaha

put the whole cabbage in fridge and remove leaf by leaf when you need it.

eh rgd your FIL .. err personally I wont let any affected with Hep B to touch my bb. Anyway we need to let our bb take the 6-in-1 jab which includes Hep B if I recall correctly. But then again, newborns are still weak in immunity so gotta play safe.

check with your PD abt this.

Btw if u go for ante natal class, they shows such birth videos also .. and ang moh was featured as well. Probably they are more daring than asians

oh and hor I have the Digital cable set and I dont have access to Ch 70 . It is not free leh.
oh is it. I forget liao. I think i take the Family Plus. hahaha. So forgetful. Paisei. Dont know add $8 or $12. but we dont have soccer so still okay (but still exp la)

BabyTV also cannot let bb see right? Because Bb eyes not yet developed before they are 1 or 3yrs old i think. Not v good for eyes

Ya lor FIL is with Hep. I think its B. He go for jab also no use because he already carrier liaoz. jabs are for those that are not positive for Hep B. Ya better check with gynae. Wondering if i shld check when husb go with me this sat or when i go alone leh? hahhaaa. becoz if gynae said ok, then i also say 'to be safe, dont lah'. hahaha How?
ya i'm in 2nd trimester liao and apparently it's the best time to travel. i also asked gynae to give me a letter for airport guys just in case.

aiyah only a small getaway for us la. 2hours+ flight only. phew. in march we have to make a bigger trip to see my husband's family :S not looking forward to the long flight!

cabbage is old wives tale la. to put on breast if engorged and very painful. also dunno if true or not. but very funny the way you asked hehe

cramps-calf cramps. i always get calf only at night. then stand up once i get it and it will go away lor. as opposed to husband massaging. will still be pain one if massage

i'm going to lombok! it's like bali but less touristy and a bit cheaper. come back then tell you all how it is ok? now best time for all of us to travel!!
maternity leave
for anyone who is as blur as me... i checked with HR yesterday and we can take 2 months in one go, either before or after birth. of course most people take after la. and the 3rd month, i'm not sure if all companies offer this flexibility too but i get to choose if i want to take it one shot immediately after the 2 months or if i want to spread it over the next 6 months. e.g. work 3 days a week for 6 months or something.

dunno. haven't decided yet

yes that what most companies practice. it's mandatory to take 2 full months in ago. 3rd mth is up to u to plan.
Good morning mummies!

For ur info, i'm a FTWM with 3 kids. My eldest is in P6, #2 in P2 and youngest in P1. I am currently 16wks preggie with my #4. Actually, i do not expect this pregnancy, due to #kids and age, but when my children heard abt it, they r thrilled since it is quite some time since there is a baby in the House! For my hubby, he is the happiest person, he wants more children since he came from family of 2!

Jang - MS
I do not have MS for all my kids including this one. Currently, i hv 2 girls and 1 boy. Thus, i dont think the theory is true.

Pinkbunny - Holiday
Do enjoy ur trip n keep us updated. Not to worry abt flights as i don't think it will affect the baby as long as u r physically & mentally fit. My gynae said so, thats y for the past 3mths, i've been flying to KL, Chennai, Japan & just 2wks came back frm Hong Kong.

Maternity Leave
3mths straight / 2mths first - it all depends on the company. For me personally, i will take after n in 1 shot. This way, i hv more time to regenerate my energy to face the work pressure. That also means, i can hv 2mths of direct latching n 1mth to slowly introduce bottle-feedg to my baby.
3rd mth is for company/staff to arrange how to plan. whether company is ok to have employee MIA for 3mths or thr last 3rd mth to be seperated into days/wks. As long as claimed within 6mths is accepted by govt.

i thought its to be consumed when i was reading jan thread! then i read here doesnt seem to be. but isnt it amazing that just *put* cabbage alone can stop the flow. waaaaaaaa i thought its to eat then will stop milk flow.

oh cramps on calf. i dont know i just continue to lie on bed and go 'argk argk argk' when i have cramps. my cramps are that the toes will get pushed down. now dont have. before pregnancy. then after that i will stretch the area.

why so happening ah? march still go pay in law a visit ah. hehe.

if i want to buy bengawa solo egg rolls etc, do i have to book now or just buy later? will it go out of stock?

seaweed not kelp hor? seaweed shld be okay if u are over 1st trimester because its to clean body too, not as much as kelp though. but i ate few slices when i ate ramen earlier. however i vomit it out after that. body reject
cramps at night
It really works? I will try the next time i have it.

hiv testing
Is it compulsory now? Well, it was already 6yrs since my last pregnancy n during that time, it was only an option. Now, not so sure.
maternity leave:

for my company, if take 3mths, it's only 84days incl. PH & weekends.

so i took my 1st 2 mths (8 weeks) at one go and spread the final 4 weeks (4x7=28 days) w/i the 6 mths.

so 1 week i only work for 3days hehehe...
cos my in-laws stay so far away, we hardly meet. lucky in a way. but my 'resources' (in terms of babysitters!) cut by half! we only see them once a year. but this year go once when preggie, then they come over for baby baptism then christmas we go over again. siong!!

you try the next time you get a cramp. it really works! much faster too

thanks. i hope can keh keh ask for upgrade hehe
really? 4 weeks is 4 x 7? i thought it's maybe 4 x 5, cos i work 5 day week? dunno how they count also. must check. feel like taking more days some more. like no pay leave. dunno if can or not. will talk to my boss after i come back la

apparently in first trimester the baby has its own food source (the "yolk" or something). but now that that is gone, it will start taking food from us so better start watching what we eat ok?
ya correct 4 x 5 = 20 days. hahaha... forgot abt it LOLzzz

for my company, i need to apply no-pay leave way before i give birth. but i think i cannot be a SAHM.. i will go crazy :p
Hi Jang...

I m now 14 weeks so shld be okie to take seaweed hor?? Those tibits type of seaweed i m refering to. Btw wat is kelp??
channel 70 sounds very interesting. is it a free channel?
i once watched this program on discovery. they show you the growth of baby in your tummy. the whole program has only 3 epis. but i only watch a bit here and there.

my friend told me that there is this store that sell cheap baby stuff. i have yet to check that place out. pretty far from my house.
Baby's Hyperstore Pte Ltd
69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Ind Pk Singapore 417947
Tel : 6844 1123

when do u intend to control your diet?

Like u, i have also have good appetite now and is also most likely to get diabetes since i got it for my 1st and 2nd pregnancy.

my gynae has advised that i shd start controlling my diet now but i find it so hard.
haha jang and pinkbunny.. are you first time mummies too? I was trying to picture myself rolling a big ball of cabbage across my breasts kekeke.. long ago when someone said to use a hard boil egg on my bruise, I thought she meant mashing it up and smearing it on! haha *blush*

but jokes aside, wonder how a cold cabbage leaf would help ease engorgement (other than the cool temperature?) or how it can even stop milk supply??

took the train to work today, and my tummy's showing already.. stood right in front of this guy sitting.. he peered at my preggie magazine, widen his eyes, then throughout the whole trip kept meddling with his HP and didn't dare look up at all til he reached! found him somewhat amusing.. no longer expect to be offered a seat anyway.. it's good to stand and burn some calories too.. haha

Sheila, about the HIV testing, I think you can choose to opt out if you insist, I was asking the nurse about the form I had to sign, and she said some people will not wanna test for it, but the hospital has the responsibility to make them aware that this is encouraged, and signing the form shows that you have been informed about this test..

As for the 2mth+spread out vs 3mth straight maternity leave, I've not decided too.. any idea if we can say do 2.5months.. and spread the rest?
about gestational diabetes, I read dat we discover it only from week 20.. is that right? so meaning from now til then, we won't know if we will get it or not? so best to eat carefully now to avoid getting it?

Qing, about baby hyperstore, not all things are cheaper there.. I guess for strollers and car seats, they have more variety, but price wise, can be cheaper when places like robinsons have sales I heard.. but no harm paying a visit and browsing through..you may find something you really like?

do1nk, Sheila

if I am not wrong HIV testing is mandate by the Govt. Have to test leh . Check with you gynae again.

Cos when you admit for delivery, the hospital require this test result.
