(2008/07) July 2008

Actually when labour starts everything will juz go rite? No need to scare or what....cos u will blurblur juz get thru it. Thats wat happened to me *lol*...mabbe cos i was high on luffing gas at the later stage thats y i blurblur get thru it...heheh...somemore my ger was 3.36kg woh and I am only 1.58m in height! haha

if you have other choice, try to see if parents/in-laws or any relatives can help u take care anot? For me, maid is last resort. As for myanmar maids, mine is coming in Feb. I will let u noe if they are good. But again, I feel that getting gd maids is dependent on luck. And installing camera might help cos you will noe if they are lying to u.

not so scary lah....cos when u feel the labour pain, the cutting on the V is like ant bite to me *lol*
I still remember when gynae burst my water bag, I ask him is labour as painful as this. He told me this is only 1% pain as compared to labour....scared me *lol*

I also could get down to walk after delivering when I recover from my luffing gas high *lol*. Think it was bout 2-3 hrs after delivery then I got down to walk. Not say painful, cos I only took painkillers once then never take liowz
Re : Food
I think most impt is avoid pineapples, mutton and sesame oil (chicken rice). Mutton is I heard bb might get fits. Pineapples is I heard bb will get asthma. Sesame oil is bb will get jaundice quite bad.
re food
my mum had a lot of mutton soup when she had me and my sis. we turn out fine leh.

re labor
i also found the luffing gas very high. couldnt take it. and it din help me. the epi was a life saver though....i remembered feeling so high from the luffing gas...

actually the cut is nothing one. i dun even feel a thing when my gynae was sewing me cos i was just looking at bb. my hb was the one who couldn't bear to look.
hahaha ya lor just eat lor... if i dont get to eat wat i want, i will 'depress'. i also ate a few slices of salmon sushi but hb did not know kekeke...
I also donno...i juz kiasi...so far i follow all these...everything turn out well...*touch wood*
. Like my ger only got slight jaundice, cos i got steal a bit of chicken rice...hehe...but she does not need to be hospitalised.

I think "steal" a bit to eat can lah...but dont overeat
jang, i also stay bukit merah. i been to zion babies too but in the end, I didn't enrol my bb. then they open this zion kids, i go n the gal actually still recognise me... but i hesistate as it seems like a christian group which i m not n my hb like not so like. cos they will have those singing of christian songs for all children on a wkday. it my religion la. other than tat, it rather ok.
my next visit is 30th Jan. still got 2 more weeks lehz.

salad can eat but not always.

anyway, can we start eating raw food?
like salmon?
my boy also got jaundice that time but no need to hospitalised. i take quite a bit of sesame oil leh. when i cook fish porridge, i will marinate the rice with a bit of sesame oil. when i steam fish i also will put.

my next visit is also 30th Jan.

different gynaes will tell u different things. some say ok to eat raw food but i dun.
i'm also thinking of getting a maid for my 2nd one..let mi know ok, how is your myanmar maid when she started working for u? Now my 1st is taken care by my own parents and they have told me that they dun hv the energy to take care the 2nd one liao..then my in-laws are working..haiz..think no choice i hv to hire a maid this time, but i really dun like another person staying w mi...so furstrated..& also scared hire a cunning or lazy maid...

I also having craving for raw foods like salmon..now thinking of sakae sushi oredi..haa..
can't eat too much chicken rice ah...oh no, thats my favourite too...think muz cut down now....
put fish porridge all these ok. what i heard is chicken rice got the most sesame oil one. Thats why my mom ask me to avoid

for ur case u get a maid to help ur parents then they can jaga maid for u
i read somwhere its due to the blood cells thing in bb. then on bk mentioned dont cut cord when its jumping etc. cut when its calm where bb will be prepared to take in air by himself/herself

wow i didnt know that but they wont teach bb sing christian songs ba??? why teach christian songs......... v young expose bb to their religion. thats not my religion too. my bro went to methodist sch in sec sch but ok never get converted. i went to church b4 never get converted. but my friend did. i think it really depends on one stand in their religion etc but small age expose to kids i will b worried man

tear better than cut cut ba??? not sure of city plaza wat i heard was toa payoh. how's yr rash?

ohhhhhhh ahh the way inside. i already return my female reproductive organ to bio teacher haha.

Re Maid
i think must install camera at kitchen where water etc r placed, toilet where bathing of bb take place, nusery rm, living rm then rest of the place locked so no need to install. but shld or shldnt tell maid ah? some tell maid is to let them koe and work within that compound

aiyo today my mother called me n cried man....... she v hot temper like me too but also can cry when watch movies etc. she said i didnt go back home aft moving out n my bro also moving out soon next yr aft marriage. none of us will be near her since she's at west? 1hr+ journey by car 35min? i'm working frm mon-sun like tt so didnt do n see her. think so far only 3x after 1yr but talk over phone.

plus i think she reaching menopause soon so emotional. then tell her later got grandchild let her take care lo so i think even if she complain etc also must REN n let her take care of bb. hope bb will b gd n easy to take care. *pray*
i think cut is better than tear. cut is at least neater. tear the edges will be jagged right.

i have a camera at home. actually it is more for deterrant purpose. my camera is in living room and bb room. my maid knows abt the camera. i think it is not quite right not to let them know as it is also invading privacy right?

somehow i think when we treat maids, we must also be fair to them. they are also human beings and have their own emotions. if my employer has a camera installed without telling me, i wd feel quite upset when i learn abt it.

you getting your mum to care for your bb? nowadays bb are very different from their time. must adjust expectations. they are certainly more active than our generation.
my friends ask me go city plaze there buy baby doll dress... they said there cheap but i not sure leh ...maybe will drop by see see

Yes, city plaza sell lots of bb dolls tops and i have gotta mine at 15 bucks nia.. think they are all for "bi fa" so can sell so cheap.
i think both also equal bad lehz.
it is necessary for it to either tear or to cut?
does anyone of you mummies go thru labour smoothly?

still as bad lehz.
my colleague advise me to soak in seawater.
don know will work or not.

ya loh.
that day i went for my photo shoot, the make up artiste told me to go city plaza. got a lot of baby doll dress, fashionable ones la. on the 4th and 5th floor. she say it is cheaper there than shopping centre. i might also drop by there somewhere end of this month. but not very sure how to go.
Celeste Blur,
My mum is taking care of #1 now. I don't think she can handle two babies at the same time. Since my mum staying with me, she can help me to jaga the maid. My concern is the same as glitter, not comfortable with an outsider staying with me. Our privacy sure gone, moreover if the maid is cunning one, worst.

Dor dor,
Oh the ache will disappear by 2nd trimester? Hmn... I really want the time pass faster so that I will be in mid of 2nd tri soon, then the ache & MS will all dissapear!! And, can go shopping too. Now thinking of getting new clothes for CNY, but always got no mood to walk out of the house... Sianz.

Laughing gas
It's useful to me though I don't feel 'very high' despite I inhaled quite a lot. When the contraction came in every 1 min interval, I was practically inhaled non-stop, didn't want to take away the gas mask.
But the side effect is my head was spinning for quite a while after deliver.

Bra extension
The extension has no use when come to growing cup size right? Actually our cup size should have grown bigger now, think it's still better to get new bra. But must find cheap bras lor, as they will still continue to grow.

We are allowed to wear socks during delivery huh? Aiyoo, I didn't know that. That time after delivery, the midwife didn't clean for me my feets. So the blood stains my feets, it takes few days to wash away.

hmm.. ok lor, 4-5 tops with 2 pants.
Some from those shop that sell bb doll tops and some from maternity shop, there are a couple of maternity shops.
Nearest MRT is Paya lebar station but have to walk 15 mins.
seawater might have microrgasm that might aggigate yr skin. maybe wash with salt water. but what type of rash? is it watery or bubbly one? there'r many types of rashes. otherwise go see gynae n take cream.

blood stains need few days to wash? wa. i think its good to wear socks because one bk said after delivery, mummy temperature will fall and then will be very cold. so wearing socks is good.

ya i think so. but will be wkend parents. so wkday will go n pay bb visit also. i think my bro n i also v active when we are young. somemore just one age gap. i even always play matchsticks, stuck them in the sand and sing 'happy birthday' hahaa so i think if she can handle me (she said i'm difficult to take care) then hopefully bb is no prob. i am not going to get those bb walker etc so i dont think shld be must of a problem.

but ya lo. but seem like a lot of cases are found where maids dont know abt camera presence n they add rubbish (like menses blood!!!) into drinking water etc. some of them not educated so even if u are v good to them, they will listen to their friends etc and then find ways of making their lives better (ie make boss treat them nice etc). but of course, there are also nice ones. so really depends on luck. some u are v good to them, they also climb over head while some will be grateful etc. So really very hard to say.
3Ds family
paya lebar?
thats near my house.
oh my.
i didnt even know.

i don think my breast has grown bigger lehz. it looks the same for me. but got new bra very ex lehz. also dont know can wear for how long. i think i might be getting nursing bras if it start getting bigger.
they should be more comfortable than normal bras ba.
my friend advise not to wear normal bra with underwired. especially when the tummy is bigger. as the baby kicks, it gets really painful.and you wont even wanna wear bra.
i also don kwon what rashes this is.
it is not watery nor bubbly lehz.

my legs start itch by itself then when i start scratching. the scar is one dot one dot red red one.
its not 3D,floaty one right? I think u further aggrevate yr skin after u scratch it. and slightly pat instead of scratch to ease the itch. i think it will go off if u dont scratch (if its not floating and just red dot like blood). otherwise go see a gynae n take cream. when u scratch yr infected area, wash yr hand. some rashes are infectious. they will spread from one part to another.many types of rashes. but cream, a lot pregnant ladies must be careful when applying.

i didnt wear bra when i'm home. i cannot stand the stretch although i already have extension. aiyea. sianz. everytime i wear, i will make the vomit action.
i think in some cases, some mothers dun need to tear or cut but most do. anyway it's not as bad as u tot. i was terrified of it as well but u really dun feel much of it at that moment. it's more of the after that then u feel the slight pain.

dun be afraid. not that bad one.

when i first wanted to get a maid, hb din wan cos he also feels that no more privacy. but most maids are quite zi dong one. they will stay in their room when they finish the chores. and u will get used to it after a while. u dun really keep facing each other.

i do get new bras but sometimes i just use the bra extensions. cos dun wan to spend too much also.

i sleep in aircon and also never wear socks. the food that u take will be quite heaty during confinement month as well.

the stories abt bad maids always get around but no one will tell u good maid stories one.

my mum had maids for so many years and so far none of those things happen. i had my maid for 2 years already and so far so good. of cos have those common problems like attitude, doesn't clean well etc but as long as she takes care of my boy well, i can tolerate.

my mum used to tell me to leave my boy with her but i refused. i veyr bu she de one. even the few times when my maid was sick or we were sick and i had to leave my boy with her (think only 2 times) i cried when i go home after work and never see him. but i got 3G phone so i always use it to call my dad to see him.

i think it's also our expectations when we let grandparents care for the kids. a lot of grandparents tend to give in to the child and the child gets quite spoiled. i have seen this happen to a lot of my frens' kids. my fren even quarrel with her mum over it but not much use so her son became very hard to discipline. so must really set some house rules lor even if it's your own parents.

i got those normal bras without underwire ones. abt 20+ each. last time i got one at only 10+. quite good. i dun like those nursing bras actually. if u really want a good one, think it will be quite ex.
Hi Qing,

I also had rashes in the intial pregnancy at the sides of my hips. It is the very very itchy type. It appears as one dot one dot type, then the more you scratch the tinty dots join together and become big spots. Try not to scratch it, put calamine or something to soothe it.

My rashes are gone for now, but the patch of red still remains. The skin also like very dry there and wrinkly.

I suppose it is due to some hormonal changes. Try seeking your gynae advice as some preggy woman do get them.

think they will not teach but they say (last time i went to infant centre to look), every mon they will have this singing session. it like a morn assembly. but it all christian songs. she say not compulsory for my child to sing along though but he needs to attend cos everyone will gather together. my hb also dun wan him to expose so young n v funny cos not our religion. he also dun understand.

regardin mum, i think once u give yr bb to her, think she be too bz to bother abt other things. last time my mum also v paranoid abt me not gettin married. then later my sis give birth she also so bz n now her temper seem ok liao.

seem me ease to know someone is suffering the same Symptoms. but at least urs ease off.
i couldn't resist but to scratch it. then later regret doing so. but it is really shiok when you are scratching loh.

like what Jang mention, it has seem to spread to my hands. now my shoulder is very itchy. morevoer, my office building is recently undergoing major renovation. everywhere is very dusty and dirty. and the building will only be completed by 2nd qtr this year.
fast reply .... not feeling well today. sianz.

I just remember i have one such event too but thats before my pregnancy. long time ago. actually my skin v sensitive so all sorts of rashes i've encounter. that time mine is on legs and then slowly spread up the lower thighs. itchy etc. the tapioca remedy is for 3D, not watery kind of rashes. i must see then can say. That time my doc said that its (red dot rash) due to touching dirty water etc then never wash off in time, then spread. the cream prescribed is also different from those watery/3D rashes. so u might see it spreading. maybe u shld go n see gynae earlier to take cream if u cannot stand. otherwise, there's a chance of it further spreading since it has go to yr shoulder. do u wear short/sleeveless and go n scratch yr shoulder? You should stop scratching. like i said, either pat it or if u really want, pinch it but never never scratch it because it will only make it more itchy and unbearable. otherwise use a cotton butt and rub it over the surface.

even when doc give u cream to apply, use cotton butt or hand but wash it or change the butt when u are applying diff area and dont try to spread outside the area where there's no rashes.

so far, i'm lucky because the GP i've been since young know how to differentiate & give correct medicine/cream.
Me too got pimples...
did u apply any cream? my gf also hv it she will be deliver her bb this coming Feb she said she ask the doctor they said is ok de after give birth will go off... but i dun kn how ture is it

in delivery room it is not as strict as operating theatre. so can wear socks and it is recommended by Mt A.
Haven't grown bigger yet? Guess in few weeks time ba, your breasts will grow bigger, they'll get harder and quite uncomfortable at times, especially with the existing bras.
Ya, I prefer not to wear bras at home.

Actually my skin is quite dry, the blood stain sticks to my dry feets for quite sometimes before I knew it, thus it's harder to clean lor.

Does your maid handles other household chores as well besides babysits your boy? My hubby and I were discussing, if the maid only takes care of baby, then she would be very 'free' as most of the time baby will be sleeping. When they are too free, they might becomes lazy.
for me no rashes, but face breaking out in pimples..and skin on my face peeling too i look so terrible

hey, quite a few of us having next visits on 30 jan.. SY, Qing and me! I'll be 15 wks then, you two should be 17 wks?..wonder if can see BB's gender or not..

my bra seems to be tighter too now, so got the extensions and bought some non-wired bras and tube bras..is it normal to feel urr..cramps on breasts sometimes too? haha not sure if it was my sleeping position or what.. sleeping also getting more uncomfortable..can't find a comfy position to lie down..

for those of you who dun wear bras at home, guess you guys are staying alone wiv no parents or in-laws around?? thought we should still wear for support?
thanks for your advise.
when i am not scratching i beat it until red red. now, my legs not only have rash but also blue black all over loh.... really very ugly. so sad.

i am staying in macpherson area.

i also don wear bra at home. but i have not notice that it is growing bigger lehz.
anyway it has been very uncomfortable since pregnancy start. especially the nipples part. super sensitive loh.

i think i am also in the 15th weeks by then.
i will be seing Dr han in the evening at AMk clinic. actually pretty excited about the baby gender. but somehow don really wish to know lehz. weird feeling.

erm, i don wear when i am at home or at his house. we still don have a home of our own yet.
his house all girls, he is the only guy. so still ok. as for my house, i have not been wearing bra at home since young. so ok loh.
aiyoooooooo no need to beat so hiong leh!!!! why beat until blue black?!? pat pat. or take up a small pc of skin n pinch LIGHTLY. *faint* go n see gynae asap since i think u cannot control the itch n u will end up with more scratches/blue black. i understand that the itch is horrible. like want to scream and shout, bite pple but yet the itch is there. so cool down and control. go see gynae see what cream u can apply.
You say that you have ask Dr Han regarding the gender of the baby at TPS but the scan machine at TPS can see baby gender? I am having my detail scan on 22 Feb, hope can see the gender caused my first 2 pregnancy cannot see leh... hope this one more cooperate. If cannot see hope the scan machine at TPS is able to do so.
aiyoh Qing..

Must control!!!!!!! I know what you mean by scratch until shiok shiok. I also scratch until see blood.. But try to restrain. I also dunno how I overcame it.. I think I kept myself busy with work, then the brain dun focus on the itch anymore.
Hi Qing... thought your due date is 13th? dats about 12 days earlier than mine, so thought you were gonna be 17 wks by 30th Jan..

anyway... does calamine lotion help all this itch?
hey gals

wear your bra ! our breasts are getting bigger now and it may gets even bigger when we Breastfeed. U know, it's very common for our breasts to sag during breastfeeding due to gravity.... so start wearing now lah ...

aiyoh Qing and batgal

dont scratch ok else they leave ugly scars. Should see a doc asap.
ya really depends on luck. so far i heard are horrible maids (encounter by immediate relatives), goodlife maids empployed by auntie. haha. life v good. no need go market one. my auntie go. and cook good food for her till she gained 10kg or so. then previous employee starve her

oh only one day but it will be better if they can let parents bring in kids later for that day to avoid the sing song activities. otherwise i think they want kids to join in to bond together etc? but different religion wont like it if the songs are too religious.

Re Bras
HOW?????? I dont feel like wearing braaaaaaaaaas. sobsob. i always feel suffocating and want to vomit whenever i wear. somemore, yesterday i vomit for one whole day!!! aiyoooo i want to faint.
and I already have bra extension! i shall go buy 2 extra later.
Me too crave salad leh I love the ceaser salad with smoked salmon at Fish & Co. But I dunno if the salmon is considered cooked anot cos it looks raw but I still eat abit.....hehehe

Maybe think of it another way. If u tell ur maid u have a camera installed at home so u can see bb at work all the time I dun think she will even dare to try anything funny. Jus dun tell her where lor.

Better go see ur gynea for medi for ur rash. They might also know wat cause the rash whether its cause by hormones or wat.
Dun worry bout the cut or tear lah cos at that moment ur bb coming out liao u will jus want bb to be out u won't bother about the cut or tear can't really feel liao.
hmm are we all gonna lao our yue sheng this year without salmon in it?

been surfing around on things to buy for the baby, so many, dunno where to start..

for the past 2 years, I have been avoiding raw salmon during CNY, due to pregnancy and BF.

This year is gonna be the same. I think better to avoid to play safe. It's not fun to have diarrhea after CNY leh.

as for buying bb stuff, u can concentrate on big items first. Like cot, steriliser, new cupboard for bb clothes (?) etc ...

when buying cot, need to plan where u intend to put it then get the correct size.

as for the rest can get it later lah no hurry.
i want to lao yu sheng!!! go where n lao? where is good for fresh yusheng? but i am not eating raw fish because i cannot stand salmon or any fish. furthermore, its not good to eat raw meat, esp now pregnant lor. sg weather really not ideal for raw fish meals. unless go very high end restaurant.

everytime my mum will add mango to the yusheng and i find it yummy. but cannot eat too much mango when pregnant. i read that bb will have sensitive skin because of some substance in mango. maybe add apples instead ba? hmn i hope i can go restaurant eat yusheng and then buy those Made In Singapore Yusheng to lao at home. hahaha

i saw some feb08 mummies buying diapers from diapers.com.sg and comment abt the discount. but only till 28feb. so for us, bor pian hor? just buy later n buy normal price?

do i need to buy a new cupboard if i have a wardrobe already? Or i should get those mini cupboard where the above is flat and can use for changing bb clothes etc. is there such a furniture? go where to get?
I didn't eat yu shang last yr due to preggie. this year cannot eat again. i'll just lao and not eat. cos after mixing, may have cross contamination and even our stomach can handle, afraid will affect bb.

I didn't use the drawers with the portion to put bb on top cos I prefer to sit down. think you can check out kiddy palace or ikea?

oic. u mean u eat where they mixed raw fish slices in? oh i am not so brave le. i am looking at only the yusheng without the 'yusheng' hahaha. what am i talking abt. no fish slices but also depends on how the restaurant/hawkers treat the individual colors + those jellies etc. think they also put preservatives otherwise how can last so long?

actually where's kiddy place? i have heard so many mummies talking abt it but dont know where is it. my mum said its very tough for the one taking care of bb to go down n come up again n again. so i have to get the furniture. but maybe at home, where husb and me do the changing, we will just put bb on mattress. save $

yest n today keep on throwing up. now throat so painful and last few throw up are bloody color. Sobsob........ MS pls go away!!! Dont come again another day. Just go away.
