(2008/07) July 2008

celeste_blur, u got the same prob as mine... but my one is the maid is already here so dun feel like shifting #1 so early inside u knoe... lol

then too late also no gd. so i tell hb if worst case, #1 still sleeps in our rm and #2 in tat other rm lor

hb say also gd in the sense tat maid wake up to feed the little one while we sleep hahahaa. since she also like to feed bbs in the nite! haha

same here, ideally all bunk in together! But my room no space too. Somemore my mom said #1 big liowz dont bunk in liowz...*lol*
For cloth nappies, normally if poo one hor will throw away the nappy liner and use water to spray n scrub before soaking then wash as per normal using those bb detergent, so far its okies for my #1

u also same prob... wow didn't know it a common prob... i thot I over paranoid... hahahha

all our rms are utilised so we cannot put maid in another rm lor.
your hubby funny man... they have a way of making a joke from any subject.. hahah...

thanks for the assurance. sometimes my headache so bad i'm just dying to reach for the panadols but dare not!
my gynae said panadol is harmless but of cos dont overdose on it hor!
Me eat 4 tablets is between 2 days lehz

NOTED!! thanks!!

You ladies are already with your 2nd child. omg.. i Salute you !! i barely can survive this 1 .. hahah...
celeste_blur, yes of cos all bunk in togetehr perfect but v squeezy too n the little one sure wake up my boy as he light sleeper.

yes i rem I did use cloth nappy once a day when new born... it when he abt to bath and then just change diapers as he did poo. since abt to bath, dun wan to waste one diaper mah so just use cloth one wrap around.

now my boy using cloth diapers in the aftn... cos noe got maid liao.
i hv migrane, but becos i'm allergic to panadol so i'm on tramadol. I will try to dong 1st, if really cannot then i will pop 1 pill. But tramadol effect very slow 1.
with 2nd child now super tiring woh!! *lol* I can barely get thru everyday...machiam everyday like walking zombie now...haha

Ya, this is one disadvantage of bunking in together, cos when the younger one wake up for nite feed must disturb the older kid
Me planning to BF #2 also then somemore my maid shld be around (if nothing goes wrong), so i guess can handle with cloth diapers bah
my maid will need to take care of my #1 and #2 in the daytime one so i wont dare to let her do nite feed otherwise I think she will faint *sigh*, Somemore planning to BF, so #2 will have to bunk with me
hehe now preggy with #2 is indeed abit more xin ku. But the sad part is i'm unable to carry my #1 lor. He kinda get the picture that mummy cannot carry him, so he oni looks for his dad or my parents to bao bao him

me also planning to BF but think nite feed, I will try to let him drink expressed ones lor.

cos now i dun bear to bring my son back to her rm ley... sob sob... ahhaha
sept_03, i still carry my boy cos he still not so heavy... but when he try to step my tummy, i will look at him and say no no.

but it tiring lor... cos after a while i feel tired.
many thanks.
will go grab it later during lunch.
hope it works for me.

i will also go source for the nipple cream.
Sept 03,
I still carry my #1 now...cos boh pianz lah....especially on sundays I take care of her myself until my parents drop by in the late afternoon *sigh*
Oh gastric juice? gastric juice sucks. Very bitter. Yucks. Stomach juice also not good either. Sianz. I think I lazed too much in bed and didnt quickly take a bite.

yup, gd that husb is filial and kid will learn. imagine to him from young, living with mother and grandmother is such a normal thing to do.

Re Philips BB Monitor
Do they sell this during philips carnival? I didnt really check but i know they sell the card screening thing to make bb eyes alert etc. Like those projector n the screen will b on wall. If not wrong Philip sale is in Aug or Sept. Cant rem which mth

Re BB Cloth Nappies
Does it come in two portion? Liner and the cloth? I have no idea. I think my mother mentioned buying diapers instead of cloth. waste $$$, waste energy somemore no CL.

Do we need to source for nipple cream so early?

Re Brushing Teeth
Any mum brush teeth at night? what brand of toothpaste u guys using? i dont brush at night because after i brush, i vomit, then sour again. worse. so i just rinse mouth n go zzzzzzzz. maybe i should rinse with salt water?
garfield and celeste blur, bo pian leh. My boy is quite a big boy, abt 16kg. So i cannot lor.

Oh garfield, maybe u let ur #1 continue for awhile more while u prepare urself too. Heehee.. But try to do it earlier cos u dun wan #1 to feel abandoned when #2 is here.

2 portions, liner and nappy. Each sold separately
Sept03 Bride
How much are they normally? Does pple use napper with diaper? hehehe. For poo? Then throw away napper and reuse diaper?

Re Giving birth naturally
When mummies give birth, does doc put bb on mum's chest for mummy to hug? Or just wheel away and bring back 30hrs later? i finished a bk n it said the immediate touch is very important for bb and mummy.

and rem we talked abt epidural etc. the bk also said that mummy can produce some hormones to reduce the pain of natural birth and this hormones will help both mummy n bb. if thru c-section, the hormones will be in mum's body and it will also remain in bb body for dont know wks or days. so can see bb blur blur for the first few days or so. feel drowsy etc. *shrug*
i wasnt very sucessful in my bfeeding for #1. I hope that i can persist on for #2!
But this time round, more confidence liao + my mum has also steered towards bfeeding
I tot I saw the bb monitor during the last philips carnival but i cant remember when was it liowz

Yes, that time immediately after delivering and cutting n clamping the cord, they put the bb on my chest let me see and show me the gender...ahahaha...but i still gong-gong lah...so everything also ok. Then when I was wheeled up to the ward my bb was placed beside me

Sept 03,
Wah...ur boy so heavy 16kg! How old is he? My ger only 11kg so still can carry a bit...hehe
Sept 03,
That time my mom and SIL all against BF. My SIL did confinement for me. Luckily I got a grp of supportive frens whom are also mommies and BF. My hb also encouraged me to BF. They gave me advice and confidence. I managed to feed for 14mths!
But went thru a lot of bad patches like mastitis, blocked ducts....
i think hor, the person doing the confinement for u is very important. Must be pro bfeeding de!
For #1, my mil meddle with my bfeeding plans and my hb who was initially pro bfeeding was swayed by her. So i was very ke lian. No support
Sept 03,
I think BF is really really no easy task!! Imagine during confinement I oledi kenna blocked ducts liowz!
Then its a toll on the body also, pumping all those milk out everyday. Somemore mine is fully on expressed EBM after 2 mths.
Sept 03,
Cos that time I was afriad when I was going to get back to work i'm afriad that she will refuse the bottle. So I started her on bottle for 2 weeks. After that she refused to latch liowz *lol*. My ger too "character" liowz....haha
wow celeste_blur, u BF for 18 mths! I salute u!

I BF for abt 7 mths. but this time round, maybe longer (1st one: not fair!! hehe) cos i wanna close factory

my mum also against BF and mil also agree w her ah. somemore tat time I prefer latching n so they nag tat how i know the poor bb is full ah. then if i try pumping (was very painful for me during the first mth), my mum shake her head n keep discouraging. luckily, my frens n hb supported me lor so I keep tryin... this time round, will be more prepared.

last time I didn't knoe the leakin is so bad. cos my mum keep naggin one day. so there was once the whole nite I didn't BF and pump as well. the nxt morn i couldn't get up (serious!), n my whole shirt is wet. then my Bs are two BIG and hard stones... then i feel feverish. after tat, i tell my mum it is worse n I wanna continue BF... hahahaha

i will still wake up in the middle of nite to pump milk. so if just nice i wake up, n bb cry, then i latch lor... hahahah

sept_03, think u better not carry him cos he 16 kg?? quite heavy. mine is only at most 9 kg ah ahhahahahha

jang, i brush my teeth at nite. I realise when i have my MS, i must take something... but this time round, i cannot eat preserved food cos more worse lor.

after delivery, the bb is put on my chest immediately. so i quickly say "Hi !" to my bb ger then the nurse quickly take her away to warm her up.

I still carry my gal leh, cos she not the big size type. sometimes she shy or tired, she wants me to carry her leh.

i bf my ger for 9+ months too .. very hard work. but I like Celeste, intro bottle before going back to work too. Then slowly she wean herself off my breast. Good and bad but at least less trouble to stop latching when she was older.
jang, the bb will be put on yr chest rgt after he or she come out

yes the moment is v warm n sweet... i rem mine as "wow u finally out and hello there!"
bo lah...i BF for 14 mths only

I still told hb this time round mabbe I only wanna feed 3 mths? Cos really tiring for body....somemore I am more lazy type...like at work hor, sometimes i will drag until bout 5-6 hrs then pump once. Me this type of lazy one very easy to get blocked ducts and mastitis, I think i kenna a few times thru the 14mths! *lol*. cos I always wanna wait till the B is full can pump like 400+ml then i go pump...haha..lazy pig :p
Yes. very easy to leak one, I tink i used up donno how many boxes of breastpads! *lol*
u still remember the feeling ah. I think i too high from the luffing gas I only noe the bb placed on my chest and then after cleaning placed beside me and wheeled up to the ward together with me *lol*
Hi Mummies - Good afternoon!
MIA for so long - business trip, holiday, sick, business trip.... no time to post...

I see a lot of new mummies now.. that's good...

So, topic abt BF - I'm surprised that there are still quite a no. of people out there that are against BF, even with the info on benefits of BF for both mothers and babies, at least for the 1st 3 months.
For those mummies out there who ever BF but still hv blocked ducts occassionally, i hv soln for u. I learned thru a breastfeedg seminar i attended recently, we hv to alt. our feeding positions - not just between left & right breasts but also cradle hold and football hold. That way, you will not hv blocked ducts, unless of course, yours are the active type that needs frequent emptying.

For those FTWMs - have you informed your boss abt ur pregnancy yet. If yes, how did u inform and if no, when do u intend to inform?
yes sheila, in fact the moment i tested positive, i informed my direct superior. And i also updated my snr mgr when she was back from her leave.
Very informal way, i informed them through msn
sheila, i just inform my boss recently after i pass 1st tri. he was ok.

celeste_blur, still fresh on my mind cos it 1 yr ago only mah hahahhaha...

i rem pushing really hard (only abt 2 or 3 pushes), he is out cos I thot if he got to come out, wat as well try my very best lor!
hi sheila

i informed my 2 immediate bosses when I was tested positive. Cos i was spotting and need to go to clinics for jabs quite frequently.

i remembered i informed them via SMS as I wasnt in ofc that time.
I read bout the different positions for BF too. But me was doing full ebm kind so no use...somemore I am lazy type...haha..express only when its full
not that my hb is more 'understanding'....he is just afraid of his own mum's nagging..... n my mil likes to remind him to give her money every month so he feels fed up with her cos its like asking for money all the time. last time when we first got married, he more open to the idea of having his mum ard but as time progress, i can see that he also scared that she will want to come and stay with us.

even if u r not the main caregiver, it is still possible that your bb stick to u and not the caregiver. last time my fren told me if i wan bb to be closer to me, let bb sleep with me. it is true. my boy sticks to me. as long as i am at home, he will look for me. even on weekends, sometimes he will tell the maid to go away and wants me to bathe him or change him. he only looks for her whne he wants to poo (so smart hor...haha). so as long as u put in effort, bb will still be closest to u.

re sharp pain
i get this sharp pain on my right side also. there were 2 times when it was so bad that i couldn't stand straight. i mentioned to gynae before and he said cos the bb is pushing upwards so may have pressed onto intestine or something. my last pregnancy i dun really get this pain though.

actually i plan to have my second one sleep with me also. haven gotten my hb's blessings though..hee

intiailly when i first got pregnant, i also din really carry JH as much. somehow during that time, he always look for daddy to carry him. but now that i m in 2nd trimester i carry him again and he will look for me to carry also.

they put bb on my chest immediately after giving birth. also i told the nurses that i want to bf so they also let him try to suckle after he was born. u must let them know cos it is impt to let them suckle once they are born. dun wait too long

re breastfeeding
i also wasn't successful first time round. only partial breastfed for about 10 months and then stopped cos i was losing too much weight. i din have very supportive family and my hb din wan me to be too stressed over it. i total expressed from day 1 until abt 5 months cos my boy had a very bad latch. very very hard work but i think it is worth it. i can see that my boy always recovers very fast when he falls sick. (supposed benefit of bf) so i told myself for number 2 i wan to bf even longer if possible.
sorry to deviate. can i ask a new qn.. so far hasn't seen anyone mention this topic.

anyone had any kind of tests at this stage eg. down syndrome etc... (touchwood touchwood touchwood)

i'm asking coz of my age.

yes ! most of us have did our OSCAR/NT scans or triple test oredi ... and got out results back.

Have you done urs ? shld be around 12- 14 weeks
hee, we went thru this topic liao so maybe that's why u thought no mention. btwn 11-14 weeks, u can go for the FTS scan (or NT Scan). this will tell u the risk of bb getting down syndrome. if high risk, then gynae will ask u to do further tests.

so far most of us have gone for the test already. did your gynae ask u to go the test?
celeste_blur, sheila,

tokin abt diff position for BF, i did try lying down style when i really tired... AND i end up sleepin w him hahahaha... i woke up, he was sleepin soundly beside me... luckily never crash him.

but sometimes i feel awkward in this position so if possible, i still feed him normal way lor.
Jang.. what you said is true... we can't possibly control our kid 24 hours..they tend to grow up and go through this phase where they rather stay at their granny's place or cousin's place and dun wanna come home... as long as we care for them and love them well, I think they'd know who their mummy is...

Hi Sheila,
what's this cradle hold and football hold you were referring to?
