(2008/07) July 2008

Thanks mummies for on tips about how to handle XP in first few days of childcare... she went for one day then falls sick... her bro spreads the flu bug... going to bring her to childcare tomorrow... hope things go well...

My dream comes true! I always wanted to sell my own design product, and this is what I'm launching in my blogshop Little Champagne:

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Customised baby/kids t-shirt and rompers

Please support support!! Thanks!!
HK Disneyland
We did one day but I think two days would be better for a relaxed, own-target-own-time kind of visit.

Royce next Tues
We'll probably go earlier too.
Sigh.......I think I'm losing my touch.

I dun seem to be able to scare kids off with my fierce, stern look anymore. Has having kids made me grow soft or do kids have too much say nowadays??

Twice I was ignored at the Marina sq playground by rude kids. The 1st time was a 5 y.o boy who pushed his way across D n E to slide down and when I asked him to wait for his turn, he jus looked at me and continue pushing his way down.

Then today this girl abt 6. She put herself in the way of the slides and asked D for 'check'. D blur blur and jus stared and stood there with alot of kids all stuck there. I asked E to come over me at the slide n slide down but this girl refuse to move and keep saying to D, check 1st.
Nearly 9pm and my patience is not improving so I asked her to "EXCUSE me to let the kids pass" The girl can jus turn to me and say "Must check 1st then can go"
I told her off louder, "Can you excuse and let others pass if you are not going to play" and stared at her while continue I to ask E to come over. The girl can tell me that I am rude before she move her hand n leg so they can go on the slide. Kaoz.....what is the world coming to.
And I dun see any parents of hers anywhere and I did not talk softly to her. And ofcos I told her off that she was the 1 who is rude and she should go else where and not block ppl playing the slide if she's not gonna play.

I'll try to make it tml and bring ur stuff K. can sms me location?? thanx
RP lunchie
i'll try to make it too! DD pls sms me the location too! (seems like you're the only RP-working mum in the list except for doggiebb, so if i get lost i'll ask you for directions!)

nex mall
the new shopping mall at serangoon is huge and overwhelmingly crowded! yep holly was right, the dog run and the children's playground is not open yet. but i did see them testing out the water play area, with the water turned on and spouting all over. it looks like those at the water play area at IMM. but have i mentioned the crowd yet? it's scary even on a weekday. the carpark is also perpetually full, with the line of cars waiting to get in snaking around serangoon ave 2.

but i have been there a couple of times coz it's just 10-15 mins walk from my new place and i walk over after i check on my reno.
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2010 - 10:07 pm:       
RP lunch on Fri 10 Dec
1. PB
2. DD
3. Dor + D? + E (if able to wake up)
4. Cellow
5. bbp x 2 (if bloody weather permits)
6. Doggiebb + TA's (maybe)
7. Dustee &amp; pomfret (maybe)

deciding what to eat each day is a struggle for me..Asian kitchen at republic plaza basement?
Anyone else? What do u all fancy for lunchie? 12noon?
i m more than a bit fed up with work.

heard that's a new salad place at RP but need to queue and doesnt take reservations. can the RP-ites pls let us know the address/building?

need to eat smthing cool to cool down. fiery fiery temper this morning.
i'm okay for anything, just hope there's space to park a stroller somewhere ( all these places in RP are small!)

and should i attempt to go earlier before 12noon to chope place?

if we just choose someplace big enough that we don't incur evil looks from the queues?
wah... lots of salad places here.. not talking about the little one mich n doggie dined at, are you?

cellow.. we go buy liang cha after lunch ok? :D

okie dokie.. made reservations for 10 pax (counting babies and strollers and all hahaha) at 12noon sharp @ asian kitchen.. see u all later!
i m sure asian kitchen has non veg options.

so we are set for asian kitchen. ok! i m not checking into forum any more after this post. off to fight corporate battles (and pump milk for C2)

parent meltdown
last night i was loitering in the streets pushing C1 around in the stroller after latching C2 to sleep. Mr C ws working late last night. parked stroller at one corner, then heard a car door slam and a father stomp out of the car to yell at his 4yo daughter, whose last sentence was 'PAPA DUN WANT ME!' screamed at the top of her voice.

fm the VERY loud exchg that followed, this is wat i gathered. the father ws driving the 4yo duaghter plus a baby plus the maid to go fetch the mother. halfway, the 4yo wanted to go back home as she had left a watch at home. so the father turned back and was at the point of depositing her + maid + baby (grandpa came down to fetch them too) at home.

4yo must have said 'tis not fair... (that you papa are going ka ka and i have to stay at home)' at one point bcz then i could hear the father shouting 'you know what is not fair. you demand that i send you home all bcz of a stupid watch. now EVERYone has to come home bcz of you. is that fair?'

total parent meltdown. i can so identify w the father. i think i will go ballistic if C1 or C2 ever says the following phrases after i have done so much for them
- you dun want me
- you dun love me
- i hate you
i went to nex on wed for lunch. did u check out freshness burger? nice....

the carpark is really small and narrow. think that's why got long q to get it.

the kids are all so rude. i think a lot of kids are like that. plus the parents not ard to watch them, it gets worse!

re HK disneyland
i usually go for one day but i think if can do 2 days it wd be nicer then can catch the fireworks.

nowadays kids very smart lor. always use these kind of words on the parents. but it gets really irritating. trust me the older they are the better they get at doing this.

jx really super sticky and super whiny. she cries really loud at the smallest thing and makes a mountain out of molehill. shd i be thankful she sticks to me so much?? haha....
Hello Mummies,

Been MIA, cos having gastric flu for the past few days..

Kayden has stop school and happily learning his alphabets at home..
Hopefully he will pass his austism test..

Baby #2 has starting kicking...so far so good but i only put on 4 kg.

Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
5) cinbunny X 4
6) smiggleprincess x 3

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
7) cinbunny X 3
8) batgirl x 4 (can't do Sat, my brother's wedding)
9) smiggleprincess x 3

cant wait to see u all and the kids!...

unfortuately,cant join u guys for the lunch..
will be able to join in the last week of dec if there is any..

yeah! Lets organise lunchie in the last week of Dec! totally in the hol mood!! heehee

Cellow, cool cool, DD, bring Cellow for some ice kachang!! =)
We meet lots of kids at the playgroud who are like that. Can't avoid, unfortunately. Sometimes I wonder what their parents are doing. The other day we passed a toddler - slightly older than our Jul08 babies - who was in a stroller being pushed by his grandma. He had a toy machine gun in his arms and he was shooting at everyone who passed by, including us. Guess they're training him early for NS.

L is also whiny and howls at everything. Super loud crocodile tears and screams. He wields them as a weapon in his crusade to get anything and everything he wants, because he knows he can ;p

Chill... the older they get, the more they are exposed, the more shocked you will be at what they say. They can spout the sweetest things and the most hurtful words in the same breath and because we are so attached to them - the umbilical cord never really gets cut, does it? - our hearts break and mend and break and mend... ahhhh, love
and guess who's been guilty of shooting? Yup Declan. I just found out from pb today that he was banging away with the bubble gun in front of poppy during Halloween. Instant guilt. I dunno who taught him that but I certainly know who's been encouraging it. One of them I can reprimand, the other I have absolutely no say. And the one I reprimanded actually asked me what's wrong with the banging. But I know he was really just curious and he REALLY didn't know better. Which makes me wonder: is it a guy thing to find it alright? Cos I know I find it quite irritating and rude actually.

sorry if poppy picked up the banging from dec
Last day in Beijing waiting for flight home.... Boy it's cold and I'm dead tired.

Super sleep deprived catching tour sites after tour sites mummy signing off

Catch up Tmr!!!
Hope you are feeling better!

It's ok la. I found it very funny thaty poppy caught on to "bang bang" straightaway.

Machine gun? Wow that's a bit extreme! I have a friend whose 4 year old son is never without a gun. It's almost like it's glued to him.

We are in a ketchup phase. I made ABC pasta with broc, chicken and hardboiled egg (sounds so weird but hey, packed with nutrition!) and poppy did not want to have anything to do with thre broc unless it was dabbed with just a tad of ketchup.

But, today, for the first time, she had a spoonful of her food and announced, "I like it!" :D :D :D
Bang bang -- Also wuffy's fav action. he likes to play with his imaginery toy guns, from his little fingers, shaped to a gun, his bolster, the shoe horn, umbrella, or any stick he can find. And yes, he is guilty of banging at strangers, especially when he feels threatened by them. If we scold him, he bangs at us as well. This we have to correct. hiaz.
Ember also sticks to me a lot. Worse after she was sick the last time. I tot we were getting nearer to FM n she could sleep without me some nights. Then I was guilty when she was sick so never force the fm but nw, she's like latching almost the whole night!

N recently she cried afte she couldn't snatch something off D. N she had the cheek to tell me D didnt give it to her. So I told her off for daring to cry when she was the 1 snatching n viola!! The tears can stop immediately.

I guess some ppl find it okie cos they grew up with play guns.
I forbid D to point or shot at ppl but he still will do it on n off. U know even shopping u can find so many kids doing that n D will keep telling me which boy pointed a gun at him or who was shooting at him or why???

I avoid crowded playgrounds n actually seldom go to any if I can. Cos I really dun like to encounter these kind of kids or their parents. And it seems nowadays a lot seem to regard the playground as a free child minding service. The playground at my place is filled by some indian kids who regard it as part of their hse. They go up n down to the playground by themselves and bring their barangs all over. N im alittle tired of finding nice answers to why they bring their stuffed toy/tattered books/without shoes etc to D haha
But not really sure if I'm doing him any good by avoiding. Hmmmmmm

But mainly I'm surprised that kids so young are not scared of other ppl reprimanding them at all now. I used to be able to make kids run with my stern stare hahaha those were the days.
Think it's a phase that will pass I guess if we do not encourage guns. Cos D used to play guns but now he doesn't really do that anymore. Cos he's into other toys now.
He prefer laser blast ala Buzz Lightyear style lol n unfortunately so does Ember with her "To infinity and beyond"
yeah that looks way cool! and sure brings back those memories of early zouk days!

mil and hb's ex-gf
today's my mil's bday. and my hb's ex-gf sends a parcel all the way from UK for her. and i think the monetary value of the gift in that parcel is worth more than what my hb bought for his mother. with postage, must be $200 or more.

no wonder my mil loves that ex-gf like her own daughter right? and that she still wonders some time how good it would be if my hb had married her instead of a tattoo-ed, chain-earring girl who got pregnant before a wedding right?

sigh. i mean, i don't take this as a popularity contest, truly life would be easier if my mil likes me instead of what she thinks of me now, but once i move out i truly wouldn't care what she thinks.

but there's so much reminder of that ex-gf in this house, that sometimes i feel like maybe i married her too.
sayang dustee. it's really horrible to have the remains of the ex gf still around. it's surely more your house than it is hers! anyhow, count down. moving out soon! ask contractors to chop chop cully pok!

i just checked and poppy has not had a single jab this year. her last jab was 23 dec for "measles vaccine". and HPB has sent a letter asking for updates cos apparently she has not had her DPT and SAB (polio), but my records says that she has... oh gosh.

oh and, when should DPT/DT and polio boosters happen?
pomfret finished all her boosters and required jabs even before she turned 2. i think those boosters are way overdue! quick make an appt now. the dpt/dt ones have 2 boosters i think. so in her medical book you should have 3 entries for them.

my hb has always said that his ex-gf is his mother's friend and not his.

it's always a chicken and egg issue. my mil sends her presents and flowers and stuff too. so they'll just say the ex is just being polite. and my mil is being polite. well, i hope somebody thinks about being polite to me too.
but i don't begrudge my mil her friendship with my hb's ex. i mean, i even let my hb keep those old photos they had taken together (though sometimes i plot a fire to burn them all), so how could i really mind this to-ing and fro-ing?

my mil lost a baby girl from premature birth before she had my hb. so part of me believes that this ex is as close to a daughter she could ever have.

i just don't like it when my mil tells me how she's asked the ex if she would have been happy to marry my hb. yes, indeed, you read it right. my mil asked my hb's ex if she would be happy to marry my hb. MY HB. AFTER WE GOT MARRIED. and then proceeds to come home and tell me all about it. SHE TELLS ME ABOUT IT.
Wah I think you have the right to show her a black face in the spot n show her how offended u r.. Its one thing if they wanna stay bff, but to say such things to ur face is too much, I feel...MIL or not...

Zouk out..saw it last month but wasnt sure if bbg would enjoy it as much as I would haha
today still v fiery.... the suan la mian at asian kitchen din help my temper at all. haha.

alamak, you shd have bought tickets!!!!

if it had been me, i would say ok ma, but I Dustee AM the mother of YOUR granddaughter and the wife of YOUR son now. wat a rude thing to say to you. i would have no qualms to black face her.
nebber mind, tis monday, start of a brand new week and one day closer to moving to your own place.

guru youpi,
wise words. i shall rem that when the 2Cs sprout such phrases to me... i m pretty sure they will, eventually, somewhere somehow.
"ma, I know you and X have had a very good relationship but i am now married to Mr dustee and we love each other and our daughter very much. I'm also trying very hard to be a good DIL. What can I do to be better?"

You don't really have to do it, maybe just by saying it will give her a bit of a shock and she'll treat you better?

Jabs and vaccines
Oops. I better check. She's not done the boosters.

Welcome back Mich?

Xmas party on sun
I am back!!!!!!!! back to work today.. tired tired...

any lunch this week?

christmas party when? next sunday is OK for Mich, Mr Mich and Eboy!

Sayang Dustee.. i say you continue to ignore and stop letting her words hurt you anymore. when she does not concern you, she does not hurt you. so, leave her soon and treat her talking like farting.. the smell dissolve very quickly one... ok?
jabs and vaccines
i wonder how come HPB got so much time to monitor all these ley.... i thot these are impt only when they enter formal schooling like P1?

haha, i only did the boosters for C1 in Nov. also after getting a letter fm HPB.

Christmas party on Sun
Where and in the late afternoon?? Realise that C1's nap time from 2-5pm is not exactly conducive to weekend gatherings.
ok i need a refresher course on sleep training

C2 has been super sticky to me at night since he fell ill and recovered early Nov. i cannot take it anymore.... he is physically attached to me from 8pm till he sleeps every night..... haiyor.

1st step is to bottle feed ya.
sigh sigh sigh. smtimes i wonder how i get myself into these messes..... taking the lazy way out lor.

i just rem .....
C2 also naps like Emma. Max 1 hour, and that is considered a VERY good day liao. usu 20mins after rocking in the sarong for 1 hour. crazy. such a different character fm C1 in terms of sleep patterns.
Everytime I come back from overseas, i will have to retrain eboy on sleeping alone again.. last night he insisted to sleep between us (like how we did in Beijing)... we forced him in his own room, he cried until vomit and slept in his vomit.
we din even know until this morning. heartache.

Hope C2 sleep pattern is just a phase and it will pass soon..... but i think this is common for BF babies right?

btw, is eboy the only one who is not talking yet? next assessment is on 23 Dec and I am wondering if I should insist on sending him to a specialist? his PD keep saying it is ok as long as he is progressing (doesnt matter the progress is slow!!!)
actually dustee.. I'm curious to know how you reacted or responded to your MIL when she told you that...

vaccines and boosters.... got letter... not taking..

cellow.. later go drink liang cha when u are out for lunch ok?

bbG's naptimes are disrupted and more haywire on weekends.. but figured it's ok..

welcome back mich! poor E-boy who vomitted to sleep.. i can't help u in that area.. coz i succumbed to giving in to bbG since he's our only boy and it's me who'd have separation anxieties.. so he falls asleep on our bed now and i carry him into his when he's fast asleep...

I am looking for:


Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo &amp; Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.
Welcome back mich!

Same for us. When we got home we were worried that poppy would want to sleep with us. So one of us stayed with her until she was too sleepy to fight then left. Sayang eboy!

Funny Q mummies
Where to buy fake lizard? Cheap please! Or does anyone have? Can I borrow over xmas? Hehe.
Cake figurines or small x'mas figurines
Does anyone know where to buy these?

Fake lizard
Toy stores?

Welcome back Mich!
cellow.... bet you didn't drink liang cha during lunch hour just now.. kho2 has ginseng chicken maybe so not heaty? hahaha

eeks lizards! fake or not.. give me the creeps! so confirm I dunno where to buy nor do i have one to lend you! whatever do you need it for... playing a prank on bb ah? but i can do good lizard sounds.. tsk tsk tsk! LOL

youpi: did you try the baking shop phoon huat? we just had a hilton cheese cake.. lemme see if my helper threw it away or kept it..
