(2008/07) July 2008

Hi mummies who have children in child care centre:

Is it normal for kid to have nightmare for the first few days in childcare centre? XP wakes in middle of night and cries "bu yao bu yao!!"

xmas party
can't join in, take more pictures and post them!

you mean your current place is without any window grilles?

so my new place is on the second level. i want grilles, but mr dustee doesn't want. he says we have planter balconies (and they really look like balconies, except there's no door to get to them. there's no flower pit or what), so there's no need for grilles. but but but....that's still not safe right? grilles are still the best right?
xmas shopping
gosh it's really tough to get xmas shopping done. if i'm buying stuff for adults, pomfret is screaming 'go outside! go see toys!' . then if i'm buying for kids, pomfret is trying to lay claim on every item 'mine! i want this! i want that one!' it's driving me nuts!

if i had known it would be so difficult, i would have done all my shopping online last month. sigh. but i think now shipping will not make it in time.

me and my mil
no i do not have a heart of gold. i am quite evil and twisted and dark and skeptical inside. i just didn't want to put mr dustee on the spot. but they (mil and bil) started dragging him into it, so really, it's their own doing that made him want to move out too.

i'm so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed i'll be moving out soon. i love going to the place and checking out the hacking process.

but already got one neighbour complain about the dust in the common corridor. ON THE FIRST DAY OF RENO. when all my contractor did was hack the old built-in cabinets. and she already complain about dust.

can't imagine what's it gonna be like as the renovation progresses.
better check with the childcare teacher if xp is getting bullied or something. pat pat.

btw, your previous postings about the boy left at the library. my mum used to leave me outside the casino in genting. i have dim memories of me hugging my pillow, sitting on the floor and waiting for her. and her name are the first words i learned to speak and to write, just so when i'm hungry i can go up to the counter and request for her to be called. later when i was 5, she started giving me money and i'd learn to go to the cafes and order food. i remember being just 6 or 7 when i even bought my first cinema ticket to watch a show by myself.

but of coz in those days, genting was just one hotel building, not like now.

gosh, that was one helluva lousy childhood
*waves to everyone**

Hello! I have been tooooooo lazy to post :p saw the xmas party and hmm will turn up if i can! Not sure whats the schedule for sunday still ... =(

Hmmm ok think I am pretty lucky. Mini xun is sleeping through the night and me too. I will usually do last pump at around 12 am (now pumping) and will wake up at around errm 8+ sometimes 9! to pump. Engorged yes but no pain leh. hee hee hee

Advise on milk intake
Mini xun does not quite like to drink milk - and I seriously wonder why??! She is now drinking 5 feeds a day, first feed at around 8+ 9 last feed at around 10+ 11. The problem is, every feed is a struggle (or almost every feed). She will be straightening her back and spitting out the teat. Sigh ... and her intake is only ard 120ml per feed, i will always give more like around 140 - 150 see if she finishes (see so much wastage). Sometimes feeding can take up to 2 hrs ... ... why why why is she not interested? how to make her more interested in drinking? any ideas?
U are Christmas shopping. I am jus window shopping n I have keep telling D "No, no, no, no, no" or "why should I buy for you? Becos you do not listen to me??"
Sigh........blood pressure feels higher all the time when he does that.

Jus venting.
Was telling hubby I tot of getting a kind of puzzle toy I saw for the kids n D mentioned they have that in sch too n his teacher actuallly forbid them to say they do not want to play with that toy haha
He,s not very good with his hands in fixing these so I tot all the more I should give him more play at home. After all I still have E to continue playing with. Justify the not very ex cost ma. N it's for 5+ so okie for him now.

Then was telling hubby over dinner n he can say, dun buy that toy for D cos he's so naughty. It's between us the kids were eating n not in our conversation. So pissed me off. Dun buy things like that cos he is naughty??
So only buy things like Woody and Buzz lightyear figurine and toys for him??

Oh yes he did want to buy another set of toy story stuff for them which I said NO to. D is not pestering for more figurines after we finally got him 1 when he behaved. I think he likes the toys better then his son.

N n n n n sigh see hw pissed off I am.
Hubby disappeared to work after we reach home without really saying goodbye to D. N he somehow according to D promised D he would play wih him when we got home. N D was sooooooo upset he jus sat there n keep saying his dad promised to play the toy with him.....arghhhhhhh
That neighbor stays very near u??
My downstairs neighbor also complained ALOT when my reno started. N she is still giving me problems on n off lah. But I guessed after the last time I spoke to the town council ppl, they might have warned her cos they asked me to call the police if she does it again.
Hopefully u dun get crazy neighbors like mine huh. I'm waiting for them to migrate to a better place (if u get my drift) hehe
Quick one for dustee
1) when we moved in, we gave cake to all our neighbours and introduced ourselves. No complaints about reno. At poppy's one month party they all gave angpows even. You try? Small cake can liao. Just say sorry ah, tahan a bit, no choice have to do small renovations cos the previous owner never take care of the place etc

2) perhaps you could go to your new place in the midst of all the hacking and ask the hacker (??) if you could have a go. You know, to let out all your MIL pent up frustrations? I'm sure it'll help. And be a good workout too!

Oh forgot - who was it who wanted to follow me around when she turns SAHM? Sure! But must be prepared to walk a lot ;D
PB, me lah! follow you around! i offer to drive, can?

LOL on Mr Dor's antics on toys! hee hee.....

ytday eboy threw tantrum. according to my MIL, she asked him to keep his shoes in the rack, and he refused, and threw one side of his favourite crocs down 19 floor and it has gone missing. we went down knocking floor to floor and could not find it..
he was punished by being locked inside his room and he cried untillllll

sigh, where have my mild mannered eboy run to??? then MIL have to add one sentence "everytime you stay home with him, he gets more naughty"..
Dec too. Self-feed but cannot finish. So I feed and he feed together. School? Nvm la. I figured if he's hungry, he'll eat faster lor.
Eh, no plans for Christmas boy la. I was prepared to throw a party for him, but ask him only one question also he cannot answer. I only asked him to tell me who he wants to invite. So I give up liao. Too bad for him.

Is bbG's milk intake affecting his solid food? Cos according to Dec's PD, milk cannot replace solid food. I quote, "If it could, the army would just issue milk powder to soldiers". I think the recommendation from articles I've read says daily milk intake should be about 500ml.

Of cos you would rather sleep than pump. Who would rather pump than sleep? It's only out of duty that we wake up to pump lor.

Christmas Party this Sunday 4pm onwards. youpi will be there at 4pm, while the rest will get there after naptime.

Where in Botanic Gardens are we gathering?

Call us to go shopping too la. At least got more adults to help look after. And at least Pomfret sits in the stroller! I have to pick and carry Dec if I want to look at something, and of cos he wriggles like a worm too. Hence, I've sorta given up shopping.
The only way to shop with kids around is to push him in stroller while he sleeps.. and becuase of that, we've pgraded eboy's stroller to one that can fully recline and he can kiao kar to sleep. so we get 3 hours of shopping/foot reflex etc.. yes, we get foot reflex done while he's sleeping in the stroller.. hey hey hey...

i'm looking forward to SAHM days cos i can shop, i can eat, i can meet up, EVERYDAY!! somebody hold my purse!!!!!! hahaha....

smiggle, so the scan result is good? yay!! dun worry just take it easy everything will be alright... long time no see you, but looking at your FB pics, you're looking even more radiant and beautiful!!

self feed
not only he cant finish feeding all the food, he will only select those that he thinks he wants to eat and start throwing those that he deson't want down the floor.. so much to training independence. he eats less and i waste more food and more cleaning... tell me he will learn it somehow in school.. tell me....
so the sunday party, bring our own mat.. no gift exchange. those who wants to bring toys to exchange can do so.

I'll bring beach balls and bubble guns, and oh, can fly kite there???
Sorry Jace eboy's practically on milk strike since birth so I can;t offer any advice. I myself am struggling with him drinking more milk, so i've resort to mixing milk in his food and spoon feeding 210ml every morning...

and lately, he's been biting the teat so much that I'm practically throwing away teats on a 3-day basis, over and above throwing away untouched milk. Talk about wastage!
LOL on dustee having a go at the hacking! Put on your bob the builder helmet ya?

Penguin party: si mi Lai?

Funny comment fm bbp's PD.. Dun think it's affecting bbg's solids intake coz milk or no milk still the same Amt goes into his tummy...

Shall we meet at the frOnt of the performance stage? Can't recall the proper name for it..swan lake stage or something? I know one of the paths there is called heliconia walk though :D back up venue is bbp's place..

Visited a few playgrouPs near my plc n they r full! N is it true all jabs required for pcf admission? Qing?
Michelle is very ambitious with the fun gear hehe :D

Location is palm valley. For those who attended poppy's 1st birthday, it's the same place. BYO-mat!

Oh Bbp has very kindly offered her place as backup venue if it rains. Let's all keep our fingers crossed ok?
*runs to HUUUUUG dustee*
i wasnt left alone untilllll my teens. i begged my parents to pls pls pls let me go to parkway alone pls pls pls at the age of 12.
benefit of growing up in extended family.

budden when i do smthing wrong, i get scolded many times by many pple for the same thing. bcz my parents and aunts come back at various times over the evening, and when sm1 hears of it, i get a earful all over again. v sianz.
Just to get the details all in one area:

Xmas party 19 dec sun
Venue: Botanic Gardens Palm Valley
Time: 4pm onwards
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3 (beancurd chicken)
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
7) cinbunny X 3
8) batgirl x 4 (drinks)
9) smiggleprincess x 3

cin bunny,
I just realised it's cin bunny x 3! How come? Who's not attending?
Xmas party 19 dec sun
Venue: Botanic Gardens Palm Valley
Time: 4pm onwards
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3 (beancurd chicken)
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
7) cinbunny X 3
8) batgirl x 4 (drinks)
9) smiggleprincess x 3
10) Michelle x3

finally found a quite good qualiy booster dining chair at mothercare. original price $46, now $23!! eboy will be so happy he's having dinner with us on one of our dinin chairs tonight!
thank u ah.. where are ur beijing pix??

Catch you all at the party...
Will prob have to call one of u...
Bring own mat and bring own food rite??

cheerios, im off for the weekend...

I don't think XP is being bullied. She is the one who bullies others! I accompanied her for 3 days, she snatched toys from others, then the other kids either cried softly or kept quiet :S

Last night she woke up, stood in her cot, faced the wall, and cried "Papa! Papa!"

This morning, the 3rd day she was by herself, the childcare teachers brought the class to walk walk, and walk passed our block, I heard her cries from 13th floor!!
events for toddlers
some of the events coming next year for our toddlers, pls go to sistic.com to search for the details :
- The Magic Ocean (knew this from DD)
- The Magic Treetop (not related to the above)
- Gruffalo
- The Ugly duckling.

i think i bought tickets for the weekend shows for magic ocean and magic treetop. haven't decided on gruffalo coz it's so expensive. and i think i like it more than pomfret does (it's based on an award-winning children's book). also haven't decided on ugly duckling.

you need a holiday from your hb.

i used to think to myself that 'someday my real parents will come'.

i like the idea! but i think the uncle has hacked everything he needs to hack already. (coz really only hacking toilets) but i did think about giving some chocolates to the neighbours. did you give to those on the 2nd floor too? or just directly 3rd floor neighbours?

i do think eboy is wonderfully mild-mannered and sweet. him throwing the crocs down, he's probably just missing you lots and doesn't know how to express it except in frustration and anger. pat pat.

she's going in for her c-sec tmr! wishing you all the best. keeping you in our prayers.
morning all..

to add on to dustee's list of events
- The Magic Ocean (knew this from DD)
- The Magic Treetop (not related to the above)
- Gruffalo (i got tix for my kids too.. set us back by 344 and for cat 2 seats lor!!! more for e elder one.. i doubt cait will enjoy as much.. but well, hubby felt it wun be fair to leave her out.. haha)
- The Ugly duckling.
- The gingerbread Man (i think this wld be the most suitable for our kids.. hee.. short and lots of songs i think..
not too exp too..)
too late for me michelle... got christmas lunch today....

C1 is in the I DOWAN phase of his life.
changing, bathing and packing up after himself is a daily battle.

*looks heavenward* help me have patience!
just this morning MIL was fighting with eboy cos he refuse to eat his breakfast. she got angry with him, left him alone in his playpen, she slam the bathroom door.. eboy crying pitifully while trying to climb out of the playpen, me went in to pick him up (din want him to learn the climbing!), brought him out, played his DVD, sat him down again with my Iphone, helper fed him breakfast and he finally finished. MIL still angry, refuse to talk to him, before i left home, told eboy to go say sorry and give a hug.. so they ok liao... THIS is my toddler behaviour early morning loh! with lots of screaming too! argh!!!
if only it passes faster!
this wish reminds me of the old fairy tale of a man given a magic ball of thread, pull and his life fast forwards, but the time will disappear.
at the end of his life, he asked the genie who gave him the ball to relive his life.... as he doesnt have many memories. he would rather go thro his life w all its difficulties again.

the movie Click in which Adam Sandler starred had a similar concept (i think). din watch that movie.
THAT is my toddler's behaviour in the morning too. not w eating (thank God!) but with changing. every day Mr C or I hv to stand beside him and threaten him.

*prays for patience*
gotta dig deep to find the love man.
THAT I suspect will be my life next year when we are rushing to school.

Cannot call Kho Kho last minute one la. The more people, the more variety, so need to be one week in advance.
btw, i got 2 free tickets for one hour each of free play at little o'zone at Orchid Country Club. too far for Mr C and me to go....

who wants? DD? near your place rite?
sorry michelle,
gotta pass. next week super bz at work.
all these europeans going on christmas / new year leave. then happily rush rush rush the rest of the world to finish up before THEIR holiday. grr.

Yes good idea to schmooze neighbours before renos. Before we did ours, we went to say hello to all our neighbours - sideways, upstairs and downstairs - to pre-empt them. One neighbour said her daughter would be celebrating her bday that week so we told the contractor not to do any work on that day. When the boys had their first months they gave presents and we gave them cake.
S.S.S (Swop Stuff Sunday):
I was going to suggest to sorta post stuff you have to giveaway on this thread first... especially those that don't drive. At least you don't have to bring there AND back if everyone else has too much stuff in their house already.
Cellow - bean's behavior is driving me up the wall too. Constant whinning, throwing things and best is, she has been diaper trained for a year and then now she started peeing in her panties. And purposely makes lot of noise when baby is sleeping when we tell her not to. I know it's bcos she wants attn but am already giving her a lot to the point that I practically ignore hayley infront of bean
she is really pushing all my buttons!!!
we haven't really met in person so yes i recognised them from your FB photos. poor you... last minute meeting resulted in me waiting for hb almost 2 hrs long time ago coz he can't get to the phone in time to inform me... frustrating isn't it?!

fyi, i think i have phobia for crowds. i was molested countless times during my younger years. once on bus, once at chingay parade, once at shopping centre, some at discos so this i can't complain... but now i hate places that are too crowded esp when i have to bring son along. heard of the crowd at Nex and the lousy layout that causes bottlenecks, i'll probably visit that place after CNY... anyway, picked up hb from work and was on our way home so went Kallang for dinner, which isn't crowded.

sometimes when i told son that i'd give/play with him or bring him gai-gai, then i tried to "escape" my hb will comment,"my dad used to promised me and broke his promises... i hated that." but i heard from mil that fil loved his son dearly when he was still around (may he R.I.P.) and my hb had everything he wanted. but somehow his son didn't feel that fatherly love. maybe you can tell this to your hb... don't disappoint the kids too much, even now they are still young, they will remember all the disappointments and no figurines can make up for these.

growth stage now for my son is that he's very guai l*n. he knows some songs yet he purposely sing in gibberish... ask him come here, he run away, ask him stand properly, he'd dance and jump. just the other day, i was sooo fed up with his nonsense that i lock him up in the dark storeroom. i think it was traumatic enough for him coz he was screaming and shouting to be let out. but 2 hrs after that, he's back to normal g-l behaviour. hb said it's just a phase he's going through... i hope this phase pass soon coz my sense of humour is limited...
Get dor dor to pass you her skill on making D behave. Something about E loves him so much that he will act like a big kor kor. The only thing I recall is that it's a very zhai skill.
my nephew behaves in similar ways. his mommy really dotes on him and sometimes i think she gives in too much to him and neglects her baby girl. though she's only 3 months old now so i guess it's ok for now. but nephew doesn't seem to be learning the "right" behaviour. he won't let his mommy, daddy, grandparents, even the helper to hold his mei mei sometimes...

but it's ok for me to hold his mei mei....
oh my, i've spent the whole day shredding and shredding the sound is making me deaf, and standing is making my legs numb, and my hands ache!!!! 14 years worth of documents to shred!!!

oh, next week no one can make it for kko kko too? ok, then in JAN lah....
so you are off for thurs ah?

tues i am sneaking out during lunch to bring the kids to novena's ice skating show.

wed i have a meeting at 3pm and i don't think i want to go to the meeting smelling like korean food. like that, monday ah? muahaha!
steph, cin,
phew! at least i m not alone in my patience and sense of humour running low w the toddler.

same. C1 went thro a phase where *i* cannot carry C2 or talk to C2 or play w C2.
C2 is crawling around now, and able to play with C1. as in C1 will run to some far corner of the hse, shout 'didi!' then C2 will crawl to find him. so this phase will pass... and you will be amazed to find that the 2 girls can play tog.

oh dear. poor you. no wonder you are scared of crowds.
my mother always taught me to put bags and umbrella in front of my chest. and use the umb to whack the molester! HAHA!
tues, what ice skating show??? i also want to gooooooooo

me monday on leave too. thurs on leave too.. fri party, left tues and wed. one of the days reserve for shopping during lunch..


remember last time swing singapore? we put hands on the shoulder in front of you and move? then I felt a hand on my *ahem*, immediately gave that men my elbow, like 10 times, then my whole gang of friends lined up behind me went after him banging his head till he run and run and run (disappeared into the crowd)...
