(2008/07) July 2008

Ur mil is making her own life difficult by trying not to like you and keep thinking of things that are never going to happen. She is living in the past so jus let her be and dun join her there.hehe
Dun bother abt her lah jus 'entertain' her for the remaining mths u have to stay there. After that only entertainment when u visit or she visits.

E missed her last appt in Dec last yr for MMR. And we got the letter few mths ago. Finally took her for her MMR 3 wks ago and nurse told me after MMR left 1 booster for her 5-in-1 n that's it.
I guess you can jus pop into any PD with poppy's health booklet and ask the nurse to help you see which jabs she has left to take.

N btw I think HPB do not know exactly what jabs she has or has not taken but normally after they have completed all the jabs there will be a cert issued that says she has taken all her jabs. Think HPB goes by that cert n so long as the cert has not been issued they will bug u.

I tot u are supposed to have salad to cool down?? hehe

I also let E take over me until I am so fedup cos I feel like her pacifier. N she has totally rejected milk bottle. Okie she takes the bottle but jus takes her time nibbling on it and NOT drinking the milk.
So since she is able to obey, I told her AFTER she has drink milk and want to sleep. She MUST open her mouth and sleep by herself else mama pain pain.
So far so good but I must remember to tell her everynight before she sleeps. OH and did I mention she has jus started having night terrors.....sigh

Ummm DIY?? hehehe

Xmas decor on our cake was thrown out or taken home by the other kids.. Sorry..

Jabs: all PDs or clinics will notify hpb Of the jabs, that's how they get our records. But note that only measles n diPhtheria are mandatory ok?
Now Emma is better. Her naps is 2 hours, but sometimes after that 1 hour she would wake up. Most of the time she would sleep again if we're near her.

My nephew did talk until he was 3.5 years old. So should be okay I think. Last time Emma also didn't want to say words, she keeps pointing and saying "ini ini ini.. (means This in bahasa). Then we're like what's INI? please talk, if not I wouldn't know. She tried her best then we help her with little bit of words and asked her to repeat before we give it to her. It works for me, but not everytime la. She sorta decide when she wants to repeat.

I would probably just keep quiet and ignore.

eeee Lizards? that is the creepy crawly I hated most in the world *shudder* I am scared just looking at it on TV.

yesterday Emma broke Ashley's toy and to our horor she refused to say sorry and insisted that Grandma is the one who broke the toy *rolls eyes*. We told her nicely she should own up but she kept saying NO and keep saying that Grandma did it and cries for 1 whole hour!! Where does that come from!!!

Emma has been using pacifier especially before sleep. One day she has sores on her lower lip. and While she slept we sprayed the watermelon powder on the lips. She woke up and looked for the pacifier and she complained that the pacifier is "spicy" (cuz the powder is sorta minty) and bitter. Guess what
Now she is off pacifier. She completely refused to take the pacifier even if we shove it right to her face. It's good for us, but now she can't sleep by herself. Normally she will sleep in 5 min after putting the pacifier in the mouth. Now she refused to nap and sleep. her sleep pattern is totally off now. She will nap at 5 pm since she can't stand the sleepyness and at night she won't sleep until 1 am.I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing kekeke.
good for you that emma's naps are longer now.

dunno leh, the suan la mian ws really good.
*shudder* E is still latching to sleep...... i cannot imagine C2 latching to sleep at 2.5 yo.
hello mommies,
back from mia.. son coughed for 3 weeks!!! when he's sick and i have work stress, really no mood to say or do anything other than the must do's and cannot don't say.

think i saw your C1 and C papa just now at Kallang shopping mall. I saw C1 first but not too sure till i saw your hb. didn't call out to them coz didn't reckon they'd know me hahaha... C1 is taller than my son!

there's no way to change old lady's biasness.. absolutely NO WAY so just ignore her. i know it's easier said than done. but practise makes perfect. once you master the skill of shutting out your mil's mean words like getting used to the construction going around your house daily, then you can just do your part as a dil in return for good karma for yourself and your hb & daughter ;)

Nex is just 2 bus stops away from where i'm staying now and i have NOT stepped in yet... terried of the crowd! hahaha... dunno how long i can hold out b4 i'm tempted to check it out.
Boys & Guns...
guess what, hb has been pointing out to guns every time we're at the toys dept... so i think it's just a matter of time b4 my son starts "shooting" around.

Pointing 2
any of the kids can point 2? like with pointer and middle finger? my son and nephew can't but sil's nepher who is May08 baby can!! my son points 2 with his thumb and 2nd finger hahaha...
Ummmmm hehe I reckon E is girl so I am still okie to bf her. But but I really dunno hw long it's going to last cos if I dun bf her she dun drink milk. N she already soo slim nw. Sigh.

I am in similar dilemma. We wean D off milk bottle. But the thing is nw he doesn't ask to drink milk. Used to drink every morn n night. Nw he only asks for it like once or twice a week n refuse to drink other days. Sigh he's getting slimer too so not sure if we did the right thing too early.

Ember can show 2 fingers the normal way. Cos there is this apple song she loves which keep singing 2! So she start to practice her correct 2 fingers so nw she's got it.
She likes to show ppl she is 2 yr old too haha
actually the first time my mil said it to me, i was in such disbelief i didn't react. total shock. and that probably is why she thinks it's alright for her to keep mentioning the ex-gf to me.

anyway, sometimes i think God gave me this mil so that i will always remember to keep in touch with the times, be less critical of ppl, be less compulsive obsessive, and not to think too highly of myself.

of coz that's only coz i'm in a better mood today lah. after splurging some money at the bookfest hehe.

er, i'm not sure pomfret even knows two fingers for two. somehow never occurred to me to show her.

if you didn't have C2 and thus had to stop bf-ding C1, did you already have an age in mind to stop? i don't know, pomfret is not taking to weaning very well. i really don't know want to still be latching her when she's 3!!!!
i love the way you said "She is living in the past so jus let her be and dun join her there" :D

i love the way you justify her actions. comedian of the year award goes to you!

thanks girls for helping to clarify about jabs.

i heart mustafa so much!!!
soooo many things! all the spices! so cheap! (my true auntie self has emerged). i cannot believe it - they have the largest shelf area for 1) baby food and 2) kids plates and cutlery. more than any other supermarket and dept store ever.

BFing mummies
you are so patient. poppy is so tall; i cannot imagine having to BF her outside now. prob have to ask strangers next to me if they are OK having her feet on them.

poppy can, but sometimes she will fumble a bit hehe. we sing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once i caught a fish alive.

someone else at home prob already taught dec 1-200 hehe.

maybe you could tell her something like this "ok, after nap, we will have milk, then we will read a book/draw a picture/sing some songs then you go and lie down and take a nap by yourself like a big girl, then when you wake up, grandma/mummy will be right her to give you a big hug"?
you the gal la!
even liddat, you can justify. i take my hat off to you!
age to stop bfeedg ah... not really.... i m happy to do the morning feed, but not the night feed to latch to sleep, and ya, i miss having my own boobs back.

dilemma indeed. want to feed them to grow up healthy and strong (size is a proxy) but dowan to be at their beck and call. MAMA milk! - i can just imagine 2yo C2 saying EVERY night. *shudder*
okok, cellow needs to learn to live in the moment. chill pill for me

ya they were loitering around in kallang bcz my boss decided to suddenly call for 830pm mtg ystday, and he only decided to send out the mtg request on monday late night SG time, so i only got it ystday morning.
so in the end, Mr C had to bring C1 out!!!
btw, how did you recog Mr C? FB pix?
and wat were you doing in Kallang if you stay next to Nex (

hmm. i dunno how C1 does 2.... smthing new to ask him to show me tonight. HAHA.

HAHAHAHHAHA! re the link you posted.
somehow i dun feel any christmas mood, and am not particularly drawn to babies at the moment. maybe tis bcz C2 woke up and played fm midnight to 130am last night. one of those nights....
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that. She is very stubborn and no amount of talking can change her mind. I hope she'll change.

try giving him milk on specific timing. or have him drink together with you keke... Emma refused to drink water, so everyday we will toast with a special glass and she'll drink. Of course it's tiring for us to toast like 20 times for drinking just half a glass of water Lols.

Is D drinking fresh milk? if yes, you can try some flavored milk for him. Sometimes Emma will drink milk right from the fridge in the afternoon, especially when it's hot. I'll put 1 small ice cube cuz she loves it. She'll drink it in no time.

This is kinda interesting:
oh michelle,
i was reading this http://www.babycenter.com/404_is-my-2-year-olds-development-lopsided-if-hes-very-physical_69347.bc and thot of eboy.

*i* think eboy is doing ok as he is responsive to your spoken instructions. maybe his expressive vocab is taking some time to catch up. how long did your PD say to wait before PD recommends speech therapy?

at C1's last PD assessment in Nov, he has a problem w the K, C, B and S sounds. blended sounds like BLue and BRown are even more difficult - C1 cannot manage it at all. but PD said nothing to fret abt now..... assess again when he turns 3 plus.
giving all moms who are still doing it a big hug. Doesn't everything else feel so easy peasy beside it?

ha. He can barely count to 20 properly. doggiebb has the child genius, not me ;p
mustafa - yes gazillion things but oh so messy don't u think? It makes my head spin.

yes to 2. Just tried it out just now
i have to grit my teeth today and tell myself - just. one. more. pump
just. one. more. latch.
tis. for. C2's. long. term. health.

count to 20. C1 regularly skips 13, then gets confused after 15 and 16.... maybe his brain can only hold 12 numbers for now

i used to love digging around in the piles of things. but now w lack of time.... i would rather shop in a more organised place. zip in and zip out after getting wat i want.
Mr C says i m too pampered. using the supermkt eg, he would rather shop at NTUC (not Finest), Giant and Shop n Save and wouldnt go into Cold Storage or Jasons. but dar-ling, the time savings, i would rather sleep!
hi hi... back to office today and was dragging my feet to work....

looking for lunch kaki today!!!!!!!

eboy cant speak yet so how would i know he could count or not? he did count to ten though, he will point his fingers, and count to ten by saying *ten* ten times, ten, ten, ten, ten... yes, that's right, that;s how he counts.. hahahaha

This eboy has become such a whiney baby after spending 10 days with me.. i have to be with him in everything he does, and he whines when i don't. every morning, he will wake up crying until i go to him.. jia lat!!! how do you SAHM teach your kids independence/? the more time i spend with him, the more dependent he is on me... how how how???

sayang Cellow... hope C2 will learn to sleep through the night soon....

Christmas party how how how?
dustee: you sure have a patient heart of gold *pat on the back* I would have turned into a dragon lady and fired back at MIL liao.. good for you! hang in there ya! LOL to good moods after shopping spree..

mustafa: wah i've never been before! PB the fantastic salesman tempting me to check it out now.. it will probably not happen coz i barely go there.. same as CK in chinatown where i barely step foot into haha

cellow: how did you wean C1 off the boobies?

wah i'm still making bbG drink as much milk as possible.. (3 hourly still haha) so decided to give in to letting him have the milk bottle still (coz he won't drink milk from a cup!)
Counting etc
All of you have genius babies, still waiting for L to count to 10!

L is still latching to sleep. And during the day and night. Guess I'm used with it

X'mas party is confirmed right? Sunday 3pm?

Wuffy shows "2" the same way as yours. the thumb and the second finger. hee.. think the muscle not developed yet. kekeke


I totally agree that everything seems easy peasy beside bf. I dun mind having more kids, but i really hate the bf part. but like wat cellow says..."tis. for....... long. term. health".

My girl is already sleeping thru the nite, BUT the irritating part is I still have to wake up to pump, else engorged and then milk supply drop. kaoz.

Xmas party -- on? Where ah? Need to do gift exchange or not?
But pb was talking about counting mah. I think Dec can't fit more than 15 numbers into his brain. Mwahahaha.

Even more zhai are mothers who pump at work. I think I would have stopped even earlier if I had to pump. So kudos to you for persevering.

IF you wanna try out of curiosity, you can always show eboy 1, then ask him how to do 2. Or just show him and ask him to copy you. As I said, out of curiosity if you want la.

3-hrly? So even during lunch and dinner?

Yah, so sian when they can sleep through the night and WE can't. So unfair right?

Xmas party:
Eh, since PB seems to be MIA-ing (maybe she's in Mustafa right now :p), the party is still on. It's happening this Sunday 19th Dec 3pm at Botanic Gardens. Wet weather plan would be my place. It's potluck. I feel like the Christmas scrooge, but can we not have gift exchange? Cos I know many of us have too much stuff at home already! Or I know! We can just exchange toys/books/etc. Something that is suitable for our kiddos age but our kids don't seem to be interested in. How? Good idea?
but bbp you are talking about counting? not reciting right?

counting, i think mine can do pretty well just until 10 or 15 also like dec. but reciting he can do a biiiiiit more lah...


oh mine is also doing it with the thumb and forefinger also. i think the fine motor skills not developed until there yet! heh!

christmas party

3pm is a bad time for me cos its right smack nap time. i am afraid that when i come around at 5 plus, you guys are packing up to go home already!
oh oh. I only meant reciting

actual counting - ha!

how? Seems like 3pm is prime naptime for many, at least Cellow and doggiebb and actually for me too.
and besides 3pm is hot isn't it?

how about do 5pm when its cooler?

i am game for the old stuff gift exchange! but how about having some parameters like the item shld be of a certain value when bought and condition should be 9/10 or something? *glupz* would it make the choosing very hard and end up buying something new is easier? wahaha!
Ya ya, eboy does the thumb and forefinger thingy too! he pose with that in all his pics nowadays thinking its the victory sign!!!!

3pm is eboy's nap time.. 5, 5.30 is OK for us.

no gift exchange is ok! just let the kids gather! besides ,dun think they will all sit still and open presents and then totally not understand teh "christmas" spirit.. maybe when they are older... changing old gifts too stressful leh.. scared wait ppl "hiam" my item too old/not nice/ etc.. how?
in a particularly good mood cos from end Dec all the way to end Jan, I will be clearing my leave!!! so these few days I'm just doing my exit clearance, packing my cubicle.. not attending meetings... la la la... I am free to join mummies gathering!!!

wow, bbG drinking milk at 3 hourly interval!! eboy was on milk strike when we were in beijing.. now he drinks milk 3, at most 4 times a day. morning breakfast, afternoon snack, and before bedtime. sometimes afternoon he takes two...

posting my beijing video soon.. keep a lookout on our blog!!

qing mei mei? ni pao qu na li???
Haha yesterday mustafa, today IKEA. PB is a busy bunny! Morning went to supreme court to sompah (someone actually said as I walked out "Here is come to sompah one is it?", met BB for lunch then IKEA then now on way to chinatown. Mad rush to get xmas pressies in time to send by end of the 12th day of xmas to Canada!!

FairPrice and FairPrice finest have the same prices. Just that the latter has a wider selection of atas items but even so, the prices of those items (I've compared) can be still cheaper than cold storage and the likes

Thank you Bbp for taking over xmas party planning
I'm good for 5pm. But that means we'll only have about 2 hours of light - ok for all? Ok for no gift exchange! I remember having to lug all poppy's pressies home after party at palm valley with no car. Pant pant.

Shall we have a theme? Since it's in BG, how about HUAY HUAY? As in "flower", not ah Beng ah Lian ah Seng ah huay
PB, next time I am SAHM can you teach me how to go around places with you!!!!!! i thought fair price and finest both the same. the ham at finest suppose to be finer? but yee.. not nice one.. market place ham is DE BEST!

Are you little ones self feeding all meals? mine once into self feeding, dunno how to finish the meal. We still need to feed. wonder like that, go school, how ah?

anyone knows where i can get cheap cheap booster seat (plastic type) cos eboy enjoys his meals with us on our chairs around our table, rather than alone on his high chair.. where to get?

your highchair cannot pluck away the table? that's what we are doing. pluck away the table and park the highchair next to the table and eat together with the family.
any one keen in installing invisible grilles? got a contact and if more interested can get discount.. interested pls PM or SMS me to discuss!!!
invisible grilles are "window grilles" made of stainless steel of only 2mm thick, placed 2-6 inches from one another, horizontally or vertically, up to you, in silver colour, which from far, you can't really see it type lah..
peace sign: gordon struggled with it when he was turning two.. and mastered it in time..and have been doing it ever since in every pic coz he thinks he's telling the whole world he's 2 years old... so be prepared for next year's photos.. he's gonna do the three! LOL!

milk drinking: 5 times a day.. on top of lunch n dinner.. but he takes only approx 150ml.. better than nothing, I feel, coz I think milk is important leh..

booster seat.. i know bjorn has it.. but dunno where to buy...

invisible grills: hmm.. http://www.invisiblegrille.com/ would it cut fingers since it's so delicate? but guess not... sturdy?
C1 weaned himself off my boobs when i was pregnant w C2. and i din even know myself that i was pregnant. think the taste changed.

i dun recommend getting pregnant as a way of weaning breastfeedg.

bbp, tis just one of those days... i need to remind myself this too shall pass.

*envy* at wuffy's little sister sleeping thro the night. but oh, how yucks that batgirl cannot.
hmm hmm batgirl, i would rather sleep than pump lor. seriously. shows where my priorities are now.

YAY for no gift exchg!
i reckon C1 has wayyyyy too much stuff anyway. i dunno how to fit more stuff into the house unless we get wall to wall shelving.
may i recommend however that if mummies really have baby stuff that you want to lug to salvation army kind, can pls bring them along on sunday? (assuming you got transport)
then we do like a pasar thing, but no need money to exchg. just take. as a way of reusing. how how. idea bor?
What does "sompah" mean?
We just got home from Ikea!

Booster seat
Toys R Us sells some. We got the cheapest, the Safety 1st one, for S last time.

X'mas party
We'll prolly be there by 4pm, maybe earlier. Anyone who can come then, do join us!

X'mas swop instead of pressies
Xmas at BG @ 5pm -- I am on! 3pm also wuffy's naptime. 5pm would be nice. Thumbs up for no Xmas exchange.. the kiddos have way too many things. Potlucking? Pot luck wat huh.. can i get drinks then??

Cellow, lol on "i dun recommend getting pregnant as a way of weaning breastfeedg." haha! i know, i am trying to see if i can swop sleep for pumping, but pain leh... in the end also dun sleep well. I am going to JKt next weekend without the kids, maybe i can train my boobs to tahan until 6am in the morning. Else it is real yucky to wake up to pump at 3am.

Youpi, "sompah" means swear (to tell the truth and nothing but the truth).
hello mummies,
just back from detailed scan..
got a bit worried when asked to go scan again cos they saw 2 bright spots in the baby's heart.
luckily its not anythin serious..

Wow, saw that so many kids making improvement! kayden also starting reciting his alphabets.. think its abt time!
but he learn from the places except books, like iphone, remote control and even subtitles on tv...

Christmas party
i lost track..
is this sunday? where and when?

Batgirl - me also find it such a torture to wake up at 4am to pump. I usually oversleep till 6am and by then boobs are pain! Yawn yawn.. Like cellow, I will choose to sleep too. Heehee

Christmas party, 5pm? We will join for an hour then as we hv a dinner to attend at 630pm. Ok for no gift exchange

Mich - welcome bk. Yay, u can join us for some play time. Yerterday bumped into youpi at Royce and last week, bumped into dor dor n dustee at plaza sing. Fun to feel like a sahm. Heehee
