(2008/07) July 2008

hee i was thinking of going ikea for lunch haha..wanted to buy potted plants for office.

hwich are the good shows? i want to bring them but now only got weekends to do it. may go for the elmo one if possible...

i saw your pics on the kids dash. so cute!

hee i also did some shopping for toys over weekend. jh got his beyblade (really ex) and jh got her minnie mouse. minne mouse was abt half price so quite worth it. was at isetan.

think u can look out for sales esp after xmas if not urgent?

Good idea! Yeah after xmas usually got sale

I asked poppy which show she wanted and named a few. She almost screamed out in excitement when I said "Barney". Barney is the one at novena? Must make any purchase?

I was at IKEA THREE times last week! Both stores! Hehe. We're downsizing - gonna get a smaller sofa set and dining table set. Anyone knows anyone who might be keen?

SD and DD
Oh! Custard, that's right! Ok I'll try it out!

Any kiddos still teething? Poppy just got a new one! This is number 20 maybe? Dunno, lost count! Could explain the lack of appetite in the past few weeks.

Last night so cute - I gave her milk in bed then she finished it and asked for more and of cos insisted to follow me out to make more. Then she said to her bed : " Bye bye bed. We go make milk. So much milk!"

Hello mummies
i have been a slient reader here...

Juz wana share tat abt cartoons xmas shows..
If ur kidz are fans of THOMAS N FRIENDS..its at milenia walk(opp suntec city).. N its indoor open space doesnt need to Q n FOC...But u oni need to get a ticket for photo taking..
Three times?! Did you find what you wanted? I was there to look for x'mas stuff but the x'mas section is really small compared to previous years. Wonder if I went too late and everything was bought up already, or if they've just decided not to bring in as much this year?

No, no sale, but sill crowded as usual!

Neglected child
We were at the library just now and there was a 6+ year old boy who was alone there. Apparently he had been pushing other kids around. He told me that his mum had left him there since 12pm - it was about 2.45pm when we spoke - and would be picking him up only at 6pm! No wonder he was misbehaving and craving attention, the poor child.
gasp! wonder what the mother was thinking! if she had a good reason for it *i wonder what it was* and if it was a one-time thing. yikes

xmas range at ikea - varies year to year. there are usually some items that go much faster than others, and some that linger around till way past christmas. those will go on sale in jan :D
Abit hard lor cos.....c1 learns c2 grows and be more mobile...haha
So the cycle goes and till now the kids are still fighting over toys. I ask them to share all their toys instead or D used to take some other toys for E to play with which works for awhile(till she got older). But normally go by dun share dun play.
So if D doesn't want to share he's supposed to go play somewhere where E cannot see him. Best place would be out the front door.
So guess he would share or go outside?? ;P

Really?? Yo gabba gabba didn't leave an impression when it was shown on tv. But it was alot of song kind of show so the kids loved it. And we have bee to it so many times I videoed the parts they love so they keep watching it over n singing the song over n over n over....haha
I think they really like those where they can stand and dance alot. Barney show as usual they asked to leave before it ended(but we weren't in the show area)
So they loved it, and I loved it cos I dun have to queue. Jus walk in to seat when its time. I believe they will enjoy the Hi5 show as well like the last time but it required ALOT of queueing this time so I'm rather lazy abt going.
We saw ppl already queuing at 5+ for 7pm show. So we went to the Thomas show at millenia instead....hehe

We were at the library too today but skipped the kids section....hehe
That poor boy....his parents take the library as a free childcare huh *tsk tsk*

Great that Emma's come round to washing hair.

Ember is another 1 who cries when she knows she is naughty. And will laugh over it and go "umm yah yah yah" when we tell her not to cry like that again. Now I'm trying to find someway to get it into her head that she can't always get what she wants.(before she starts crying)

*ding dong* Better do your homework early if wanna chiong mall shows huh.
Cos Barney show has ended. Today was the last day(that's why I rushed down cos the kids did request for it) Hope poppy doesn't get too upset over not seeing barney but ummm really have to queue very long for it kind lor Barney. next up there is Diego and Spongebob.


T3 anyone?? hehehe

And talking abt mall shows......it really brings out the worse in the parents. Esp those who keep pushing their kids to squeeze infront of other kids and sit at spaces that are obviously not spaces and act like there's nobody else around. I wonder what they are teaching their kids.

I actually didn't run around alot cos last 2 weeks I was waiting for Ember to develop fever after her jab n I caught the bug big time. This week a few of the shows are ending so I will be very busy running around everyday.
Worse thing is hubby in reservist....the kind that he can't go back home....sigh
So i have to do all the stuff at home and out alone the whole day.....maybe its a good time to go T3 huh since we have LOTS of time. And only travel back after peak hrs.

And I just want to vent.
Hubby actually not coming home to sleep doesn't really make a great impact on the kids cos he normally leaves for work before the kids asleep and comes back in the wee hrs when the kids are already asleep. Then morn leaves for work when we are all still asleep. So the kids won't knw at all right??

But he has to itchy backside and bring D aside and tell him abt hw daddy is not coming home to sleep have to sleep in the army camp n all.
Then okie D fell asleep very early and he wokeup suddenly at 11pm while I was doing chores.
Now he is still not asleep and is bugging me for the 11th time why his daddy is not home and he wants to go army to sleep with his daddy and he miss his daddy.
I really want to *piak* that big kid's itchy backside.
btw Duplo is Lego for younger kiddos right??
Cos I jus remembered that normally even during sales (Isetan private sale) Lego stuff are not on sale. Metro goes by the blue and yellow tags. The rest I am not sure so best bet would be to check out Toys r us.
I got the barbie Ember wanted for $21.90 there when the rest are selling for $29.90 and no disc for that even during sales.
u bought your new place already? wow u r a real fan of ikea! i wish i can find some time to go there. love to go there and look look see see...but maybe wait for sales.

i know what u mean. yesterday i was putting the kids to bed and hb came back. he came in then went for his dinner. then after that jx kept asking for him so in the end both kids dun wan to sleep.
Wow yikes! Maybe your big kid thinks he's being nice and responsible by telling D why he won't be around.
Ya I don't think I am up to facing those kind of parents at the shows so I will prob give them a miss la
I'll just ask bluebunny to dress up as Barney for poppy Haha.

In no hurry so will just stick my neck out to sniff for good deals :D
Mummies who have children in Childcare centre:

XP has her first day at childcare centre today. Actually she attended another cc for 1 week in Jan this year, but withdrawn after she fell sick and MIL offered to look after her.

As she grows up, she is more demanding in who to do what. Today she refused to let the teachers to help her in anything, insisted she wants me. What should I do? Tomorrow I will accompany her again, dunno should I just let her cry and get teachers to help her, but I'm worried that she will dislike the teachers...
Think u have to jus keep telling her that u will not be ard after n only the teachers can help her. Dun think will go to the extend that she will dislike her teachers bah. Jus have to keep telling to get her mind to accept it.
goooooood morning, tis been quiet these few days.

tis only the first day. if you can, harden your heart and dun be around. go and lim kopi or smthing, smwhere near. trust that if anything really major happens, the teachers will call you then you can dash to XP imm. unlikely that anything major will happen

daddies alerting toddlers to their presence
well if the daddies follow thro, then tis ok. but mr Dor and mr SY's behaviours, haiya, if they arent gonna be around, tell the children for wat. the children arent gonna understd why.

I am just back to work..busy busy busy... bonus period is comiing soon, so I guess that is something to look forward too!

Any lunches coming up?
pat pat. maybe she is worried that you will not go back for her. i just had a chat with some old friends and one girl in her 30s remembers that when she was 2-3, she did not want to go to school cos she was afraid her mother was abandoning her!

everytime poppy and i go to school i tell her that i love her very much and that after she wakes up from her nap, she will play/sing/dance/read books etc then i will be there to pick her very shortly after.

in the beginning i would sneak away soon as i see that she's distracted. if she catches me, some teacher will gently lead her away then she'll be ok soon as she's distracted. now she waves bye bye to me. i think XP insists on you because you are there. slowly pull away as the days go by, be there for less and less. in the beginning you might need to be there for a while just to reassure her and ease her into it. it's a new environment and can be daunting. bluebunny stayed with poppy for 4 hours on the first day, then 2 for the next, then 1, then on day 4 she was alone

that's my take. good luck!

re playschool
we just found out that poppy will be bumped up to N1 next year! so fast??!! but, counting back, P1 is 7 right? so yeah, N1 is 3 y/o. but it just seems so fast!
royce next tuesday on! 4.30pm can?
half price waffles mmmmm!!!

oh. i just remembered. cin bunny recently told me that i was arrowed - i mean nominated - to plan the jul babes christmas party!

our dates are limited to either 18 or 19 dec (we'll go with majority) about 3pm. since most function rooms and areas would have been booked up by now, i'd like to suggest a christmas picnic! each family brings 1 picnicky finger food dish to share. central location. let's confirm actual venue through email ok?

i get the ball rolling. you all know the drill! add your name to the date that you can. we'll go for the more popular day

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny
Eh, your headers got the wrong dates. But never mind, I changed it already.

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny
2) bbp x 3

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny
2) bbp x 3
Does anyone know where to buy good essential oils in SIngapore?

Royce next Tues: ON!

Okay with potluck picnic. But must have rain contingency plan when deciding on location, k?

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny
2) youpi, mr y, y1 & y2
Argh, post again...

1) pinkbunny, bluebunny, poppy bunny
2) bbp x 3
3) youpi, mr y, y1 & y2
Good quality, not diluted, not mixed, 100% essential oil. Cannot order from sprees 'cos I need them assp.
Yah lor I so qigek man when D can't sleep n keep thinking of his dad while his dad prob is enjoying his sleep in the camp.
Yest was good cos he cant come back so he can't tell D he's not coming back so all went well. Tonite's okie as well. Sigh big kids.......wat to do with them.

Gorgeous mummies aah me me can or us if we can wake early enough and reach before u all go off....hehehe

I dunno why I seem to have A lot of energy suddenly. Like all hyped up but I can't sleep well at night or rather can't fall asleep cos I dun seem tired. N day time.........I'm out whole day with the kids running around and feel a little tired going home at the end of the day but once home I still have to do all the stuff alone n I'm not tired out....sigh dunno why. Maybe my brain prepped my body to cope for all the stuff alone.
I wonder if I will have to payback big time after this is over.
RP lunch on fri, me! N maybe Cellow too?

Haven't been to snow city b4..haven't tried ice skating too..n never seen snow before!

Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
okie do the admin first.

RP lunch on Fri 10 Dec
1. PB
2. DD
3. Dor + D? + E (if able to wake up)
4. Cellow

Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
5) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)

big kid, wat to do with them. pre empt, explain, scold and ultimately threaten... take away a treat! haha.

you best take care dear. this pumped up adrenalin wont last you for long.... you need to sleep to rest properly.

so faaaaast your maternity leave whizzed by!
wanna join for lunch too?

I have been v busy (but not qigek as all these is just part of a game I play during the day, then go home to my family at night) recently at work. I TOLD my boss on Tue that I have too much work!!!! hahahhaa. cannot imagine doing that in an SME, break my own rice bowl ah.
u wan me to help u put in a order on iherb and put your add?

i think XP is like that only when u r there. dun worry once u leave the teachers know what to do. when i first brought jx to sch, she also will cry and must have me ard. but i let teacher try n take her away from me. and she will be ok. now she's great in sch.

yes they will be 3 next year and that's N1!! in fact, jx teacher already push her up to N1 already.

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
5) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
6) Sy x 4

hmm would love to do lunch on fri but i promise to go gym with my colleagues!!! hee...must kick start the exercise.
bbp.... is this the same sophie giraffe as the one we all previously got together?? can it laugh (or is it a typo) or does it just squeek? haha
Ok, I realised there was an error in copying and pasting in the previous posts and youpi got added to Sunday's list by mistake. Corrected it liao.

RP lunch on Fri 10 Dec
1. PB
2. DD
3. Dor + D? + E (if able to wake up)
4. Cellow
5. bbp x 2 (if bloody weather permits)

Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
5) Sy x 4
workload driving me crazy.
today gotta eat at desk.

i m so impatient w C1 nowadays. if he even whines, i yell at him. *sniff* poor C1.
wat makes me so different fm the mummy who chucked her 6yo at the library? major guilt trip now.
Pat Pat. The difference is that you did not chuck C1 at a library for 6 hours. We all have our days where fuses get short. As long as we give the kiddos a bit hug at the end of the day and they know how much we love them, everything's ok. Hug!
Sunday also can lah

Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
5) cinbunny X 4

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
7) cinbunny X 3

is the party a tea time event?

royce next tuesday - pinkB , i see u at 430 but i prob go earlier cos i need to leave by 530pm
Xmas party 18 dec sat
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) Youpi x 4
4) bbg x 3
5) cinbunny X 4

Xmas party 19 dec sun
1) pb x 3
2) BBP x 3
3) bbg x 3
4) cellow x 4 (cannot do Sat as super duper bz)
5) Sy x 4
6) youpi x 4
7) cinbunny X 3
8) batgirl x 4 (can't do Sat, my brother's wedding)

RP lunch,

Aiyoh..cannot make it. I am clearing my reminaing 5 weeks of ML by taking every Friday off. Tomorrow also got to bring the kids for injection.
RP lunch

i will be at Julia Gabriels in the morning, but will be back in the pm. Can try to rush for lunch if it's really right smack at RP. where?

RP lunch on Fri 10 Dec
1. PB
2. DD
3. Dor + D? + E (if able to wake up)
4. Cellow
5. bbp x 2 (if bloody weather permits)
6. Doggiebb + TA's (maybe)
Anyone else? What do u all fancy for lunchie? 12noon?
