(2008/07) July 2008


Got your PM! Thanks!!
I will try to make it on Thursday, but cannot confirm yet, until you gals fixed up a time.

Ya..back to work liao.. year end coming so loads of stuff to clear. But i do feel liberated while at work. *bad mummy* :p


Thanks! I sent you PM liao!

hi mummies! just got up from my nap ;) and catching up on all the posts!!

Dustee - i also walked up and down balestier and geylang for lights and also had silent wars with hubby cos we both hv different opinions..and i was like 8 months preggy and exhausted with all the walking!! I really wanted to pop the champagne when we both finally agreed on the dining room light..too bad could not drink only..hahah :p

visiting mini bean and me! - thurs is fine but after 3pm ok? if weather's good, you can all bring your swimming gear for some splashing time ;)

youpi - i wanna take bean to orchard to see the lights too..maybe next week, after confinement :D

batgirl - i hv to go out everyday cos i pick bean up from school..and was at united sq to do mini bean's passport photos ..errands errands :p
Can someone enlighten me about all these "shows" going around? What's happening? What am I missing out on?

Melb was rather polluted so my nose, throat and eyes were all not happy. But the further we went from the city, the cleaner the air. Went to a place similar to jacon ballas. We loved it!! It was situated within the botanic gardens and poppy took a nap on the grass after cos she was totally wiped out from all the action :D

Nasty people: just hotel people giving us dirty looks. Not sure why. Maybe cos in suburbs they were not used to seeing mixed marriages. And they gave us a hard time about not "declaring" we had a small child with us and forced us to take an extra bed claiming it was a hotel policy/fire hazard for 2 people to share a king sized bed. It was 10pm when we checked in so we just took the extra bed cos we were too tired to argue. When it arrived, the guy pushing it gave us a real sour face and we found a thumb tack in it when we opened it. When we complained the next day the duty manager said "if it were my child I would surely look to make sure there were no more pins before putting her in it. It is ridiculous that you are complaining about this". Totally missing the point, no?
quick one as m down w C1's stomach flu. MC for 2 days, that's how potent it is

welcome back to PB and youpi.... oz land is fun but travelling w kiddos is different fm travelling w just adults.

pb, oh that ws just a nasty crack. aussies tend to be liddat... did you handle it w your usual grace?

you klkk, not like doing confinement more like enjoying an extended break
good for you
I started my leave last Friday and my boss ask me to go back to attend an impt mtg as "gasot is not comfortable attending"!!! Feel so angry after receiving the SMS cos he's not asking, he just assumes I can make it. 2ndly, it's her work, she dun feel Comfy therefore I have to sacrifice my time to go??? Someone tell me what's the logic?

I could have attended but really feel so angry that I think I really shouldn't go!!! But it's enough to spoil my holiday mood. I'm on leave for goodness sake. Leave me alone!!!

Boo hoo hoo.
Tell him you've made plans!

My usual grace haha. No I let bluebunny handle this one while I watched poppy. Some white folk prefer talking to, shall I say, those with fairer skin tones.

You know, at that hotel, a customer even made a snide remark about poppy who was playing with the newspapers. Really la, some people who have lived in ULUburbia really don't know how to act when they see people other than their kind. But our friend did warn us. Anyway, I'm not going to live there for good so it doesn't worry me!
still woozy today.

nvm la. those in suburbia are really the pits and quite insular in their outlook. better to stick to the city.
and a person who makes snide remarks abt poppy is absolutely freaking mad. the children are innocent. pick on someone your own size, bozo.

dun go. just say you have plans for the day (since you are ON LEAVE), and you do not want to disappoint your son.
I won't go lah, just that receiving such SMS is very frustrating, especially it's about me being sacrificed for others comfort. She's not even deserving, dunno what my boss thinking, maybe he just wants to take revenge for my leaving...

It's a great day for swim!!!! We're going for a dive in the pool. Chat later!
I must take my hat off for your gasot for refusing to attend meeting just because she is uncomfortable. Heh I'm even more puzzled how come your boss was okay with that too.

Wah The other customer made a snide remark? That's nasty! tsk tsk.
ya lah, exactly bcos of my boss, ppl like gasot and tripleO-k and at-king exists and blossoms like sunflower... sigh.

never mind lah, dun want to think about that le.. i'm going for my holiday soon!

what time meeting tomorrpow? want to go royce? then lunch, then want to catch a show at 1pm first? barney or high 5 or sesame street?
Visiting cin bunny, bean jiejie and little bean
Poppy and I will swing by tomorrow about 430pm but cin bunny is open for visits from 3pm onwards. Who's coming? Nearest mrt station is novena (+ a couple of bus stops to the bunny burrow)
whoever is going to royce gym over a workday can sms me, see if i m in office? i havent seen any1 for sooooooo long. sigh.

i m getting the holiday blues. too much work and too little time for myself.
I know it sounds funny but I was on the bus earlier, just enjoying the sound of... Not hearing my own voice! Particularly of words like "no!" and "stop!"
Went for hi 5 show at marina sq but eh, those 5 faces are different from the DVD ones? Imitation hi-5? Anyway, eboy not a fan of hi-5.

May try to catch sesame street Tmr 1pm!!
PB: was gonna ask if poppy's gonna skip sKool tomorrow or wat... n it seems to be the kiddo's PM naptime before that leh... so tea @ ikea is out i guess? royce? shows? i dun mind... just dunno if bbG will be awake or not hahahaha

mich u in? batgirl how? planning to sneak out from work ah? wat tiem works for you? youpi?
i only recognise the old high5 guys... not the new ones...

and ooh wiggles.. think we are catching on... i like the guy in blue! is that the one with the facejob and all?

bananas in pyjamas too!
That's Anthony! The one I have a crush on! Isn't he groovy :p

No I won't let her skip school for a while. She needs to get back into familiar routine again. So will pick her about 4.

High 5 - Mich, there's the original (I like them) and the new batch. I only know cos I watched them when my bro was a kid, and now my nephew watches the new guys haha. Talk about generation gap!

Boo hoo, cant sneak out. I need to finalise numbers for bonus discussion on Monday. Think i need to check quite a lot of stuff.... paiseh....we will catch up over lunch okie?
Visiting cin bunny, bean jiejie and little bean
Boys and I would like to see the pretty baby too, and can make it at 4.30pm. Could PB or Cin_bunny PM address please? Thank you!
icic... last time I had hard time cutting XP's hair, and after cutting, she looks a bit "nerdy" due to my poor workmanship... this product is helpful
hubby not working today so won'[t be joining you all today....

my staff going on a USA trip and willing to carry ANYTHING back for me.. so so so, what's good to buy from USA???? in time for christmas!!!
Really? Skp sells? Ok I'll go check thanks!

Hey mummies. Are we still doing our xmas party and gift exchange? I'd like to make a tiny request please. I'm having a tough time clearing poppy's stuff. It's very overwhelming! She's got so much stuff that it's scary. We've already made 3 trips to the salvation army and There's still so much! We are very blessed to have so many people care for poppy and us! We'd like to make a small request for xmas gift exchange: if someone who's going to the party has no time or inspiration for a gift, can you put $X in a pretty envelope, maybe even with ribbons and bows, and can we have that? it will go into Poppy's Xmas fund.

But, I did buy sth really useful for a girl in aust that is rather hard to find here, so we're still part of the exchange!!
have fun!!!!

u found a job so soon? hmmm hee maybe u will really enjoy your stay so much that u make it a longer break.

sigh sigh...really dunno how long i can survive at work. maybe not used to it but just happy to get paid i guess. my hb says stay out of everything and just do your work. but easier said than done right....i realise pte sector has less of these problems...

re hol
we are going next sat!! can't wait. hee guess i m too used to not working. so can't wait for break.

re mall shows
i wish i can bring the kids!! missed the times that i can just bring the kids for shows....

and not so nice to take leave also......hmmm maybe let me know which ones are really good and i just go selectively.
sent C1 up to school and there ws this little girl who called "C1!!!! (his real name)" loudly. then i asked C1 what ws her name, and he leaned over to whisper in my ear.


but the other thing that worries me is what dor described last time as the syndrome of the 1st child always running to the parents.

C1 and C2 were fighting for toys ystday. C2 came over, snatched fm korkor's hands and leopard-crawled quickly away.... C1 burst out crying! quite duh. how to teach him to defend himself by putting the toys out of his brother's reach if he doesnt want to share his special toys...... haaaaiyooooor
Anyone has any shopping centre cards with discounts? May I please tompang to buy duplo? Pwetty pwease? I'm happy to join u for shopping any weekday next week :D
I THINK no need to teach... I THINK C1 will get the idea eventually/soon

What shopping centre cards are you looking for specifically? Think you must announce the kind of shopping centre card you're looking for leh.
Any one that has a discount now
taka? Isetan? Bhg? Robinsons, tangs... Best price I've seen so far is $19.90 for 40 pieces at a shop at great world
you're going to the stanchart run yeah? good luck! happy running! oh i miss marathons. i miss being fit. hehe. i'm quite tempted to buy one of those baby buggies that are jogging-friendly, but quite ex.

mil woes
my mil has started her crying sessions again. sigh. my mood is most foul now, even more foul than the current weather.

sometimes C1 might be 'defenseless' or not try to deal with a toy being snatched away by C2 coz he's trying to get your attention. y'know, a bit like the 'see him bully me! love me more!' thing. i saw it happen a lot with my two nephews last time. it's esp hard for them to understand the 'he's a baby, he doesn't understand, you're a big boy, you should know better' concept.
Should have came in last night then I can tell u Metro 20% +10%(member) but Sat only.
Taka 10% card member till Sunday.

Maybe you should jus help C1 get over it like its no big deal its just a toy and he's not going to spoil it kind of way. Ummm not sure hw to achieve that though cos it suddenly came to my mind. Dun let C1 think of hitting C2 1st.
U know he might suddenly try n see if hitting C2 works in getting his toy back. So if you interfere and calm him to let him know that "hey its jus a toy and C2 loves you so much he jus wants to be like you and play with big boy toys. Cos he jus wants to grow up like his BIG brother." He might not get that tot to try hitting.

D loves it when i use that big brother idol thingy on him....haha
U can literally see his eyebrows go up with the smug look.....hahaha

Oh dear.....with the weather like that its perfect for being lazy and staying at home. But if your mil is not trying to be nice......sigh
I rather stay out in the rain....hehe
Ur welcome to pop over anytime....as long as we r home haha

Next week.....time to chiong the free mall shows again ;)
Dustee.. I just hope it won't turn out to be a carry-thon for me! Dun think the adult will be doing much running..

Queued an hour to watch Barney yesterday.

Dor, how's your show-hopping so far? How many have u caught? Since u have both d & e, u gotto catch both the girlie n boyish ones too? Haha heard barbie's more for older kids though..
Are there baking enthusiasts here? Can someone share a recipe on the filling of peach tarts? I already have the base and I already have the peach but can't find any recipes for the filling! Like the Delifrance peach tart kind of filling

Aiyah. But I also got no Metro card! Hehe.

Not a baking/cooking enthusiast but an eating one trying to help..is it usually filled with custard?

We completed the carry-thon..n mr bbg managed to throw in some real running action just at the finishing line to get the medal haha
I'm a lazy mum. So far caught the shows at taka ALOT!! Haha we can catch it twice a day the Yo Gabba Gabba show which ended cos the kids enjoyed it alot n didn't really have ta queue. They are singing the songs at home still.

Have not caught the Hi5 show yet though cos the queue scares me a little. But will be trying to sometime this week!!
E is crazy over barbie currently (thanx to toy story) n has requested to see the barbie 1 at J8. Sigh so I must go n see wat time is the show.
btw DS stuff is here but lazy me have not calculated yet hehe.
goooood morning ladies

need to inject some energy into my day..... tired out after sister's wedding dinner last night. handling the 2 boys was ok, but took a lot of mental energy (plus physical energy for the squirmy C2). at least they behaved

Mr C and I repeatedly emphasise to C1 that he cannot hit didi. at all. so he doesnt even think abt hitting.
so hitting is out, but running away w the toy is not wor. i need to teach him to protect his special things by putting them out of didi's reach.

maybe. but but but can their minds grasp the concept of acting up to get attention. okok, i just answered my own qn
they def can!

Clap clap to DD's carry-thon..... i wont even think abt doing that. Haha. Rather stay home and sleep if got the time.

mall shows
dun know and nebber bring C1. heh. now i feel like i m depriving him of a childhood. tis a combination of laziness and protecting him fm the subliminal advertising (chey, sounds good rite - bwahahahha)
Children Shows
Heee Cellow, you're not the only one. I have not brought Emma to see any show while I've brought Ashley practically to every show shown last time.

Good news everyone!!! Emma is okay with washing hair now. Suddenly just like that she is okay. It's like a light bulb suddenly works in her head! Lol.

She's got new antics though. When she's caught in doing something wrong she would cry for half a day!!! It's like.. "Hey I know I'm guilty but don't tell me off cuz I do not like it" She refused to say sorry, refused to listen and will just cry and cry and cry.. hmmph. After she finished crying and we told her she shouldn't have cried for so long then she'll say.. SORRY SORRY SORRY with a grin on her face. *rolls eyes*
Good morning!

I've been reading the posts and am super impressed by mummies esp Dor Dor who bring their kids to mall shows. It's sooooooooooooooo crowded! And of course, DD and bbG as well, for the Kids Dash yesterday

Dor Dor
The only one I would have brought them to was Yo Gabba Gabba, but by the time I found out about it, it was over, boo hoo!

*Clap clap* for Cellow and well-behaved C1 and C2!

Off to Ikea later, anyone going?

Hi-5! fellow non mall show going mummy.
Congrats on Emma deciding that washing hair is ok again

C1 does the saammmmme thing too. except that he doesnt even say Sorry Sorry when we explain to him that he shouldnt have cried for so long. He just goes into another bout of meltdown.

*faint* dun understand.

Sale going on at Ikea?
