(2008/07) July 2008

poor thing. hope you can at least take mc from work to recover at home (instead of rushing year end closing reports?) is haneda nearer to the city really? hmmm. no budget for japan for a while but i'll always keep this in mind : D hehe.

yes liang court is super convenient for me. BUT i m seldom in offc :p

like these 2 days, i arranged physio appmt and grocery shopping, so i m working at home again. shiok shiok
wah working from home again. your boss really flexi...

hope u get well soon

hang in there. think of the end.....that u get to move OUT!! when is reno targetted to finish? before CNY?

u very cute. bluff your hb. why he wan boy and not gal?

hee go for #3!!

good that bb is of good size. my fren also put on very little weight for #3. eat more!
Haha, I'm still here... but just reading and not replying cos lazy. ;p

Yes yes! Haneda is nearer to town! I learnt that the hard way when we went to Tokyo a few months back. Felt sooooo stupid to have paid more for a further airport. Psst, but guess who did the booking?

Black Friday! Anything good on sale?
hello ladies,
wow... some of you bz watching Kdramas? hubby bought Glee so we're Gleek for 2 hrs every night hehehe.. meanwhile, daytime son just can't leave me alone and he's now into the habit of grabbing my leg and pulling me along..."come play with me" if what he won't stop saying... i'm bored to tears la...

mil passed him the bugs last week, then he passed to his daddy and now me... so whole family coughing.

talking abt pregnancy pan-tang.. my mil spread the news of my 2nd pregnancy to everyone as soon as she found out which was less than 2 months pregnant then. and well.. you all know what happened. but hey, that's me only right... like my gynae said lor.. accidents happen. and 1 thing i didn't mentioned before. while waiting at the gynae's clinic for my test results, i was surfing on SMH forum and came across a post that mentioned Edward's Syndrome.... spooky right? so sometimes, really, signs are everywhere to prepare us in life, if only we'd slow down and open our eyes and ears to see and listen. ok.. better not go further than this...

my hubby shared a link with me www.comgateway.com
hi 5! i was going to ask abt whether anyone buying anything on black friday! i m so tempted but dunno what to buy...haha...

jx says the same thing. she keeps going 'play with me' and she will ask me to sit down or put my phone away.
Haha, so sad right? Want to buy but dunno what to buy. Anyway, I still owe you money for the Sambucus. I think I will owe you more money cos I want to buy some stuff from you liao. Haha!
my boss is physically in UK. he generally bo chap where i work, as long as i generate the appropriate level of emails

so yes i suka suka arrange my day so that i work at home, and bring C1/C2 for vaccinations during the day, grocery shop during the day and arrange physio sessions during the day.

but the pressure is on these few weeks. Nov already, the powers-that-are are waking up to the idea that the year is nearly over, so there is a LOT of activity. note i din say a lot of results.

some advice on itchy backside

recently bcz of downsizing, the jobs are getting scarcer. i ws thinking if this is the right time to quit, or wait till i need to rotate job again in 2-3 yrs time.

on the plus side of staying
1) good boss, good teammates, generally civil tone of discussion even when pple disagree
2) good medical benefits - i pay 20%, coy pays 80% - impt when the kiddos fall sick. and each PD bill is super $$$$.

on the minus side
1) job security is dwindling
2) just general itchy backside :p

was talking to a more senior colleague. there is never a rite time to quit when you are a mum. at this stage, i m physically tired and sleep deprived but well the mummy-effort-to-child-learning ratio is quite linear. the more effort i put into their daily activities, the more C1 and C2 learn. later on when they enter school, that is not the case lor... there are so many other things that they are influenced by. so in that sense, the challenges change and become less within mummy's control (back to control freak again, batgirl!! haha)

how how. dilemma.
Are you itchy backside to leave the company or hop to another role? I'm not in any position to advice considering I haven't been in the workforce for 2 years. However, just looking at the pros and cons, it would be advisable to stay. After all, I don't think job security is available in many places anyway.
As for mommy-effort-to-child-learning ratio, it's good that you see it as linear. Then at least you'll be motivated to do more!

On a side note, it IS extremely quiet today.
I'm not very sure on the workload, but I would love to have the flexibility to work from home. So if I were you, I would probably stay. Year-end is always like that, when there are lots more activities, KPI, performance evaluation etc. My weeks are starting to get busier as the end of the year gets nearer.

I'm pretty tired and bored with the monotonous work I have, but looking at how I can go home on the dot as well as a fairly good pay, I'll just stay for the time being until I can't stand it anymore.

We had an interview with Chiltren House yesterday. Seemed okay. Any one sending your child to Chiltren House Halifax? Emma seemed ok when she was there to interact with the other children, but she needs a little bit of warming up. She observes what every other child was doing while standing near to us then went to play but, by herself. Then she tried to ask us to play with her but since we're talking to the teacher we can't. In the end she approached the other kids' mummies!! Lols, not the kids but the mummies. I hope she'll be ok in school later on.

The school fee is so expensiveeeee *sigh*
HELLO!! *echos back*

Starting today, i am on two weeks LOOOOONG leave!! woo hooo hooo to the max!

Brought eboy to the JG excursion - butterfly park in sentosa! it was fun fun fun!

cellow, think think think enough liao then dun itchy backside. its not easy to find another place with good boss good team. if the job is bearable, stay within a good environment with flexi working arrangements! think a lot would like to be where you are!!! *envy*

poor eboy is still number 10 on the waitlist to chiltern so we wait wait wait.. meanwhile, putting him up somewhere else with a cramp classroom and miserable playground (note: the slides in the playground is as tall as eboy). boo hoo hoo....

Talking about quiting.. maybe I should also let out that I HAVE QUIT! but not leaving so soon.. staying till 1 Feb so I get my AWS and OUT i go.... hiak! so you see, my mood is suuperb!!!

heehee, sort of guessed from your FB entries. But wait for you to announce...
So you got another job? or decide to be FT mummy to Ethan?


Hmm... if i get that kind of work flexibility, I would stay. Not every job can allow you to work from home.
As to being a control freak, I am just trying to ignore the inevitable. :p Panic when the time comes.


Hiaz, been having very bad rashes these few days, my thighs are now patchy with rashes, my hand also kenna. Dunno why, hiaz, looks like gotta go to the doc tomorrow liao.
YAY for michelle! 3 months notice is a long long time... time enough to nua a bit, take stock of your life and ponder next steps.
did you know that Chiltern has a branch in Mountbatten?? one of my colleagues wanted her daughter to go to another branch nearer her place at bukit timah plaza but that branch doesnt have space yet. the mgt told her to put at Chiltern Mountbatten first then she goes from #20-smthing to #3 on the waitlist. maybe you can explore that option too?

so funny that Emma wants to interact w the mummies... most prob bcz she is used to having adults around, and Ashley is quite a bit older also.
my workload is erratic. good thing is, boss recognises that i work weird and long hours - at times putting in 60-70 hour weeks - but there are other times of lull activity to compensate.
ya, flexi working arrangements are difficult to find, even in my coy. i shd cherish my job and stop the itchy backside :p
most impt are the good boss and good teammates.

i rem wat you said once abt PT and flexi hour jobs being urban legends in SG... okok gal, i shall stick to this one for the time being. until another better job comes along.
Cellos: agree with the mummies.. Apply calendula on that itchy backside

Rash: batgirl..think some mummies get this.. My ex-colleague did too.. Think it could be something to do with our hormones, like those painful wrists

LOL at Emma too..which branch is she attending?

Mich! Big weight off ur shoulder huh? Something u have been contemplating for long? This is ur first n only job since graduation ah?

Isn't e-boy going to that fantastic school in the east that has no other branches wan? Forgot the name

So what's the shopping damage, black Friday mommas? Hehe esp when USD is lower n Lower n lower Eh?
Emma will be at Chiltren House Halifax, cuz it's the nearest one with a small playground. Forum one is nearest, but no playground, and not convenient to pick up - I have to park inside the basement car park, while at Halifax can just stop at the roadside quickly.

Yes they have a new branch at Mountbatten. Mebbe you want to try there?

Mummiesssss help!!! My normally sweet Emma is turning into a crying monster who refused to shower and eat. OMG what to do? She's been like this for the past week. we are out of our wits trying to find tricks to get her to eat. Iphone is not useful anymore, nor the computer, movies, books etc. she'll just keep her mouth shut for food and cry non stop when it's time for shower. What should I do????
Wah so MANYYyyyyyy posts!!!

As usual I shop n then feel very guilty cos I always dun plan to shop....hahaha
But hw can I resist when there is a big sale!!!
I got 50% off from Maidenform. Wooo hooooo....hehehe

Oh dear....did something trigger it??
Or try to rearrange her schedule so she will not expect it. When its time for shower, get her to do something she likes then whisk her to shower before she remembers??
Or use bribes?? If she eats 2 more mouth of food she can have half a gummy??
Eboy is on waitlist for three schools within my vicinity, chiltern Mountbatten is one of them....

Hee lol on calendula on itchy backside!

What lip balm good for babies? And moisturizer when in cold countries? Any advise?

Batgirl, it's the hormones. Me too had terrible rashes during confinement, I apply prickly heat powder and calamine... Then bathe 3 4 time a day, actually after every pump I bathe. Lol.

Sd, eboy at one stage refused changing diaper and shower. Youpi's advice of giving early warning works. I get him to say last time, after this is 'eat/shower/change', then get him to say ok, before proceeding with what he's doing, then after that last time, he will guai guai do it. Works all the time.
DD, Michelle,

Ya I think it is the hormones, only affected left side of the body for now.
Went to see doctor, he said it was eczema, aiyoh, I got no history of eczema, suddenly kenna, hopefully the hormonal changes will subside, else I cannot wear swimsuit anymore!!


I think most of us went thru this phase. Wuffy had his too. I had to bring his toys in, sometimes bring in the pots and pans and play masak masak with him. hiaz. It is over for now...recently it is refusing to eat syndrome. I figured once they are hungry, they have no choice but to eat. Wuffy went without a good part of his meals and milk for 1 day. Now we still havign problems, but he is eating bits and pieces here and there.
eating problems.. tell me about it man.. n i was so overzealous in making him eat LOTS and only healthy stuff.. n now I read that parents who nag and are more pushy tend to create fussy eaters.. eeks.. so i need to cut him some slack now... just on friday,... he ate dinner til he puked badly it even came out thru his nose... my poor baby haha
Bribes doesn't work for Emma. She doesn't really eat snacks and she doesn't like sweets/chocolate. I told her she must bathe so she agreed but once she is inside the bathroom she started crying and yelling. Aiyooooo...

Then I used the baby bath tub so she can play. she is ok with playing, but once I shampoo her hair she would immediately stand up and cry and said NOOOOOOOO... Emma scared.. Haiz. So i told her OK OK no shampoo, but then when I apply soap on her she would stand up and cry as well. *sigh*
The only bribe I can think of is her pacifier, but even that she refused.
hee i also sort of guess from your FB. so u got a new job or going to nua a bit before looking for work?

hmmm if u get another job, wll u have such flexibility? plus not many companies will pay for PD bills...in fact a lot of sg companies only pay for Gp bills. so that's a big plus plus!!!

i really appreciate jobs with bosses who recog that mums needs some flexibility. though i can already foresee that my job will be difficult (with the politics and stuff) as long as my boss stays flexibile and recog that i need to take leave for the kids, i will stay on lor. cos hard to find bosses like that. imagine i work 4 days into my new job and take 2 days childcare leave!

hee i let u know how much is the sambucus. haven got the bill yet.

what else u need me to get for u?

hee i m tempted to buy camera! but haven decide which one yet.....

re eating problems
i have tons of that! jx has become a super fussy eater too! but in general if she dun wan to eat, we ignore her. she can either stand in the corner until she wants to eat or go without her food. only thing is i find that it is very wasteful.....

one thing i do with jx is that i get her to promise me and it works. once she promise me to do something, she will do it. we have this special handshake action for promise and she loves doing it. i come to realise after a few times that whenever i use this promise trick on her, she will listen. like when she plays with my phone, i will tell her last time and make her promise and she will really stop and give it back to me. so now when i need her to do something i will do promise action with her.

it's a phase lor. last time jh also had a phase of not bathing. really had to drag him to go bathe....can only cross fingers and hope it blows over soon!
Eating problems:
yup me too. And the thing is, I know dec can eat. He just chooses not to. Hubby and me got different viewpoints on it so for now, we just agree to disagree. BUT it urks me cos I feel he is always taking the easier way out.

haha. I think I may need to get another sambucus and toothpaste soon but I know you got extras for these. So I just buy from u when I need it can? :D
SD: have u tried asking her to soap herself or soap her rubber Duckie? Bbg was fine with washing hair til hb got soap in his eyes all the time grr!

BBP: agree to disagree indeed! That's where I play the hysterical housewife when I see him feeding bbg rubbish!
If you receive an email from my hotmail account with a link in it, please do not click on it. Just delete it. It's some virus or something. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it? Please help!!! *wrings hands and pulls hair in distress*
*nods sagely* most of the time, i bite my tongue when i feel Mr C is taking the easy way out too. however life is too short to keep picking on Mr C. so i close both eyes and look away :p

heh. no need to be hysterical housewife la.

tis a phase. pre empting helps.
but washing hair IS a pbm. now i use washcloth to wipe, and the water can only drip off fm the back of his head, not the front. o/wise, wow, the noise that can emerge fm the bathroom....
Oh i taught bbg to tilt his head backwards so soap n water goes backwards n not into eyes..

Yes think I need to constantly tell myself to take a chill pill!

Hope the week ahead is good..

Youpi r u back? How was Sydney?

Urr no virus advice fm me..total IT idiot
for me hb likes to use tv to bbsit them. if i ask him to watch the kids, it means they are watching tv....and if i comment on it, he will say that since i ask him to mind the kids, he is free to choose the way to do it...arrghhh.

sure u just let me know if u need. but toothpaste think i dun have many already. hee anyway i need to get some too.

yeah i received a few emails with weird link so i just delete them. maybe u can email the admin to help?
check if your anti-virus software is updated, then run it. then if it's clear, then change the password to your email account and whichever other website accounts that you use that email address as account name for. if that is tied to your msn, fb etc, change those password too.

barney show
just brought pomfret to the barney show at united square. i can't believe it, i queued almost an hour and 45 mins, and i was still in the back row. the crowd was humongous
new shopping mall at serangoon central
btw there's a new shopping mall at serangoon central (right next to the serangoon bus interchange and mrt station) supposed to have children's play areas and a dog run (DD, thought you might be interested! your 'furry son' has a new place then)

but i haven't been there myself. though i have seen the crowds going in as i passed by.

you are out again?? thot your confinement only ended 4 dec? heehee


Is it NEX? how's your reno coming along? And I know what you mean by being so sick of looking at basins, taps, WCs etc.. wait till you go and see your lightings. by the end of the shopping, you will see stars, unless you already know what you want.
Thanks Dustee! That's the same advice another friend gave too. I've done it and hopefully that's the end of the problem.

What if you let Emma bathe herself? Of course you would have to do the complete job again after, but she might like the independence of doing it all by herself? 'Cos L likes to bathe himself now. And brush his teeth himself. I just do a thorough clean-through after he has enjoyed himself.

Wow, big decision and congrats on making it. Are you going to join the league of sahms?

Btw, does E-boy want to borrow L's jacket for his upcoming trip?

LOL on DD telling Cellow to apply Calendula on that itchy backside re: job

Sydney was super! Gorgeous weather, still cool-ish but with sun. Already talking about when to go again. But it was very ex. AUD stronger than USD. Parking in the Rocks was AUD40 for an hour!
Hellooooo! We're back! I got sick the minute we hopped on the plane (yippee) and was not a happy camper in melb. Where were all these wonderful food places people kept telling us about? We only had one great lunch. And man, I never remembered aust being so expensive!! Poppy chose to go on a diet at this time but caved when we were invited to good ole Aussie barbies. We moved to be near friends in suburbs for 2nd half of trip, and were treated very nastily by hotel folks there. But the main objective of the trip was to attend poppy's boyfriend's birthday party and the kids sure had fun so all in all, I'd say it wasn't a bad trip. Plus I wiped out many Target shelves :D
Hellooooooooo!!! Welcome back fellow Oz-trekker! Yah, that Aussie dollar sure is a killer at the moment, huh. And we're still drooling at the thought of Aussie barbies too. At least you got to wipe some Target shelves. Why were hotel folks nasty?
nooooo, really? lights is our next action item : ( boohoo. weekends are all burnt up on these things. sigh. but the reno should be starting in a fortnight, and hopefully i'll move right after CNY 2011.

barney isn't pomfret's favourite too! i just thought she might have fun, but sadly, after the opening song she was bored already. sigh. sigh sigh sigh.

but i'm brave. i shall attempt hi 5 at marina square next. maybe i should just bring a tent and camp overnight.

i think it's possible that on mondays most of the shows in the other malls are 'off'. except for barney, so everyone went there today. sesame street wasn't so bad, but that was back in sembawang. and thomas at millenia, the crowd was quite decent too.

dor dor's really making the rounds for the shows. she's surviving most of them too haha. and she's bringing TWO toddlers.

I guess this is all part and parcel of the creation of the perfect home.
I know about the burning of weekends, plus you have promfret with you. Used to roam the streets of Geylang and Balestier 10 years ago looking for all the reno stuff...geez time really flies...

PB/ Youpi

Welcome back!! Yikes! Parking is A$40/hr??!! I am still waiting for my Australian trip promised by hubby ever since we got married. He studied there and has always said he wanted to bring me here and there in Brisbane where he had a lot of fun. It is almost 10 years now, and I am still waiting.....
Promise doesn't work. This gal is scared enough to go back on her promise hahaha..

DD, Youpi
Yup I've asked her to soap duckie, even myself hahaha and also asked her to soap herself but she refused.

Anyway, after a few tries, now she finally ok sitting on the baby tub with the water but occassionally cries when I soap her, but the shampoo still a big no no. so she will still cry.. hmmmph. She doesn't even want to tilt her head (which is what she used to do), wear the shampoo hat, etc. She just didn't want anyone to touch her head. Lols.

Attractions at malls
Wow thanks for the link DD! I've been a bad mummy - I didn't even bring Emma to such shows, but I did bring Ashley last time. I hate Barney so Emma doesn't even know who Barney is lols. She knows Spiderman, power rangers hahaha since the sister watch that during the weekends. She might know Hi-5, so I'll probably bring her to see them.

Why were the hotel people nasty. Hmmms.
I've never been to Australia before. Been wanting to go but no chance so far.

I agree with Batgirl. I was so sick of looking at the same thing over and over and went over to the same store many many times!!! Lighting is a pain.. We found something we liked, but no stock haiz. Don't forget to bargain hard. Although some stores put fixed price tag, but you can still bargain keke.
I am the one who has been bugging bluebunny to agree to a Perth trip cos I studied there and loved it. But I suppose that things are diff now cos we've got a little one and may not enjoy the same things we did as kids?

I remember walking in the scorching heat and having silent wars with bluebunny all thru geylang/balestier when we were buying lights hehe. I got many from IKEA

Speaking of IKEA, any folks up for a lunch (early, to avoid crowds), or tea at IKEA this week? I am so inspired by the gorgeous homes we saw and am so inspired to do some touching up in mine! I suppose cleaning up should be done before touching up tho... Oh well.

Talk later, I have to continue with my many rounds of laundry and start thinking about dinner. Perhaps poppy missed mummy's delicious cooking during Melb trip that's why went on diet hehe.

You up for visits this week? Thurs/fri?
welcome home PB and youpi! I'm also back from a mini vacation at fairmont.. hee...

i never liked australians. they treat us badly and i have no respect for them. boo. this is why, after 1 trip, i never want to go australia. that's how strong i feel about them. but things may change.. haha

i'm on long holiday and spending time with eboy is so fun.. he's growing up so much that I have missed so much time with him, i think I might just be a SAHM!! haha.. fat chance. I'm starting work at new place in Mar ... only 1 month break in between...

ohhh, shopping for lights.. i like.. balestier, geylang, jalan besar... we had fun shopping for lights! and furnitures!! we like!

PB, maybe can meet up with you tomorrow/thurs since I'm not working.. go visit Cin? :p

Youpi, its ok, already got eboy the jacket...

we tried to catch thomas show last sat at 7 pm. we rushed down and reached only at 7.08pm (yes I was checking cos Mr Mich could not decide which lot to park when we are already Soooo late)... by the time we reached the stage, it was OVER.. so din catch it.. boo hoo...
quickie post:

aussie mummies back so soon??

i'm taking thurs off to babysit my baby... i supposed u mean ikea alexandra right (both are equally far for me anyway)

and hey cin visit... i wanna go too! make it thurs? :D

batgirl wanna come along with your wufferine? :D
If hubby is working on thurs I will join you all on thurs!!! I flying off on thurs night!!! to beijing which is sub-degree and waiting for snowww... brrrrr.. i can't wait to get out of this hot hot hot country!!!!!
DD, I am back to work this week.
let me know the timing for cin visit if it is going on. I might just "eat snake" for a while. but no wufferine lor... hee hee.

PB, heehee! Ya I agree things we do as a couple and things we do as a couple with kids are different. hence, talk for the Aussie trip has died down for past 2 years. but well, he had a good 7-8 years prior to that to bring me there.. hmph. :p

SD, hope your "don't want to bathe" syndrome will pass soon. My "don't want to eat" syndrome is still ongoing.... hiaz. BTW, want to ask you huh.. where are you watching Secret Garden? Streaming or download? can share with me the links? :p
PB: what nasty encounter did you have in aust? poor u.. hope u r feeling better now...

batgirl back to work so soon? didn't take all 4 months at one go? came back to clear year end stuff ah? i dread thinking of the peak!

Visit Cin
Me too! But will be with boys as well.

Me & boys too!

Happy trip to Beijing! It's such a beautiful place, have fun!

Off to Orchard Road... anyone going there?
