(2008/07) July 2008

White lines in nails..recall its some deficiency in iron or zinc..but sometimes it's also caused by minor injuries? I know bbg's nails r always chipped and broken at the top..n sometimes he peels the skin surrounding it!

Anyone headed for Royce tomorrow?

wow that's great riddle! your first week back to SAHM-ness and already so inspired! and pretty pls i need your blog address again coz i changed comps (the previous one crashed very very unexpectedly)

reno blues
mr dustee wanted to use my ils' regular contractor for the reno for our place. it's just so difficult, coz he's this malaysian uncle who only speaks malay and chinese. my ils like him coz they speak bahasa to him (even though bahasa melayu and bahasa indonesia is a bit different) . but it's so silly, coz i cannot understand when they start discussing away in bahasa! and it's my place! sigh.

and i don't say this to mr dustee, coz i guess i feel bad, knowing that all this is happening (buying a place, moving out) coz he's doing it for me, not really coz he had ever wanted to (when we got married he asked if it's okay to stay with his parents to take care of them) so i'm just going along with most of what he wants (such as using his parents' contractor instead of us engaging another one from outside)

sigh. just grousing.

anyway, does anyone have ikea kitchens or knows someone who's got an ikea-fitted kitchen?
white dots in nails are like some zinc deficiency no?

but if it's just ONE dot/line, it could be a one-off trauma to the nail, like if she hit her finger on something, or she was biting it.

BUT if you get more lines, do check for fungal infection, just in case.
cellow - if confinement is 28 days, my freedom starts dec 4
but if you need to go ahead, pls do..i will just shamelessly invite myself again..kwa kwa ;)

pinkB - aww, u so nice..i still hv like 5-6 kgs to go..sigh. hope you were indoors today..looks like weather man was right!

DD - bean seems to love our mini bean but she is def a lot more whinny and loud..not sure if it's part of Terrible Twos or arrival of mini bean. at this point, dealing with her is actually more exhausting than dealing with new baby.
I have an IKEA kitchen and I absolutely love love LOVE it! I love it. Yes I am biased but I really think it's good value for money and looks nice too. Plus I designed it myself! Really nice sense of accomplishment to see my drawing come to life :D

Fav kitchen tip: fridge, stove, sink should be in a triangle for ease of food prep/cooking.

More while I'm at it: Make sure counters are at comfortable height and get a HUGE sink. Get metal legs if you intend to mop (mooden legs can get mouldy with moisture). I can help you if you like. I took a mini course in kitchen planning
but only certified for IKEA kitchens haha

Yikes - what a situation you have there with your contractors. I say just tell hub that since he's so nice to agree to move out for your happiness, it would totally defeat the purpose if your kitchen still bore memories of your MIL's influence. It's your house and your kitchen and you will do the cooking there so it's got to fit your needs and requirements. And then repeat all the points I said above.

I noticed 2 lines on 2 fingers. Read that could be zinc inefficiency but then also read that too much zinc is no good so... Alamak!

Dustee, crystal, will send you email invites cos the blog is open to invitees only (sounds so secret society-like right?)

Public holiday! Woohoo! No royce for us, DD, we're heading to botanic gardens in the morning!
i just went to universal studios! i think pomfret had more fun than i did. there was this ride that she was tall enough for, and she enjoyed it but i screamed my heart out. i went on a weekday and it's still crowded (i reached the gates at 10.15am, and there was a queue to get in). is it coz the school hols have started? definitely still had to queue quite a bit for some rides.

no, i cannot imagine you screaming at bbG at all. pomfret just would.not.take. medicine. she throws everything back up. so for fevers above 38.5, it's just suppositories for her. Acet's the name. paracetemol for toddlers.

and yeah i do encourage her to play in the tub during fever times too. she actually loves it when i throw ice cubes inside too!
Ember will wakeup once to pee or not at all in the nights.
Declan getting there already?

I do let them wear pull ups to bed till I am very confident they dun pee on the bed. N will put those waterproof sheets all the time.
Gosh we had a wet and wild time at the zoo yesterday!
And we are going to Sydney on Sunday. Any recommendations?

Toilet training and cup drinking
Mine is not accomplished in either but we'll just take it as it comes. No need to worry lah

Do the waterproof sheets go all over the place when the kids move? I mean, the kids will shift when they sleep right?

Yikes! But please do have fun with the interior decoration and choosing of furniture!
and ember stays dry with just waking up once? Dec wakes up at least twice in order to stay dry. First time around 1+ and I think around 4+. But irregular la. Some days he wakes, some days he doesn't. Uh... So I think far from getting there la cos just yesterday he decided not to wake up during his nap and his diaper was wet when he woke up lor.
i can't cook! i am only well trained in the arts of the instant noodle. and anything that only requires to be topped with hot water! so mr dustee is definitely the gourmet one in this relationship, so he's in charge of the kitchen. i do love ikea kitchens too! so you have no problems with humidity, eg, sagging cabinet parts near sinks and stuff? i remember your kitchen! i loved it!

when are you going melbourne? lets talk kitchens when you're back!

and lol about bb answering brazilian wax. it's not a hint to you is it? *wink

oooh, i just flipped through a silly shopping mag called 'chic' and it's got a page on sydney. just typing out the few places they recommended :
paddington market - 'nuff said!
newtown - cool bookstores, quaint cafes
sydney fish market
sydney cove oyster bar
pancakes on the rocks - 45min queue for fantastic pancakes
supre (45 market st for main store) - 4-storey of affordably priced basics. (though i won't know how you would shop with 3 males in tow!)

kolo mee me too!

oooh i saw a fb pic with bean and her friend being interested in their daddies' iphones instead of the toys. and i realized your balcony is grill-less! how are you going to make sure bean doesn't try anything funny like standing on a chair in the balcony? i'm like grilling all my windows at the new place even though i'm only on the second level coz pomfret is taking to climbing up chairs to reach things now. but there's a part of me that wishes to be un-grilled!

how's jx? the garden vista you bought is the bukit timah one? i was trying to find Tott at sime darby centre and i passed by a garden vista
hey so now if you only work part-time (it's really half the pay but still 3/4 of the work right? pat pat) does that mean E only goes to cc half day also?

does that mean some weekday afternoons you can also bring E out to play with us?
youpi! lucky u..i lurve sydney..it's just such a pretty pretty city!

dustee - hehe, i just came bk from Tott's today..spent a bomb :p bean gets entertained by the playground there while mummy shops
. grill-less balcony..for one thing, the glass portion is pretty high and second, bean is watched all the time when she goes out there. but yes, there is a decision to install invinsible grills in the near future.

hope everyone's having an awesome day
Wow u seem to be traveling alot now. The boys must be enjoying

D's still ongoing with his nagging "I wanna go HK tomorrow without fail"
And he jus told his teacher that we are going HK the next day last week. LOL the teacher must be so surprised to see him in sch the next day still.

I have 2 kind of the sheets, 2 pieces from babysafe that feels very soft. Its alittle smaller then cot matteress so i jus place them under the bedsheet at their backside area. Another is a whole matteress kind that I got from BP to put under bedsheet as well. Not that comfy cos its like towel material but its cheaper.

I always have these around so its so much easier when the kids are sick or they spill water on the bed.

U know hor I know ppl who wake their kids in the nights to pee when toilet training. Means same as in the daytime you ask them to go pee at an interval right. They do it for nights too lor but longer stretch.
But I dun like waking the kids in the middle of the night so I dun do that. and u know lah for boys how to aim when they are so groggy. And they were fully toilet trained for day time before they automatically dun pee in the night as well or will wake to pee themselves.
I guess boys are alittle different cos D had a few "accidents" but for E.....hmmm I cannot remember any.....so maybe jus once or twice.

since you won't be incharge of kitchen then jus leave it to ur hubby. Maybe jus tell him truthfully that if they need to ask u anything, you will not be able to ans since you won't know what they are talking anyway so he better be ard to ans them. And you want open concept. So everything will be left simple and open so you can deco to your heart's delight!! hehe
Yoohooo quick one. Is anyone going to be at babies prom tomorrow at 1030? And those who went today, did you enjoy? Any tips for babies prom suaku? Go 45 min before is it?
*Muacks!* Thank you for typing out the Sydney recommendations! I have stopped buying clothes, only bought nursing tops online since #1 was born so don't think I'll make it to Supre, but the others, yes!

Just taking advantage of free accommodation while hb works, hehe.

See you all at the Babies Proms tomorrow!
an equally quick one....

C1 enjoyed it

go 45mins b4 but the pre concert activities were just balloon sculpting and storytelling.
sydney! COOOOOOOOOOL beans!!!!hey we also fly off on sunday! maybe will see each other at airport?

babies prom!
BLUEBUNNY is excited! "good music line up" he says. yay!

oh shucks, thanks *shy face with one foot on tippy big toe, swaying side to side*. i like my kitchen too. nope, no complaints about saggy anything but tummy. but i chose a laminate counter top (less pricey than "solid" counter top) and i'm not vigilant in keeping sink areas super dry, so just behind the sink, there's a bit of peeling. but it doesn't really bother me.

i got low maintenance door and cabinet panels which i can wipe if i choose to (i have not really chosen to). sure, happy to help when i'm back
morning mommies...

have a question to ask about children development account (CDA). do our july babies have a CDA account? or is this only for babies born after 15 aug or something (after PM Lee 2008 rally)? Thanks in advance.
royce vs fidgets
went to royce few weeks back and like the place v much. J really adores the thomas n friends section. i have to drag him out to other sections. went to figets yesterday for the first time. its v cheap ($15 for unlimited hrs) but i feel the place is not v well maintained. my sensitive nose started to react but the boy had a whale of time running around, sliding, etc. the kids are also more rowdy coz maybe more older kids.
sydney: supre yeah! they may have some tops that are nursing friendly too, youpi

famous delicious meatpies at woolloomooloo, but I can't recall the name already...ask the locals when u r there?

they have some permanent fun fair somewhere near the harbour bridge too, if you wanna bring your kids there..

blue mountains for sightseeing, but it's like a 2 hour drive away from town..

bondi beach..
taronga zoo..
AMP tower if you like those height thingys

first time there? have fun ya!
you too, PB! when r u both coming back?

playgroup still on??
poppy is so cute la..hahhaa...can imagine her dancing away and asking for diaper.. but waste the diaper right?

glad to know bbG is feeling better. i screamed at my boy quite often too. but i'm trying to tone it down now coz he's imitating me a lot. not a good habit to have shouting and all... but i totally sympathise with you. sometimes he just drive me crazy, testing my limits and all.

Re:toilet training & drinking from bottle
my son could tell us when he needs to poo b4 gg to childcare earlier this year. sadly after 2 weeks in cc, he stopped completely. even after he pooed in his diaper, he'd denied when asked. something traumatic must have happened to him during those 2 weeks at childcare. i'm trying to re-trained him now but it's more difficult then b4. but at least his morning routine remains. as for peeing, he would do a "Michael Jackson" when there's the urge. if i catch him fast enough then quickly make him sit on the potty. else he wears diaper 24x7.

the boy only drinks milk from milk bottle b4 bedtime at night. rest of the day is usually from water bottle with straw. we let him use cups for his morning cuppa of milo

Bingo! half the pay with 3/4 of work. but better than nothing. my mom has been looking after my boy for the past 1.5mth. he's no long in childcare. and yes i can bring him for outings with you ladies soon... finally! yeah!!!

in case i don't log in till next week... Youpi, PB have a blast Downunder!! make my backside itchy again for another trip lah.... hahaha

ay, no leh. the jul 2008 firstborn babies juuuuuuuust missed the 17 Aug cutoff. i think you can still open the CDA acc for our kiddos but no 6k co-savings lor.

think thaddeus got bcz he is the second child bor. old rule was 4k (i think) co savings for second child, then new rule post 17 aug 2008 is now 6k co savings for second child.

smthing liddat la
Are there any suitable activities for our kids at universal studio? Me wanna go, but bring kids along then can't try the rides
u are right! our kids missed it by abt a month..

how/where do i create the CDA account? do we need to create the account since we don't get any top-up from govt?

i brought my boy to Universal Studio...i think the only kids-friendly ride is the madagascar one but i might have missed some though.

my hubby might be interested to get birkies..when is the deadline to let u know?
If you're not too particular about the patterns, then you can get those on sale at SGD50 with shipping inclusive! I've been resisting for several months already. My birkies have started wearing off, but I still have at least 2 pairs of non-birkies in my cupboard which I am determined to wear.
Babies Proms
Didn't see anyone! Maybe 'cos we were late and did not participate in the pre-show activities? Both boys had a great time, except when L went onstage at the end and discovered that I could not follow. So he just stood at the edge and tried to pull me up.

Thanks for the suggestions *muacks!* will check them out. No, not the first time there, but first time with kids! Hb and I have did all the touristy stuff BMC (before marriage and children) so this time we'll probably kick back and relax and hang out with friends. Taronga Zoo is a definite go though!

On for playgroup.

I think CDA for 2nd child is $6K.
urgh! bean has sudden temperature of 38.4,..hv given her her fever meds..when should i really worry and take her into hospital? when she hits 39? i gave her a cool bath but it did nt seem to bring down the temp.
I saw you! But couldn't get near enough to say hi cos at the end you were right in front and there was a huge mass of people in between us.

I think it depends on the kid. Dec has a slightly higher than normal body temperature, so when he hits 39, I just continue giving him fever meds and water bath. If she's behaving normally, I think should be ok to monitor at home.

I would dash to the hospital if after panadol it doesn't go down and then I feed nerofen and 1 hr after that it is still above 39. Or if fever still persists after 3 days, a blood test would be needed at the hospital.
Poor bean..cool light clothes n cool baths n 4 hourly med..do u have suppositories at home? That should be very quick in bringing down their temp..if still can't then go see doctor if still hovering at 39deg... Hope she gets well soon..hugs
Think u must enjoyed the trip to Universal Studio! Thanks for the tips!

Birkies $50+ onwards including free shipping if total order is $375, still looking for friends to chip in...

wetbag? I wanted to make one! but I can't find the waterproof material in Singapore. BP got a few pple selling, saw another one cheaper. But they don't have the fabric that I like...


u can open CDA account with OCBC or Standard Charter, it is just like open a normal bank account. But since not receiving $$ from govt for our 1st kid, then I see no point opening one. XP's medical and childcare expense are deducted from her younger bro's CDA account
Ikea just sent out a kitchen catalogue. Do you have it? If not, I can send mine to you.

Hope Bean is feeling better? I usually judge by behaviour too, 'cos as Bbp mentioned, the young ones have a higher body temperature than we do.
thanks all for well wishes..her fever on and off , hovering between 37 till 38.5. will take her to see doc tomorrow to get top up on fever meds.

hv a good weekend all and youpi and pinkB, safe travels
Pb lol u sure know xun gal well. She went on stage at the end but when realise we are not with her, she cried so loudly that they had to give her back to us. When I asked her hao bu hao wan (was it fun?) her answer: bu hao wan, quan bu ren mei you ku, wo yi ge ku er Yi (everyone did not cry, I was the oniy one crying). Why? Ying wei I yao wo de papa mummy (because I want my papa n mummy)! These were the exact sentences she said. Dunno to cry or laff. N she is scared of the conductor too. Maybe coz we were sitting on third row n it's pretty close up - he is not exactly small sized.
You were in row C? Us too! Poppy also scared cos when the kids were conducting, bluebunny asked if she wanted and she said no. Then when it was "all kids on stage" time, she thought she would have to conduct so she froze up. She was the first one on the step so there was a big mob behind her! Haha

We had fun too and will def be back next year!
BB Proms
amongst the big mob at bb proms on Wed, there ws a certain mummy blocked my way and i tripped over her or her stuff (was carrying C1 so big blind spot on my left)... and my last toenail on the left is now hanging on just by a thread. rrriiip goes the toenail.

the big mob is *shudder* terrifying!

C1 had fun. sounds like poppy and xun gal did too. and i m sure L as well....
i m def so gonna chope tickets next year.... better go and ask around if i know anyone who is a Friend of SSO.

you go out to ToTT during confinement? power la.
bean all ok now....?

safe winds (shun feng) to the PB and youpi families!
PB u were at row C too? must be the other end coz I definitely did not see u or Poppy!

Yah will go next year!

Cellow that sounds painful man!

Help help! Anyone knows where I can get battery for medela freestyle pump? Mine seems to have broken down ... so sadz! Cellow??
