(2008/07) July 2008

Sat 4 Dec? 9am?
Each mummy should take turns to be the 'teacher' each week. We can do one theme per week.
ohhh got good news?? or maybe it's weather?
sometimes i feel very tired when my stomach not very good. like gastric problems etc, will feel really really tired.

dun crash leh. we just bought a place over the weekend. decided on garden vista in the end.
but won't be moving in so soon. will prob rent it out first.

me me, if the timng fits, i will join in for playgroup

yeah but my fren called last year so my hb feels that becos of their school, we bought a place that is more convenient for them to go to school so he wants to make sure they get into the school......and who knows things may change 2 years later when i need to register him. so he rather pay 1K to get that little bit of chance. but i feel that no need....
playgroup on sat mornings
me onz! but cannot on 4 Dec as my sister's wedding is happening over that weekend

i m down w cold. highly irritating. maybe i shd dose myself w the sambucus too -
i got job offer. went for interview last week and they matched my terms. in fact the interviewer asked me why i put a lower pay than my last drawn! but i tot that was a natural thing to do....u think so?
Congrats SY! I always put higher pay! Must hv motivatioon to start mah. Wow a big week for SY... New she, new job!

Joined poppy's sch for excursion. Had so much fun!!!
really? u will put higher pay? but i tot after a break of 2 years at home, it won't seem right to put higher. if it's from one job to another of cos i put higher.
hello mommies!
hope everyone is doing great and greater for a grand finishing for the year 2010!

quick qn: any July08 kiddo attending music classes?

is bbG still going for classes at Staccato?
sorry i meant "new hse". there is auto spell check on my phone haha. ok when i went back to work after the SAHM "break" (break!....ROTFL), i put salary as "negotiable".
SY so u got a 'proper' job? When do u start..n ur friend's dad's job how? Congrats!

Steph: we stopped staccato when our jg class started, I thought it was not bad..similar to most playgroup kinda class but more classical music oriented..learn abt rhythm n instruments. Think there's one called the magic fiddler too?

N i recall some pamphlets given out at the babies prom sso event..r u going?
Lower Seletar Reservoir Park
Another place to recommend. Have you all been there? The water play area is awesome! Very good for the small ones. We were just there this afternoon and had a great time! And it's free!
*waves!* what kind of music class are you going to send E to? pomfret's attending kindermusik, but it's mostly just singing and dancing and playing. kindermusik is very basic, but pomfret loves it (and crystal's kids are a big fan too!)

i had a friend who felt kindermusik wasn't musical enough and her kid, a few months older than pomfret, is attending seimpi music coz they get to play the piano there.

oooh lower seletar reservoir. i so want to check it out now! mr dustee has brought us to macritchie, and one of the pierce's , and we just mostly spent our time running AWAY from the monkeys....

awww isn't bbg just so sweet! i wonder if the day will ever come that pomfret will say that to me. sometimes after if i say 'mama loves you' to her, then she'll just reply 'no hugs! no kiss!' ...... -_- boohoo!

what's your last week at work like? don't suppose your colleagues are tripping over themselves to give you farewell treats?
yah yah got got. i just dumped some pix on blog. yes would love to go with poppy too
and now i must i must get down to work! argh!
So will u be looking for work or taking a break for now?

Would love to check it out. Maybe we can have some of the playgroup sessions outdoors??
morning all..

steph - my kids are with their kindermusik teacher taking lessons at her place (bukit panjang) and they are enjoying it but keep asking to go back to kindermusik (prob coz e room is bigger and more running abt!!)

dustee - so promfret is in kindermusik now? too bad we aren,t there anymore! hee.. she's doing the 'our time' prog ritE? who's e teacher? huzzy? try to waitlist her for shauna's class.. it's def much more fun than huzzy's.. oopz.. hee
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET SEAN!! hope you had a blast!

Lower seletar reservoir park..that's where we did the tea sipping lantern carrying celebrations this year.. The number of carpark lots r rather patethic though

There's also a woodlands waterfront but no waterplay..just a big jetty to walk on...
Happy belated birthday S! High five on your fifth birthday! Youpi, I am ON for lower seletar! Looks super cool. Do you know if it gets crowded on weekends? Madame Poppy's schedule for next week is packed liao! Hehe.

4 more days...
help! i m going crazy!

drippy nose turned into fever last night. Mr C has to work late and go for coy dinners these few nights as his group CEO is in town. so tis me and the maid looking aft C1 and C2. C2 ok la, latch fuss a bit, put into sarong he will sleep... but still it took half hour + for him to sleep.

C1 wanted to disturb didi's sleep rock the sarong, open the closed door etc etc. and pooed, din want me or maid to clean him. other than yelling like a crazy woman and threatening him w the rotan, wat else works with your 2y3mo toddlers? even pre-empting him doesnt really work. his mood was super foul ever since he realised that he had to take taxi home instead of papa (Mr C) ferrying him home.

*tear out hair!!!*

ok end of vent.

but seriously i dun like this part of me that yells at my toddler. heart breaking all over the place when he told me 'mama angry, C1 (using his actual name) sad....' i did say come here, let mama sayang you and you need to listen to mama and be obedient. he stayed a while in my arms, then declared that he ws happy again and skipped off to play ball by himself. but somehow i feel the damage is done.

tonight i called in reinforcements. sister is coming to stay over and distract C1 when i put C2 to sleep. my fuse is terribly short when i m sick and sleep deprived.
S turned 5! wow time passes really fast. give him an extra hug and kiss fm me.

if you stay in the west (but i rem you stayed in the east... you moved in the meantime?... the details are hazy), can consider going to my fren's hse classes at bukit batok. the format is similar to kindermusik bt of cz tis cheaper as she runs the class fm her home studio so no rental overheads to take care of.

are you convinced by eve's arguments for musikgarten? personally i do share her sentiments - yamaha music classes exposed me to an instrument too early. i know the music theory, but all the fun ws sucked out of music and i totally lost interest after a while. what she shared abt the voice and the body being the child's first instruments... hey that makes sense to me... smhow i never thot abt it.

SY, congrats on the new house and new job! wow, 2 big changes in your life.
Happy Birthday Sean!!! Big big boy already!!

Wah......papa cannot fetch C1 will get angry aah...
*pat pat* they need to learn someday the world does not revolve ard them. Better learn it from you then from other ppl who doesn't know how to soothe him right??
Ember is getting a bit of crazy tantrum sometimes too. She will cry and scream kind. And I realise she takes the hard and not soft approach. So I have to endure her crying and screamings until she realise that things still have to be done mummy's way.

Yest evening cried so long cos she insisted on milk when I already told her she must eat some rice. In the end after she has settled......she finis the whole bowl of rice herself...*roll eyes*
I was actually satisfied with a few mouthfuls(so long as she eats)

I'm actually abit pissed off with my hubby. He's sort of undoing my teachings. I really dunno what he's trying to achieve or thinks he is doing. D has been sleeping in his own bed(above ours) without much problems and ofcos he will come down to our bed as usual either in the morns or if he wakes in the middle of the night(4am onwards). And I had to make it like going to his bed alone is not a bad thing but something that is "normal" everybody does it kind of thing, never as a punishment.
And I had already installed in him the idea that we cannot fit on his bed with him cos we will make his bed collaspe. And he gets it. And well....this daddy has to itchy backside volunteer to go and sleep with him. After 1st time I already warned him(hubby) and tell him if D askes for him when he is in the army then he also go n bunk with him lor.
Then comes the 2nd time, n 3rd and even when D does not ask for it EVEN WHEN HE IS ALREADY ASLEEP!!!!!
Now D starts to be a whiny boy and sometimes keep asking for the dad at home. He is already and emotional boy so some nights he will start 'missing' the dad and cry for him when its bedtime. And my hubby is not home MOST of the time so I am the 1 who deals with it.
Sooo irritating I want to tear out hair(not mine HIS!!!!).
thanks for the info. not gg for babies prom. the boy is into singing, dancing and music but not sure if he can sit still throughout the concert.

wave wave hehe.. how you been? still putting up with your in-laws?

we tried kindermusik and he kept crawling towards the door! hahaha.. so that didn't last. but seimpi seems interesting. will google for more info later. thanks

take care of yourself...

first, there was "piak" followed by "smack" and now it's "cane"... these are the magic words that works for me during the past one year. sometimes have to follow through with the actions when the threats didn't work. and now i alternate between "sweet sweet", "ribena", "cane" and "throw you out of the room". heart pain but no choice... he's getting very naughty. just yday, while my nephew was sitting down on his stool, my son pulled the stool away and nephew fell on the floor!!! my son is a terror!!!

as for the moving house.. i moved twice within the last 12 months. but still in Hougang vicinity... really hated the big house that we bought. some of you might remember me posting on FB abt the nasty neighbour. that house produces a lot of bad vibes, hence most of the time, i was a mean, grouchy bitch. so better to close up then to talk and say mean hurtful things.

i'm feeling much better since we moved into our new place. much much smaller but more cozy and friendly estate. and the best part, walking distance to my parents' place

so, back to the music lessons. Bt Batok is near my office but i don't want to come back to the west on weekends too so i'll past on your friend's class. thanks anyway.

congrats to your new house & job. hope they are more exciting than they are stressful for you.. happening at the same time. all the best

btw, my boy has stopped gg to childcare coz he's been diagnosed as a "bronchiatic child" and i'll just keep paying for childcare while he recuperates at home most of the time. he's attending 3 hrs pre nursery in January but he's so into music, that's why i would like very much to expose him to some kind of proper classes than watching The Wiggles all the time. he says he wants to be a Wiggle.. i dunno to laugh or to cry...
hi dordor,

heheh.. can't help laughing when i read your last sentence... quite funny if you really start pulling your hb's hair...

maybe your hb just trying to make up for the time he's not around with your son. i was told "don't worry, in no time, our sons won't want to even hug us. just enjoy their neediness and closeness now".

if you're into astrology signs, Cancerians are emotional and their moods can get quite unpredictable sometimes. i guess we just have to let them act out their emotions and learn how to cope themselves. when my son starts shouting and crying and literally squeezing out tears from his eyes, i told him a fly went into his mouth and he immediately closed his mouth real tight. hahaha.. works every time
Lol on the fly! Wow 2 moves in 12 months must have been stressful. But glad you are happier now. Wants to be a wiggle! Lol. They are the highest paid entertainers in Australia! Btw I have a crush on Anthony, the blue wiggle. The new and improved dancing version - post plastic surgery, post nose job, post tummy tuck, post goofyness :p

Yikes. He prob thinks in his own way that he is being a lovey father cos he doesn't see the kids much. But yes it is a very hair pulling experience

If she's naughty I will usually say "poppy, do you want mama to da your piku?". Then she'd run away with hands on bum saying "No da piku!"

Oh poor Cellow. Hope everyone in C household feels better soon! Yay on reinforcements! Don't feel bad about short fuse. Lack of sleep and being ill does that to everyone. You are still a great mother!
Woh, I realised I haven't posted for quite some time and there's waaay too much stuff to comment on so just 2 points.

dor dor,
Yah, same here to the hubby spoiling market. And hubby's reasoning is? He's just a small boy. Which I agree to a certain point, but things like falling asleep on his own is a fantastic habit I dun want to break. But hubby LOVES to lie down beside him and I have to get pissed to make him get up.

Me too. I hate the screaming my head off, and it reaches the peak when the boy's sickness coincides with the mother's period. Sigh.
the good thing is that neither C1 nor C2 is sick. thank heavens for small mercies.
ya even though the HB loves the toddler, he shdnt undo your training.

LOL on no da piku! i m touched la.

wat is a bronchiatic child? as far as your PD defines.

LOLOL on tearing out Mr Dor's hair! think if Mr C were to spoil mkt, i would also tear out his hair. so you are not alone in this.
your "squeeze out tears fm eyes" ah... C1 does that too. then after that, can tell me some more 'mama... (pause to make sure i m looking at him)... see the tears'
then i gotta wipe off for him. *blink
lately C1 has been going
"Mama (or Papa) happy/sad/angry"
either as a qn or as a statement.

i m not sure why there is a sudden surge of interest in how mama and papa are feeling. school? maybe..
dun think he asks anyone else that question or makes that sttmt of anyone else.

guess he is just experimenting with identifying and labelling feelings.
Oh so not funny when the mother is furious and the kid's still going "Tears, tears! I need tissue.. Declan need tissue!"
Nice website! But but but... my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. Eh, how about next time you hold a baking session at your place and me and Declan gatecrash? :p

Don't think it's school cos Declan's doing it too. Sometimes during meals, he will ask me to do faces. Geez, like I'm some clown. "Mama happy! Mama do happy face!"
Yeah, I think they've arrived at that stage where they are more attuned to feelings.
a colleague passed me an oreo cookie. packaging all in japanese. cannot even read the ingredient list.

so i googled 'does oreo cookie have egg', thinking of C2's egg allergy

and here is the answer


i m not sure abt the bozo part.

lalala. afternoon calls are so super boring.

i can so identify with geez, like i m some clown making happy face.
hellooo... .here here...

me just finished my work from home. damn pissed off with MOM... why do they have to split "Fixed Salary" and "Basic Salary"?? what is the difference? If they mean allowance etc, can't they just follow usual practice and use "Gross Salary" and "Additional Salary"?!?! aarrgghh... really hair-pulling experience dealing with these stat boards!

ok enough of letting hot air out

according to doc, my boy is one of those kids who coughs easily and will take longer to recover from these episodes than "normal" kids. he will get "back to back" coughs if he is in childcare coz of the exposure. 20% of such kids will become asthmatic from the coughs. this is enough for me to take him out of childcare. for the 3 months i was paying, he only spent like 3 out of the 8 weeks in childcare. not to mention the number of times he had to see a doctor. poor boy, now every time he sees someone cough, he will say "cough must see doctor, take medicine".

talk about crocodile tears... any of the girls doing this or it's just the boys? hahaha...

C2 is allergic to eggs? how did you find out? has he started on solids already? and i thought you just gave birth not along ago ... gosh... where have all the time gone?? initially i suspected my boy is allergic to eggs too coz of his eczema but his PD didn't think so. hence i continued giving him eggs. the eczema doesn't flare up too much nowadays. i suppose he will eventually grow out of these allergies.

did Anthony really had all those jobs done? i kept trying to pin-point his different looks. and yes..i like looking at the post-goofy blue wiggle too

can i gate crash your baking session too? my new place came with an oven.. i am so tempted to take up baking but like bbp, the flesh is weak too... and i'm no good in the kitchen except washing up... hahaha...

anyone can recommend baking / cooking classes? thanks in advance

gotta go wash son's backside... he's still not toilet train
Hey someone posted before on childcare subsidies. Just to check, are there only 2 kinds - FTWM and non working mums? Or is there a part time working mums category? Wonder how it works if we were self employed/freelancing - how to prove the number of working hours?

Eh... How come I suddenly have a baking session at my house? Haha. Sure I don't mind. I have a small oven only but wouldn't mind doing something for the kids
*thinking aloud: will mums help to wash up? Wonder, wonder*

I love your ending to the post! Lol. Btw I found out that Anthony had some health probs that's why he lost 10kg. But I suspect he also had some work done. And dancing classes. He's so hiao in the new season

Crocodile tears
Poppy's tears flow easily if she really wants something and we won't give it to her. Big fat tears!
cellow.. r u feeling better? nose still dripping? you can take sambucus!

all hubbies out to drive us nuts.. mine likes to taunt bbG and have teasing shouting matches with him arrgh!!

wah emo C1 who can squeeze out tears! but so cute lah... bbG will go mummy mummy mummy non stop til i hug him hahaha

dec the other drama mama! hehehe!

ooh we should organise girlie baking session? not that i've ever baked anything in my life but doggie biscuits...
Cancerians are born in????
D is my 4 yr old #1 whom I do intend to shift into their own room before he turns 10 after my chinchilla goes to a better place lor...
And maybe I am someone who likes to take action rather then wait and see. I do not want to have regrets....at least I know I have done my best and what happens is not something I can control.
And errrr I DO NOT want him to be like a mummy's boy. (loads of examples at my inlaws) Want them to be independent, can think 1st before asking.

If I tell Ember abt a fly......she will prob cover her mouth with her hand and scream even louder....LOL

Poppy sounds so guai, afraid of da piku.....hehe
That's why I am soo afraid of Ember's tears since she was small cos when she starts............its hard to stop. She used to cry till puke kind.

Same same lor my hubby........sigh
I have BANNED him from D's bed. U know what....I really have to be the MOM at home. Tell my hubby off like he is 1 of the kids ......sigh and the kids seems to take it better. Cos they will sometimes tell me their dad is naughty(do things they are not supposed to). And I will cane him, so the kids understand that they are really not supposed to do that.
I literally feel myself turning OLDER!!!

Maybe he's learning Empathy.
Changi Village hotel promos:

You cane your husband? Is this as a prelude to more - ahem - exciting things? Heehee ;p

Hope you're feeling better! The boys will get used to sharing sooner or later, don't worry. They don't have a choice, haha! At one stage, my two would clamber onto the same Ikea stool to brush their teeth at the sink, and as he was climbing up, L would be yelling, "Sare! Sare!" to his brother.

I have given up on the 'from scratch' method and now just use the pre-mix. But will happily gatecrash a PB & Poppy baking session
I can bring a side dish! Hmmm sounds like the start of another party yes?

Oh but did some roasted parsnips this afternoon and L ate some!

The BP thread has some baking/cooking class thing.

I can't cook/bake etc for nuts if the dish has more than four ingredients. So I just follow children's recipe books. The best thing is, they even explain the basics like how to boil/steam.stir-fry etc.

And I recall Elliot and L both trying to get out of the Staccato! trial class!

"I hate the screaming my head off, and it reaches the peak when the boy's sickness coincides with the mother's period" ROTFLOL!

Hope you are feeling better by now. My baby girl is now having running and blocked nose, so i also si bei sian.

Yes, we do agree with what Eve said that day. But as to whether we sign up, i will let the man decide, as he is more "musically inclined" than me.
if you have a whole bunch of mummies descending on your hse for baking session, yes i will be part of the cleaning crew.
Good morning mummies! 2nd last day of work. I mean "2nd LAST DAY OF WORK!!!"

So there will be a baking session at my house one day, and here are the mums who are keen:
1) Cellow
2) Bbp
3) Steph
4) Youpi

Funny how the "girlie baking session" seems to have only attracted the boys! Are any girlies interested? I'm sorry that I gotta do this on a weekday cos weekends are really tight, and prob after our trip. So early dec ok? Looking forward to finding more baking things to buy in aust too! Woohoo!
morning all

pb - hee.. can sense ur excitement.. me keen on baking day.. but can only cfm when u fix the date and time.. hee..

dor dor - wow, u are one wife not to be trifled with! hee..

youpi - the changi village hotel promo looks good.. hee..
Oops, did I accidentally sabo you?

Seriously, no pressure ok? I really was just joking.
Anyway, Gaia (the baby wash brand, not the Earth) is really cheap in Australia. Like almost half price the last time my inlaws were there. So if you're interested, stock up.

Oh oh, side dish to baking session = party! It should be a celebratory party for PB! I can bring my world famous beancurd chicken!

Thunderstorming now. My son's happily sleeping away and my poor helper is out there marketing. The boy's father forgot to go to the market
Celebratory party for me? For leaving work? Haha ok.

Honestly I think I've had enough of the corporate world and politics. I'm happy to explore on my own for a bit
i bumped into one of our mutual frens - Noel T - while i was borrowing the pat heim book back fm the library. he took one look at the title and started laughing. and said, oh well, i always figured you (meaning me cellow) will thrive in the corporate world. come to think of it, i quite like the intellectual battles. bring it on man.
Melbourne. Lygon Street in Carlton. Next to a green field. Gelato. HEAVENly. and Brunetti's coffee. even this non coffee drinker is drooling when i think abt the coffee.

that's a job she's paid to do. make up for what we lack time and energy to do (or remember to do). as long as you got food to cook for yourself and declan can already.

LOL on 'sare! sare!' yes it would always b the younger one who uses his voice to command the elder. hey the voice is abt the only tool that they can use... if they fight, the younger one sure lose to korkor, korkor is physically bigger and runs away faster aft snatching the toy. it will be interesting to watch my 2 boys grow up tog. different dynamics fm a family of 4 girls - mine.
Oh well, I do like to go marketing actually. Only the vegetable part. Haha. But with the kid, and for a non-driver, it's kinda hard to do. Eh, can I admit that I've stopped cooking for Declan ever since he went on his food strike? I just do the other Declan stuff like feed, discipline, wash his ass, that sorta thing. But sometimes, it feels like we just play the whole day away

I love my job.
good job - playing the whole day away. i get to deal w bozos who are testing ERP systems. i m on a rampage at work today la.

go learn to drive. tis an useful skill. and your ILs amongst them sure got one car at home for you to drive self and Declan to supermkt rite. think abt it... seriously lor.

Yah, I thought about learning to drive, but it's all the mobility versus hubby conveniently asking me to do this and that cos I got the car.
Still thinking la...
