(2008/07) July 2008

baking session: PB, you left out this boy and his mummy -> bbG!

aussie baby food brands: rafferty's garden!

what's sare sare?

marketing: actually raw meats creeps me slightly too.. but wonder if i can ever give up meats one day to be vegetarian.. doesn't seem possible..

work woes... making me age and giving me white hair! *takes a deep breath for tomorrow is FRIDAY!*

so anyone going for free drama sampler this sunday?

for those who missed the MPH sale, Borders is having one at suntec exhibition hall 403 this weekend!
Happy to incl u and bbG! Lol it really is a boys party huh. Ok no prob! I can't cut and paste the list, can someone help? But sorry huh really gotta be a weekday
and all are ok with the kids "helping" with the baking ya?
jx has HFMD!!! sigh....just when i m going to start on new job next mon!! timing is always bad. now keep fingers cross that jh won't get it.

i will be interested to go for baking session if timing fits
but i wd have started work already so dunno whether can take leave. when are u travelling?

the lady that i m replacing kind of told me the job not very good....sigh...before even starting, already getting the real pic.....she also told me i may need to replace her for a trip next year that she's supposed to go. my hb hear already want to faint. they going to LA next mar and if i go, what will happen to my kids??? one part of me wd love to go cos i love the states but the other part of me dun wan to go cos of the kids. dun think my hb can tahan one week alone with them.

what are u planning to do next? biz??

hmm learning to drive has its pros of cos but once u know how to drive, hb may expect u to be more independent. like my hb.....i m the one always ferrying the kids...weekendsw when he's tired, i have to drive....i dun need him when i wan to go to a place that he dun wan to go cos i can send myself there etc....that's how he thinks. my mum purposely dun learn how to drive so my dad will always have to drive her. she said that's strategy haha.

re screaming at kids
i do that too. and i cane too. but mostly reserved for jh. cos his ears just dun listen. i do feel bad but i alreayd told him that i will do that every night until he listens. only certain things i m particulr and will cane when he dun listen. like keep jumping up n down before bedtime. trying to do somersaults on the bed.
last day! woohoo!!! doing the bunny dance.

it's so hard to make the time go by cos hugo wrote to all external parties i had dealings with (and i didn't know!), saying that i had already resigned and i am not to have any contact with them. -_-

tomorrow i have an exit interview! i have to control myself or else i will talk till 6pm about her. have decided to keep it to top 5 reasons haha

oh no, HFMD! yikes. so who will watch the kids when you go back to work? yes i am planning to start a small biz
haha u ladies sooo sensitive to my canning hubby huh.....haha
Same way I cane D lor 1 quick stroke to I dun care where so long as they feel it.
For my hubby will be HARDER so he sure feels my wrath. hehe

Same here. When D dun listen I also jus cane. Told him if he dun learn to listen I will jus continue to punish him until he learns to.....sigh

Poor JX......caught from sch??
congrats on your last day!!! sigh, sch just updated that 8 kids caught HFMD already. i think they have to close for a week if exceed 10 kids right? keeping my fingers crossed...

i will prob delay start date to next thur. but if sch have to close, hb says ask maid to look after the kids. but i feel that is not right. if i ask him to look after the 2 kids by himself for a day, i m sure he will faint. so how can ask maid to look after them alone??

hee, can share what biz u planning? looking for partners or not??
if i dun like my job, can i join u?

dor dor
jh dun seem to be very scared of cane i feel. or rather my caning. if it's my hb who cane he will be scared.

your kids will eat parsnip like this? i feel it has a strong smell.....how do u get them to eat it?

how to do roasted vege nicely? i ever tried but mine turned out so dry and hard.

feel so tired!!!
JX get well soon! feed ice cream, tis cold and soft, so getting her to eat past the ulcers is easier.

roast vegs. you need to put enuf oil in to roast.

Mr SY being alone w both JH and JX during your biz trip. tis a good training ground for him. being a father is more than just depositing sperm, just like being a mother is more than contributing the egg and carrying them within us for 9 months. actually the more difficult part is bringing them up to be good and responsible citizens of the world.

if i go fm very soft to very loud, C1 is VERY scared. i roared at him last night bcz he used to spoon to bang the wall while in high chair and in the process managed to spill my rice onto the floor.

adding another layer of difficulty to the amazing race of life
C2 is sick! runny nose... maid took 1st shift till 230am to hold him uprite to sleep. i took over from 230am onwards.
the man. came back fm work entertainmt dinner at 11pm. sent him out to get nose drops, then he had to finish some work. so dunno wat time he slept but around 2am... i ws woken up by him shouting at maid not to put C2 into sarong anymore and to think/use her brain. so that C2's mucus doesnt run back up his head when he lies down mah.
haiz. shout for wat... she is only a maid. and sm more not her child. tired tired pple in the C hsehold this week.

PB baking session
i just dui myself. realise that most baked goods have eggs. *sniff* cellow sad.

to answer your egg qn abt C2... after i realise that i din answer. C2 is now 7mo and a bit. i din feed him egg directly but he has a persistent face rash. suspected allergy so brgt him for skin prick test.... turns out he is allergic to eggs thro my breastmilk. so *i* cannot eat eggs.
dun worry abt E pulling away nephew's chair.... smtimes they want to experiment w things. but dun realise the consequences can hurt self or others. slowly teach ok.

i signed up for the same drmaa sampler time as you. but see how C2's situation is. and fingers crossed C1 doesnt fall sick too!!! if so, i really raise white flag.
Just for you, I am searching for egg-free muffin recipes. But I better apologise in advance to all others cos I am steering away from my usual fail proof banana-choc chip recipe

Last day
So I have returned my passes, packed my stuff and cleared up. I'm ready to go but it just feels so weird. I told all at my exit interview. Hello, weekend, I'm coming!
Should have mentioned this earlier but I forgot until I saw the box sitting on the kitchen shelf. There is a cookie pre-mix that I really like, under the brand Cherrybrook Kitchen. It is wheat-free, peanut-free, dairy-free, EGG-FREE and nut-free. It was developed by a husband and wife team because the wife has multiple allergies. You can check them out at www.cherrybrookkitchen.com. The mix is about double the price of normal mixes, but tastes twice as good too. I buy them from organic stores. But I think the angmoh supermarkets may have started to stock them too.

Welcome back to fulltime motherhood!

Parsnips from Annabel Karmel's You Can Cook, a step-by-step cookbook for kids. I love children's cookbooks!

Roasted Parsnip Chips
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Peel the parsnips and cut off the ends. Then cut the parsnips into thin slices - make them all about the same size.
2. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Lay the sliced parsnips on this. Sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
3. Roast for 15 minutes. Then turn the slices over and roast for 10 minutes. Turn them again and roast for a final 5 to 10 minutes until golden.

Super tired now... we spent the entire afternoon at the Botanic Gardens and Jacob Ballas. But super fun and the boys are completely passed out!
congrats to your last day at work! i can't escape work but i'm officially on part-time 3 days a week but not without taking a substantial pay cut. but it's all worth it coz my son is really really getting out of control... when i spanked him, he cries. in no more than 5 min.. he's running all over the place totally forgotten abt the spanking.

wow.. you know so much abt the super duper gay-lek Blue Wiggle... hahaha...

baking session.. i can help washing up too

cancerians are those born between 23 june to 22 july. think most of our kids here are cancerians. my boy's personality is 80% of what i've read up on the sign. sometimes when he makes me so angry, i simply can't be bothered with what i've read... whack first then say.

you caned your hb ar?! and in front of your kids? aren't you worried that he'll lose his place with your children? if i do that to my hb sure cold war one... coz his mommy had NEVER NEVER lay a hand on him!!

i totally agree with you abt raising a child who is independent and has self confident. the ways i discipline and teach my son had resulted in my dad saying that my son 可怜每人疼. bobian lah.. my hb not ah siah... so can't afford to let my son be ah siah kiah...

thanks for the tip on children's cook books. i've flipped through quite a few in bookstores but the recipes are mostly western food. my son is super "cheena" lah... only wants rice and noodle. he was on hunger strike during the first 3 days in Brisbane coz we can't find any rice or noodle for him. he survived on milk and banana and corn flakes. but i will definitely pick up on the pre-mix tip. thanks

oh you still remember the staccato trial? hahaha... time really flies
speedy recovery to your girl. you take care too.

hope you're feeling better yourself and speedy recovery to C2...

C2 had skin prick test? i didn't bring my son for one even when he had persistent rashes on the face, neck, wrists, etc...coz PD said no need. he will grow out of these by 2 yrs old... which is true for him.

pulling chair away when another tries to sit down is something i'd imagine older children doing... hearing that a 2 yr old did that and it was my son! i dunno whether to think "wow my son so smart" or "omg.. my son is Dennis the menace".

sometimes, i wonder whether is he angry with me for "dumping" him with my mum/childcare and acting out whenever he's home with me. he's always been very attached to me. hopefully by working part time and spending more time with him, i can salvage my relationship with my son and slowly teach him the correct stuff.

Lygon Street... nice memories i had of that place with my classmates. tasted the best tiramisu in one of the restaurants there. pls dun ask me for the name of the restaurant... it was 1995! hahahha...
C1 only acts up w me and Mr C.
and i witnessed it for myself today. i was latching C2 to sleep and keeping really quiet. Mr C went to bed w/o dinner. so in essence, only maid w C1. no eh eh eh and wailing at all... i left the door open so that i can hear wat is going on.

think E is picking on you. my mum's theory is they always pick on the parents bcz they know we wont go away. so in a perverse way, tis a sign of security. *raise one eyebrow*
sigh.....my hubby cannot makeup his mind abt what he wants to be infront of the kids. Ask him to be the good guy.....he dunno how to be....become too naggy. He jus scream and shout louder n louder n louder when my son dun listen. Ask him to follow my way, say once, say twice dun listen, out comes the cane. But he doesn't want. And endup now my son jus tune out. Can see lor the dad shout he tune out totally never hear. So he spoil my teaching lor even now I scold most time he dun hear cos tune out liao ma.
And he dun mean what he says and my son now already knows. So I have to take control.....I am the alpha at home lor.....everybody must obey me lor....even the dog. LOL

My parents also say I am very strict with the kids. But see so strict my son still so naughty!!! Then what will happen when I am not strict?
liddat will grow more white hairs and wrinkles one.

aside... ask you all ah. wat brand of training pants is the best? price / leak proof / comfort etc etc. anyone got tips on toilet training....?
when you say training pants, you mean the disposable pullups right? Pullups are definitely not as absorbent as diapers so don't use them at night. That aside, I don't know much about pullups cos I didn't see the benefit of them.
Toilet training - poop or pee? Cos I used different methods. Poop was by timing cos he normally used to poop in the morning. So around that time, I would just put him on the toilet bowl and ask him to do it (with the appropriate sounds). Pee was by timing. On the hour, I would get him to pee (with the apropriate sounds again) and gradually drag the timing longer. It was a very slow process but we finally did it
Tell u huh, I dun believe in getting training pants. Cos I think training pants they pee will also come out. Pee in normal undies also come out, I still have to mop floor no matter wat. Plus normal shorts n undies easier to wash n dry. So I didn't waste money getting those.
Toilet training main thing he has to be ready. Else jus stressful for everyone.
Er nor sure if my 2 cents are worth cos poppy still isn't potty trained. We basically leave the potty at a fixed spot, and keep asking her if she needs to use it. When we're home, she's usually totally bottom-less and we remind her "you know where to go when you need to peepee right?" and she does. But if it's poo, she'd dance on the spot and ask for a diaper. We're getting there
We persisted on going to botanic gdns on sat only to leave in 15 mins before it poured! Youpi did u catch the performance on fri? Was it good?

How do u feed ur kids med if they refuse?

BbG had fever at 39deg when I woke at 3am just now, but refused any med totally..had to force shower him as he shook n screamed..then finally no choice but to use a suppository for the very first time. Temp is down to 37.8 now but his hands r cold, feeling so lousy wondering if I used water that's too cold earlier..big sigh..wat a way to start the week with hubby away n headache already here..

Anyway, just realized wed's a holiday! Royce or any activities anyone? If bbg's ok then..we r game!
oh DD

force shower? gosh! are you sure that is alright? I have been told by doctors the best is to sponge and not to even put ice in the water as it will be too cold. when they do put them into the water to soak in the hospitals, i thought its because they have all the personnel and equipment on standby should the kid go into shock or something?

hurray to a short week too!
morning all

DD - when my kids refuse to take, we hv to force feed.. with my son it was terrible, we needed like 2 ppl to pin him and 1 person to put in his mouth.. and most of it will come out coz he will spit.. i totally understand wat u are gg thru.. when all fails, we use suppository.. for fever, dun take cold baths.. just usual warm water and like doggiebb says, even for sponging just normal room temp water sld be fine.. hugz! hope bbG is fine!
When Dec refuses to shower, I will put him in the baby tub and let him play with water and occasionally pour the water over him. For us, sponging doesn't usually work cos:
(a) he hates being sponged
(b) his clothes just get damp/wet
(c) he hates being sponged
So playing with water is a way of distracting him from the fact that I'm actually "sponging" him.
Glad that you all had a great time at the reservoir. And very good that you escaped the rain! Was it crowded as it was a weekend?

If he resists meds I sit on the floor and let him lean back on me, then hold him down and feed.

BG: No, we did not catch the performance as we had walked to Jacab Ballas by then. But we were very well-entertained by the music that they were playing during the stage set-up
Hope bbG is feeling better! We try all sorts of things with med. Syringe, different cups, masking in food... As for sponging, we prefer baths cos she loves baths and can play with cups in the tub. Do you have a digital thermometer? Poppy loves playing with ours so I would ask her to check her temp. Keep fluid levels up!

We fed poppy in 2 shifts - before and after play! So she was tired and full so was happy to doze off in Stroller :D

I thought of all the yummy kolo Mee in your freezer and just had to have some! Vivo's kolo Mee rocks!

Hope for lovely weather today cos poppy and I are heading to Sentosa!
No ah, not skipping school. I'll pick her about 4. After nap

Happy short week everyone!

Ps all involved shd have received my SMS... Weather forecast for tomorrow is rain leh. Perhaps best to give polliwogs a miss. But happy to hang out anywhere if anyone wants!
but the sponging is supposed to be only forehead, neck, armpits, groin, behind the knees etc, i was told not to even sponge the tummy or the back cos its not good. so is bathing them actually ok? sometimes when the fever is high at 39.5 or higher, i need to sponge like half an hr for it to go below 39.0. i just want to know if i should go the way of baths just to bring the fever down faster, is it safe? *makes a mental note to perhaps ask the PD again the next time*


happy you! first day out of work and you are off to sentosa! woohoo!

i will be taking leave next thurs too to bring the children to universal studios too. ask you again, the shop at dhoby ghaut exchange that sells the USS tickets cheaper, what's the name of the agency again?
alamak.... vivo's kolo mee rocks, which outlet.... lemme show you wat REAL kolo mee is.... LOL!
you took poppy out of sch to play with you in your 1st day returning to SAHM-dom?

thanks bbp and dor for the toilet trg tips.

not disp pullups la. ur method.. is not feasible for me. congrats on a job well done

tis the sch teacher who asked me to buy training pants for him. says he can verbalise his needs pretty well now.

Kolo mee parteeeeee. (whenever the C hsehold can get its act tog)
1. PB
2. bbp.... and who else?
I thought sch teachers normally go the route of disposable pullups? Then again, what do I know... Declan's not even half a step into school yet.
My method was not so much of my method but the grandmothers (both) method. Super kiasu grandparents who think toilet training should start asap and catching timing is a sort-of toilet-trained success. Okok, no angst. I am grateful to them for pushing me to do it. I am. Just that I'm sure the kiddos will take a much shorter time to toilet train when they can verbalise so much better. So C1... will definitely get it soon

Yah man, I totally agree with Cellow's Kolo Mee verdict. I can still salivate when I think of the Kolo Mee at your house last Halloween!
dunno leh. the commns book that teacher wrote in specifically mentioned quote unquote 'training pants'
C1 getting it soon.... sssssehhhhheesssh.... it really depends on what HE wants to tell, and when HE wants to tell. already at 2yo3+mo, i cannot force him to do stuff. that is the downside of lazy no-time parenting. times like this, i wonder wonder wonder if i really shd be a SAHM.
then i slap myself out of it.... no patience la!

mine is also slowly getting there. for poo, its on timing, normally in the morning after first milk. when he can't, he normally can tell us he wanna poo and we will put him on the toilet.

for pee, we let him wear training pants. the purpose really is to let him feel the wetness and the mess (yet not as bad as if he's only wearing undies). and on the hour, present the potty to him to ask him to offload. so so far, he has kept dry because the potty is offered to him periodically. the next stage is hopefully he can tell us when he wants to pee.
mummy cow checking in to say hi!

PB - hurray for freedom!

cellow - count me in for parteee ;)

DD - hope bbG is feeling better..hugs to you and him. try to get some rest ya..
USS... I think the shop is called travel...something! It's in my blog somewhere :S

Are you going with another family? Good to, then they can help jaga. I added some tips too
Update on bbG: he seems ok now..only twice did his temp go back up to 38deg..wonder what caused it..when he doesn't want his med, no way can we force it down his throat, like what crystal described.. N no coaxing with bathtub (he's usually crazy over splashing about in the bathroom) probably coz he's not feeling good n it was the mid of the night? Showering/soaking in tub/bathing is definitely faster..was my PD who told me to do this instead of sponging, but I should have used lukewarm water, not cold

Kolo mee, wait for meeee.... I want! We can bring extras to supplement...dessert perhaps? Hehe

Toilet training..bbg has gone back to nOt telling us, sometime even when his diaper is full n Pee leaks! Sigh

N I also felt guilty for pushing him too hard abt drinking milk fm cup instead of bb bottle, each episode ended with me screaming n him crying..I'm such a bad mummy, sigh! So taking a break n back to bottles for now...

Cin, how r u n the beans doing? Is soph excited? R confused with the new addition?
Any plans for tomorrow?
dd - i know wat u mean abt no amt of coaxing works.. when my kids are in tt state nothing works also.. dun wory abt the drinking from a cup thing.. even my 3.5yr old still driking from a bottle.. but he CAN drink water etc from a cup which means he has tt skill, so it's alrite rite? i think it's easier for us when we let e kids lead us in certain things..
hang in there.. u r not a bad mummy! hugz

as for toilet training, i am a super lazy mummy and took the route of letting kids decide when they r ready.. haha.. isaiah was able to pee on his own ard 23 mth.. but only willing to POOP in toilet bowl when he was 3+! cait can go diaperless in day (except naps and nite) but when we go out i still ask her to pee in diapers (which she was rather indignant abt) but i think now she has also become lazy and wld just pee in her diapers.. ooopz.. and she keeps wanting to pee standing!!!
Yay that bbG is better. Phew. Fever is a scary one. But sometimes they just get a temp spike for a day and them better the next. It's to keep us on our toes I think

Don't worry about milk bottle. I think to them it's a comforting and familiar thing cos they've known it for a long time. Same for poppy. She doesn't want milk from a cup. But that's ok cos when she wakes up she comes to our bed and I make milk for her and she lies in bed with us to drink while we catch another 5 min of shut eye :D

Somehow when you wrote "Cin and the Beans" it brought to mind an image of a 70s band. Like Diana Ross and the Supremes for instance.

You are looking great for one who has just popped!

Outing today
Well it's bright and sunny today. But weather forecast says rain. Who knows, with this weather! Any plans anyone? I guess polliwogs is not on anymore so we'll keep that for another day.
let me take a look at C1's progress agst stated milestones

cup drinking instead of bottle - he is able to drink fm cup, but needs the bottle before aftn nap and evening go to bed

toilet training - pees and poos in diaper

so a big fat red F for both. does it bother me? yes when i think abt it. so the key is not to think abt it???
Kolo mee parteeeeee. (whenever the C hsehold can get its act tog)
1. PB
2. bbp
3. cinbunny (when does your confinement end? kolo mee has trace elements of ki zui inside, not supposed to eat during confinement)
4. DD
Chill, babe. Why bother about a grading system when it comes to bodily functions and drinking habits? How many adults do you know today who wear a diaper under their work clothes or bring a milk bottle out for lunch? Our kids will get there when they're ready
no la, I think milestones are meant for acquiring of ability. So if c1 get drink from cup, means pass la. I'm still letting dec drink milk from cup via straw. It's just too sticky to clean up in case it spills. But he can drink water from cup so I consider it as PASS :p

yah I was afraid of dec getting lazy and peeing into diaper so I had to do the 100m dash to the toilet those days when he was still on toilet training. Now don't really need to dash but I still walk VERY fast nevertheless.

Dor dor!
I need advice! How many times does ember wake up to pee at night? Can she hold through the night?
pb - hee... i agree with u!

bbp - haha.. for me, it was partly coz i was lazy + i find outside toilets rather dirty leh.. then as a gal she gotta sit on e seat! urks..
Cannot carry? Cos when we're out, I will carry Dec cos too ma fan to take off the pants. And gotta take out cos I make him wear training pants underneath.
Lunch time riddle for those of you lunching with your phones!

I am an envy to some ladies but a joke to others
Most men scoff at me and very few appreciate me
Some think they can't be me but I think anyone can
My choice baffles many but is very clear to me

What am I?

**no offense to anyone, just something i thought of when bringing my galas back into the house*
pb - i never go and look at their fingernails leh.. will go back and check today.. u are a SAHM.. and i belong to the envious grp
am i rite?

btw, those mummies with locked blogs, can invite me to vieW? hee.. [email protected]

Yah, carry her over the toilet bowl. I *think* girls should be easier cos they dun have the spraying mechanism. Again, I say THINK.

Eh, I also didn't notice. I only notice his nails when they start to scratch me. :p
