(2008/06) June 2008

My ger peepee suddenly appear like burning red. is it diaper rash? I not sure is it i change her night diaper or her poo causes it to turn red. Should I bring her to doc immediately or monitor few days?
Re: Birthday Cake for Bash

If you all don't mind...I can make the birthday cake. A simple moist chocolate cake..just let me know what deco you guys want in advance...so I have time to source for it
tera: yaya.. my PD said quite common to have fake measles, which will appear either before or after fever.. but i still got a shock when i saw it cos sheryl 1st time kena..

hahahaha... lucas wan to play at 4am? maybe u wan to limit his daytime nap? but how u manage to stay awake at work man? i'm currently struggling.. Now u leave me sitting at my desk for 10min sure fall asleep man...

zuen: same here.. lil sheryl only started flipping at 6mths and crawling on all 4s at 9+mths.. hey.. lil zuen can call mama n papa aledi? she is trying to call u right? is she directing those words when she is looking at u or want something from u? or she jus random verbalise these words?

but still must be very happy to hear your baby call mama n papa.. sheryl still hasn't say something that is close to mama n papa... sigh..
sharon: like what janiviy said, apply diaper rash cream and observe for few days.. i ever showed the PD my baby's diaper rash n he oso gave me desitin to apply n ask me to observe...

janiviy: thanks for volunteering to make the cake.. our babies' cake must be very pretty, esp after seeing what u have made for your niece... heehee... ^_^

bizznow: thanks for organising the gathering! my husband will go check with his boss today whether got any major events on 17 May not..
Anyway jus dropped in to say hi in the morning cos when lessons start, i got no time to log in le..

So... Have a good day ahead, ladies!! =)
Good morning girls!

Got, got.. I got go JP in teh afternoon. ;p Me and my sis wear until very lok kok, like aunties gg to market. Hoho.

I dun mind. Your cake looks so pretty. Can sell wor.

I dun think Lil ZuEn was trying to call us lah. She can be looking anywhere and doing anything when she goes "ah mamamama" or "ah papapapa".
Morning ladies..

u can apply nappy rash cream for ur ger cos sometimes when my ger poo and we din know, then her bum will be red too, after applying the cream, it goes off, u can try..

hi ya..seldom see ur posts so early..hehe..

good morning =)..
hihi...m ebusy with my assignments lor, hiaz, like nv ending also.. =(.. Time flies hor..

hv u start to plan ur ger's bd?
ya time flies...very sian to study...i can understand...must perservere ok? i give u moral support!

oh...talk abt 1st BD i already booked a chalet and bought some party supplies liao...now trying to finalise on the cake and the buffet...the guest list also more or less firmed up.

u leh?
Tks ger *hugz*...I trying to hold on lor..gets upset when I hv to do my assignments and cannot spend more time with my ger..

Good wor, wats the theme going to be? =)..Where u ordering e cake frm?

I ordered cake liao, bot banner and some balloons..Need to go find figures for my cake, get more balloons, and then order buffet later on lor..Its a simple one cos having it at home =).. Time flies..
sesame babies!! should be from PG cos e-creative doesn't do tat theme haizz...

cake toppers can be provided by the supplier rite?

simple one is good! but my place too small to host it @ home...where u ordering ur buffet from?
Wow, this theme is nice and colourful..PG cakes are nice..

Not really wor, u hv to check wih them cos sometimes hv to be provided by ourselves de, i not so sure leh..

hee...I shd be either ordering frm Water-rise, the one which we had at Sandra's hse or maybe Neo garden lor..u?
im ordering from one of neo garden group..orange clove!...as i have tried neo garden and delihub cos all under one roof...i also got discount from NG...so going back to them again.
I see... =)..so more or less done liao..Now onli hv to get new clothing and shoes for your ger hor? me too...seems like onli 2 of us talking here onli wor..the other ladies all busy lor..
hee =)..Maybe lor..missed those times where there are so many ladies chatting here =)..Really missed...


hehe, let him play toys lor..
Include me too!

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn & HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (janiviy & hubby) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina & Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal & HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby & mum)
10. Travis (bleh & hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc & maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb & maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz & hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
Still considering for the bash.. reason being i not sure if my bb can adapt bec it seems tat he dun like too much crowd.
June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn & HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (janiviy & hubby) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina & Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal & HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby & mum)
10. Travis (bleh & hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc & maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb & maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz & hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
<font color="aa00aa">
amark1314 (amark1314)
Intermediate Member
Username: amark1314

Post Number: 2187
Registered: 1-2007
Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 5:17 pm:

Baby Fair
Thu 12 Mar to Sun 29 Mar 2009

For those who are sourcing for household products, this is a fair you should not miss.

Calling all mums, get the best deals on all the baby necessities from diapers to strollers to baby clothing and toys for all mums and mums-to-be. What’s more with every *$50 same-day purchase (maximum of 3 combined receipts), made at Babies’ Section, Children’s Department, Level 3 and/or Takashimaya, B2 and stand a chance to be one of the lucky winners in our Baby Fair lucky draw and walk away with the following prize:

1st Prize: S$3,000 worth of Baby products
2nd Prize: S$2,000 worth of Baby products
3rd Prize: S$1,000 worth of Baby products

http://www.takashimaya-sin.com/events.html </font>
<font color="0077aa">felicia,
no time to come in wo. then wana cfm my attendance for e bash. busy busy busy. my precious is ok except being super naughty. she stil bogeh. hahahaha
long time no c u aso hor.

cfm u liao la... u keep walkin in n out of OCBC izzit? i stare at u for a while leh... e 1 wif bb stroller standin at e entrance of bank. told hb i saw some1 familiar but dare not cal u in case sala. huhuhu. u auntie?? i tink u look like young ger when u wear like tat leh. onli teenager wil wear like tat mah.

Talking about baby babbling..my G2 is a pretty quiet baby. She will only babbbles (baba, mama, ohoh, etc) 3-4 times in several hours. But, she loves to laugh, shout, hoot (saying Ooi) and blows bubble. Looks like she will be like her bro.
My girl is turning 10 months in 2 days time wor. She is the jie jie of this group. Time really, really flies.

I no energy to plan for her bday bash recently. Too buried with work. Haiz. PG bake sesame babies cakes? I am working on that theme too. So far, only see from Polar but I got feedback that Polar cakes not very tasty. Are you getting a tier cake or cut-off shape or 3D huh?

Young? Hohoho, you trying to make me happie right? You just made my day. ;p
Wan ask u hor, when will the pacifier clips be here huh? tink more than 3wks liao hor?

hehe..or bring soem biscuits for him?

I also find Polar cakes not bery nice wor cos abit dry leh..
feifei, sorry forgot to msg u, i posted in the thread mailed out yesterday. received last fri cos missed the parcel.
Dear Mummies,

Sean Lau Baby Photography is looking for 5 babies be featured in an advertisement for a leading pharmaceutical company.

Please refer to our Business Thread for more information.

Thank you.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie... tks for the cake advice!!
i went daiso last weekend.. oso ended up with lotsa of ribbons.. hee..... </font></font>
I only have blue on hand... Apply very thick lay already. Hopes is better.

okay. I see her peepee like that heartpain especially when I wipe it. Seems painful.

Shall to apply more like mask. Hopefully is better
Pre-Stocktake Toy Clearance

Everything from S$1 and 30% to 90% off usual price !!!
Time: 10am to 6.30pm (Monday to Friday), 10am to 5pm (Saturday to Sunday)
Venue: Blk 171 Kallang Way Kolam Ayer Industrial Estate #05-03 Singapore 349250

Date: 11th Mar 2009 to 17th Mar 2009

Everything from S$1 and 30% to 90% off usual price !!!

Brands: WowWee, Siverlit, Barbie, Hello Kitty, Jakks Pacific, Speedtech, and many other character toys i.e. Batman, Spiderman, Transformer, Sesame Street, Spongebob, Pokemon, Toy Story, Dora the Explorer.

may refer this website

hello all
just zip in to say hi

zuen, yes pg has sesame street babies and very cute, im also working around that theme...but for a square 2 tier cake must be at least 3 kg, round can be 2 kg...

angel, isaiah also cannot speak :p we are not rushing him, let him take his time
sharon, if the red doesnt get any better and desitin doesnt work, please see a doctor. Isaiah also had very red patch on his anus and his didi area.. it was as red as lipstick.. doctor told us its fungal infection and after applying anti bacteria cream, it healed within a few days...
hi ladies!

noon time check in! got holiday mood aledi.. haahahaha...

feifei: ya loh.. usu jus be silent reader.. actually i come in quite frequently but usu jus read n go.. no time to comment n keep up the conversations...

sharon: ya.. i know what u mean.. when my ger kena diaper rash previously.. i oso feel heartpain for her whenever i changed her diaper.. but strangely sheryl doesn't seem bothered by the rash.. she looked happy... weird..
hi roxy:

oh... isaiah oso hasn't say his 1st word yet? cos isaiah is oso one of the first few earliest baby.. is it born too early will hit milestone later? heehee...

but i notice that sheryl will stare at my mouth when i tried to teach her words like mama n papa.. hopefully soon she can verbalise them soon.. heehee.. can't wait for my 1st child to call me mama...

with our lil ones' 1st birthday bash drawing nearer, can't help feeling nostalgia...

our big family of mummies have been together since we were preg until now.. wa... time reali reali flies man... from the time we were preg until now is going to be 1 1/2 year liao...

cos it seems like onli yesterday that i gave birth to sheryl and now suddenly she is going to be 1 year old le.. so fast! very soon our babies will no longer be lil babies but going to toddler soon... sigh... dun know whether to feel happy (that our lil ones are growing) or sad (that the small tiny baby stage has passed)...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie.. thinking of making the taggies blanket as he like to suck those tags.. ;p sourcing for nice fabric oso..</font></font>

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">angel.. toddler are oso cute lah.... think we luv them more as got more bonding...

jenny.. tks for the info. think my big baby will be very keen to go..</font></font>
