(2008/06) June 2008


My pain is the ankle. Keep having pain esp if too tired.

My back also always pain. since sec school. on and off.

I find polar cakes nice. Dun really like bengawan solo cakes but only they have mickey mouse/disney mickey themes.

Yest i sudden tink tat shd have a cake cutting table. Do buffet caterers provide?
at least gwen likes the med, hope she gets well soon!
lucas hated the strawberry paracetemol, feeding him med when he had fever then was tough.

hehe, my boy's cold med was banana flavoured. :p but my neice had the lychee one.
sharon, wow she can say mama already? *envious* mine is only eh eh if not its GROWL :p

ioio and tera, bizznow
Phew, im glad to know isaiah's not the only one :p duno why they are in this growling stage now and i agree, its making so much noises! sometimes when he growl, we try to spank him on his backside or face lightly tell him no growl, he still do it... hoping they will grow out of it soon

janiviy, she's so smart, can know tigersound!

zuen i have a few samples from pg regarding sesame street cakes, mainly for boys, but just replace the blue with pink colour
let me have your email and i forward to u...
My bb has been calling mama these few days. If not will be "mum mum" as in eating. When he wants me he will cry "ma", then he refuse my hb to carry and want me to carry. Despite my hb take leave 1 day to take care alone(to improve rs as my hb said), maybe bf really will improve the rs. I wonder when i stop bf, will he be sticky to me or not.

Today at 5plus am, he woke up and refuse to sleep liao. sit up in darkness when i came over to see him. latch him and he still dun want to sleep, want me to carry.

Who has any confinement nannies' contacts? I just need one or two no of recommended one to give to my cousin to contact the nanny(ies) directly. If any do have, please let me know the nanny's no and her name. Thanks.
<font color="aa00aa">crystal, my ger still hv slight coughing and running nose since the day you saw me at clinic leh. Still 'faithfully' taking her med. Then yest nite i brought my #1 to see chinese sinseh (coz her coughing is terrible at nite) coz she had been taking the med for almost a mth, wanna see if chinese medicine can help or not, but that the sinseh was out for some dinner. So tonite need to go again.
Btw, the PD you go, his clinic is along the AMK main road facing MRT track? how's the PD?
Hopefully all our ger can recover soon.</font>
crystal: do take care.. dun worry.. gwen will recover soon.. actually gwen very strong stamina eh, 1st time sick since birth..

veniz: my confinement nanny is from malaysia.. its a malaysia no. so need to call n book the nanny like 1 mth in advance.. would your fren be interested?
angelz, can you give it to me? I just let her call lar, I also dunno what criterial she wants the nanny to have (also the price, she wants to compare price) so I will pass any good contacts to her and let her contact directly. Could you either post the nanny's name and contact here or you can just sms me the details? TIA.

Hey, you next week holiday liao huh? Wanna meet for lunch one of the days?
<font color="aa00aa">Burberry Sale
11 - 14 March
10am - 9pm
Suntec Convention Hall 303-305

Body Shop Warehouse Sale
Up to 70% savings; FREE Gift with purchases above $50 or more (Valid for
the first 3,000 customers only)
11 - 14 March
11am - 8pm
Suntec Convention Level 3 Gallery West (near Pearl River)

Charles &amp; Keith Warehouse Sale
Up to 70% off
12 - 15 March
10am - 8pm
21 Tai Seng St

Crazy Warehouse Sale
Brands like Renoma, Goldlion, BUM, The Cocoa Trees etc; Ladies/Men's
wear, Undergarments, Kidswear, Accessories, Chocolates etc; Prices from
12 - 15 March
10am - 10pm
Suntec Convention Rm 202

Jean Perry Home Linen Fair
Special Buys from $1; Discounts up to 80%
12 - 15 March
11am - 9pm
Suntec Convention Rm 201

IT Show @ Suntec
12 - 15 March
Suntec Convention Levels 1-4 &amp; 6
12pm - 9pm

The Lingerie Shop - Knock-out Sale
Up to 90% Ladies &amp; mens
Till 16 March
Mon-Sat 11am - 7.30pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm
B1-07 Palais Renaissance

1-for-1 lunch @ all Swensens
Order any food item from ala carte menu &amp; get another free Valid till 30
June 09 11am - 2pm on weekdays</font>
When wiping can see she in pain. Then apply on desitin awhile she cry like in pain too. This morning see the condition still same. Apply desitin like mask liao still no improvement.

Anyone knows if desitin cream (purple color) issit better then desitin creamy?

Ya is cute.

Hope Gwen get well soon.

She knows papa, baobao, mama, mum mum. But she doesn't know what it means.
Felicia..u beri informative...today i goin Swensen..cos fri we have 'R' exercise..so better gather b4 our close colleagues don get to meet again on monday..

btw, isetan scotts and parkway got tis avent promo..trade in 2 old avent bttles and buy new ones at 30%..while stock last..
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Morning Mummies!

you always got alot of these sale lobang hor, thanks, i saw the swensen one last night at causeway point</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Hi,
can i check if any mummies have use Mamy Poko Value Pull Up Pants?wonder if quality is much lower than the normal pull ups as i saw the price was much cheaper, $6+ for M22, drypantz having promo $29.90 for 2 packs, M44 if not wrong, at NTUC</font></font>
Hi mummies,

do your babies grind their teeth? Lately Avril loves to grind her upper teeth with her lower teeth. How to stop it?
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, i more aunty mah, so always go and search for lubang. hahaha.....
Actually some was forwarded to me by collegues/ friends. Then some i purposely go and look, coz weekend i cannot stay at home, must spend $$. muahaha.....

No prob. Lets arrange after my collegue back from her ML in another 2 weeks., less busy. hehe....</font>
Mummies with 2 or more kids

I have a very sensitive question to ask. When you gave birth to #2, did you immediately fall in love again with your #2? I feel very bad cos I keep telling HB that I love #1 so much that I have no room for #2 leh. I am so worried that I will not love #2 as much as #1.
I PMed you.
Thanks in advance. If I can find any other places that make sesame st theme, will fall back on Polar liao.
<font color="aa00aa">ndzgirl,
My ger only hv 2 lower tooth, so cannot grind. heehee....
As for your qn about #2, dont worry, by then u'll love ur #2 as much as #1. By then, u might think ur #1 very 'fan'. (at least it happen to me sometimes leh). Not that i love #1 lesser but you'll find very irritating when ur #1 start doing things that you dont like just to get ur attention. And when #2 come, u'll expect #1 to behave like a big sis or big bro thou she/he might still a young kid.
To me is a challenge with 2 kids and above lor. Btw, by the time u deliver #2, how many mths is ur #1?</font>
I bought from Bali the MP Pull Ups. Very good. It's the yellow packaging right? Can last BB from 10pm to 7am even though it is sodden. No leakage so far

My 2cents worth lah...

Can pls send me the pix with Sesame Street theme too? Have PM-ed u my email. Thanks!

So busy to keep up, only managed to post today...
ND's girl,
hmm, both me and hb found her cute ley.. cos she's like us.. both of us grind our teeth in our sleep...

btw, my daughter always bite whenever I wash her mouth and use the finger-toothbrush. On Mon night, she bent down and bit my thighs... sob sob... it's real painful lor..
<font color="aa00aa">Ritzy,
I gutton mummy, I tasted gwen’s medi &amp; her cough mixture tastes like raspberry. Her phlegm’s one tastes like lycee. Even I dun mind taking such medi…yummy yummy…
Yar, giving her lots of water &amp; some bb fruit juices as well. Hope to build up her vit c…

So far, I ve no prob giving her medi, in fact tis am when I feed her, she gets so impatient &amp; keeps going “mummmm…mummmm…” non-stop…LOL…

Yar lor, e medi reai sweet sweet de…

Oh dear, reai hope yujie get well soon. Not too good to ve coughing for extended time ley. Yes hope all our bbs get well &amp; fit as fiddle soonest.
Nope, the one I went to in amk is not facing main road, it is facing the car park, next to a Singapore pool’s outlet, at 90 degree angle from courts. The clinic is SCBB (Singapore child &amp; bb clinic, or something).
My ex-colleague recommended me to go there cos it is the oni bb clinic covered by my company’s medical panel up to age 2yrs old. So in the meantime, I dun ve to pay $$ for her visits &amp; medi…kekekekee….But for gwen’s jabs, I still go to the Ooi’s bb &amp; child clinic at blk 400+ lar cos paid pkg there liao.

Burberry Sale!!! My fave brand…but I can oni go on sat if can convince hb to drive me there, noting sat is the last day, probably everything sold out liao.

Yes, 1st time sick since birth (apart from the 1 time kenna KKH for no reason when 3 mths old) for supposed fits….arrrrgggggg…..my stupid pd at the last jab then tell me maybe she noted wrongly. I feel like retorting her tat “yeah, get my ger admit to KKH to be guinea pig jus cos u kan chong???” but I zipped my mouth shut lar cos dunno her to take it out on gwen during jabbing…

I hope so too….</font>
Wah jus back from lunch at swensen..beri crowded at Bishan ,filled wif aunties..noisy ..now having headache...
9 of us ate like mad...oni cost $98++
the 1 in 1 is worth leh...

now feel like sleeping...:p
haha sometimes i already find my #1 irritating esp when she whines when she don't get her way. #1 will be 14 months when #2 arrives. So I think maybe she also dun understand what is jie jie &amp; mei mei. 1 child is challenge enough, I cannot imagine 2!

I am guilty of teeth grinding in my sleep myself, but Avril grinds them when she's awake and the sound she makes is very unpleasant. Oh yes, Avril also bites me all the time.
ND's girl, dun worry lar, my #1 is still always whining, nagging to get to his own ways even now. He is 5 this yr. Haiz....
hi count and zuen.. forwarded you all the mail

hi crystal, hope gwen gets better soon!! Cough is one of the worst thing to be down with cause its so difficult to heal but im sure she will get better soon
<font color="aa00aa">roxy,
praying tat she gets better soon.

u ard ger?
just wanna to check wif u if u had time to post out the banners oreadi? cos i very kan cheong to c how it looks like ley...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">crystal,
Yup, i heartpain seeing YuJie still cough and running nose. If u saw my post about the lady doc in Dr Ooi's clinic, you'll know i actually feel so helpless (after weeks not recovered)tat i decided to brought YuJie to her, but she sounds that i'm a kiasu/ kiasi mother lor. Told her 2 weeks liao, she said 'normal'. *peng*

Dont hv to worry about the love part, but i tell you , most parent will show favouritism to their kids on later part. I heard this from my collegues. But i assume even so, we as a parent sure love all our kids de.</font>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">count,
I forgot the colour of Mamy Poko Value, it is the other pull ups other than the blue or pink ones for MP

I have a coupon each to Buy 2(900g) get 1 free (400g) for Similac IQ Stage 2,Gain IQ Stage 3 &amp; Gain IQ Kid Stage 4, valid til 31st March 2009, for purchase at only NTUC Fairprice/Finest/Xtra, interested please email me at [email protected] for my address to send a Self Addressed Envelope so I can mail it out to you</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">felicia,
the lady doc, is it dr foo? she is wife of dr ooi. she is also the one tat summon the ambulance &amp; ve gwen carted off to KKH as guinea pig lor. i dun like her but bo pian, still ve to go back there for jabs cos pkg paid liao. so to c doc, i bring gwen to the AMK one instead. do u wan to try tat one? i can pass u the add when i go home tonite. i try to ask her abt gwen's devt now &amp; then, she also says nvrmind de. i think tat is her style + she likes to talk down to us mummies which i dun like.</font>
Hi Count.. u mean Bali has Mamy Poko diapers??
Was tinkg if hv diapers i don nd to bring from here..bulky
am goin on april..worry if my gal cant take te heat and environmt in bali..
Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic

Mon - Fri: 9am - 12.30pm, 2pm - 5pm, 6.30pm - 9.30pm, Sat: 9am - 12.30pm

Closed on Wed afternoon and nights.

My colleagues sees Dr Koh..heard he is not bad...
<font color="aa00aa">crystal, yes she's the one! I prefer Dr Ooi himself, very details lor. Oic, so she's the one send Gwen to KKH!
For the AMK one, i know where is it, dont need to trouble you to pass me the details coz my MIL is seeing the eyes specialist there. Almost every mth or alternate mth will ned to go bak there for follow up. So everytime i'll tag along and wandering around tat area. hehe.....</font>

Jus came out from meeting!

Felicia: WOW! you got diary of all the sales events is it? hahahaha.. but thanks for informing us..

Sharon: if your ger is in pain then better to bring her to see PD..

Rizty: oops.. ya.. its immune system... haahaa..

Crystal: OMG! Why your PD so strange de? Can make this kind of boo boo meh? Even if she reali thot she made a mistake, she shouldn't say out loud to the parents loh.. make ppl upset onli..

But then again, its very difficult to say regarding babies, cos every small thing can be life-threatening.. but still very upsetting to know that your baby is warded for no good reason?!
veniz: oops.. missed your posting.. my confinement nanny was from malaysia.. she is very good, she encourages me to bf n can cook nice food too.. but a bit ex, $2k...

her name is zhen jie, hp: 00260162481200

its a malaysia no. so i jus called this no n can reach her liao.. hopefully your fren got no problem reaching her..

YUP!! next week is Mar hols!! Can can.. Let's meet for lunch.. ^_^ U taking leave during that week? I have been wanting to have lunch with u but no chance..
wat happened to gwen? how come got sent to KKH? it was a mistake i guess?? :eek:

my 2 neices also go to SBCC at AMK. I also brought Lucas there a couple of times cos near my mum's place. according to my mum, dr koh there is good.

hehe, can see that u are "free-er" now eh. but hols still need to go back school or not?
<font color="aa00aa">felicia,
*nod nod*

stupid rite? &amp; who suffers? the poor bb &amp; parents lor. darn sickening...
hb &amp; me suspected she went overboard when the whole incident took place, tat's why we insist on discharge from KKH after 4days when they can find nothing wrong wif gwen after the tests but still wan to con't poking her, etc .The stupid hospital insisted we sign an idemnity form, which we did. our fears got cnf oni last mth when we visited her for gwen's supposed last jab when she commented in a off hand tone - "gwen growing very well, i think u guys can forget abt the hospital episode oreadi, maybe tat was a mistake..." i almost wanted to scream at her then but hb refrained me...

best is she can tell me dun need to go back for gwen's jab liao till after 1yr old but when paying, the nurse tells me dr foo made a mistake cos still have 1 more jab she forgot to give gwen, so must go back again...DARN!!!

maybe these incidents tat i encounter give u &amp; the gers a better insight into y all these while i had been reai pissed wif my PD...</font>
no wonder u so piss off.

So far i have brought yuzhe to the SBCC at TMC and at AMK. Found tat the one at TMC is better.

The Mr Koh u all refer is it the one who is more elderly/fatherly one?
tera: wahahaha.. ya loh... i'm free-er cos this week is doing summary n revision (less preparation compared to proper lessons)... ^_^ yaya.. next mon n tues i'm still going to school for remedial lessons.. hopefully wed to fri i'm 'free'...

crystal: wa.. your PD is very old is it? she seems very absent-minded eh... but difficult to change PD now right cos gwen's records are there.. but this PD reali CMI leh.. i wouldn't be comfortable to entrust my baby to her..

and i find she quite irresponsible n not professional leh.. how can anyone jus make an off hand comment to parents saying that the 4days of hosp stay is JUS a mistake?! sheryl been to KKH for 3 days and i can understand the fear, agony n pain of hosp stay.. wa.. i would be very very upset if the doc were to tell me its all a mistake..

but its ok.. its all over now.. the most impt thing is that gwen is healthy n well.. cool down, k? heehee..
