(2008/06) June 2008

good morning ladies,

i'm also considering putting my kid in infant care, but scared get sick often too. sighs

Morning ladies...
Its mon again...blueblue day for me,.

I am staying sengkang, am sourcing ard for Child care centers now lor...how old is ur bb by the time u shift to SK?

Tks for all ur advices...My coll booked the Renaissance Hotel. At 1st I tot its going to be bery ex, but everything add up we onli paid $123 for a nite stay with bf and nonya dinner, worth it hor =)..really forward to the trip but before that, I hv to rush out 2 assignments 1st..hiaz..

wow, nice wor..

Sick bbs,
All the mummies do take care as well ya...bad weather now..

Hope ur boy recovers soon ...so ur boy allergic to dried scallops?
fei, doc didnt say it was scallops that causes the eczema. just told me to exclude it since he's itching now..
felicia, btw, i just bought the calendula cream. u think it's useful? i will try to apply it on the sensitive areas everyday.
Hey mummies,
Few weeks ago, I saw feiei and mag mentioned abt the cheese and yogurt.. wat's the name again?? (sorry, din really look at the name but only remember the photo) hmm.. i saw the pic then went to Cold Storage to buy..

Floyce loves the cheese and finished the whole piece.. MIL was shocked!!

As for the yogurt, I let her tried the banana favour one.. hmm.. after a few spoons.. she dun want.. so I've to finsihed off..

How's the experience for those who had tried??
<font color="aa00aa">bleh,
Yes i find it quite useful, and keeping her neck area moisturised.I did asked the PD, if i can apply normal Johnson's lotion, but he told me better use lotion suitable for ezcema, tats why i stock to calendula cream, but big hole on my pocket lor. Btw, i loves the smell oso. Very nice smell!</font>
<font color="blue">hey felicia,
i dunno whether u heard of Avent's Magic Cream or not..i use dat lah for the rashes..smells nice too..but also not cheap..it's abt $17..juz dat they only sell in philip's showroom in toa payoh.. </font>
I see..really hv to monitor now hor..

the yogurt hor, abit sour leh, cos i tried it last wkend, charlotte closed her eyes after tasted it..but subsequent, she loves it..sit there quietly for me to feed her =)..
Been busy last fri, a lot of meetings so no time to pop by.

Re: Malacca

I stayed in Equatorial hotel before and it is really very nice.

Re: Scallop

Actually scallop is a form of shellfish. So considered as seafood. so maybe shd wait at least after 1 yrs old.


I been using the calendula cream for my bb, so far it works to maintain.. but will still come back and i need to use the steriod cream for 1-2 days, then back to calendula cream to maintain.
bleh &amp; Felicia - I know how your babies feel coz I was born with psoraisis *(sister of eczema). Most of the time, skin problem is caused by what we eat, what we wear and the environment. I remembered when I was young, I can only take fish, chicken, veggies, etc. For myself, the major culprit was food. So, I kept a food diary since young till date. I remembered having fish at least 3-4x per week coz it helps. Here's an article if you are interested.

Babies Who Eat Fish Lower Eczema Risk

September 26 (HealthDay News) -- Babies who start eating fish before the age of 9 months have a lower risk of developing eczema, new research shows.

The study, reported in a recent issue of the Archives of Disease in Childhood also found that one in five infants suffer from the skin condition in western Sweden.

The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a recommendation in 2000 for children at risk for eczema that parents hold off on various foods until they were older, including eliminating fish until they turned 3, said Dr. Sandra McMahan, an assistant professor of internal medicine with the Texas A&amp;M Health Science Center College of Medicine and an allergist/immunologist at Scott &amp; White.

In 2008, the academy reversed many of those recommendations, saying that children as young as 4 months to 6 months could have various foods, including fish, as there was no convincing evidence of harm.

Now it appears fish might actually make a positive difference.

"There has been a been a fear of early fish introduction, especially in infants with a family history of allergic disease," said study author Dr. Bernt Alm, a pediatrician with The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, University of Gothenburg in Gothenburg, Sweden. "We have been afraid that this could lead to eczema and other allergic diseases. With this new knowledge, it is possible to relieve the parents from the burden of this fear," Alm said.

The proportion of allergic disease, including atopic eczema, has increased dramatically in developed countries in recent years. Although heredity is a strong factor in the development of such conditions, environmental and dietary factors also play a role.

These findings line up with previous research showing that mothers who fill up on apples and fish during pregnancy might protect their children from developing asthma and allergic diseases.

The authors of this study relied on medical records, as well as questionnaires filled out by parents when their children were 6 months of age and 1 year. All children were born in western Sweden in 2003.

By 12 months of age, almost 21 percent of infants had eczema or had experienced it previously. The average age of onset was 4 months.

The strongest risk factor was a family history, particularly children of mothers and siblings who had had eczema.

Infants who started eating fish before 9 months of age, however, were 25 percent less likely to be affected. Children who lived in a household with a bird were also less likely to develop eczema, possibly because birds are usually kept inside, exposing children continuously to endotoxin, toxins found inside pathogens.

The type of fish consumed had no effect on the risk of developing eczema, suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids, as had been proposed earlier, had nothing to do with the benefit.

Breast-feeding, the age at which dairy products were included in the diet, and having a furry pet were neutral in their effect.

Gerber doesn't produce any fish preparations, so Alm suggested that fish be slowly introduced together with other solids, preferably in puree form at about 5 months to 6 months of age.

McMahan sees many ethnic parents, such as the Vietnamese, give fish early in a mush or stew to their children.

Given that both U.S. and European recommendations on the subject have recently been revised, added McMahan, "this gives researchers a really good opportunity to start following this and see if makes a difference or not."

SOURCES: Bernt Alm, M.D., Ph.D., pediatrician, The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; Sandra McMahan, M.D., assistant professor, internal medicine, Texas A&amp;M Health Science Center College of Medicine, and allergist/immunologist, Scott &amp; White; Aug. 15, 2008, Archives of Disease in Childhood
I tink it is true on the study on fish. My MIL give fish to my boy everyday, his rashes seem to improve.

I tink my bb is allergic to seafood, esp prawns. Cos i bf, watever i eat will be pass through milk. Whenever i eat seafood, he will have more rashes. I tried eating abalone and it seems fine. But if i eat prawns he will sure get more itchy.
Also allergic to dust, my bb always sneeze a lot during the day. same like me and my hb.

Last sat i intro tofu. Not sure if he is soy allergic or not.. rashes seem to be more. But then fri he is ored like tat. anyway he doesn't like tofu.

Oh ya, last week i tried cooking porridge using Sharon's method.. he can swallow the small pieces of vegs liao. But I find it same amt of work but worth the effort bec' need to train him to munch.

However, I found a piece of fish bone in the cooked porridge despite me having steam the fish separately and have ored comb through by using my hand to squash. Give me a scare so in the end the dinner i didn't give me a lot.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
So far my ger's ezcema still under ctrl after the 1st try on steriod cream. Really thks to my MIL diligently clean and apply the calendula cream. Occasionally will see she still scratch her neck especially when she sleep, but so far still ok.
Now i even bought the california everyday lotion for super senstive skin.
Actually i think i'm really a bad mummy lor. Coz my ger oso depend on my BM, but i din really ctrl my diet lor. So even her ezcema act up, i oso not sure what kind of food i have taken as i din do latch on. She solely depend on my frozen ebm plus daily fresh BM. But luckily i dont really like prawn lor.

My ger dont like fish lor, just like my #1. Maybe i'll try again this weekend.

Re: Malacca
Yes, Equatorial is a nice place to stay in but not on the buffet. hehe....
Last time i stay there on my customary nite, on their equator club room, very spacious. hehe...
Renaissance oso very popular in malacca thou the building look bit old. Room wise not very sure as nvr stay there before. </font>
can lor, she like leh..
but so far, i onli give her half each time, scare too sour for her..

tks ya..heard that its near to the jonker st too..

tks for the infor...Been looking forward to a short getaway since delivery =)..
<font color="blue">hi ladies, i've gotten an update from JWT. JWT Eastgate is available for booking on the 16th May 2009 @ 430pm.. so if everyone is ok, i will make a confirmation with them. Please give me a reply asap cos i need to confirm within 48hrs..thks..

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1)
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol)
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz)

PS: JP, so u wanna join us??
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">afternoon to all....can baby eat cake without egg? or already can give any kind of cakes already?</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">ioio,
i already gave the mini low fat, low sugar orange chiffon cake, without milk, but got egg whiteit is very soft &amp; not too sweet, although it is better not to introduce any sugar or salt at this time</font></font>
ellysia, my boy eats a lot of fish and had no problems until recently. sigh.

btw, how come ur fish got bones? hw abt buying fish in fillets? my parents always buy in that form for me. no need to worry abt bones at all.
<font color="aa00aa">Bizz,
I'm ok.
Btw, we do not need to confirm on nbr of adults, rite? Coz my MIL might wanna tag along oso.
And can advise what activity for the 2 hrs har? Me mountain tortoise leh. hehe...</font>
<font color="blue">hey felicia,
dun need to confirmm the adults lah..from my understanding hor..it'll be like wat they do during the trial classes..but i hvnt been to their trial classess b4 u c..so need to ask ppl like tera n mlp to input u liao..cos they went b4..hehe..

tera n mlp,
can help provide details on wat u all do during the trial class??? TIA

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) <font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz)

Hi Mummies!

Came in today to say hi! Cos this week is the last week of sch before Mar Hols so got time to come in.. Haahaa..

Zuen: Last couple of weeks were very eventful for lil sheryl.. She kena high fever of 38.5 and got fever rash and her body was covered with red spots.. scary...

Then few days after the fever, she fell from my MIL's bed.. Sad.. =(

But right now she is happy but very naughty... Sigh.. Now as long as there is a reason to scream about, she will sure scream.. Plus she teething now with her 3rd tooth jus came out and 4th tooth can see a bit so she is super cranky.. Little bit of irritation will upset her.. e.g. if i tie the sarong cloth tighter a bit, she oso not happy then i have to figure out for very long whats wrong and after all the fussing, then i got to re-tie the sarong... She reali behaving like a princess man...

But other than all these, she is doing fine.. ^_^

Oh.. I wan to ask has lil zuen spoken her first word ah?

I'm still waiting for sheryl to speak her first word eh.. wait until neck very long still nothing.. Currently she is jus speaking baby lang.. I ask the PD and he said cos she is premature so she will take longer.... so i wan to you about lil zuen...

And how is lil zuen doing so far?
Bizznow: Can i jus include my name but confirm later on? Cos need to check my husband's busy schedule.. But i would love to go!! Cos everytime gathering so fun!! By when need to confirm?

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz)
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
<font color="blue">angel_z,
can..u put down ur name 1st..i will take note lor..need to confirm within 48hrs..so if can..u let me know by 2mr can?? the rest of the ladies..pls reply me asap..thks hor..

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1)
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
hehe, nice to see u here on a weekday!

i think this fever/rashes thing getting quite common. my boy also had fever 2 weeks ago. after 3 days when the fever subsided, rashes started to appear on his body. pd did warn us beforehand and told us that it was fake measles.

lucas is now waking up about 2 to 3 times per night. last night he woke up at 4am and was very wide awake. sat up in his cot and wanted to play. *faintz* no impact to helper cos we look after him at night.

thanks for organising gal! eh, me confirmed too.

as for the activities at JWT, they have those slide, ball (can stand and bounce on it), long "bolster" which can move from side to side. they also have swings but not sure if they will bring it out for our use or not.
Re: Malacca

last time i travel to Malacca for valentine day, me and hb stay Equatorial hotel, even have our valentine day dinner there. Its the most memorable dinner, cos its really specially designed.


My hb bot from the market one. is cod fish.

U need to keep a food diary on wat yr bb eat. Then u try to test out some suspicious food over a few days. Tats why need the 4 day rule test for such things.

For my boy, v hard to see wat food is allergic bec he ored have eczema before solid food, so the source is likely to be external factors such as dust mites or food pass on through my BM.
Btw, last friday my bb just learn to stand up by himself holding the cot railing. Since then, he like to roll around in his cot, doing sit-up, sleep, crawl, stand positions. But he still dunno how to crawl frontwards, only know how to do it backwards.

When i see my boy stand up on his own, i suddenly tink tat he is really growing up liao.. not so much a bb.
Hi feifei,

I try to move in before baby 1yrs old.
Hope can move in in mid or end may ba.

Wow next time we can meet for coffee since u also staying around SK.
<font color="blue">hey tera,
thks for the info on the JWT activities..

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
hi felicia/leng leng/angel z

can i join the Bday Bash too?
where is JWT @ Eastgate huh? so they will do all those gym activities isit? hmm how much per kid or adult? ~~paiseh..very mountain tortoise
<font color="blue">hi adelinecheng,

of cos u can join in the Bday bash.. yes, they will hv those gym activities for our little ones..there's no charges for adult. We are looking at taking the package for 20kids which cost $620 for non-member. Each additional kid will be charged @ additional $10. We will be dividing the cost equally among the no of kids that are attending..

Address of JWT @ Eastgate
46 East Coast Road
Singapore 428766
Tel : (65) 6348 1889
Fax : (65) 6348 6511

hi bizz, this is so interesting, please count me in:
<font color="0000ff">20. Rui Yue (Adeline C + HB)</font>

hope my dotty wont start pulling other bbs' hair there..
still considering if i'm going cos i'll be on my own with bb and Eastgate is a bit far fm my hse. not confident that bb will be kept entertained throughout the trip. but i certainly hopw i can make it there!
<font color="blue">ellysia,
nope it doesnt include food..i think food not necessary also lah..but a big bday cake is a MUST!!! so once confirm we can start sourcing for the bday cake.. </font>
<font color="blue">adelinecheng,
ok..i add u in..hehe

The list @ 9 Mar 09.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB)
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
15. Lucas (Tera + HB)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb)<font color="red"> - Unable to make it</font>
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
20. Tasha(mrswrx)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb)<font color="red"> - Confirm</font>

Me, me... Even when I stay in JW. Hehe.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (janiviy &amp; hubby) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina &amp; Hubby)
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum)
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb)
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid)
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB)
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB)
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
I do agree that preemies are a little slower, but no point rushing them. Lil ZuEn only flipped at 6 months and crawl at 9+ months. I waited until my neck long too and almost gave up, half convincing myself that flipped &amp; crawling are not milestones and that LiL ZuEn is one of those baby who skipped flipping/ crawling. Just then, she suddenly started flipping and crawling. Haha.

1st word ah? How does 1st word sound? She will go ah mamamama... ah papapapa.. hmmm... mum mum, etc, but I dun think those are words with meaning wor.

<font color="0077aa">hey zuen,
do u happen to be @ Jurong pt ytdy? thot i saw some1 like u, but dunno izzit u anot. dare not approach. scarly not u, i malu liao. kekekeke

thks ah!! sorry long time no post, so late then cfm attendance.
