(2008/06) June 2008

MLP, maybe you don't give him water before he sleeps, then try to dreamfeed him just before you go to sleep yourself. Since his last feed was at 730pm, he'll prob be hungry around 1030 kua. Maybe he can last throughout the night then.

morraine, thanks a lot, I will dilute her milk and try to give her more water.

Krispy, thanks, I haven't tried to give her prune puree. Later lunch time I pop by cold storage to hunt for it, hehehe.
<font color="0077aa">mogudog

no prob!
even when the lil one is like down with fever or watsoever.. diluting milk oso helps

yeah prunes can cause LS, my #1 til now oso if she eats raisin jus those small box of it.. wil LS liaoz.. </font>
hey morr n krispykreme, Okay! ya, after his 7.30pm milk feed, he will wait up for milk at 10+ or 11pm. These days, i dreamfeed him for at ard 11pm. Then the wee hour one wait for him to wake me. But his 3am feed, he can drink 120ml lei. Does this mean he's really hungry? his normal feed is 180ml.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">morning mummies..

milk.. little qyan still wake up at 2-3 hrs interval for milk.. he will make noise.. then we make milk for him to drink and he will fall asleep again.. his weight is average thus we try to feed him more.. else will fall below average.. plus as a vegetarian bb.. we hope he take in more required vitamin..etc from milk.. so no choice..</font></font>
MLP, my boy's last feed is also at 730pm.. he will be hungry about 11pm. Then the next time he gets hungry is about 2am, then finally at 5am. Pattern sounds quite similar to your boy's!

ioio, Matthew is like little qyan.. about 3 hours at night for milk.
<font color="0077aa">MLP

u can try to last feed him ard 10pm and see how den the wee hour one just pat him to slp if he do wakes up or dream feed him WATER!!


actually its ok wif bb having night feeds oso
just that nowadays modern parents want to have more freedom and less fuss hence train the babies to sleep thru and diff methods are introduced gradually.. as long as the caregiver is comfy with the feeds and etc den all is well
morraine, actually I thought once bb starts semi solids, he won't wake up at night for milk liao.. I was wrong loh. I don't know when Matthew will finally give up his night feeds. more freedom for us!
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cactus.. ha ha... sometimes.. its so sleepy to get out to make milk for him ;p</font></font>
Haha.. Yeah. I learnt the hard way. But also cos I blur lar. I usually only let her eat that when she's really constipated. And usually, only for 1 meal. That time really blur blur.

How much water should they be drinking per day? Last time when she was younger, PD say dun need to drink water cos milk is already 90% water. Now, she only drinks about 20-40ml per day. Dunno enough or not. So far her poo seems ok lar.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">morraine.. he make noise then i make milk milk.. but my son usually prefer water water unless really hungry.. hee..

krispy.. my son can drink non stop for plain water.. tt's his favourite.. after feed we limit him to about 30 counts.. so he wont gets too full..</font></font>
MLP, doesn't sound like he's very hungry lor. My girl also used to wake up at 2am for her feeds but she'll only drink 100ml of her 140ml. Then can see she's super sleepy, drink until fall asleep.. must keep on rocking her a little to wake her up.

So we started giving her a little water to drink at that time. Can't give too much cos she'll also throw up like your boy. Dunno why. After that, we started giving her pacifier to sleep. Once that was successful, have to wean her off her pacifier cos she'll cry until we pop the pacifier in her mouth. Very scary to hear her cry so loudly at 2am. My heart nearly stopped many many times. Hahaha... Once she got used to going back to sleep by herself (w/out her pacifier), she now sleeps from 8pm - 5am.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

*heh* i tel u la.. tats every mother's dream to hope the lil monsters dun wake up for night feed!!


great that ur lil darling loves H2O
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Morning Ladies!

yes, i plan to make some clippes, although i don't have any daughter, i am also thinking of making a taggies, but need to wait for opportunity, as today will be busy with work</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ioio,

Just in case you didnt see my post last night

i went amk central &amp; bought some ribbons from the shop ellysia posted, it's call Elsie Department Store, add is Blk 709 #01-2607, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, tel : 6451 5519, i find the ribbons similar to those that someone posted few days ago on the DIY clip link, price ranges from $0.40 - $1.80 per metre, which is quite good, those of you who are looking for ribbons to make hair clips or taggies can go there to check it out
ioio, my mom has an action plan... she keeps the warmer on all night (with spare water to top up), then she keeps the milk in the medela coolant bank next to her, with an empty milk bottle.. haha. she won't need to leave the room to make milk!!

morraine, yah.. our bbs are such angels when they sleep too!! Oh, last night, Matthew ended up sleeping on the floor! Scared daylights out of my mom and I. We were both sleeping when about midnight, we heard a knock, and Matthew was on the floor! He sleeps on a mattress on the floor. the mattress is about 2 inches high. guess he must have rolled over and fallen off the mattress. :p luckily he continued sleeping despite falling off. our flooring is wood too.. not as uncomfortable or cold as marble or tile.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">thank Fennie.. i saw.. i saw... thanks!! i so tempted to make a taggies but nid to get a sewing machine first.. ha ha.. we throw away my mum antique hugh sewing machine when we shifted house so now think of getting those small type..

i sew my boi yao yao with hands and its so tedious... hee...

i oso actually wanted to make a "百福被" but got a friend makng for my boi liao..hink of make something like taggies as he always play with my bolster string.. so think he will luv a taggies..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cactus... i got my way oso.. i will prepared milk powder in the cubes.. and filled the bottles with water and a thermal flask with hot water, all on my side table.. then i jux pour milk powder into the bottle w water shake and then add hot water and shake again..

guess everyone got their methods.. hee..</font></font>
I think my boy has eczema. He has a mild red patch on his face. don't know if it is food related. I recently introduced plum (twice) to him... hope it will go away soon before CNY.
wow, do show us ur masterpiece hor =)..

how does the blanket looks like?

ur ger so cute wor..she likes swimming?
Cactus, we bought those electric water heater flasks with both hot and warm water. Then keep everything, milk powder and bottles beside it. Everything within easy reach.

Btw, we've moved her to her own room. Find that she sleeps better this way. She's a very light sleeper and likes to play a lot. Last time she'll wake up in the middle of the night, then want to play with us when she sees us on the bed. Will end up calling for us until we wake up, then find that she's not really hungry. Very difficult to make her go back to sleep as well.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

ha ha yeah angels when they are sleeping and otherwise when they are wide awake!!!


ur lil darling is so chubby!!</font>
Cactus, maybe take him off plum for a while and see if it goes away. Do you have a moisturizer to apply on his face? Maybe it'll disappear faster. Would recommend Physiogel cos it's really good.

Fei fei, my girl absolutely loves swimming. Always very excited when she sees the swimming pool.
Mogudog, my boy will drink abt 160ml out of the 180ml that i make for him at 11pm. His pearlies ar, can feel abit sharp sharp but STILL bo geh.hehe...

Ytd nite let him sit in bumbo chair with his teether and he chew happily. Suddenly he started the THROWING Game! drop teether, i pick n give him...then he just throw again. this continues for 20times! haha...

Krispycreme, usually i make 150ml for his wee hour feed. I realise these 2 days hor, his wee hour feed volume dropping lei... maybe can give him a little bit of water to drink liao... hehe...

Btw, how do u wean ur gal off the pacifier?

Ur gal veri cute lei! She's having fun!!!
Krispy, your gal cheeky lei, stick out the tongue until like that, can tell that she's really enjoying yah

MLP, soon liao, if u can feel sharp sharp. Mine still nothing at all ... hahha .. although she drooling like mad now.
<font color="aa00aa">MLP, i was so happy when hubby called me this morning saying his collegue wants to cover his shift. Normally will go back before Eve, but this year earlier coz MIL wanna go back early to make some preparation. So, will be back by next Thursday early morning.
With hubby around at least can share workload in taking care of handling the kids.hehe....

cactus, at least ur hubby is not working full day. Last yr, my hubby have to come back to spore to work after the reunion lunch. Then the previous yr, he's not even joining the reunion lunch. Yuppie... this yr we can have a peaceful reunion lunch.

morraine, my hubby is from malacca mah. So almost every month i'll go back de. Btw, i think got another June mummies oso go to malacca during Dec leh. Was it Priscilla? During Dec, Malacca was super packed with visitor lor. All ppl go there for the Baba &amp; Nyonya. hehe...</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei.. u saw it b4 one... it's actually those small squarish pcs of cloths connected together and make into a blanket.. last time pp make cloths for child and those left over they connected together into a blanket.. and there's a saying that bb is blessed when putting the blanket.. and pp oso shared their leftover cloth to make into one with different print.. thus its call hundred fu blanket.. </font></font>
<font color="0077aa">felicia

wow! ur hubby is blessed with all the nice food!! ha ha yeah we wanted a short break and it was our 4th wedding anni so we headed to Malacca with my whole family of 19!!</font>
MLP, for the weaning off pacifier, I'm not proud to say that I use the crying technique. I started with her 8pm sleep time. I'll give her her paci then rock her till she's almost asleep, then I take her paci off. She'll still be sleeping, then gently put her in her cot. At which time, she'll be giving me this look like why is her paci not with her. I pat her a little then leave the room.

She'll start making noise and crying soon. First time, let her cry 30 seconds, then go in pick her up, console her, maybe give her paci if she's crying too hard. Then take it away again and put her back in her cot. 2nd time, cry 1 min. Then slowly extend until she cry about 3-5 mins in between.

After a while, she gets so tired that she auto sleep w/out paci. She started sleeping on her own w/out the paci after 3 days.
Felicia, haha.. Now I know who to ask for food recommendations in Malacca.

I'm also going back Malaysia for Cny. Back to Penang, wonderful food also. Need to control.
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Silver fish
Thou i hvnt started porridge for my girl, but i oredy grind it and keep in the fridge. I wash, then dry it under the sun and after that use blender to blend till powder form. I oso bought the dry scallop. Thinking to intro porridge to my ger this week. </font>
KrispyKreme, I think we can meet out at the newly coffeeshop opposite your house area. hee, can la kopi together there.
ND's girl - OIC, are you taking anything to ease your MS? Crystal ginger is awesome for me!

KrispyKreme - So cute...tasting the water? Ha!Ha!

Re: Taggies
Somehow my #2 don't like taggies leh.
Made 1 for me....she just throw far-far .

Re: Constipation
I am not sure about others but I tend to use a spoon and scrap some pear and let my #2 eat and by the end of the day, she will poo. I have done the same thing for my #1. Hope this helps!
<font color="aa00aa">Mor, 19??? No wonder malacca is so packed! hahaha.....
How u all go? By car or tour?

Krispy, no prob! But i think most of the popular food in Malacca had been intro by TV show liao. Then all this shops always full of visitors.
U r a msian? Penang is a nice place oso leh. I love the food there oso. Yummy! Yummy!</font>
<font color="0077aa">felicia

dry scallops very tasty!!


*lol* oh yesh and noisy!! haha we went by tour coach from Luxury Tours den its 30 seater coach but we occupied 70% of it! and yesh even at the hotel, the kids were running in and out of our 5 rooms</font>
Krispy, I gave a bit of plum on 8 Jan, then again on 10 Jan. His rash appeared on 10 Jan, so we suspect plum. not giving him plum anymore.. it's not really going away though. will go away during the night, but return during the day.

Felicia, speaking of scallops, I just went to ZTP near my office to buy.. haha. not for bb though.. but for the porridge for adults. I'm planning to intro scallops for bb after 1 year old.. cos I'm worried about allergy.. didn't think Matthew would be subject to it until recently..
Vicks VapoRub can harm children under 2
By Julie Steenhuysen Julie Steenhuysen Tue Jan 13, 12:29 am ET

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Vicks VapoRub, a common cold remedy, can cause respiratory distress in children under 2 when inappropriately applied directly under the nose, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.

They said using the Procter &amp; Gamble Co product in this way can cause a young child's tiny airways to swell and fill with mucus, triggering severe breathing problems.

"The only problem we've seen is in a small child when it has been put under the nose," Dr. Bruce Rubin of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, said in a telephone interview.

Rubin said the ingredients in Vicks can be irritants, causing the body to produce more mucus to protect the airway. And since infants and young children have airways that are much narrower than those of an adult, any increase in mucus or swelling can narrow them severely.

"The company is really clear it should never go under the nose or in the nose for anybody and it shouldn't be used in children under 2," said Rubin, whose study appears in the journal Chest.

While the researchers only tested the Vicks product, Rubin said similar products, including generic versions, could cause the same negative effects in infants and toddlers.

Rubin and his colleagues began looking at use of the medication after treating an 18-month-old girl who developed respiratory distress after the salve was put under her nose.

They studied ferrets, which have an airway anatomy similar to humans. In the animals with a chest infection, the product increased mucus secretion and decreased the animal's ability to clear mucus.

"We were able to document changes that we think explain this," Rubin said.

David Bernens, a spokesman for P&amp;G, said the finding came as a surprise. "Vicks VapoRub has been proven safe and effective through multiple clinical trials. It has been in the market for over 100 years," Bernens said, noting that the label says the product should not be used in children under age 2 without a doctor's advice, and not under the nose.

"We warn people not to do that," he said.

Since the initial episode, emergency doctors at the medical center have begun asking all parents of children in respiratory distress if they used the Vicks product in a similar way and they have seen two more cases, Rubin said.

"I recommend never putting Vicks in, or under, the nose of anybody -- adult or child," Rubin said in a statement, adding that he would never use it in a child under age 2.

Dr. James Mathers, president of the American College of Chest Physicians, said in a statement that parents should consult their doctor before giving any over-the-counter medication to infants and young children, particularly cough and cold medications, which can be harmful.

(Editing by Maggie Fox)
Felicia, hmm... dry scallops. Good idea. I didn't think of putting that in her porridge. I think our kids eat better food than us lor. So shiok. Eat scallops on a daily basis.

Veniz, haha. Oh yeah hor. I forgot you stay in the new blocks. The new coffeeshop is so convenient. So happy they set up shop there. Just the right time also. Can easily tabao something back for dinner. Btw, did you try the economy rice stall? Cheap and good. I highly recommend it. But stay away from their sotong. Not fresh. Can also meet at the playground. I bring my girl down to see the bigger kids playing. She can stare and stare at them. Maybe dreaming of running around with them in future. :p

Any latest pics of Vivi? She was so so cute when born. So fair. Like doll.

haaa i know u want to make taggy..
cos after seeing hanhan one, we all v tempted.

I rem ps have 1 ribbon shop 2nd floor.

how do u go and collect so many cloth?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">vick vapor.. my PD says to apply on chest and back not on nose directly.. good to apply on bb foot and wear sock oso..

btw, i hv bought baby vick liao.</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">JP

yesh vicks are not supposed to be used for infants so my alternative is a capsule form of vicks meant for infants and can be bought at pharmacy, what we do is to break the capsule and squeeze the content onto the pillow or blanket and place near the infant whilst asleep to clear block nose and its very useful</font>
<font color="0077aa">ioio

the baby vick which is the cherry flavour one isit? i dare not use oso since i think if i did not recall wrongly, its indicated not for kids under 1 yrs of age.. what i do is apply ru yee oil on the feet </font>

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. the blanket ah.. my friend making one for my boi lah.. if me i will faint ah.. she expert as make a lot for other childrens and hers is polygon shape one.. my friend is good at handicraft.. she hand make a lot of thing so pp all noes and will pass her leftover clothe.. ;</font>

han han one... yalor yalor.... cute! </font>
