(2008/06) June 2008

Hubby Drinking:

If my hubby had seen wat u ladies had posted abt your hubbies drinking sessions, I think he will have alot of comments cos I'm actually the guilty one. B4 I got pregnant, I always go drinking wif a few of my male colleagues until 2-3am until my hubby buay tahan, i changed my drinking session fr 8pm to 12am. Somemore I drive, lucky never kenna roadblock.

I really miss my drinking sessions but now got 1 monster, i think difficult lor + i'm still bf. My frens all cannot believe that I've abstained fr cigs & alc since Oct 07 until now. I told them now bcome auntie liao so no chance to go clubbing & moreover must set gd example for Athan. Haiz...

JTS, now Athan can sleep fr 9.30pm to 5am wifout any dreamfeeds liao. I think cos he drop his nite feeds that's y my yi ma came back.
Hi girls,
I am here too. Work late again. This increment exercise is killing me. Targeting 8pm. Otherwise, sure kena scold by my mum. She cooked dinner liao and I must go home to fetch my princess.

You oso cheong in the past ah. Last Friday, hb & I just "deposit" my girl at mum's place to go cheong. But old liao leh. Abit then tired and sleepy. Hahaha.
Hi Zuen,
I love to drink lah & I have a few die-hard drinker frens so that's y can drink at least twice a wk, at 1 stage even cheong everyday after work. Hubby scold & nag like siao. U so lucky can go, I'm still waiting for my turn but I think diff lor cos my hubby will never agree cos he cannot handle bb.
I went with hb lah. I doubt he will let me if I go alone with my friends. ;p He oso dying to go out w/o baby. My hb oso cannot handle baby. He says must wait until baby grows up, maybe like when she's 3. Faint.
Long time no c u here!

Me also the 1 who go out drink n clubbing wif friends till 3am 1. :p
My hb is homely type 1 so dun like drink n clubbing.
Hi Mag & Tera, OK! Count me in for tis Sat gathering.

Parkway Parade Kopi Session
Date: 17 Jan
Time: 3pm (OK?)
Venue: Delifrance or any suggestions?

1. Mag+Athan (Anyday)
2. Priscilla + eunicia + helper (16th Friday)
3. Christina + Chloe (weekends)
4. Shycloud + Jade (weekends)
5. Tera + Lucas (16th or weekends)
6. K Ong + BB
7. MLP + Jayden

Mag, Congrats on the return of ur Da Yi Ma!!!
Now u can PIA liao. hee...

Btw, Mag, how long did u dreamfeed him? 2weeks? Then how do u know when to stop dreamfeed?

I'm also dream-feeding his 11pm feed. The 3am one, i will feed him when he cries....
does he wake up for milk at 3am everyday? if so, for the 3am feed, how abt u dun feed milk and just try to pat him back to sleep. cos if u feed him at 3am, his body will be conditioned to expect milk at 3am. this is wat my fren told me. i find its quite true. then again, must factor in the occasional growth spurt lah but that usu happens around 6 mths.

for lucas, he has his last feed abt 9plus and its usu enough to last him till 6am, if not earliest 5.30am.
MLP, it happened quite unexpectedly. I dreamfed him for almost 2wks & 1 nite I was too tired to wait until 1am to feed so I fell asleep & by the time Athan woke me, it was already 5am. Then decided to try the next nite not to dreamfeed & same thing happened so it stayed that way until now. I give him a bottle of 200ml FM @ 8.30pm every nite & he will latch again @ 9.15pm for min.15mins b4 he actually let go & falls asleep.

U latch or bottle for the dreamfeed?
Hi Tera, not 3am exactly... can be 2+am or 3+am.... I try to pat him to sleep back b4 but unable to calm him down except drink milk... but after this 2+am milk feed, he will sleep till 6am. Then wake up to play and I give milk at 7.30am.

Mag, haha...that's how u stumble onto it ar! Woah, so his last 2 milk interval 45min nia! So the latching is a FULL Latch? meaning machiam drink his usual 1 milk feed amt?

I bottle for dreamfeed. p/s: i stop bf liao.

Tonight let him sit in bumbo chair half an hour after his milk feed. BIG MISTAKE! After that, i tried giving him water before he goes to sleep. Wa pian, he choke abit on the water then cough cough. And the next moment, MERLION ALOT OF MILK OUT! until his clothes all wet and my shorts wet also. Sofa and floor also kena. puke out 2-3times. So lesson learnt NOT TO LET THEM SIT in BUMBO CHAIR too soon after milk!
MLP, ya the interval very short nia. The 9.15 feed is to tank him up to tahan until 5am.

Initially, I only give him the 8.30 bottle nia then pat him to sleep at 9+ & dreamfeed him at 1+ but only managed to keep to this schedule for 3 days & suddenly he wanted milk b4 sleep so latch lor & then he just tahan until 5am. Previously wif dreamfeed, he can tahan until 6am.

So u give jayden FM now?
MLP, I won't advise to give water b4 they sleep cos may be too full for their tummy. I normally give last feed of water(40-50ml) at 7pm. But if really want to give after milk feed then just give 2-3 sips will do to rinse their mouth. I think will b safer this way.

Sitting up in bumbo seat after milk feed is no prob, i do that too so dun worry too much.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mag &amp; Tera, OK! Count me in for tis Sat gathering.

Parkway Parade Kopi Session
Date: 17 Jan
Time: 3pm (OK?)
Venue: Delifrance or any suggestions?

1. Mag+Athan (Anyday)
2. Priscilla + eunicia + helper (16th Friday)
3. Christina + Chloe (weekends)
4. Shycloud + Jade (weekends)
5. Tera + Lucas (16th or weekends)
6. K Ong + BB
7. MLP + Jayden
8. ice + cheri/cliffson + helper (tbc)</font>
hi mummies (esp angel!)...
i wan to get some stuff from ON... if any of u wan to get anything let me know, i can start a spree. there is 10% off and foc domestic shipping if we buy more than US$75 (ends this Fri so must hurry).... and i hv a 10% discount code oso... so total 20% off... :p

btw, can i ask when did u start ur bb on 2 meals a day? baby Eve now on one cereal meal for a month already... jus thinking when i shld start her on her 2nd meal.

mag, jan...
our lives will totally change once kids come into the pic... a reality of life... but i'm enjoying it i guess...

sigh... i think i will oso be working late again today... hv meetings the entire pm... cant imagine the work i hv to clear after i finsih the meetings... i think i will be applying for home access of emails soon... so dat i can work at home as well...
Eve oso kena one time b4... i gave her water after her cereal and she choke and she puke ALL her cereal out. hug hug... so i know how u must felt when it happened... anyway, since that incident, i dun give her too much water after her cereal already... usu abt 20ml the most.... then abt near an hour later then give her another 20ml or so.
<font color="aa00aa">Just got a good news from hubby! He dont have to work on CNY liao! His collegue wants to cover his duties . Yahoo.....</font>
Morning ladies..

Wow, gathering leh..me tempted but hv to ran LOTS of errands this wkends lor, collect my textbooks, go do some sny shopping , stock up grocceries..haiz..cny more busy sia..

Enjoy urselves ya..

ahyo, tempting again..hehe..

I started giving my ger cereal for bf, and porridge for lunch since she 6mths old wor..so far so good lor..guess she is used to it liao..But hor, now as she grows older, more difficult to feed cos she wants to play..and thats play everything lor..Her own shadow when we switch on the lights, then boo out all the food, then use her hand rub her mouth then rub her eyes..OMG...bery messy soemtimes...Its really more messy to feed her now...

hi ya..

u making ur own clips?

Cos hor, after taking cereal, still quite full for them lor..My ger will still burp aft eating wor...
Morning ladies,
My girl is recovering but I think she's passing the virus to me. -.o"

I might be interested. Later I go ON website to see, see, look, look. Hehe.
Work from home? So poor thing. I try not to bring work home now.
Lil ZuEn will drink water while eating her cereal leh, but ok leh. If not, so dry, how to swallow?
haha... spend to stimulate the economy... lol...
my girl oso alot of pattern when feeding... grab the spoon lah... put her whole hand in her mouth... and oso boo the food lor...

okie... u let me know... i may not be able to come in and post (will try...)... so u email me at [email protected].
i might not hv a choice to not work from home. cos reali alot of work... and wif kids i cant stay back for long... hv to go and fetch them home. so no choice... will prob hv to get home access soon.
so far, the cereal i been giving is not that thick. in fact, it turns more watery as i progress on the feeding cos i use EBM. cos there are enzymes in the BM that causes the cereal to turn watery.
u drink more water eh... and liang teh.... dun fall sick arh... cny coming...
Take care ya..

ya lor, nowadays kids lots of patterns, we as parents hv to tink of means n ways to counteract them..hee
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn,
Nope. Will be in malacca still, but at least got hubby around, then got one person to share my workload mah. hehe....</font>
<font color="0077aa">chris

*waves* long time no see!!


as promised, i found the link to the brown rice to show u

morning ladies!

Thanks, morraine!!

Soyabean, I read somewhere, that when a baby has between 10 to 15 baby spoonfuls of 1 meal, it is time to add another meal. I introduced semi solids to my boy under 1 month ago.. he's eating alot... 3 meals (but not alot for each meal.. only about 60ml to 80ml of food each time) per day, and drinking 1litre of milk still...

Mag, so envious that your boy dropped night feed. Little Matthew is still drinking 3 times at night.. He sleeps about 11 hours at night..last night, he slept at 745pm, woke up at 645am. Fed at 11pm, 2am and 5am. We dream feed him but in small amounts cos he loves to sleep prone and he regurges if he drinks more than 120ml per feed cos he presses on his tummy... that's why 3 feeds. Last time, before he slept prone, he only needed 1 dream feed (220ml).
<font color="0077aa">cactus

ur most welcome

have u tried like feeding water to lil M instead of feeding milk straightaway when he wakes up at nite?</font>
Good Morning mummies ...

Any mummies can share ... been pondering over something over the last few days, if baby poo is solid for straight 3 days, need to see PD ? I do give a lot of water to my girl already
morraine, actually, we feed Matthew BEFORE he wakes up. He would be sucking his fingers very intensely and if we don't feed him milk, he will wake up and it takes time to rock him/pat him back to sleep. So to avoid trouble at our end, we just feed him milk before he sucks or when he starts to suck. Sometimes, he sucks his fingers out of habit, but it is a different suck (my mom calls it a hunger suck) when he is hungry. If we get the suck wrong, he will only drink 50ml or so. If we get it right - that it is a hunger suck, he normally drinks over 100ml.
<font color="0077aa">mogudog

wat u meant by solid? meaning its real hard type? do ur girl have difficulty pushing it out?</font>
<font color="0077aa">cactus

but by feeding him this way, will make him have this habit for good leh.. and the one suffering wil be urself my dear.. try to pat him to slp once he wakes up and maybe at first may be taking a longer while or whatsoever but in the matter of time, he noes that when he wakes up there is no more milk for him, he wil slowly be reluctant to wake up and slp thru.. can try this method first which i read somewhere before on teaching parents to wean off night feeds.. </font>
Mag, usually jayden sleeps at 8+pm, not too long after his 7.30pm milk feed. These few days, he will be awake and want to play after the milk feed. I let him play until 9.30pm then only started giving him some water to drink b4 he sleep. 1st day, he was OK. drink water n sleep. Ytd, try the same tactic but he got choke on the water and puke out alot of his milk.

Maybe I should try giving milk to him at 9.30pm.... hiak hiak... then see his next feed time and try to dreamfeed him in future.

Ya, giving him Similac now. U intend to bf Athan till? It really can save alot of $$$ besides the load of nutrients! they drink fm now like donno wat!

Soyabean, ya lor.... see them puke out soooo much very poor thing. but luckily he didn't wail out. just a tad uncomfortable like tt.

I go see ON website n let u know if anything to buy. itchy hand AGAIN. haha....
morning mummies...

mummy mag...i cannot make it this sat liao..gotta attend a bd party. but i will be @ PP ard 3 though cos need to pump up 1 balloon...maybe can say hi to all
<font color="0077aa">mogudog

oh.. hmmm.. but she drinks loads of water already rite? maybe its her diet? feeding her FM? if so den dilute it further? for eg 240ml - dun give 4 scoops but give 3 to 3.5 scoops first?</font>
morraine, yah.. I agree with you. but my mom is reluctant to pat him back leh.. my mom and I look after Matthew together at night. My mom is quite an amazing woman loh. she works in the day and still help me at night. I did tell her give FM at night, cos it's more filling, but she didn't want. Then, i told her to give water, but she said, matthew hungry, just give milk... ai yah... anyway.. see how lah. maybe my mom will cave in soon.

Mag, When do you plan to stop giving BM ah? I'm currently expressing and supplementing with frozen milk. Think I can give BM only till 9months. beyond 9 months, everyday will be a struggle.. :p Have you thought about FM? I'm thinking of giving Mamil Gold step 3, or Gain IQ Step 3 eventually. have not decided yet.
Felicia, glad for u that ur hb no need to work during the CNY eve n 1st day! So U got the CNY mood liao lor! hehe... when do u usually go into Malacca for CNY? Chu Yi?

Ah Morr... u mean when bb cries for milk, try to pat him to sleep? Then if still cannot, then give water?
Felicia, my hb has to work CNY eve for half day.. and CNY 2nd day for half day...
no CNY mood liao. lucky don't really have to visit many relatives.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

oh ya i must admit our moms are all super mommies!! must look upon them!!

i stop BM ages ago lor... *heh* my kai is drinking similac follow on now


yesh but provided that he is not really crying for milk, meaning u have to make sure the baby is oso well fed already.. timing is impt oso as in must take note the last feed is wat timing coz if last feed is like 7+ den cannot expect the lil darling to 'dong' til next am oso


u heading to malacca arh?
i jus brought my 2 lil fellas there in dec


seriously 50ml is not enuff, diff ppl have diff concept of loads of water.. definition may be different
try diluting the milk den if u have difficulty feeding her more water.. hope can aid her </font>
Wah.. so many posts. Hahaha.. .

Mogudog: Is it something like constipation? Have you tried giving your girl prune puree? Can buy off the shelf. Gerber sells it. Try adding it to her cereal and see whether got diff.

I was a blur mummy one time. Fed my girl prune puree on Saturday cos her poo was hard. Then hubby told me her poo was still hard on Sunday morning, so fed her prune puree again for lunch. She ended up having diarrhea all over my hubby who was carrying her in the car. We had to do an emergency diaper change in the middle of some hdb blocks. Hahaha..

Ladies, when can we start feeding to our bbies without mashing? I'm a lazy mummy. :p

I heard from my mom that those small small silverfish / ikan bilis is very good in protein and calcium. She'll soak and clean the fish, then fry until it becomes very very dry. Then blend it until it's very fine. After that, add 1 teaspoonful in porridge.

<font color="0077aa">krispy

yeah silver fish is very good but i dun fry for that i jus add inside the porridge whilst cooking onli the ikan billis i fry and blend til powder to keep

btw jus to share - silver fish must buy those japan type which is not so salty</font>
