(2008/06) June 2008

actually, I've always had faith in nestle products, until some mummies pointed out that their bb food have honey or sugar - it is listed as one of the first few items on the product packaging). Now, I don't really trust nestle anymore.. cos we know honey shouldn't be given to bbs under 1 year old.. and we should avoid artificial sugars as much as possible.

<font color="0077aa">cactus

nah - this brown rice one does not have that.. its jus plain brown rice
is it?? I didn't know! Morraine, the brown rice is add water only or can also add milk ah? What is the name? easy to prepare not? I've not given Matthew porridge for a long time. last time, he reject home made brown rice. :p
Must take leave oso. Cos weekend my mum not exactly free to help me take care while I go shopping. Sob!

The Nestle BR smells really nice, nicer than HT ones.
<font color="aa00aa">i just went &amp; chng $$ for ang pows too but from the korean bank rite opp my office...kkekeke...too bad, no red packets for give away ley...</font>
haha i dun wan mr toilet bowl to be my best friend!
i just happened to buy the brown rice hehe will let my girl try tonight

thanks. yes healthy is most important

i hope so
<font color="0077aa">cactus

yeah yeah jus add water wil do! eh i forgot the full name.. i go note tonite den let u noe tmr!


yeah!! i agree!


great! but dun feed brown rice too late into the evening if its first time introducing as afraid the lil one mite not be able to digest well </font>
something to check..
i intend to give porridge this wkend.. i will make the stock using pumpkin, carrot and corn.. den add rice in to boil..

but nw my question is..
1. are we goin to give the pumpkin &amp; carrot from the stock? or jus plain porridge?
2. or jus give 1 of it the rest throw?
3. or make another set of puree to add in the porridge?
<font color="0077aa">BC

for me i make the stock out of the veges den i throw them away already and when i make porridge i use fresh ones again.. but nowadays wat i do is jus add brocoli and carrots and pork together to cook for the taste and its just as tasty oso as stocks

if u wan pumpkin inside the porridge, i can tel u its best with fish!
it oso takes away the fishy smell which some kids are very senstive towards.. i jus place pumpkin and fish inside together and mash it together when feeding</font>
oh oh! okok.. den i will jus cook all together! lol.. easier oso lor.. heh..
and hor.. hw muhc rice u cook for 1 meal ar? issit beryyyy little? wonder able to cook such a small portion meh?! lol..

okok! gum sia~
<font color="0077aa">BC

haha for me i cook for my #1 and #2 together and i measure by my magic hand!! haha.. i grasp the amt and im so used to it.. *lol*


ha ha for a good 2 weeks i suppose! so u wil see me ard!! </font>

oic.. sandra also work nearby hee.
i hope his condition improve! Since started on solid food, it has improve but pd still say need improvement.

Me and hb are also discussing want to see skin specialist or not.. but heard tat allergy test can be v painful.
<font color="0077aa">BC

WAHAHAHAH but its true leh coz i noe that grasp of rice is enuff for them hence i kip continuing to do the same lor!</font>
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

bear in mind if u wanna do the skin allergy test.. u wil end up having a hard time in future if its detected that a numerous no of food cannot be eaten leh.. so my advise is if the allergy is not tat serious and subsides already den jus let it be.. coz my SIL went for the test for her ger and ended up she has slight allergy to preservative colourings.. hence the lil poor ger.. cannot eat loads of things.. but the doc wil say.. its ok to eat but not in great amt but since my SIL knew abt the allergy she tries to avoid</font>


its possible for anyone to have mild allergy. i also have mild allergy for seafood but i still go ahead and eat.
Now i considering want to get california cream recommend by cactus.. i saw in mom essential at united square got sell.
I didn't use any measurement to measure cereal so far. i usu agar agar prepare. i oso dun have any FM scroop at home cos BF.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

no worries my dear but dun scold me if i forget it tmr!! remind me!


glad u understand where im coming from.. and yesh i do have allergy towards prawns too but i jus control my intake myself

as for the california bb cream.. its GOOD!! my 2 kids have ezcema and im faithful user of the cream since my ger's birth!! try the calendula cream its BEST OF THE BEST!!

oh isit?? heng arh.. stil have ppl rem me.. *phew*


hee tats wat i do on weekdays
weekends if i wanna cook faster den i use normal pot</font>
I oso planning to start porridge soon.

my colleague say she will cook the meat, vegs etc in a pot, then take out and blend/mash. after blending and mashing then she put them back with the porridge.

seems to me a lot of work. can i just buy sliced chicken, chop the vegs and put all together in the pot to cook? will it be fine enough for bb to eat? need to blend?
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

yesh jus chop all inside den cook coz once its cooked, the chicken and vegs are very easy to mash and i use the pigeon bowl which has one rough side jus nice for me to mash before feeding.. blending is fine oso but its oso more work though unless u dun mind.. im a lazy mummy i admit *smile*</font>

oic.. u oso allergic to seafood. me also control my intake lor. me have mild eczema too. so beside the calendula cream, wat others u use? me have a headache abt my boy eczema.

i tot u busy..someone said so, so didn't ask u. will include u in gathering..
we r discussing want to go citihall or not.. cos tera works in marina square, yest she take cab back.

i have a blender, it ok i can use tat to mesh or blend. but i intend to make it "less fine" to train bb to munch.
janiviy - For me, as my DH and kids are very sensitive to the fishy smell, I do not include it into the cereal/porridge. I will steam separately and flake it. Then only mix into the cereal/porridge

KrispyKreme = That's great news!

Ellysia - Hope you don't mind me kaypohing a bit. Found an article for ya from skincarehealthcares.net

How to deal with infant or baby eczema?
Many children in the western world suffer from infantile eczema or atopic dermatitis, a form of eczema (skin inflammation) that won’t stop itching. It is characterised by periods without symptoms followed by further outbreaks of differing severity. Children who suffer from baby eczema tend to have dry skin. They also have a high sensitivity to itching, together with an increased risk of developing other atopic illnesses - asthma, hay fever and allergy. Most children outgrow their infant eczema while others continue to suffer from the disease more or less for the rest of their lives.

Nobody knows what causes the disease, but for three quarters of sufferers infantile eczema, asthma or hay fever run in the family. It is also common for children with the disease to suffer from asthmatic bronchitis, asthma, hay fever or some other kind of allergic illness. The disease usually becomes apparent before the child reaches the age of five, and most frequently appears when the child is between two- and six-months old. Babies with infant eczema develop an itchy red rash on their cheeks. This spreads over the face, down the neck to the nappy region, and may also appear on the arms and legs. Because of the itching, the child may seem upset or irritable, particularly at night. The rash is normally dry, but if the skin is infected with bacteria (impetiginized eczema) the eczema will begin to suppurate (produce pus). This is a danger signal, and you should consult your doctor or a dermatologist if this occurs.

When the child is one-and-a-half to two-years old, the disease will follow a more typical pattern, with the rash appearing behind the knees and in the bends of the arms, wrists, ankles and neck. Among adults, the typical symptoms are a variant of the pattern found in children. The baby eczema, dry on a base of thickened skin, normally appears on the torso and is often infected with skin bacteria. A lot of people who suffer from an inherited tendency to develop allergies
also show signs of so-called atopic stigmata: darkness around the eyes and a double furrow beneath them, cracks near the the ear lobes and itchiness when wearing woollen clothes.

Children are unique patients because it may be difficult for them to resist scratching their baby eczema, thereby making the condition worse. Fortunately, for mild to moderate cases, the application of moisturizer on a regular basis can be very helpful. And, in most cases, the infant eczema will disappear as the child ages. In the meantime, avoid as many eczema triggers as possible. Keep your child’s skin moist. After bathing, apply moisturizer within three minutes to retain the moisture in the skin. Avoid sudden temperature changes. Keep your child’s bedroom and play areas free of dust mites (a common trigger). Use mild soaps – both on your child’s skin and on your child’s clothing. Dress your child in breathable, preferably cotton, clothing. Treatment of eczema combines aggressive moisturizing and topical anti-inflammatory medications. A child in eczema flare-up should be bathed daily (twice a day if possible) in lukewarm water (85 degrees). Do not bathe your child in hot, or even very warm water. Hot water causes skin to release histamines that make the skin red and itchy. The bath does not need to be very long. Children with a severe rash may find the water stings or burns. If so, a half a cup of table salt may be added to a full tub of water. Avoid using soap if possible and do not scrub skin with washcloth. If soap is needed, use mild, moisturizing, unscented soap.

Then, immediately after taking the child from the bath, pat gently with a towel but leave the skin damp. Within three minutes, the moisturizer needs to be applied heavily. For serious rash, moisturizing with Aquaphor or Vaseline petroleum jelly is best. For moderate rash, a thick cream, such as Eucerine, will be sufficient. For skin without visible rash, you can use a good quality moisturizing liquid. Avoid products that contain fragrance. Apply anti-inflammatory prescription medication only to areas in active flare-up. (The doctor should give detailed instructions on when and how often to apply the anti-inflammatory). When itching breaks skin, application of antibiotic ointment is a necessary precaution against infection. If infection occurs, prescription oral antibiotic may be necessary.

Children in severe flare-up may benefit from a soaking wrap. Soak cotton cloths in a basin of tepid water mixed with table salt. Cotton diapers work well as wraps. Put down some kind of protective plastic padding in the child’s bed. Have the child sit up in bed and place a moist (not drippy) cloth over the back and shoulders, and then have the child lay down. Take a separate moist cloth and wrap each arm and leg…covering fingers and toes. Cover the whole body. Cover the cloths with plastic padding to avoid quick drying. (Do not put plastic over the child’s face). Cover the child with a blanket. Let the child stay in the wrap for 30 minutes (if child falls asleep, the wrap may stay in place until the child awakes.) Then, remove wraps and apply moisturizer heavily over the entire body.

Veniz - ((Hugs))...for me, don't think will intro Mr.Cane. I tend to use the 1,2,3 method. So, 3rd time still do, will beat his hand and explain why I do so. After that, I will ignore him for 2 mins (coz he is 2) and he will come to me and say "Sorry Mummy, I am naughty". Then I will ask him how naughty? And he will explain...

Felicia - Ya, still giving Frisco Riice Cereal. Don't want to waste. Will intro porridge once she finish the tin. Yup, 100% correct...thank you for remembering my 32's name.
Oh dear, do monitor your #2 fir several days and if there's a fever or she is not he usual self, please bring her to the PD. I am teaching my 31 the value of $$$ now... so kiasu hor.

feifei - Wow...so fast! A complete meal some more...

ZuEn - So glad to hear that little Z is recovering!
Aiyoh...don't talk about FAT liao...me very sad...

cactus - So glad to hear that both mother and son are A-OK. Please take care and know that we are all here for ya!

ND's girl - Your are PG too? Congrats! Have a H&amp;H 9 months! When I was carrying #2, MS was really bad and I carve for spicy food. Several of my friends also same-same and we all gave birth to girls!
BabyCupid - When I started porridge for #1 i made veg stock 7 chic stock and use the stock instead of water to boil the porridge so have some taste. But will add fresh veg, etc into porridge to cook.
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

yeah and oso hubby oso hence my kids oso have
beside using calendula cream, they use seba med for bathing oso.. i tried the aloe vera cream from tat series oso before and its quite good too and papaw cream oso.. in fact i tried all kinds la.. but stil i see more results with california products

oic.. CH is fine for me too

Pd recommend to use phyiogel bath n moisturer for bb, which is hydroallergic.. so far find quite good. but need a better cream to treat the red patches/rashes. dun want to always use steriod cream. we have been using steriod for few months liao. i oso let him try mustela bb cream but it is quite mild, find the effects is slow.

where do u get yr california baby product?
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

yesh dun use steriod cream for long period of time for infant.. not so advisable though they work wonders and u see results very immediate.. mustela is abit too mild for my kids too hence i stop.. from spree my dear!!


not giving u chance to nag.. i have jotted down in my note book!! *heh*</font>
i saw california bb products in watson..

kekeke.. experience liao rite? kekeke..

ohoh.. 1/4 of the cup.. okok.. i shall trial n error on the amt bah..
<font color="0077aa">BC

u sure u saw BC products in Watson?????

oh yesh i tried silver fish before oso but i pre soaked it abit first before i add to the porridge and mash it oso to feed.. can add dried scallops for taste oso but dun feed baby coz too chewy</font>

watson got sell?? which watson u see?


thks a lot.. will check it out.
i intend to get 1 bottle from local store and if it works then i get more from spree.
rem 1 year ago i also took cab back? keke. it'll be great if u guys can meet at city hall! can also ask star along.

i also never measure the rice, just grab. :p

let us know if kyan likes his porridge!
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

dun mention, dun get from local store coz its EX!! i onli noe that Suntec has one shop which sells but its ex la.. ridiculous pricing i can say.. if u want, i can sell u one tub first coz i have jus ordered a few tubs and not yet collect from the spree organiser but wil do so over this weekend or so
in fact we can use the cream oso


*heh* oh yesh i recall! im fine with CH.. anything for u! haha</font>
