(2008/06) June 2008

Hi All,
Happy Valentine! Anyway got to know about this web through my sister! Hope that i am in the right place.. My baby will be due in 5/6/08. Is this where i should communicate?



Nevermind maybe we meet for Raffles place lunch, easier to meet.

HI Grace,

Yes our EDDs are all within June 2008

Who is yr gynae and at which hospital?

Thank God, i am in the right place. I been bugging my sister for Nanny information etc.. so she recommand me to register. At least, I got the right place.

Really Thanks for your prompt reply! That's fast!

Mine is Dr. Seeto at Glen Hospital =) How about yours?
Hey Tera!

Thank for your welcome! Really make me feel comfortable! =) Greatly Appreciate. Anyway it my first time being a Mummy...

How about you all?

Just now due to work so have to walk around, so dunno is it bec too stressed or wat v-area become painful. now on and off still shot a bit of pain. Hope everything okay.

Ok me knock off liao, going for dinner with hb
Hi Grace,
Hehe, no probs!
I'm also a first-time mummy. So do you already know your bb's gender? Looking at your EDD, you should have gone for your detailed scan?
hi feifei,
I think you have piles. Can buy preparation H hemorrhoidal ointment. Dun push in if really sore. I had that during my first pregnancy and I was not even constipated!! I went for a day surgery to remove it as I couldnt sit up without feeling pain. But it came back a month later!!! The ointment was prescribed by the specialist referred by my gynea. Now, I am still fearful of the pain, so I do business very 'chop chop' Dun sit on the seat too long as it will drop. I remember the specialist also prescribe me some fibre powder which u still into ur drink juz in case.
My doctor said.. dun need to go detailed scan... Mine gender not confirm but Dr said most likely a gal =) But i also not sure, how confirm is the 'confirm'. =)

This Sat, i be going to see Dr.. hopefully can get a more confirm answer ;)
When to administer the epi is upon our request? I tot the docs are the one to decide when to do so?
How do we know then? Hmm...

Take care ya. I oso have experience bouts of giddiness too, but no real experience of fainting so far. It comes and goes as it likes..

So sweet... Maybe I should ask my hb that later. ;p

Hi Grace,
Hi Grace, so happen that I fainted earlier so am at home resting now, what a V day for me

ZuEn, thanks, I even vomit out all my lunch just now, hope later don't vomit the dinner. Else today stomach will be very empty.
okay... must rest more =) maybe sleep and sit, try not to walk around.

Btw, I am a Christian. Will keep you in prayer ya!

For me, I be leaving office soon. . Going home to clean up cause tomorrow I will have one friend coming to my house to stay. So need to clear up some stuffs =)

So I catch up with you tomorrow ya!

God Bless to All, Have a blessed Valentine!
hello ladies! happy valentine's.

I am really slow...Been too busy to start research, only recently found time to look into this thread.

are there many in this 'club'? my EDD is either late May or early Jun.

Any mommy staying the east? most of my frens stay up north, no support group in the east =(
Hi gers,
Good morning.. hope V day was good. I saw many couples with flowers yday but no surprises from hb. Went to watch jumper... personally, I dun think the show was fantastic but hb enjoyed himself.

I hope you had kept the dinner down. Must guai, guai take your iron pills despite the heatiness hor. Take more fruits, vege and water to counter.. safer..

Hi Soo,
Not too slow, we still have about 4 ~ 5 months to go.
welcome Grace,

My bb gender also can't be confirmed by gynae till I go for detailed scan. He very funny, say nothing much to see down there, so 90% girl. But cannot tell MIL, cannot go shopping yet. When is your edd? maybe bb still quite small, can't see yet.

mog, take care!!!! must eat more frequently to keep sugar level up.
Hi piyoz,
I oso half suspected that my bb is a minnie cos my gynae couldnt see anything during those routine visits. Usually, it is easier to spot for boy. But I was still hoping.
Then the detail scan and amnio confirmed that she is a ger.. I realised that I am no longer disappointed, maybe bcos the journey had been difficult and she has become so previous to us. Hehe.
You hoping for a minnie or mickey?
mornin mumz...busi week no time to catch up here..haizz..
Hi Mog.. hey i fainted yesterday too...was at lucky plaza waitg for cab..suddenly cold sweat..then see stars liao..next moment i was in the cab liao..my hubby said i was on my knees ler...aiyo...tis is the 2nd time...dono wat happen..looks common in pregnant woman hor...
Hello Rizty,

ya.. i had the similiar symptoms, in the long queue waiting for my turn to go restroom.. think it was too stuffy and started to feel weak, lack of oxygen.. and cold sweat.. gynae told me that, this is normal because we are having low blood, sudden drop of pressure..
As long as you feel uncomfortable, quickly get a seat and sit till you feel better.. or you can consider putting some sweets in your mouth.. this may help...
Hi Rizty, take good care of urself o!

I just came back from Msia from my IL's place. I hardly eat anything as I am not used to the food. (Ok, I admit I have become a little choosy over food)
My MIL thought that I am afraid of getting fat and kept asking me to eat more.

arr..... Now she must have a very bad impression of me. oops..
Hi all,

Yesterday night after dinner i fall down at restaurant, never look at the small steps.
Seems ok cos i fall down on my buttock and i try to slow the fall using my ankle and leg so end up my buttock and ankle hurt. Buttock got big blue black and painful to sit le.

Scare all the waitress and my hb. But some customers just sit there lor, no expression.
so many fainting spells!!!! mummies must take care!!

zuen, my #1 boy, so this time round #2, really hope for girl. Cos hb very certain don't want #3. He still want #2 to be boy. but turn out girl.... so I'm very happy. He's only so so... Girls good, can play dress up. Can't wait to buy lots of dresses, ribbons and girly stuff.
Morning ladies!!

Zuen, regarding your query about epidural, yes and no.

Your doctor would have advised you when is the safe window of dilation to get epidural (ie. between 3cm to 5cm, for example). If you requested for epidural (booked prior to admission to hospital), the anaesethtist will be alerted and will be on stand by to give you epidural once you are between 3cm and 5cm, for example.

If you plan to request only on that day (no pre-booking), you will need to constantly ask the medical staff how dilated you are, and then make the decision whether or not to request for epidural. Bear in mind, it takes about 45 minutes for the doctor to come to you and another 15 minutes or so for it so be given, so if your dilation progresses too fast, for example, beyond 5cm, then cannot get the epidural. Sometimes, the medical staff will advise you on when you get an epidural too, based on their experience and your dialation progress.
Hi Lala, i tink its due to crowds..u r rite..
but the feelin comes beri sudden hor...terrible..
After a long wait..today is my detail scan liao..tink i am the last here...

will ask doctor why always fainting...

hey Ellyisa...u must be careful when walkin la...dun hurt urself again...now we carryin a big balloon...must be careful ler.
Hey Gals! Good Morning! Jus arrived the office not long ago =)

Anyway searching through the web to find Nanny and Confinement lady. Have you all got yours?
RE: Epidural

mine was the no pre-booking case.... but I requested epidural too late. Actually asked for it at 4cm dilation. But after waiting for gynae and anaesethtist, right after epidural administered, already 7cm.

Takes another 20mins or so for epidural to take effect. So it only started to take effect after the whole delivery, ie when gynae was doing the stitching for me. my hb say I really waste money!!!
Hi Grace! welcome to the thread! I'm not getting a nanny or confinement lady. MIL is doing confinment for me and helping me look after bb till bb is 4 months (with help of SIL's maid). After that, my dad will help me look after bb with our maid's help. SIL is pregnant again! Just found out 2 days ago! So she'll be delivering in Oct and MIL can't continue to help us out with bb.
hi piyoz, just want to ask, how long did you wait for the doctors to arrive? which hospital did you deliver in? Also, how long did it take to you get from 4cm to 7cm?

My friend also not a pre-booking case. request for it too late. they refused to administer cos said too late already.

I think the moral of the story is, if we want epidural, should request for it earlier and let the doctor decide when's a good time to administer cos if given too early, may get impede labour.
hi grace,

I'm not getting a confinement lady or nanny too. My mum helping with confinement and bb.

Must be careful about getting confinement or nannies. Have heard quite bad experiences with some of my friends.
I'm getting a CL. u have to start sourcing real fast. i started sourcing in dec and a lot were already booked. took qutie some time to find a suitable one who's avialable. now still not confirm yet. but almost confirm liao.
I am back from my 20th wk detailed scanning hehee
at 20w4d bb is 384g :D

how's your detailed scanning? hehee we same day!

wah my hubby oso like your hubby pattern ley; first one is boy liao, he still hope for boy. hehee end up ger ger me so happy! he ever hint me maybe go for #3 for a boy, where in fact he want only 2 kids!! think they are very traditional guy - prefer boy boy.

Aiyoh u must be careful with your steps liao ley.. scare me to see your posting that you fell down; now i always look at my steps very carefully.
danryan, ya ya.... see all the pink lacey stuff, can't wait to dress them up. but my hb say she'll wear back her gor gor's stuff. So will blue blue stuff. I'm going to secretly buy new things for my #2.

luz, my detailed scan just done on wed. Our bbs around the same weight.... mine 313g =)

your hb too? Ya, my hb is the very traditional conservative guy. he loves boys! so you going for #3 next time? I already tested my hb. very clear no for #3. So confirmed I can close shop already.
Hi Piyoz & Cactus76

Wow.. Praise God for your MIL.. My mother in law is a super duper busy lady. She is involve in those community work, giving lesson and also talk.. She already told me very very early ago that she is not able to help out. =)

How i wish i can stay home to take care of my bb! =) haha..

Hi Iamsnow..
ERhm. what is CL? Isit like an agent? I have went to the web to search. There is one web site that provide this kind of service. I think it call BBn =)

Hey Danryan! Hi! =)
Hi Grace,

There are 2 types of confinment arrangements you can get. (1) through agencies. (2) personal arrangement with confinement lady directly.

(1): Always have a CL but cannot choose which CL. May have quality control and proper training. Less cheating cases. Can change CL if not suitable subject to admin fee (PEMs charges $100/$150 for a 1 time change in CL).
(2): CL may be double booked (esp if bookings are packed and someone delivers early/late). CL may not have proper traiing and word of mouth may not be reliable. CL may take deposit then run away.
Congrats to Mummies who have managed to see the sex of your BB!
Now can go shopping liao! As for myself, will have to wait and see.

Welcome Grace!

Mogudog & Ellysia - Please take care and rest, rest and rest!

piyoz - Same here, #1 is a boy. Now hoping #2 is a girl. But if its a boy, also OK lah...our own flesh and blood mah...

CLady - Besides the agencies, TMC also has this service. One can go to Parentcraft to ask them about it. Secondly, if you are going to arrange a personal one yourself, please ensure that its someone who is recommended coz I have heard of stories where the CLady took the $$$ and did not turn up.

Epidural - Nearer to your delivery date, there will be a form where you are required to fill in. This is where you states if you need epidural or not. Then the doc and nurses will do accordingly. However, if you are already too late coz your dilation progresses too fast as mentioned by Cactus 79, then bo pian lor.

V-Day - Wah, your DHs so romantic!
angel_z, thanks, am better this morning and now in the office already.

ZuEn, yeah loh, I took iron tablet yesterday already.

Rizty, take care lei, must make sure you got someone with you coz we don't
know when we are likely to faint again. Check with your gynae on your BP also.

JP, yes, was resting the whole day yesterday.
Hi ppl,

I need some advise. Went for appointment yesterday and discovered that wifey has less than ideal amoetic fluid and after gynae made some measurements commented that the baby is not growing as fast as it should be. And he cannot find anything wrong with the baby - eg: bladder developed, heart beating etc.

He recommended us to go for another detailed scan at Mt E - but we are worried sick. Wifey broke down and we are all dismayed and wondering what is wrong that baby cannot grow faster.

Wondering if anyone has any advise? The scan is next week and I really dun noe what is wrong - why isn't baby growing as she should be?
Ellysia, are you feeling better ? Still painful at the place where you fell ? Better check with Dr Wong if the pain doesn't go away.

The problem is sometimes i will get dizzy if i look down at steps so yest i didn't really look down and thus fall off the steps.


Buttock painful but its sideway of buttock. i can still feel bb kicks so i trust he is fine
Hb tink shd be fine, so i intend to wait until my scheduled next week appt with Dr Wong.
But it is really a scare lor.

So i guess as precaution if fall down must really try to fall on buttock rather than front side.

take great care...

me too had a scare when my ankle gave way while walking halfway yesterday...luckily me holding on to hb if not i could have hit the ground. hb shot me a stern look...oops
