(2008/06) June 2008


Wah, envious leh. How many kgs u gain so far? My tummy so big until everyone tot I'm giving birth already. Haiz...

My MIL very good at using "Ku Rou Ji". She'd choose not eat, or cook instant noodles while make alot of bang bang sound to make us guilty for nv tabao food for her. Haha... But everytime I act blur and bo chup her.

She very funny one lah, hungry liao but will rather not eat unless someone tabao for her. Sometimes she really dun wanna eat instand noodle, she'll cry loh. Say no one cares for her blah blah blah. But then hor, alot of times we tabao food for her, she always have negative comments one. Like no nice, where n where nicer etc. Very hard to please rite??

me gained abt 2kg frm pre-preggy wt. gynae nvr says anythin abt my wt, so i assume its ok bah. i eat junk food like KFC, Mac n all sort of normal food aso la. onli hope bb grow enough wt.

wah lao, like tat i tink yr MIL rely too much. sometimes i rely dun understand y some old folks can behave like tat when they lived more than half century liao. i hate to deal wif old folks like tat lor, hopefully i wil be normal when i grow old, dun wana burden my children in future.
for my character, i wil blow my top way long long ago liao. i veri hot-tempered person, tats y in my family no one dare to provoke me cos all noe my pattern. then my ILs n e family aso noe me n hb both super 'KL' ppl, they aso dare not light any fire near us.
hahaha.. me teachin bad things here. ooops...

Haha, no lah. I also learning to stand up for myself cos sometimes I also think becos I also diam diam, thats why they getting more and more overboard. But this softness only applicable at my PILs place, cos I dun wan hubby to be trapped in between, or my PILs can tell my hubby his wife very rude, mei da mei xiao, no respect for elders blah blah blah.

My own house, I very fierce also. I'll make noise if things not going rite. Haha... Me too spoilt and pampered by my own parents liao. Now karma, kanna stupid in laws to deal with my disrespect at home liao. Haha... That's why after married, I treat my parents even better than before liao...

I also hope I'll be a normal and sane MIL next time. I always wondered how my MIL cope last time when hubby n his bro are still kids? She made all of them go hungry cos FIL nv tabao for her???

Please please, hope my baby will have to go hungry next time because of her dependence...
Mrswrx, Kelcqi
U both very funny.

Wat!!! u only gain 2kg? I was telling, i tink Liew to go Guinness Book wif 3kg, nw u lagi sat. So If baby 1kg, your waterbag 1 kg, u got nothing to lose after delivery loh. U really can, peifu peifu. U put ice pack, sure work or not, wait u get frozen leg even worst. Tot warm wrap is better than cold cos warm help blood circulation.
Haha, I better nt offend u, next time u by neighbour. But I can come n seek shelter fr u whn i get bullied ya...haha..kidding.

I tot last nite I was the latest to put the post, didnt knw u sleep even later than me??
Hey, u must be strong u ok. Dun wnt u to go thru post-natal blues since u had a depression. So when baby cry, dun get frustrated. Just hug your baby n gv yr baby more love n u will get back. Baby always cry wif a need. Even if nothing, they just want warmth from u too.
u sa-la liao la. 1kg bb, 800g waterbag, 200g on breasts.. hahahaha. but alot says i put on too little liao, by nw shld at least 5-6kgs. dunno how true aso. will c how bb grow tis thurs bah.

i dunno hot or cold wo.. cos i hate hot stuff then i choose cold lor. i put 2 times liao. mayb later i try hot n c if it works betta.
hey ladies ..

how come all of u put on so few kilos only? my last check was 16kg since i got preggie. my baby is only 1.8kg and im at my 31 weeks now. gosh!!!!!! i might hit 20kgs in 2 months time!! stress!!!
haha..I forgot your significant 200g..hahahaha.. so your 3kg is moons ago. Me abt 9-10kg on week 27. ok lah, u still can afford. Still will stay miao tiao. Oei, not hot lah, wait get burn. Tell me if it works on warm. Tot if u put cold, nxt time catch rhumatism (erhh..spell?)
i jus tried 'warm' therapy liao. like no diff leh. mayb gotta wait til 2nite bedtime then noe e diff bah. last nite was rely terrible, din experience b4. hopefully its betta 2nite. fingers crossed!!

u skinny skinny 9-10kgs is nothin to u leh. imagine i 9-10kgs, *faint*.. my hb can stil tell me max 6kgs. he rely tink pregnant is veri easy.

i dunno aso wo.. dun tink my weighin machine spoil leh. wil update e latest wt via gynae machine tis thurs. mayb got healthy gain tis mth. last check was at 24wks.
dun mention mahjong leh.. or else my hands veri itchy liao. but i enjoy e real thing betta la. online mahjong onli make me itch more. whahahaha.
he scare i too lazy to lose e wt after preg mah. he always say i used to be slim slim when he 1st noe me, then he got on pirate ship cos i onli put on wt instead of maintainin it. hahaha.
ya, the real mahjong more shiok. Ok, next time u open table at new hse, u call me..haha. wah..he really so scared u put on. Mine is opposite, always ask me to put on cos his family all big big size, i'm like a little rat. And last time on our 2nd date, already ask me no need make up. So i tease him, issit scared too attractive for other man to see. wahaha

So your hubby want to display you n proud of u. His sexy car must have sexy wife.
i would love to invite u next time for mahjong liao. nw i noe wher to find 1 more leg liao. hahahaha.
yes, my hb is opp of yr hb. i aso no ke-qi to blame him tat i cant wear my mini skirt cos preggy liao. then i asked him when ever can my minis see e sunshine again if he wans 3kids. hahaha.
u so skinny, i wil aso ask u put on wt. i cant imagine hw light u were b4 u pregnant lor. tink needa hold yr hand if wind blows.
As long as he willing to pay for you to walk into slimming spa, he wnts how many kids also ok..hee. Paiseh, me only 43-44kg then. My MIL already double or more than double my weight :p
Duno leh, can't put on weight wan, even if i put on, whn stress, all return back. So this is the only stress free time of my life. Hope it works upward.
so lucky!!!!!! my hubby also wan 3 kids .. i think we must all jia you, all must recover fast fast and lose all the weight after giving birthh then can prepare for 2nd one .. i alredi 32 this year .. can't wait .. heheh.. i very scare baby will not be healthy cos i never go for the triple test .. did all of u go for the triple test earlier on?
Most of us went for the Oscar NT scan n blood test, cos heard Triple test is nt so accurate. The other scan wld be the Detailed Scan. Stay positive ya, everythg shd be alright. I 35 n going 36, so jia you too.
Hi Ladies,

Was reading thru your postings and i was curious about the issue on getting nursing bra.

Is it necessary to get a nursing bra for the hospital stay even though i'm not sure whether i'm going to let the baby latch on or not.

Fennie: thanks for the website on nursing stuff.. reali quite cheap..
Morning gers,
Monday morning.. -.o" But I am starting my 30th week today. Yippee.

TF, feifei,
I realised that my feet are swelling. I had been switching my ring from finger to finger too. Duno if it is due to puttong on weight or water retention. Then I realised that I am piling on weight. I think 1+kg within 1+ week. Sianz.. I am worried again that I am suffering from pre-eclampsia, but I on high BP medication liao. Anyway, I am seeing my doc tomolo. Hopefully everything is okie and bb (not only me) is gaining weight.

2kg??!!! Sob.. my MIL just commented yday that my face has grown so much rounder.
i aso went for e oscar test instead of triple test. me 29 liao lor, tryin for #2 next june. hahaha.

every1 blamin me not eating enough to put on wt leh. haiz...

my knee stil pain pain. but not as bad as 1st nite. cant do e cold/warm therapy tdy. gotta go office soon liao.
angel z,
so you are not plannign to breastfeed your bb at all?you have to be certain you want to bf your bb, then you will try all ways to make it work.
btw, i was at the JL Expo sale yday and saw even cheaper nursing bras, i got mine $7.90/piece, and then I saw 2 more carts selling nursing bras, one of them only at $5.90/piece, however, they are not branded like triump, the brand on the labels sounds like made in china or taiwan, "Colourful" by Dailian Industry Co., Ltd.

I am also starting my 30th week, yday was 30th week actually, so when are you due?my edd is 15th June

During my hospital stay for #1, i din wear any bra at all. hehe....
So, for me i dont see the need to buy any nursing bra. Actually it depend on individual preferances. If you think u r ok with 'freedom' then there's no need to buy, but if u plan to BF for long term, need to consider a nursing bra for conveniences.
mrswrx, there are many mummies here who play MJ. I know Ah mor is another one, hee, not me though. You only put on 2kg huh? More power than me, I 3kg and baby is 1.8kg two weeks ago. Dun let other pple's comment affect you on your weight gain. As long as baby grows well, its enough.

Felicia, that time you got Aunty Su to do prenatal massage is for how long and how much isit? I went for Rustic Nirvana one last Friday for their trial. At first the massage like so so only, but then, at night, wow, can sleep better and all the knots are very loose with my hips not a pain these few days. Signed up a postnatal cum other relax massage package with them. Will post the package price here after I settle my office stuff later.

The trial session with Rustic Nirvana, was it the postcard they gave out during the babyfair the other time at the Expo?i got 1 but have not contacted them for the trial, did you top up $28 for full session as stated in their complimentary voucher?
Fennie, ya, you are right. Yes, I top up $28.00 for the full session, which last 10mins is facial and head massage, very relaxing. Then of coz after the whole session (60mins), they will tell story. The package they provide me is quite worth it (provided they are just two buildings away from my office, I can go for those massages during my lunchtime). I signed up the package, they waived of this $38.00 trial for me.
for me, i have not tried any prenatal massage b4, now mayb i will try since you recommended it, i will not sign up with them on the post natal as I have already confirmed my booking with another lady recommended by someone from this forum.Btw, which outlet you went to?
Morning ladies!

Kelcqi: Your MIL are quite impossible yeah?! Gosh! Poor thing!

TF: My hb's situation is like yours. sometimes, he keeps things away from his own parents cos dun want them to nag at him. So yes, I know what you mean you say that you both stay over at your parents' place in the east, but don't tell his parents that he is back.
I went to JL sale and Popular sale yesterday afeternoon. SPent 2 hours at Popular, and ended up buying 9 books for bb!! So happy! I walked twice around the entire hall.. then went over to JL and just bought 2 pillows and a small toy for bb. Then, went home to nap for 2 hours! So exhausted! Luckily my mom was able to send me to expo and pick me up again, if not, sure cannot cope. Hb was out with his old time guy friends, and he came back with goodwood park hotel's durian cake as a surprise for me!!! So touched!
Hi Fennie, I'm not really a durian fan, so am not familiar with the different grades, but I will ask the seller to give me only bitter durian. I recall something like there's a difference between pale and dark yellow.. one is bitter, one is sweet. can't recall which is which. D24 durians usually satisfy me.
morning ladies!

fennie, u went Rustic Nirvana for pre natal massage? hm.... i went bb fair and did not get the voucher leh.....

yesterday i had auntie su to massage for me... hee hee... who else had massage from auntie su ar? wanna check, did u feel aching after the massage? apparently, she tried to dispell wind from my body... now my whoel body aching like and my back very red...
in my 1st pregnancy, i ate almost everyday cos thats the season at that time, then after i gave birth, i afraid of that smell and didnt eat for 5 yrs , then tried 1 time, but dont like it still, my #1 also hates the smell, the other day hubby bought 1, and i dont feel it smell bad anymore, so hubby asked me to eat some for the bb, as it makes my #1 very tough n strong, can you share y you eat durian during pregnancy?is it for the benefit of the bb?
mj? someone mentioned mj? heeh hee, beside morr, I think I'm another freak here... I play mj every week.... haha....
i got the complimentary voucher at the babyfair, but hv not tried it yet, Veniz went to tried it already, and recommended it, i am sure if you call Rustic and tell them you will be due soon, and like to try their prenatal massage, they are more than willing to give it to you, since they are trying to sell their post natal massage, just tell them your friend got complimentary voucher at the babyfair, but you didnt get one when you were there, hehe
Mornign ladies

ya lor...my agency fee didn't include the insurance...i've took the $278 coz always go msia.....

today felt so tired...yesterday went to wedding n birthday party....

regarding yr swollen knee cap...after applying the gel u can bandage yr knee....feel much better when yr are walikng..
Fennie, I just had a craving for durian the other day... hehe. But dont eat it often. Since pregnant, I only ate 1 or 2 seeds during CNY. But over last night and this morning, I ate 1/4 of a 1.3kg durian cake.. haha. Now terribly sick of durian liao!! My SIL told me not to eat too much durian cos bb will be big. I don't know what theory that is lah, but hb told me durian is very high in sugar and fat and protein.. maybe that is why.
Kelcqi : so sorry to read abt what you are going thru, u are so strong and i'm sure you'll be able to "tahan" till baby pops !!!
*big hugs* girl !!!

TF : big hugs to you too ! for putting up with inlaws when hubby is not ard !!! I dont think i cld do that !!

Mrswrx : OMG ! 2kg onli ??!!! Amazing !!! and you eat junk food ?!!!
i've been staying away from MacD and KFC ... huge cravings man ...

Cactus : i recall u mentioned you bought the PIS at the Isetan sale - was it a normal sale with a 20% off ? or the baby fair ?? and how much was it ?
I missed the fairs this yr, cuz was handling #1 alone with hubby out of town, was too tired to go trawling to the fairs ...

I'm in my 30th week this week !!! very excited ! hehee
does anyone have the feeling of being very uncomfortable near the pelvic area ? Like baby is really pressing down hard there ?
I keep having nightmares that he'll pop out if i dont do my kegals :p
Fennie, I went to Tradehub21 (Boon Lay Way) outlet. Its their HQ office cum two spa rooms. The rooms are small, but then, convient and massage good enough for me, thus I dun mind the outlook. If you want (their postnatal package I signed up for is not those home visit type), you can go cuppage outlet look for Doris, the service consultant. She mentioned that anyone interested, can use the trial voucher or call her quote my name see how she can arrange for you.
i had craving for durian over the weekends also. went to buy... kenna chop. sigh. the meat was good. but the seed was too big. not much flesh.... i must eat more durian coz my bb pretty small ar.....

k ong,
u want to get PIS? i went kkh on sat. i saw the shop first few yrs have promo on PIS. one model selling for 400+, the other 500+. not sure what is the difference bet the 2 PIS models. it does not come budnled with anything....

Aunty Su charge at $50 for 2 hrs. So, you signed up the package with Rustic oredy? ANyhow, the place is a bit distant from my office leh, so will stick to Aunty Su, since i'm comfortable with her.

So, u got ur 2nd massage from AUnty su liao? I suppose to call her for this week massage, hopefully she can make it. Ya, at nite, did feel my shoulder and back pain. For me, she said i had wind and my sholder is very stiff, so she try to relax my shoulder. So i think the pain is coz all the after affect kua. Anyhow, the pain was away on the next day.
iamsnow/ K Ong,

The promo for first few years was for PIS Original and Advanced. For PIS Advanced, is $500+. I'm thinking to get it oso. Btw, any idea when is the promo ended? Coz was still discussing with my hubby whether to buy now or later.
K Ong
Yes me also felt the same....pain around there especially when walking

i felt like eating durian too but don't feel like buying
Hi K Ong, I bought PIS Advanced bundled with a Zaky infant pillow. It was selling at Isetan Members sale at $668. I had additional 2% discount cos signed to my Isetan credit card - so paid $654.40. They were also selling PIS Original at a discount but I didn't buy cos did calculations, after additional 2% discount, it was selling at about $500. I can't recall if it was bundled with anything.
<font color="ff0000">eh eh i heard my name linked with mj leh!! *lol*


its normal to feel aching after the massage, u wil feel great after 2 days or so
yes, she charged me $50 for 2 hrs too.... I'm going to stick to her. more convenient to have someone come over to massage. haha....

yesterday was my first massage. and she advise me to stop all my massage liao. coz I 32 weeks liao. she say shld stop. else wait induce labour....

your pain went away the next day? aiyo... i think i ache more today as compared to yesterday... haha... ya, she also say I got a lot of wind. she use something to 'kua' the wind out... my back all red red now.... my hubby say wait pple see liao thought hubby abuse! haha.....
Oh, also note that for Prenatal massage, its for our preg period from 5th mth to 8th mth. I guess most of us here only have a couple of weeks or so to go for prenatal massages.

My Postnatal Package: (To be used 1 mth after my delivery at the outlet I had signed up package with),

1. Choice of Pre-natal Massage (60mins) or
2. Choice of Post-natal Massage (60mins. Using of Jamu herbs wrap, Steaming of body and I think a body scrub)
3. Choice of any Relaxing Massage (45mins Massage+ Body Scrub or 60mins Massage)

Total: 15 times + 5 extra times = 20 times.

FOC: 5times 30mins body scrub &amp; 5times 30mins Hydrobath.

Damage: S$1,800.00 (b4 GST)
(can sign up Credit Card instalment plan of 6mths or 12mths)

I was told the above package is for use in the HQ office which I am going to, but if anyone interested, can check it out with Doris from Cuppage (quoting my name) as she was transfered to the HQ last Friday attending to me. She can counter offer this package in her Cuppage outlet even though the freebies are not given there.

me luv mj!! 3wks no mj, my hands super itch lor.. tink gonna be another 2wks for mj session liao. my kakis nowadays veri not onz liao. sobsob.

knee stil pain, walkin = limpin. haiz.. tdy wil be out whole day, can onli wait til evenin then do cold therapy.

k ong,
i tried to stay away frm fast food but cannot leh. too much influence frm everywher liao. hahaha. n convenient aso.
