(2008/06) June 2008

ioio, now tt u mentioned it, i also shock next wk is CNY! gosh! super fast man!!!

Cactus, take care and rest well... Nourish well during this period.

bizznow, staircase from carpark at Oriental hotel. It is a basement staircase, leading up to the first floor of the hotel. My hb and maid were carrying the stroller and bb's barang on the stroller, and I was carrying Matthew...
haiz, i buy L and xl size now lor..so sad hor..

oh dear...just monitor ur ger ya...tink she had a shock dats y cranky wor..

Take care ya...U are a strong woman =)..Jiayou...Got do a mini confinement?

so far, my ger ok with fish wor..no rashes, no LS lor...so its still okie wor...I am tinking of giving her chicken puree when she turns 8mths this mth lor =).

ND girl...
how hv u been? tis round got ms?

aiyoh... yah man... now then i realise next weekend is CNY liao... shucks....
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">yalor.. myp.. i was figuring out it's next week or next next week then realised is next week.. oh gosh so many things not prepared..

angpao sleeve.. anyone change money liao? which bank is nice?? ;p

finally tis year can get back a bit.. hee.. but i am ok one lah.. not very particular.. when start working.. i very paiseh to get from aunties, uncles liao.. but past 3 years think i have been having great losses as no bb.. but my little darling angpao will oso go to himself.. save for him lor.. so still loss.. but anyway.. still happy to give pp angpao..</font></font>
feifei, yup.. my mom is helping me but not much difference from what I'm eating already.. just cannot shower for too long.. and shower with ginger and lemon grass again..

bizznow, it's just the usual practice for me to carry Matthew whenever my hb helps the maid with the stroller and the barang. Usually, if Matthew is carried, his barang goes into his stroller .. like that, the maid can just push the stroller. but because going up steps, so my hb helped the maid carry the stroller... I was careless. I'm thankful my hb didn't blame me...
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Morning Ladies!

sorry to hear about what happened, be strong and take good care of yourself k</font></font>
hi soyabean

feeling terrible, this round ms is much much worse than the first time. Feeling tired all the time, can sleep for whole day and still feel sleepy.
feifei, yah.. thankfully Matthew is more or less okay.. his left cheek has abrasions though.. still red.. but no blood. He didn't cry also. My arms, left body and leg have blue black and abrasions too... but should recover soon.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ioio,
my hb changed from UOB,the red packets not bad la

ya, for #1, i opened an ac for him, with my name as he's too young, then when he goes to P1, i uses this same account for the school fees, as the Govt will give him a lump sum each year for the Edusave account, can use to pay school fees, excursions &amp; so on. we also encourage him to do house work at home, and we will " pay" him salary, and he uses his " salary" for his recess, now he's getting lazy, as my sis will give him $10 from time to time, so he thinks he has alot of money at the moment, no need to "work"

i find that teaching him the value of money is good, he learn to think before he buy anything, 1 time he was at the food court, wanted to buy his favourite food, roti prata, but this stall was selling $1/piece, and he goes like:"my school only sell $0.60 each", he actually asked the stall owner to cancel the order.

for #2, will do the same</font></font>

yup.. mil said she yest feel v xin tong also, then she clean with water and put moisturer.

this morn my boy still scratching. yest he scratch until his face bleed with a couple of small marks. we apply steriod cream liao..

today cont with barley cereal n monitor.. if symptions still continue then have to stop the cereal. in the meantime no new food until ensure tat barley cereal is ok.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie.. ooh will go change at uob then..

u did a good job in educating ur child leh.. good ethical value.. ya.. shouldnt spoil them by letting them anyhow spend.. good to start saving habit since young...</font></font>
i think my EDD is somewhere mid to end Aug. My #1 is girl but my MS was not so bad. This one is much worse.

thanks, i really hope it will be over soon.
<font color="aa00aa">cactus, glad to c u r back here and strong to handle all this. Take care.

Leng Leng, u really 'bu see xin' har! Me last time only try few times , and my ger reject i oso give up.</font>

For me cos me and mil dun stay together, so i give EBM in daily supply as her fridge can't store a lot too. so if she finish then no more milk liao.


yr system is good.. thks for sharing.. tink i will use tat too.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

glad to noe lil M is fine, take care dear meanwhile


try to wipe and keep ur boy well moisturised at this stage of time to keep the rashes away


i have mastered the skill of using verbal warning that mr cane is coming out of his home and she wil goes.. ok ok ok *lol*</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Chinese New year, yes! yes! I'll be started my CNY leave from next Thur onwards! Yippee...

But hor, very sad, my hubby have to work on New Year Eve and 1st day of CNY. Can only return on 2nd day. So basically i'm stucked with 2 kids at my PIL's house.</font>

It is ok.. take care of yrself is more impt. u can always join our lunch gathering next time. we be having another one soon probably next mth. Its a mini and short lunch yesterday, only around 30mins.


i oso go UOB bank to change money. Less people.
Sometimes when i see other people baby fotos, all face nice nice with no rashes.. me feel v sad for my boy. he is cute but if no rashes will be more cute. planning to take studio foto soon, hope tat the photographer can edit and cover up the rashes lor.
Ellysia, I hear liao also very xin tong for you, dun worry, lets have high hopes he will be fine very soon k. For photo edits, yes, they are able to do it, no problem one.

Feifei, me also have to wear L liao. Sianz, now on diet, but later going for a full lunch course with Felicia, see lar, how to go on full dieting leh? (heeheehee, looking forward to the food man!)

Morriane, I haven't do that verbal warning with him wor. But, we caught him broking his ah mah's house tenant, Mr Cane into half leh. Still havent replace that tenant to a stronger powerful one, heehee.

Ellysia, forget to let you know, next time for gathering, can get Sandra too. She working at One Raffles Quay.
<font color="aa00aa">Fennie,
Can i know since what age you started teaching ur son about the value of money? Like cannot spend unneccessary and using his own pocket money to pay for something he want, 'work' to get 'salary'?
I bought a coin box for my #1 before she's 1 yr old and let her try putting the coin in. And everytime will tell her need to save $$. Then now when she's able to save up to $20, my MIL or hubby wil bring her to deposit in her bank acc. As we open OCBC mighty saver, every $20 deposit will get a small gift, but i think my girl seems like cannot really understand the value of $$ yet leh. I'm not too sure whether my teaching is incorrect or she's too young to understand.</font>
i changed new notes from DBS - they have the $500 pkg ($200 of $2 notes and $300 of $10 notes) + red packets. their red packets this year quite cute!

rest well ya? we will def have another lunch gathering again so u can always join us again.

photos can touch up, dun worry.
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz,
Then u c me eat will do liao lah. hahaha.....
Actually today i feel very very bloated coz i think my menses is coming. *sigh*
But hor, i still want to eat. hehe...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, i can understand the xin tong coz my girl's neck is hving big big rashes. When see her scratching i very sad oso.
This few days seems the patches is getting smaller, so keeping my finger crossed, hope will fully recovered soon.</font>
Cactus, so sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and eat well. Don't think too much about it. What's past is past. We can still look forward to the future. It's not your fault.
<font color="0077aa">eh RP lunch gathering must include me oso leh.. if i dun come in forum, can oso drop me an email!! </font>
<font color="0077aa">felicia

try to teach soon oso good about money issues as like what happened to my SIL now.. her boy in P1 this year.. she started introducing the coins thingy less den half a yr and the boy stil have difficulty managing the monies in school now.. but den again.. my nephew could be a slow learner la.. hence i learnt.. introducing early is not a bad idea afterall
Glad to hear that at least yourself &amp; Lil Matthew is fine. Do share here if you need "listening ears" ya. Take care.

I oni bought 1 top niah. No time to go shopping wor. So sad. I am still hoping that I will go back to pre-preggy weight and wear back my old clothes. In denial state. Haha.

I tot I can start dieting once I stop Bf-ing and my weight will drop lower than when I was BF-ing, but I am so wrong. Sob! Now I eat so much lesser but weight still climbing. I think I will still grow fat even if I just drink water and eat air. Haha. No tie and too lazy to start exercising leh.
ND girl,
Not neccessary bad ms is ger wor...When i was expecting my ger, i was ok leh..quite active too =)..Hang on ya..

oh dear, sounds painful lor..

Got apply cream for ur boy?

enjoy e food 1st..hee

ahyo, say til so kelian..mayb can deposit ur ger with someone thenu go for a half day shopping? ;p
<font color="0077aa">ndzgirl

yesh true a healthy baby is all we want!

but for me it was true.. when i had my #1 ger.. i had no single signs of MS den when i had my #2 boy.. i befriended a new best friend aka mr toilet bowl!!</font>
thanks for your concern,ladies.

Leng Leng, thanks for your advice.. I've not started eating seafood or shellfish except fish since delivery, so it's okay. I'm not really a lover of seafood.

ND's gal, when I was expecting Matthew, I had alot of small shocks.. like possibly etopic preg, then some sugar in urine, then bad oscar test (but didn't opt for amnio), then dilated renal pelvis on ultrasound (a soft marker for downs)... so I told my unborn child, as long as he is healthy, everything else is okay. that's really waht all mummies want at the end of the day. hang in there yeah?!
next time if lunch at RP again, sure will jio u! i was going to say include frances as well, then just rem she's now at CBP. :p

hang in there! u are currently in 1st trim ya? by 2nd trim, MS shld usu subside.
<font color="0077aa">tera

oh yesh!! but pls dun post here hor coz i wil not be able to access SMH in office *bleh* so drop me an email or msg me!! yeah poor frances is trapped there!!</font>

morraine, I think nestle products have sugar or honey in them? I've not tried them but some mummies have highlighted this previously..
