(2008/06) June 2008


so do u feed your boi brown rice cereal everyday since its constipative?

my ger oso constipated these few days when i increase her feeds on brown rice cereal..

cos my fren told me she will feed her bb rice cereal one day and brown rice cereal the other day...


yes. But if he didn't poo, i will feed him only 1 tablespoon. then add prune puree. if u have ored intro veg puree, u can also give pea puree. pear puree or peach puree. these purees can help constipation, with prune puree the most effective.

my colleague say she feed cereal on alternate days.

i understand tat barley cereal is less constipative.
so far, my boy has yet to eat fruits on a daily basis (now a occasional banana). he started solid at 4 months, used to be 1 meal of cereal in the morning. now he is on cereal in the morning and eating roots/prorridge in the evening since this month.

i planned to let him try HT barley cereal as i noticed that he has a hard time pooing. my mum says he has yet to adjust from his spraying bm poo.
our's younger.

Very naughty age hor... *headache*
<font color="ff0000">Lengleng

Ya lor....naughty...next yr nursery..
dat they went for orientation and he said he still small haizzz...
ya big no no to soy sauce / sugar /salt.

i just a squabble with my mum over this issue. she says bb bleh refusing my porridge cos no taste. n suggested that i add some soy sauce. but PD told me earlier, DO NOT intro so young yet. then she says, my nieces oso grew up like that blah blah blah... so pissed off!

but i shut her up n said i using marmite, istead of soy sauce. happy now? can already? wah kao... super reluctant lor... BUT, bb finished a big bowl of porridge after that....
gd afternoon mummies!

hvnt log in for awhile already.. no time to catch up wif all the posts too..
hv been super busy wif my gal whose better now but still under medication n may take another month or so to complete the whole course.. plus my hubby on leave so didnt hv much chance to come to chat..

re sat's gathering:

i'm definitely very excited n looking forward to it..

got ur sms but so sorry didnt reply u.. me not "dao" hor, just bzbzbz.. :p
will u be coming earlier to my place? the catering was booked under ur name correct? wat mode of payment do they accept? cash or cheque? can let me know the total cost so i can prepare in advance?
oh yes, will they be providing extra stools in case my side not enough chairs/ stools n floor space..

no need to bring playmat this sat okie? will use mattresses..

Room temperature. Esp those from food jar, i give at room temperature. If those i put in fridge (bec open up ored), i will warm to room temp by adding a little bit of warm water.


yup tats wat i encounter too.. also intend to start barley cereal as i heard its good for constipation and easy to digest.

leng leng,

ya i know no soy sauce. tats why i also dare not follow tat colleague advice.
hi hi...Wanted to sms u leh..The caterer wills et up at ur hse at 11am, then the payment can be made when they come to collect thr barangs at 4pm lor =).. I gave them ur name, address and hp no liao =)..I will bring cash to ur plc lor, so might need u to pay them aft the event at 4pm..

As for stools, i requested them to lend me 10 without extra cost but they can't promise lor, told me can rent their stools for $0.50 each..*faintz*..so I told them to lend me FOC, they say hv to see on sat whether they hv extras lor..So I guess it will be better to wear pants on sat =)..
forgot to tell u, I will try to come earlier so can help u out =)...hope my princess wakes up and finish her porridge on time =D..
our boy went at 18mths,
now he look forward to school everyday.

if BB had never tasted salt/sugar,
they'll not know what's blend...
Once they've tasted, they'll prefer with taste,
but it's tough on their liver &amp; kidney...
I also gave my ger cereal alt days cos realised her poo bery hard lor, the poor ger, bumbum red red lor, then gek until hv tears and sweat..hiaz..
feifei: aiyo.. so chiam.. gek until got tears n sweat ah?!?

my ger onli gek longer than usual.. n gek until "erm.. erm.." sounds very loud loh.. then give me the helpless look.. sigh.. i see liao oso heart pain.. then i stroke her tummy to help the bowel movement.. it helps a bit.. but her poo still quite hard..

so now giving her barley water on alt days too..
lengleng, i echo u. that's wat i felt too. but becos my MIL fed him porridge first, i bet she added soy sauce or watever seasoning without telling me. bb already accustomed to other tastes.. all bb food are bland lor.. but when u let other ppl take care of ur bb, cannot control 100%. too late liao.

a better alternative, PD suggests, is to grind ikan bilis and add to porridge for natural taste. maybe i shd do just that. got protein oso.

fei, ur ger v poor thing leh... red red bum..
i think it's quite a common conception among the older folks to want to add a bit of seasoning to bb's food cos they scared bb will not want to take the porridge if too bland. but like what leng leng said if bb never tasted salt before, they should be ok with the bland porridge.

my mum also told me to add a little bit of soya sauce to my porridge. but i tried without and my bb's still finished the porridge so i told her no need to add, wait till bb's older.

okie, noted!

my boy also gek until face red red.. poor thing


if got eczema, then u better do the 4 days test and carefully intro one food after another. also ensure meat try to intro later around 9mths. seafood, honey after 1 years old.
ya lor, kelian hor...i already gave her lots of vege, 2 servings of fruits, now she takes 1 pear by herself, then after one portion of papaya or apple liao...Can't wait to let her try the barley cereals lor..hmm...cos bery cham...

tks for the link..
that's for our #1 too,
now she's unable to eat anything without taste!!!
She's being taken care of by my MIL since 2mths old...

For #2, I took care of him till 16mths old,
he can eat anything, even plain porridge &amp; clear soup.

"tian xia de ma ma dou shi yi yang de"? hehe...
ellysia: ok.. got it! thanks..

feifei: wa.. your ger can take 1 whole pear on her own? so power... strange hor.. you give your ger so much veg n fruits n she still constipated ah? aiyoo...
wah.. 1 pear.. but my frend told me not to feed too much pear cos bery cooling.. i tot pear helps in constipating?
i jus gif my boy 30ml of pear puree nw.. sat sun today tml and wed.. so far so gd..
means my boy at point of no return. already introduced so no choice, i have to try to keep salt level at the minimum lor. MIL says silver fish oso can. watever it is, he cannot take anything bland liao.
yes silver fish.. soak it in water to get rid of the salt.. den bake in oven or fry it till crispy.. den grind it.. bery yummy..

is it bec of the milk powder u give also? cos milk powder can also be constipative.


cereal is heaty leh. pear cooling ok wat.
I still have 6 boxes of HT brown rice cereal at home. If i give barley cereal, then i also have to cont with the brown rice so tat can finish it. so eat concurrently.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">bbcupid.. papaya and banana no nid to steam.. but banana turn brown veri fast so looks yucks... hee..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ya ya....i tried but my boi dun like.. it looks terrible to me oso.. hee...</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ioio,
i know your bb &amp; my bb also don't like papaya, but
yesterday i was eating papaya(Hong Kong ones, don't have the typical papaya smell) &amp; baby looking at it, so i make some puree &amp; he finished all, mayb you can try HK ones</font></font>
I'm running out of ideal what to let bb try liao... For fruits I'm giving her try plum tonight. For food what should I do??? Done with potato,sweet potato &amp; carrot.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie i hv not tried papaya leh.. not me lah.. heee.... so far i hv only give 1st pear (ok but hv phlegm), 2nd potato (dun like), 3rd apple (luvs..., 4th banana (dun really like.... now back to apple again.. hee..</font></font>
means my boy at point of no return. already introduced so no choice, i have to try to keep salt level at the minimum lor. MIL says silver fish oso can. watever it is, he cannot take anything bland liao.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ioio,
i blur,sorry,its potato,i tried pureed with my ebm and it became sticky, bb don't like</font></font>

delmonte banana is very cooling,
may cause phlegm,
use those short type "pang chio",
tell the stall owner it's for baby.
