(2008/05) May 2008


Depends on the child and the teachers.
Mine took quite sometime...definately more than 1 mth to get use to the place. (I can't remember how long).

It's normal to be soft hearted. Sometimes I do. But most of the time I very hard hearted. Heehee. Be steady...it's not easy...


Thanks so much of ur encouragement and advices. I think i try again, this time my husband sure peh chek me want. He said woman are flicker minded and hard to please

Sometimes i told him, he married the wrong person ha ha ha
, u know what's he reply, What to do? ha ha ha

dun worry lah.
My hubby also sama. Sometimes either he is fickle minded or sometimes it's me too.

For me now, going thru a big change. In-laws sold the house so now desperate house hunting. Hope within 4 mths will move out. Once move out have to settle my 2nd son's sch (we already reg him in 2 PAP!) but might have to change. 1st son going Pri 1 next yr. Then I going to change job. Everything happening at the same time. Then MIL wants to take over our car. Haiz

Xin ku ni le, being a mum not easy. U can tell ur MIL u and ur hubby need a car to ferry ur 2 sons moreover ur elder son will be going to P1 soon needs to ferry him. U need to change ur job is it due to ur elder son in P1? Change to a part-time basis?

As for me, i'm working as a part-time at home. Luckly i found a flexible one can work at home. Nows a day diff to find a suitable one. At least i can coach my elder son in his P1 work and at the same time do my job and hsewk. My hubby dun want to get a maid for me so no choice has to be xin ku yi tien, bao sua bao hai
Is really not easy to let go, especially when they cry our heart shaken... But look at the brigth side after the Crying state is over he will be more independant, like my son when he go to school I worry he can't cope with the new environment, worry that he don't get to drink enough water, worry he is not toilet trained, worry that he don't know how to pull out a chair, coming down a stair, taking things from his bag, requesting for help, etc... But now he is coping well, he is toilet trained now, asking for help from his teacher if he need any and most impt taking care of himself and follow instruction. We can't be with him forever so is very impt that they become independant.

Icebaby how about friso 3 and 4 is it cheaper?

BTW for those who only latch BB but didn't pump, think need to start schedule to pump if not when you go back might not get enough BM for your little one. As pump can't get the same amt like latching so in order to meet their demand we got to work extra harder.
Ya, u r right, last wk i discovered his water bottle seems like they never get him to drink and afraid he cant cope it and sort of negative thinking seems to appear on my mind. Then i started to think am i a bad mom throw my son to a unfamiliar place.

But after listen to everyone's story, i found out that i'm being too protected to my son and it's no good for him, ended up he might get bully in Primary sch one day. I should try to manipulated myself stop thinking negative think of positive then my life will be much better.

I'll try to let go and let him be more independent and is good for his future also. Now whenever i go he follows or wants me to carry him. I go toilet he also must follow sigh.... By the way, when is ur son starts to toilet train? Is it train by u or the Pre-sch ctr. there?

i c... i tot the ctr. helps u to do the toilet training. Sigh.. dunno when is my son going to get ready for it. I hv being trained him once but failed me. By the way, i've send u my email add too. Did u rec'd it?

Dun hv to be envy, sometimes jaga work and kids is very tough and challenging. Ur son so cute... especially his wearing the swim suit. I pei fu ni leh.. hv time to do it. Looking at ur son blog i felt sorry for my 2 sons, as I'm too lazy to create and do it.. and one thing for sure is i'm not creative enf. Hee Hee ;p
my boy was also 3.7kg when born and his full mth he weights 4.9kg =) my hubby's colleague commented that my boy is a monster =(

care to share abt ur job? me also trying to find a pt/ft home based job so that i can be there for each n every milestones of my boy esp the first few yrs. =p

i am hoping to change job coz my job requires me to be 24/7..IT line can be quite demanding at times esp when system crashes =(

no lah. The car is okay cos ours was a weekend car. I bargain with her that use our car as trade-in to get MPV (since she had wanted to get another car). My FIL uses his own car (yes, we have 2 cars at home) to fetch my sons to sch every morning.

My job..eh..i switched because of the scope of work. Pay abit better and location considered slightly better.


I am sure it's cheaper for Friso 3 & 4 too.

Imagine Friso 1 = RM 43.90 ($20) per tin. Compared to Singapore $30!


So far my daughter drink the milk no problem (already on her 4th tin from Malaysia). Seriously you think abt it, if Friso has pdtn problem in Malaysia won't there be problem with the kids there too?

Also u can't find them in most stalls cos they are always Out-of-stock. I manage to find them at "medical" shops. I already stock up. Now got 13 tins of Friso 1 at home. Heehee...shld be sufficient until need to change to Friso 2. =P


Toilet training...eh..take ur time also. Slowly lor. Mine also took some time. My younger son only early tis yr (4 yrs old), then finally stop wearing diapers at night to sleep (morning & afternoon he doesn't need to).

And the CC do help.


My new job is going to be 24/7 as I am moving from doing finance to operations.
re Similac
hi, anybody is using similac? i just started to supplement breast milk after baby finished all the frozen EBM stock. but after the baby drinking, the bottle is filled with bubble. and there are some undissolved powder at the bottom. is it normal? just scared that the baby will suck in too much air.
Felval ,

hahah ... realli ...hahah how much is he drinking now . My boy starting to drink 100ml of FM .
I now only BF him in the first and last feed and of course in between of the time when he become cranky but not feeding time .

Icebaby ,

Hmmm ... have discussed with my hubby but still dun dare to try . Cos my colleague ever tell me before is diff !! Dun dare to take the risk hahah ....but diapers going to buy from there .
FIL going this weekend ... asking to buy J and J baby wipes and MAmy Poko !!

Yanling ,

Ya i heard similac veri bubble and oily !!
I used Similac to supplement in the early stage. It does have air bubbles, I usu. stopped my girl from drinking the bubbles. CL did said that it's alright so long as she burp after each feed. However, we do not face the undissolved powder problem.
i am also supplementing my boy with similac too
agree that there are a lot of bubbles.
just dun let bb drink till the bottom part
undissolved powder maybe due to nt enuff hot water added bah

actually wanted to change to friso de
but bb ok with similac, so i continued
I'm also supplementing with similac. Don't worry about the bubbles, just don't let bb drink that part, and burp frequently. As for the undissolved powder, I tend to get that if I put water into the bottle first then add powder. If I put powder first then add water ( add hot water first, shake, then add room temp water) then no problem.
Wah..Few days nv logged in so many posts liao..Been so tired since my bb shower last sunday..Super shag..Lucky bb so shag..slept for close to 5hrs thenn wake up for milk..

Confinement ends, and now i am reali on my very own to look after my bb & my dog..


U staying in Yishun?! Me too!!..Opp. the swimming pool..So yishun polyclinic gt the 6-in-1 jab..But onli $100 cheaper than my bb PD..I rather spend abit more so that my bb wil b under a better care..


Myabe ur water nt hot enuff..I oso encounter tt is water nt hot enuff & nt shake properly.


The 6-in-1 jab gt 3 dose..Ur $125 is onli 1 dose i suppose. My bb PD charge $440 (includes consult fee) for 3 doses. Ur $80 consultation fee super ex. Or izzit refer to 1st consult? My bb PD 1st consult fee is higher. But subsequent visit is cheaper.


Alot of my colleagues oso say m'sia milk powder nt so gd,..ask me dun buy..My 1st & 2nd tin bought in s'pore minimart is fr m'sia..And after my colleagues told me, i went to ntuc to buy the local made one..The milk powder texture is different..But dunno izzit 'xing li bing' or wat..

Ur job is in IT trade, wat sort of IT u r in? As wat i know some hv to work 24/7 and some no need. I'm in finance trade so it's easy to get a part-time job that work from home but i do come across some IT trade do work from home, like programmer whose write programming. U can take a look at the Strait Time newspaper under Temp/Part-time job session, i'm sure they do hv such offer.


I think my 2nd son will be the same as urs wait till 4yrs then off diaper, as his development is diff from his brother. His bro is a fast learner while compared to his is much more diff. U hv to calculate the cost of trade-in fr OPC(Off-Peak-Car) to normal car but is definitely costly. If get a MPV can save all the trouble, why not?

As u know, cos of my 2nd son going to cc my hubby brought me a car so that i can ferry my 2 sons and now we hv 2 car and expense is much more heavier. Seeing my son crying like hell, If i tell my hubby that i decided stop to let my 2nd son goes to cc sure he mad like a cow. I think wat is done cannot be undone, so die die my son must go to cc.

If dare not try, then nevermind. It's okay.
For me, I just think..if the milk got problem, then babies in malaysia sure got problem? Heehee


RE: Car
yes. MPV is better for us because of the car seat issue.

take time to get used to the crying portion. I think the teachers shld be understanding.

Yesterday we hv a good talk with the Person-in-charge & the teacher there, they give us free for 1 or 2 hrs for my son to get use to the environment, see how the teacher teachs and parent can be seat in with the child till he get comfortable and knows that he everydays hv to go to cc. I'm very appreciated lor for wat they did for us. As some cc dun hv such privilege lor. I can c how they are trying to compromise things with us. As wat u said must takes time and get used to it. :p

U travel all the way to m'sia to stock up ur FM? if so, will tat be costly and traffic jam? In term of petrol and time consume?
Hi everyone, today just changed my maid. Seems like the new one is alot better. Hope it stays this way.

Just wondering if anyone is interested to get Lansinoh Milk storage bags. Am going to order some before I start work.

felval, I also from IT line but doing more on project management admin. Also have to go office one. But no choice I guess. Must wait till we pay off our debts first then next time can stay home. Hehe.. But luckily my job is quite alright, sometimes can work from home. hehe..

Re: Car
Think MPV is good if have big family. Now I also have super big car seat (combination that can turn) in my 1.8l car and takes up so much space behind. Next time really have to get MPV also.

Re: Similac
I also used Similac Advanced(0-12mths) that time from Malaysia cos given to me by my BIL. My nephew going to turn 1 year old liao. I still have many tins. If anyone interested to use it, let me know.
Diamondust and icebubbles,
How you decide on similac? I tried Friso. My son’s now drinking 110ml BM, on 110 ml Friso, he didn’t seem to be full and kept demanding for more. I made another 30 ml, sometimes he still didn’t seem satisfied … a bit scary.

My parents goes to JB like once every 1-2 months, so it isn't much of a difference to them. Just that they buy for me. =P

1 tin saves $10-$11. Now I have 12 tins at home, it's $120. I also buy diaper cream there. Soon will need to buy diapers also. I also bought 1 pkt of milk for my older kids to drink, if they dun find got difference, then I will also stock their milk. N both of them drink milk like no body business...each pkt of 2kg fernleaf full cream milk saves me $10-11/pkt. So technically, it's really quite a huge savings esp when the kids grow older and drink more.
wow! 1 tin saves $10?! that's power manz...my bb drinks NAN HA...i bought bulk too in singapore and it saves abt $6-$7 per tin...

Here's another of my bb's pic
after so many mummies here recommend mammy poko, i went to buy one pack ytdy at NTUC...it costs twice as much as Drypers!
my review after one night of usage is that it can hold quite well, and the material is more cloth like as compared to Drypers which feels more plasticky,...but of course Drypers is much cheaper!
Hi mummies! went bk ofce on mon to tender liao. feel so happy I dun hv to go bk anymore! Haha.. can concentrate fully on takin care of my boy =)

Felval- no lah. Only pay for bb n tink it includes bb massage also. ex rite! These ppl reali noe hw to make money! Haha
So nice to hv ur mum ard anytime u wan her to =) nw tat my hb is bk to wrk, I hv to handle bb alone in the day. Smtimes pump halfway, gotten stop cos my boy fusses n wan to be carried! Darn chamz.. wat I most afraid is when I doin big biz thn he starts to cry! Cannot even shit in peace =_=
My boy’s birth wt was 3.14kg n at 1 mth, alrdy 5.2kg n nw nt even 2mths alrdy 6kg!!

Re: maternity wear
I am stil wearin my maternity pants too =( darn sadz.. cant fit at all in my pre-preg jeans. Stuck at the hips there =(( n 8kg more to lose! My uncle tat day saw my tummy n asked 2nd one comin so soon! Wah piang!!
wah! so nice ant1712! but now you on maternity lve right? any impact if you tender now?

Re: Maternity wear
I am still wearing my maternity clothes too. Most of my previous pre-preg tops i can't wear so i more cham manz.
ant ,

wow ... you going tobe full time mummy !!
Office called yesterday asked me to clear my 12 weeks ML till 12Aug ...wanna to go back end july but was non-peak period boss said come back later sigh !!

Looking after this little one is more tiring than working . But cannot imagine to be full time . Like what you shit also no time

Re : Weight loss

I actually back to normal weight ...but my tummy still not able to be flat . Sigh sigh
Buttercup ,

You bought in bulk ... dunno if i call up Frisco whether can purchase in bulk too !!

hmmm... one month my boy finished abt 2 big tins .
your boy one month finished 2 big tins...you know my boy? in one month he finished 2 small tins (400g) and 2 big tins (900g)!!!

I bought in bulk from a pharmaceutical firm. if you like i can give you the contact and you can check with them

i agree!!! looking after the little one is more tiring than working twelve hours straight!

Ur bb ear lobe so thick..Next time got alot of 'fu qi'..

Re : Weight Loss

Me lost quite alot of weight & infact nw slimmer than B4 pregnant..But same as Jo, my tummy nt flat leh..In fact like bigger than last wk..But my wt remain & nv increase leh..Dunno y?

Any idea hw to flatten it sooner?? Or anyone haf any gd massage lady to recommend or binder to use?? I went to c the guardian one..But very funny..Is for those who hurt their bad & needs the support..

I stil gt 4 more weeks B4 gg back to work..Sianz..Rusty liao..Nw like more experience to look after bb than work..haha

is your bb using Dryers ? i have got 2 pack of Dryers as gift from my mum's friend ... as my boy is only using Pampers, i want to give away, do you want, the size is for NEWBORN, not sure if bb can still wear.
Hi ant,

Happy for you, enjoys being a mother. Is ur company not happy abt it, cos some company very nasty one. U r right taking care a bb is more tougher than wk, we hv to standby 24/7 and we sick we still hv to take care our bb at least work u got mc can be excuse being going to work. But soon u will get used to it and u wont wanna to go back to workforce. But one thing for sure is that we will get lost in touch outside world...

Yah. It's abt $10/tin.
RM43.90 = S$19
S'pore sells $30. So it's abt that price.

Same with Fernleaf.

Bo bian, i got 3 kids. Hahaha...all milk drinkers. =P

Mummypoko is more of the premium brand. It's more ex lor. Drypers is a cheaper brand...last time was even cheaper..it started out in Malaysia. Then the popularity of it was high and soon singapore start importing. Then Drypers change their "image" (packaging) and started to be more "premium"...the price went up. That was like 9 yrs ago...cos last time my dad bought for my niece in Malaysia this brand, hence I know it well.

Same with EQ.


Congrates in being a SAHM!
Dun worry abt the weight, just be happy...=) That's more impt.

I still got to wait till 17th July when I go back to tender and bring my cheque book along just in case the company dun let me offset my leave.


You lucky got back to ur weight. I still got abt 2kg (already 2 mths liao). But I can fit into all my pre-pregnacy clothes except for my tummy. It's worse now after 3 kids...how how how? *cry*

Friso 1 in singapore..dun have cheaper price for bulk even if you call direct. My frens asked before. But I think you can order bulk and get them to send.

You lucky lost more. Heehee.

Tummy I think might take some time. Haiz.
My friend who is a doctor and father of 3 recommended Similac. He said he went to research and check out all the brands and thinks Similac better cos it does not contain palm olein oil.
Then again, I have another friend whose uncle is a gynae and the uncle recommended them S26.
So it's really up to individual I guess, I don't really think there is much difference. But we tried Similac and bb is fine with it, so we just stuck with it.

Re: weight loss
I still have 2.5kg to go, stagnant at this weight, but I don't really mind since I was underweight before. Only thing like you all said, tummy not going down and super flabby lor. Can fit into some of my pre preg pants/skirts but tummy sticks out, so ugly.

wow, you're going to be a sahm. I think it's quite tough but very rewarding. Nowadays I can't decide if I prefer to go back to work and have some time away from bb, or if I wanna be ard bb 24/7 so can watch her progress every step of the way. Sigh.

It's true, the tummy part wont goes away. I gave birth to my 2nd son 2 yrs ago, my tummy still there but my weight get back to my orginal weight. My hb said ur tummy so ugly, like a small balloon, i told him that this is wat mother most willing to sacrifice. By looking at our bb healthy and watching their progress in every step of the way, it is worth it.
Huh..Fion..SO sad to noe tummy wun go away..

Maybe do sit up & tone up the flabby tummy? Like s inporpotion. Tummy sticking out..sianz..


I lost more coz i am nt eating well..My MIL cook the food sucks..SO i reali eat very very little..Onli drink milo & eat biscuit..Somore take car eof bb nt enuff slp..Actually mine is nt a healthy way of losing wt..Haha
Can i check wif u all..Is it a MUST to bring bb for check up when they r 1 mth old? I am skipping the 2nd dose of Hep B jab coz gg for the 6-in-1 jab. But tt is onli when my ger is 2mth then need.

Do u all bring ur bb for check-up when 1mth old??

ya lor for mine wont goes away, it's takes times to slim down if do sit up & tone up the flabby tummy unless dun mind pay more go to those slimming ctr then the result can be seen. When i wear back those dress or cloths b4 i give birth it's wont so obvious but if i wear those low cut jeans can be easily see my tummy :p I'm so sad as doctor said i gave birth 2 boys still under weight.. Sigh.. Now my weight is 44kg only, by right it's should be 48-50kg.. No matter how i eat still wont put on much weight. My hubby said i "Cha liao bee" in hokkien
My bb now 6 weeks plus, should be about 5 kg now. You giving your boy Friso too? How much is he drinking? Apparently I found out Friso is made of vegetable fats, not animals fats, so less filling. If you order I think 4 or 5 tin, they will do home delivery. I agree too, looking after bb is more tiring than working oh. I am on my own for 2 weeks now, my mum does come now and then to help. I am already having backaches and arm muscle aches. Some times bb wants to be carried, so you imagine lugging a 5 kilo rice walking in the house. Some times while carrying him, he kicks, that adds to the weight.

Ant1712 and buttercup,
I also cannot fit in to my pre-preg clothes, except for t-shirts and stretchable type of tops. I have only 2.5 kg to go, but I cannot wear any of my cotton blouses nor dress. It seems my shoulders and arms got bigger too, bust too. 1 arm can get in the blouse, while the other arm got on the way stuck. My feet seem to get bigger too. So, it seems people say when you are pregnant, you are like di4 er2 du4 fa1 yu4 is true. I have another 5 weeks plus b4 going back to work, hope to be able to fit in to something, otherwise, by the last week, I will go shopping and change my wardrope. When’s the GSS ending ?

My bb now sleeps in play pen, but he seems to complete hot, so he prefers to sleep in the bouncer. However the bouncer is a bit curvy, not sure if it will affect his spinal grow. Any one has suggestion where to put bb ?

Even though you had decided on 6 in 1, I believe you still got to vaccinate your bb with Hep B 2nd dose. This is not included in the 6 in 1, if I am not wrong.
hello..been missing for long..hai..my baby super cranky after his 6 in 1 jab...always cry and wan me to carry him n sayang...finally got time to rest..

tink he super tramatised man...he had his 6 in 1 last week...for 3 days he cranky and wan me saynag...

oh ya...i woke up with super hard breast last nite...missed 4 hours of pumping..end up pump out 380ml...so painful...hai...how am i going to cope when i start work??
