(2008/05) May 2008


U so gd..no matter wat u eat oso wun put on wt..I dun eat oso wil put on wt..i think breathe in air oso wil put on wt tt time..Haha

hi gals,
i am so depressed ah
measured my waist last night...
from a 25" to 42" then now stuck at 34.5"
how am i gng back to work like this ah?
so ugly...
i only hv 5 more weeks to slim down
but my hubby still dun let me do the massage cos of the wound...
he says its still a little red, wait massage wound burst open how.i hear liao also scared ah

i am a fat woman now...
Hi mummies,

I've over-stock of "NOW" Fenugreek. Willing to exchange for $15 NTUC vouchers, incl. postage. 500mg @ 100 capsules per bottle. Pls email [email protected]

peace ,

My baby is turning 1 mth tomorrow . He is drinking abt 90 to 120ml each time ...depends he happy drink more , not happy he drink less .
hahah ... cannot tell exactly how much . But sometime i will latch him on if he is cranky in between .

Ice bubbles ,

Should be able to massage 4 to 6weeks after delivered . I was thinking to start next week or so . My wound still hurt sometime as well , hubby said dun complaint if want to do it .
Women can because of beauty ...can do anything :p

Choc ,

huh .... you mean 6 in 1 jab can make baby cranky .Dun scared me ..he is due to jab two weeks time if not got to jab his hep B first .

Dun hv to envy, too skinny also no good. Maybe my family all is skinny type so no matter how much i input dun seems to c any effect.

Dun worry, it's will slim down a bit after ur pregnancy but it's take 6 mths or even 1 yr. Depend how u do it, sometimes not enf sleep cos of bb will also slim down as some ppl said stress, not enf sleep do helps to slim down abit. Dun worry abt ur weight, it's will slim down one la it's just a matter of time. Most impt is healthy. :p

If under C-section normally takes 6 mths to heal the wound then u can go for massage but it's depend some ppl heal faster. So it's depend on indiviual, Ur hubbt r right, what happened the wound get infection how? Then even more le chey. As i told twinky dun worry it's will slim down just a matter of time. At this moment, it's wont c any effect cos u just gave birth. U will c the result after 6mths to 1yr time, some of my colleagues takes 2 yrs to slim down. Dun think too much be a happy mom.
Yesterday brought my boy for his first 6-in-1 jab and the rotavirus vaccine. He's now 5.49kg and 60cm

The 6-in-1 package costs $660, excluding the rota and prevenar jab. I decide to give prevenar later. If include rota and prevenar, the pkg is $1443! This is the price at the thomson PD.

PD also said my boy's skin is very dry, gotta use Sebamed or Cetaphil to bathe. Got sensitive nose too, dats why always like nose stuck at night in aircon. I remember when i was preggy with him i had major noseblock everytime i go into aircon places.

Oh ya, after the jab he got mild fever 37.5-37.7deg. Now still having on and off so we jus gave one dose of paracetamol.
Hi everyone, just changed my maid on Thursday and been busy teaching her stuff. So glad we changed. When I told the old one to stop doing her work and pack up, she cried and asked me for another chance but the new maid is so so much better! I'll never get an inexperienced one again. But if possible, I'll rather not get any.

I have another 4 weeks and will be back to work but still got 7kg to lose. Don't have the courage to try my pants and skirts cos sure doesn't fit. Hopefully, the weight will really go down. Luckily, I still can wear my dresses.

peace, sometimes I one shot also pump out 380ml. When pumping, try to massage your breast also (toward the nipple). I think it helps alot.

juin, let me know how many boxes you want. It's in a box of 50pcs. I'll purchase in bulk and get parcel forwarding company to send it to me in SG. Then you can either collect from me or I post it to you. You'll have to transfer me the milk bags cost first then the shipping charges we'll all share.

For those interested in milkbags, can also let me know. I think I'll purchase soon.
My Pd at rivervale mall only charge $440 for the 6 in 1 package. $99 for 1 dose of rotavirus(need 2 doses) and prevenar $169 per dose (need 4 doses if taken now).
Buttercup- we can tender durin ML n use 3rd mth to serve as notice so I dun hv to go bk liao! Hehe
Me also, cant wear my pre-preg clothings. So sianz rite!!! N tummy stil protruding, like 4mths preg lidat =(

Jo- ya reali more tiring thn wrkg but I mus say it’s all worth it when my boy smiles n cooed at us! Keke..
So nice u bk to ur normal wt liao. I stil stuck here, 8kg more! =( wan to go shop n buy clothes also sianz.. wear liao like bak chang lidat.

Fion- I did tell my sup early this yr tat I may quit to be full time mummy so she more or less expect it liao. May go bk wrk force nxt yr again. Wil c how thn..

Choc- so good can pump out so much milk in 4hrs! my record only 160ml thou I pump every 3-4 hrs.

Re: weddin band
I cant fit into the ring anymore. So sad!!!!! Is there any chance tat our fingers wil be bk to normal soon??
ant ,

Ya weight loss thank to my boy ...since day 1 till today actual day of full month . Never really get to sleep and eat well .

hahaha ... today shave his head cannot get used to his look and the Tai Mou Bi spend almost $600 wowliao they really know how to earn money !

Tracy ,
What is the prevenar jab for what ? My side here charge $122 x 3 dose !! And rotavirus at $96 per dose ! Mine cheaper as is a GP but she is very experience with babies and childen forever veri long Q .
hi ladies, can i noe wat brand of milk storage bags are u all using? i am using pigeon brand, but as it is 20 bags for 17.90, find it abit siong to use in long term. so wonder if u all hv any recommendation for cheaper one?
You bb very cute, very chubby and doesn’t look like 7 weeks old.

I also cannot fit into my wedding band, more over I kept getting stiff and aching fingers.
I oso can't fit into my wedding band. Heard from my aunt that water retention on fingers will reduce and return back to pre-preggy time. However, this dun apply to our feet wor. I heard liao, abit sad leh.

I hv been using milk bags from "first few years", a pack of 25pcs cost $19.90. U can join the spree for milk bags that Cheri is organizing.

your bb is so chubby

I hv done my massage 2 weeks after my C-sect. U need to get an experienced massage lady to do so as she'll take extra care to avoid your wound area. I hv even done binding, avoiding the wound area. I have completed 6 sessions before throwing baby shower.
Ya lo Pooh..

Agreed wif Peace..Ur bb dun look like 7wks old..haha..And the david beckham hair


Ur PD is it Dr Allyson Tan? The Kids Clinic? Mine too..


Ur PD charge the 6-in-1 jab y so ex one?
Twinky and Sugar my two kids also with Allyson she very motherly with 3 kids we very comfortable with her too. Lilian the PD in the same clinic also very nice.

Pooh Your boy is so cute and chubby 8)
my boy drinking 100-110ml of EBM now. nt mixed with FM so i feel that its consider little as compared to FM.

^5, another one staying in yishun. i think jer also? me staying opp safra yishun. hehehe.
i agree with ur pt of view lo but my hubby dun...haiz...

me dealing with hardware n systems lo that is why 24/7 n cant wk frm hm..i hate programming actually...if i have that as a job think alot of my brain cells will die faster.
hahaha. anyway, i am still looking ard. no worries =)

wah! quite a num of mummies here in IT line ah. mine coz dealing with systems n hardwares so need to be in the DC lo...=( v stressful especially if system crash n needs to bring up within a certain time frame. that is why wanna change job

wah! hw cum tender? i also v tempted to tender wo...hehehe. u stil on ML mah? so if u tender while on ML?
ya. it is ex lo! they ride on parents' mindset to give the best to the kids n charge so ex.
lolz. altho my mum is nearby but i insist on looking aft baby myself in the day n at nite. my hubby went back to wk when i was 3rd weeks into my confinement.
ya lo, sometimes when i pump half way baby cries...then either have to stop or latch him on. then got once i was doing biz halfway and baby started to cry..coz my mbr toilet's door is of glass, at least i can see him, i have to open the door n talk to him when i am doing biz!!!
then cant even have a bathe in peace also...
wah!!!! ur baby gains weight v fast wo! lighter than my boy @ birth but gain so much more! hmm..how often do u feed him n how much u feel him ah?

re: milk powder
seems like alot of mummies are using similac or friso. anyone using mamil?

re: weight loss
envy u lots...i am stuck with 8kg...since 3weeks ago aft the jamu massage n it has been 6weeks since i delivered...=(

i will pick "wanna be ard bb 24/7 so can watch her progress every step of the way" =)
coz its a once in a lifetime event / progress of our baby..once pass can nv go back again...

ur boy so cute n chubby! and the hair! heehe. did u style it? hehe
Felval ,

hahah .. will be staying in yishun too soon as PIL renovating their new place . But will stay time in Bishan and Yishun until we get our own place maybe next year when the market is good !!
Not a good time to buy a house now...soo ex!!

I think mamil is under dumex ... my hubby dun like it and heard can make BB big that what i heard
hi cheri,

let know me how much it cost. since it is 50 per box, i will get about 2 boxes to try out. will transfer the money to you once it is confirmed.
been reading that some mummies were discussing abt being a SAHM. I was forced to resign last Fri after a heated argument. I was so upset & disappointed with my boss. I even cut short my ML to go back to work and this is what I get for that. Although I hope to be a SAHM, but it can't be done financially.

according to MOM, either party is not allowed to use ML to serve as notice. So if you wanna tender, you hv to do it after ur ML ends.

Which part of yishun u wil b staying? So coincident..So many of us staying in Yishun..Hehe..


My fingers & feet are back to pre-preggy time leh. Even during 3rd tri pregnancy time, my fingers & feet start to swollen..Nw everything ok..No increase in shoe size oso..Juz tt my skin r nw very dry ever since i gif birth..Sianz..


Dr Allyson Tan refer to me by my gynae..Initiall wanted to change PD since her clinic quite far fr my place..But hubby say since bb oredi c her fr Day 1, so juz let it b..Who noes we may shift to Sengkang or Punggol in the near future..Coz we r looking for new flat to shift out on our own..Dun intend to stay wif PIL since house nw very cramp liao..

Wat happened? Wat causes the argument? Ur boss shld appreciate ur effort to cut short ur ML & went back to work early..Me too cutting short my ML since boss request me to go back early..
I didn't know that can use her from day 1. Dr Ong EK (from TMC) was my boy's PD initially.Found tat he talked too fast. Will definately use her for my next baby too!!! Actually like staying in sengkang. Transport system (LRT) very good. Furthermore flats here are relatively newer n cheaper than other estates.

Welcome to the SAHM club. I've been jobless since i found out i was pregnant. Enjoy some time with your baby first lor. I intend to start work after baby is 1 yr old.
for my baby ya...i tink coz he timid and very scared of pain ba...tahan for 2 days leh...he so cranky till i also wan to cry..hahaa

yes..i can pump 380ml at a go...but breast feel so hard and abit pain leh...not worth the wait... that is if i didnt pump for 3-4 hours..normally can pump 150ml and aboove....

maybe is becoz of my boy demand? i also not sure why...i cant slp throughout the nite one..sure will wake up in pain and need to empty the breast...hai...
my wedding band i can wear liao leh...i am just stuck with 3kg..now waiting for my gynae checkup in 2 wks time for the go ahead sign to exercise!

to all mummies..
i started to freeze my milk liao..any idea how long can we keep in the freezer compartment of normal fridge?
i read is about 3 mths...then how to defroze? just run under normal tap?
i wonder my baby will reject the frozen BM bo..

Morning ladies
long time din post here.. was super bz with 3kids.. feel more and more like a jaundiced wife.. haiz

ya lor.. ppl keep telling me he look 3 mths old.. i told my hb, our boy got "chao lao min".. haha

his beckham hair au naturale one leh.. i din style it.. from birth, have liao.. keke

since u cut short ML, is ur boss gg to give u the full ML 1st? ur boss cant terminate u while on ML right?

my boy drinks frozen BM leh.. daytime i latch on.. night time i pump while hb feeds.. must train my boy to be on bottle, heard of some stories that baby refuse bottles kind.. so i started him when he abt 5weeks old
Gina, what happened? Why your boss so bad one? Anyway, enjoy your time with your girl. Look for another job slowly lo.

felval, think alot of ppl in IT lo. Just that doing different stuff lo. I graduated from Engineering school but not doing anything technical already. Haha.. My weight loss also very slow now. like few hundred of grams per week. Sigh.. Now still got 7kg from pre-pregnancy weight.

Re: FM
I tried to give my boy FM at night when he's super cranky and only wants to suck my nipple. But seems like he doesn't want also.

choc, frozen BM can keep up to 3 months lo. It'll be better to defroze it with hot water when your baby about to drink it. Cos if slowly thaw, the freshness may not be there. Cos for my boy, he don't like to drink milk that is slowly thaw one. I using Avent Bottle warmer so everytime heat up in the warmer from the freezer.

Hi Diana, am doing a spree for Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags 50-pc pack.

Re: Lansinoh Milk Storage Bag
After doing some calculations, think each pack will come up to about +/-S$23 including both US domestic and international shipping charges. So if you are interested, can transfer to me S$20 first then will update the exact price for each box after the international shipping charge is known. PM me or email me at [email protected] to confirm with me the number of boxes you want. I will be ordering end of the week.

How come can take the jab liao. I tot 3 mths then take?

RE: Bleeding
It's already more than 2 mths. I still bleeding...little little bit. Hasn't completely stopped. It's irritating. (but I am suffering from no pain...except recently I have been very tired. I sleep till almost 9am+ everyday..dunno why leh) I haven't gone to see the gynae yet for pap smear. Will probably go this week.


Wah your baby big. Good looking!
Cheri and choc,
Envy your milk ss ….. if I can pump out 150 at 1 go, is actually an achievement liao, but that means never pump for 6 hours.

Not chao lao min la, just his size, he looks so solid to be a 7 week old bb.

The other day I think u mention your bb had sensitive nose, I think it’s from you. I just glance through never really read coz’ too many post to read and didn’t know it will apply to my bb, and now I cannot find that post. What did you do about bb’s sensitive nose? My son seems to have block nose in the morning. It’s for about an hour or 2 in the morning, after which he is well for the rest of the day. So for his 1st morning feeding, he usually struggles, coz’ the block nose bothers him, and he has to breathe, suckle and drink milk. So he tend to suck little, throw out the teat, and cry and cry. Gotta feed him super slowly.

You better go see gynae. My bleeding stop after 3 weeks, but I did have light brown discharge. Gynae says if still bf, the womb lining is usually thinner, and usual to have light brown discharge. These 2 days the light brown discharge seems to turn into pinkish and today red, I think my menses is back.
Hi ladies...Long time din log in here cos was nusy with my ger..

I bringing my ger for her 6in1 jab tmr...The Hep B 2nd dose is included in this 6in1 lor...and also tmr the PD will be doing an assessment fo rmy ger..

My tummy is also still there...so sad rite? haiz...so flabby...haiz..

ice bubbles,jo,
I just started my massage last wk, which is my 5th wk after my c-sect..so far so good lor..expelled alot of wind but hor, tummy still there =(.

The rotavirus jab can take together with the 6in1 jab? so its 2 seperate jabs? Which thermometer u using? i haven bot a digital thermometer yet leh..

My PD also at Rivervale Mall...she is Dr Allyson Tan..
the TMC card says 2months leh. So we send him to take the DPT/Polio, HepB jab and the Roarix oral vaccine. Next jab is at 4months. Could it be mine is 6-in-1 so Hep B is not given in 1st month, so 2nd month one time take all?

ya, it's my bb that has sensitive nose. like yours, his nose tends to get blocked in the morning. PD said to keep aircon at 25-26deg. Aside from that, we're not doing anything about it. I direct latch him in lying down position and even tho he got blocked nose in the morning he still feeds as per normal. Everyday surely gotta take huge mucous out from his nose before bath.
can take rotarix with 6in1. rotarix is an oral vaccine, ie medicine fed thru mouth, not jab. I useing Braun digital ear thermometer. Been using dat since my #1.
better buy a ear thermometer soon.my baby developed a fever the night after his jab. with the ear thermometer you get the results faster. i'm also using the braun one. its a good investment
using pigeon cotton buds. the pigeon ones are smaller and can fit into their noses. Of course those very deep inside I dare not remove.
Thanks Tracy,
I used the nasal pump, but it is not very effective. The material is rubbery and soft, the tip is not too narrow, meaning it disallows you to dig too deep into the nostril. sometimes I can pick out the thick and semi dry muscous.
How much does your bb sleep in the day?
My bb has a weird sleeping pattern in the day. 1 day, he will sleep so much and get up only for milk and get back to sleep, the 2nd day, he won't want to sleep almost all day. When he doesn't want to sleep all day, he will eat and pee almost all day too.
This type of pattern happen on alternate days, meaning on odd days he sleep alot in the day, even days he doesn't want to sleep in the day at all.
Thank God, he sleeps well once we off the light at night.


As far as i know, bb sleeps alots but i dun really record how many hrs they sleep. At this stage, they drink milk and sleep and some bb do sleep in long hrs. Lucky ur bb do sleep when u off the light as some bb dun sleep. Dun worry it's normal. ;P
