(2008/05) May 2008

yup! lil' one wanna come out, we can't do much...
contractions started at 5am, then water bag broke at 5.20am...by the time i reached TMC, pink show...only deliver at 5.20pm. =)

been soo busy with him, didnt hv time to do anything else!

yup! lil' one wanna come out, we can't do much...
contractions started at 5am, then water bag broke at 5.20am...by the time i reached TMC, pink show...only deliver at 5.20pm. =)

been soo busy with him, didnt hv time to do anything else!
see...so blur till i posted twice... =S
catch up with u ladies in the next few days...learning to be a mum now! Crash course!

Congrates on your little prince. Keke... Waiting to see your baby's pic...

Choc, Sorry lah. But must indulge in all the sinful food now. Excuse to get fat. When we pop liao, so many forbidden food due to confinement, breastfeeding, and then losing weight. Cannot just eat what we like anymore. So now last few wks to be sinful. Haha...

Moony, I know u envious lah. Monday ok? Monday you'll pop liao...


Haiyo, must take care ok?

So happy that so many babies have arrived. I'm waiting patiently for me. My gynae had shifted my EDD from 05/05/08 to 25/04/08 cos since detail scan and subsequent checkups EDD remained as latter. So far, nothing. Occasionally, feel some sharp pain but after a while ok liao.

Last visit, gynae said only 1 cm and saw some tighting, can be anytime if not depends on next visit (28/04/08), she might suggest to induce either on 30/04 or 01/05.

Think I had to agreed with her that Jayda enjoys staying in my womb longer than Jayson (he was delivered 13 days earlier).

I hope for natural without assisted nor ep, just like my first.

God bless
Morning... i just came back from checkup... sob sob... no dilation so far... =((

but.... she say must walk more lar...swim more to encourage dilation... ok! today start will walk more... heheee...got excuses to shop!

tink Dearie's prediction quite zun leh... tink mine will be next week ba... heheeeee..

oh ya...can update for me..
baby weight at wk 38 is 3.25kg
mummy weight gain... 15kg (OMGG!!)
hehe, u also jump q... congratz! Al natural means wo epi too? well done!

if u hv done wo epi 1st time, i'm sure u can do it again! furthermore 2nd time delivery will b faster.

yes! walk more! when i was off hospital leave n back to work, i walked alot in office. even climb stairs :p maybe thats wat made me cut q!
hmmm...i must climb more stairs and walk more from today onwards...hopefully next week i be like be@ns... cut Q..heheeee

then moony will also start to walk more lor.. since she also keen to give birth earlier like me.. heheee

wah! so shiok eat sushi ho! nvm, hehehe. i also nt bad - had fish & chips for dinner last nite but didnt had dessert coz i lazy to drive out tabao. ahahhaa.


we where got evil? hahaha. we helping remind each other still got wat nicey nicey food to eat faster go n settle b4 kena 1mth of confinement. ahhaha. lame excuse ho? ahahhaa


3d2n v fast wo? nvm la,go hm more freedom *except no free aircon and nurse to help out, everything must self do*. go hm at least can see ur gal. hehehe. the breast engorgement how? if u take pills to ease it cant bfeed liao right? u taking any post natal massage? can help to ease it mah?


WAH!! u another black horse le! hhehee. wah, u delivery 17 days earlier than edd wo.*moony will be so jealous lo coz she also wanna delivery early! ahhaa* hehehe.

congras to u for going natural and with a healthy baby =) how are things so far with u and baby? both also coping well? hehehe. wan see pic wan see pic! must share with us ur delivering experience when u free ya? take care! =)


hahaha. this weekend metro got sales right? u can tell hubby go see see look look and at the same time can help to "speed" up giving birth. hahaha. y u say u think urs will be next week? u got feeling le ah?

hehehe. dun worry abt ur weight gain la...me 36 weeks i gained 15.4kg lo...dun dare to think next week i go visit gynae at 38weeks will gain how much -_-''' past 2 visits was like every 1kg i gain baby only gain 300grams..hope next week baby will gain more than me! whahhaa. ur baby healthy weight le =) gdgd


eekks... then i shall nt talk any stairs frm now on. hahaha. i dun wan to jump Q. =P


how was ur gynae visit? any gd news to share? hehehe.
congrats bean!! another lucky mummy who dun hv to wait til neck long long like me! haha

ytd went to geylang to satisfy my cravings for rocher beancurd. hee... thn walked ard the area for abt 1 hr!! the plc reali happenin. haha.. hope all the walkin wil help! ^^ bb bb pls come out by tmr!!! =D
Wow.. Beans, congrats to you! You're so fast! Hope both your baby and u are doing well..

Pooh, take care of yourself ya..! I also had bad cold and fever the other week but now fully recovered and waiting for baby to come. Hehe.. Drink more water.

Choc, don't be so kan cheong! Will be your turn soon.. Hehe..

Kelcqi, agree with you that we shld eat whatever we feel like now. Else confinement everything also cannot eat. Haha.. I've been asking my mum to cook this and that recently. LOL.. Then eat ice-cream, chocolates... I'm craving for durians. Hmm... Hopefully won't gain too much weight..

Today is finally hubby's last paper. Hopefully Monday can go catch a movie then my maid can start on Wed and baby can pop anytime after that. My mum even bought 1kg+ of ginger for my confinement already. Haha.. Darn, still haven't go buy Yomeishu..

felval, u don't look like u gain alot of weight leh. From your friendster photo, I gained 15kg but still look much bigger than u. Haha.. Maybe you are very skinny to begin with. Hee..

Also if you don't want to give birth early, then always sit down and don't move around and no stairs for sure. Haha.. Also don't BD cos I think it will help soften the cervix. Hehe..

moony, please do update us on your gynae visit.

I'm now waiting patiently for my gynae visit on Wednesday.. felval, yours also this Wed? Think yours shld be weekly after this wed liao.
ant1712, you are the only 1st May left and so many ppl jumped queue liao, somemore your boy quite big liao think he really likes to stay in your uterus.. Haha.. Warm and cosy... Let's hope he will be out soon.. Did your gynae say he will be out soon?
Tracy,Icebaby, Tmn jrg,bean,


My little kristin is back from hospital last wednesday, actually i am not only busy wz my little one n oso with the elder one...he is v stickly to me ever since the arrival of meimei, need 2 explain to him.

Her jaudice level had dropped, but i still need 2 bring her to polyclinic for follow up.


KKH got wireless , i am using tat during my last stay.

The weather so hot, i see u girls talking abt ice kachang, ice cream made me crazy..hopes my confinement will b over soon.
feval...if not next week give birth..then jialat liao...my baby be a full term 40 weeks baby.. omg...so i keep telling myself hopefully is next week lor...

yalor..we are indeed tempting one another with the food we crave for...hehhee...

the weather so hot today...i sweating while sitting in front of the pc... hai... now fan on till full blast... wonder confinement how...

yahor...ant...ur turn soon lar... pray hard for u...

lets start to do more squats... i going to climb more stairs..heheee....

wonder how is mooony...dun tell me she go give birth liao! hahaa
cheri- yalor! my boy reali v comfy inside me! tink i feed him too much gd food n he noes tat once he's out, he can only drink milk so decides to stay in longer? haha... come monday i wil be 40 wks liao! wil be induced on tues mornin if stil no signs so hv been talkin to bb to be guai n cm out on his own!

choc- i everyday also climb stairs cos i stay at the 3rd floor. maybe nt enough.. i tried doin squats too, wah tirin leh! my knees hurt!
ant...so 3 floors maybe nt enough...hehehee

i try to climb 5 floor first....cant start with so many...wait peng san...

squats very tiring... but if got result hor..worth it..

my hubby saying...since 2 wks ago he been feeding me with "good" food...wat i wan he will go makan with me...seems like baby enjoy too much..bu se de come out liao..

choc- same case lor. my hb wil bring me to wherever i wan to go for makan cos he noes confinemt i wil be confined n can ony eat certain foods.
later i go try do squats again! haha..
it's really sianz.... i craving for all the banned food... my hubby ask me to write down a list what i want to eat... then slowly bring me go eat one by one..hehehehe... haiz.. but still long way to go..

i have another 10kg more to lose now...*muzicgal jiayou!*
Hi all,

Today is really such a sunny day.. so hot.. sitting right in front of the fan now lo.. keke.. later will be gg to OG n metro to do last min shopping.. dunno whether to buy breast pump anot now or later leh.. anyway thinking of wat to eat later.. muz eat watever i can now lo.. if not like wat u all say.. confinement alot of food cannot eat leh..

The weather so hot oso dunno at to wear later.. wear sleeveless den my arms look so flabby.. =(

how much weight u lost so far?? my fren gave birth for 1 mth now already lose 15kg.. so envy..
dun worry.. u surely can lose all ur weight soon.. =)
my avent manual breast pump i use twice oni leh... i find it waste of time... pump 45 minutes, feed 15 minutes, time wasted 1 hour. If i feed directly only 15-30 minutes... i have more time for myself.

I loose 14kg in 12 days. still got 10kg more to go...my baby full month should be on 11 May, so i have about 15 days more to loose... I want to be a beautiful mom! hehehe... aiming to wear back my favourite dress. =D
went for my gynae check up this morning. i gain 1.2kg but bb weight remain unchange....omg!

wk 38
bb weight 3.1kg
mum weight gain 10.9kg

btw, my gynae told me tat he will be away the whole of nx wk....so my bb hv to hold and wait first....else bb will be deliver by another gynae who will stand in for my gynae liao.
still trying to relieve the engorgement by latching when he demands but it's driving me crazy! he likes to latch only 10mins then doze off and i gotta express the rest. then an hour later, he dd for 10mins again! how to rest like that...

cos confinement lady coming only next week, i arrange for the malay massage to start only after CL comes. or else i can't handle.

at least you are halfway thru confinement liao. i jus started and confinement lady only coming next wed or thurs..

i also prefer to total latch but my boy can't empty my breasts so i still ve to express. by the time i'm done with latching, expressing, burping and changing his diaper...i only got 15mins sleep and he's up again!

Tat's great.. can lost so much.. how i wish i can too.. =) jia you.. i;m sure at this rate u're gg u might even be slimmer den b4 lo..

But heard from my fren tat if u BF directly u wun be able to noe how much baby drank leh.. so i'm oso confuse.. or isit those electrical pump better?


ur total wt gain only 10.9 now.. so good.. me 36weeks already 16kg.. haiz..
i received liao.. aiming at those facing the road
today.. where u? dun tell me u cutting Q also hor

been drinking lots of iced water.. today i got lots of tummy pain also.. too bad it's irregular but it's sure painful

u experience sore nipples? both my pregnancies i experience sore nipples til i got scared.. in the end, i gave up.. and pump all the way instead

congrats!! remember to upload ur bb pic
wow, so fast so many mummies pop already! Congrats!!

now only left ant whose edd is before mine. Yesterday visited gynae, still not dilated yet. Next visit if still no sign then got to discuss induce already. Yesterday night feel cramp on and off, not sure if it's contraction also. Hope baby can come out soon coz already feel v uncomfortable.

Need to walk more and do some squats.

ant, i hope both of babies can come out on their own, no need to induce!
aiyo.. have to agree the weather is damn hot recently. My aircon was on from lunch till just now around 3pm.. Now fan blowing at me.. I even went to bath cold water cos it was really darn hot. Confinement like that sure die...

muzicgal, you lost so much weight. I hope I can shed most of my weight within the first month too. *keep my fingers crossed* hehe..

Vel, don't buy manual breast pump. It's very tiring to pump manually I feel. Anyway, I got 1 given to me by hubby's SIL cos she didn't use. And I hope I don't need to use it. I am opting to buy an electrical one probably after I give birth cos getting my colleagues to give me vouchers then I can use them to buy it cos electrical one is expensive.

Induction is very pain, is it? If so, then I hope baby will come out next week man.. My colleague also told me baby come out early better than late.. Cos late have to induce..

I'm going to Raffles City Shopping Centre for dinner later. Anyone tried this restaurant before?
i got what you mean.. when i first got home.. i also got very little rest.... now at least more stable... can online chat chat hehehe...

Hmm... baby drink enough will automatic stop one... if u wan to know how much, either feed EBM or FM once or twice.. then u will roughly know how much the baby drink.. but to me.. i think drink how much not important... i just wanna know one feed last him how long... hehehe... then i can have more time for myself!

I have sore nipple oni the first few days when let baby latch on, cos still no milk... then tat stupid nurse press very hard until she see some liquid come out then she stop. then baby suck hard hard until sore... thereafter i massage with warm towel a few times everyday, then apply the breast milk on the sore nipples, no more sore liao... i find that express out more painful... the nipples become longish, my baby suck is bian bian one.. hahhaa..then very ma fan... express 45 minutes to 1 hour, feed 15 minutes, wash and sterilise again... then time to express again.. where got time to eat and rest? Got so much things to do...
I avoid eating rice and noodle and bread. Then pamper myself with a little bit of chocolate. Chocolate is good! =)

This is my diet for the 12 days, still dare not eat chicken products.

Hot chocolate/Horlick with quaker oat

Fry vegetable with lots of ginger
Pig trotter in vinegar
Steam/Fried fish with lots of ginger

Fry vegetable with lots of ginger
Pig trotter in vinegar
Slice pork & kidney soup

Hot chocolate/Horlick with quaker oat

Yesterday special meal, my mom scare i sick of the routine food liao, she made Yong Tau Foo for me. hehehe... Slurp!

Next week should be can eat chicken liao.. so harder to loose weight liao... i'm a chicken lover!

Think last nite is "Tian yi" no sushi. 2 places we went, sakae closed for reno. Haha. In the end settled at Pasta Mania at Cine. I very forgetful and kuku one. After I ordered pasta, I remembered I wanna eat Pizza. Too late to change order liao. Haha...

And very suay loh. Saw my ex-bf yesterday. Think after pregnancy, my 6th sense super zhun. I stepped out of the car suddenly had a feeling I might see my ex bf. Then suay suay really saw him. My hubby still tease me said, he see my ex-bf he don't feel anything, why I mind so much. Then he added, he wonder how I'd react if I see his ex gfs. -_-" I told him I'll quickly throw the baby into his arms and make him carry. A warning to get the gal to back off cos he's married liao.

Then come home I told him, Aiyah, should go up to my ex bf and make me pay me back the money he owned me last time hor... Got ard 5k. Just nice for me to get extra cash for the following mths I not working. My hubby said I siao liao. He said I should be happy that ex bf nv gimme trouble gd enough, still wanna him to pay me back money, I can go on dreaming...


I wonder if during confinement we can eat durian or not hor? Since durian consider heaty food. Haha....

This morning I told hubby. Mayb when I BF, I eat more spicy stuff, then my milk will be spicy one. Can train baby to adapt to spicy food at an early age. Keke... I very bad mummy...

Choc, Can on lah, next wk confirm out ok? Now my 6th sense quite zhun one. I say out means out. Haha... But if nv come out, dun beat me hor....

Nv tried that restaurant before leh. But I see the pics they show, makes me hungry liao.

Later hubby giving a treat to his friend cos his friend's bday on the 24th. Hehe, can eat good food again. But dunno where they going. I wanna eat ANg Moh Style food, I don't want chinese food....
Wow muzicgal, you avoid eating rice.. Gosh.. I don't think my mum will allow that man. She said must eat in moderation in order to have energy the other time when my sis doing her confinement. I don't like to eat chicken so maybe won't affect me so much but I like black chicken soup. Hehe.. And I like to eat ginger but heard ginger will cause jaundice in baby. Sigh..

Kelcqi, I'm not sure confinement can eat durian or not. But I think cannot la cos last time my mum said it's "poison".. haha.. I don't know what it means. But maybe eat a little should be ok lo.

Hopefully that restaurant I'm going later is good. I want to eat pasta! Hehe.. I never like to eat pasta before I was pregnant but my hubby likes so I think my baby same as my hubby, always make me eat pasta and yesterday I just had pasta mania for lunch too. Haha..
we can eat durian during confinement, and the good season is coming!! end May or June! hahahhaa.... but... will put on weight lor...

Chilli i think cannot too much wor.. consider liang right?
I ask the PD, he say ginger will prolong the juandice, so moderation is ok, but moderation might not enough for us to "bu" lor...
Hmm.. no rice still ok for me.. i'm quite use to it.. b4 pregnant and during pregnancy, i eat only one tablespoon of brown rice only.

My gynae tell me if i want to loose weight fast, must avoid eating rice and noodle and bread one lor... eat more main dish to get energy is better.
hey gals~~ im back~~ eh.. haven labour yet~~ ;(

today when to c my gynae.. surprising.. including my gynae she oso gt a shock dat my boy
had increase his wt from last week 2.9kg to 3.3kg..
i saw frm the screen when my gynae was scanning my boy dat my EDD changed to 4th May leh..
hopefully i can pop by next week.. lolx..
so my gynae hooked mi on CTG.. only once big contraction n 1 very mild contraction..
but sad to say i haf nt dilate.. ;(
next sat goin back to c my gynae again.. she wans mi to go for detail scan on my boy's wt
den she will check if by den im dilated anot.. if so den i will b goin to labour le~~ lolx..
keep my fingers cross~~ felval, kelcqi.. pray hard for mi~~ lolx..

kelcqi, ya i super envy beans~~ nvm.. i tink my boy wanna come out liao.. hehe..

choc.. i already walked alot liao.. walked til my legs like bloated sausages~~

pooh~~ nv cut queue lah.. very much as i wanted but nope.. hehe.. my gynae told mi my full term
is 37 weeks.. which is 2 days later.. so she said even nw induce most prob will b csect
so she ask mi to wait til next week.. lolx..
Re: Induce
My friend from march forum was induced one... she say superb pain...long labour somemore... but she very steady... immediately after give birth, she can walk around liao... then still look very radiant... dun look like those just give birth...
My updates
Mommy's weight gain at 36wks: 10.5kg (lost some weight..)
BB's weight @ 36wks: 3kg

Gynea says bb engaged le, also dialte 1cm liao. Hope no need to induce. =p
i hope this time no sore nipples for me.. pumping, sterlizering and feeding is all i do everyday during my 2nd pregnancy. real tired!! my lactation consultant came and see me everyday in the ward, got no prob latching bb.. but dun noe why end up with sore nipples.. somemore got bleeding wor..
u good la.. finishing ur confinement soon.. i haben even got the chance to jumpstart mine.. haha

nv been to menotti.. but my friend who went say.. the food is good

u dun jump Q infront of me.. suddenly 19th become 4th!!! i hope i give birth soon... the pain is getting unbearable for me

think u quite fast also.. engaged and 1cm open.. faster do more squating :p
but my bb belly size show her edd to b in 39wk instead! =( cos she gettin too big due to my GD issue. even if not dilate or engaged, may hv to induce in my 38wks also, worse scenario is to c-sec.. now wait til nxt apt (nxt sat), then c how much she grown... then decide if to induce or not. but since bb alrdy engagd n i dilate liao. even if induce, hv a higher chance for natural birth. =)
btw, i only started to do squattin during thurs n fri. will continue to do so that nxt apt, gynea can say dilate even more le... =p hopefully bb come out only after nxt sat.. cos i hvin my maternity photosht nxt sat afternoo!!! so pray bb come out fast but also after nxt sat... .hee...

I heard of the "poison" in durian also. That is what some chinese medical hall ppl said one, thats why some of them said pregnant should avoid durian. But some medical hall ppl said durian very "bu", good for baby. I also dunno who to believe...

I feel like ignoring all e beliefs and just eat durian now. But hubby stopping me. I told him he better bring me to eat after my confinement. 2 more mths before I can lay on hands on them...

I also realized I got alot of weird cravings after I got pregnant. Like I used to dislike Soya beans, red beans, longan drink, soft drinks, but suddenly I seem to like them so much now...


CHilli is "Liang" meh?? So far I only know Tom Yam is "Liang" but i dun care, I seem to love Tomyam more nowadays...

Cheri, I read in some research and they also said ginger will cause jaudice. I think dunno where I came across it, they even more "kua zhang". They told us to avoid those "Yomeishu" and DOM. Cos of the herbal contents. But everyone also drink during confinement. So I'll follow suit also...


Nvm lah. Take my 6th sense. Mayb Monday U'll have contractions liao... Keke... I have a feeling someone from our thread will pop next week. But I dunno I say it out liao will be "zhun" or not? They said 6th sense cannot say out one...
*yawns* hmm..shiok..i just wake up frm aftnn nap. hahhaa. weekends are just so shiok =)


can eat beancurd meh?! my hubby read somewhere tt beancurd has some substance to make it solid so he dun allows me to eat lo...and i kuku, he nt ard i also nv secretly go n eat. hahaha i v kuai ho? =P


ok la..pre-preg was 45kg to 46kg like tt lo. to my friends they feel i nv gain much la but to my hubby he always shake his head when he see the cellulite and commented he has nv seen me so so fat b4 -_-'''

seldom move liao lo. nowadays either my butt in stuck on the chair or my back in stuck in bed. hehhehee. i also havent stepped into town since duno when liao lo...everyday frm hm go work, work go hm...see i so kuai. hahhaa. and havent BD for donkey months coz hubby scare will injure baby -_-'''

yaya. my visit is next wed, 7pm. hehehe. u le? i hope gynae will see me weekly aft next visit lo!!! actually i thot 36th week onwards, he will see me weekly but no le...tell me he see me in 2weeks time i was like so disappointed lo...nt tt i wan see him altho he nt bad looking la *hahhaa, even my hubby commented so* but i wanna see how is my baby doing during the scan..hehehe. my baby just so cute lo..always make me laff when doing scanning.


oh. okok! great! then can bring laptop and login and chat with u gals and surf net, if nt hosp stay sure v boring. but the wireless must pay nt ah?

choc, ant1712,

i also have a list of food i wanna eat but no driver now le~ sobsob~ u gals so gd life~~


wah! 14kg in 12 days!!! that is an avg of 1.16kg/day! u li hai la! jia you!!! i am sure that 10kg will disappear frm ur body soon =)

try tempting ur hubby to share the can with u. hehehe. =P


oops...then u engorged u let baby latched on will the sucking make it more painful ah?

how abt latching on for 1 feed then the next feed u use expressed BM then ask ur hubby to help u feed and change diaper, like tt u can rest longer?


why cant eat chicken yet? coz liang or ?? argh, pardon me ho...i see ur menu i wan cry le...=( almost eating the same thing day in day out, how u tahan??? given me, sure ask my hubby to go pack other food secretly for me...hehehe. i have an idea...i shall go store my fridge with things i like to eat then when my mummy arent looking i will secretly have them. whahhaa. must ask my hubby to conspire with me liao *evil grin*


hehehe. then ur ex saw u nt? got buy 4d or toto nt? scally aft seeing him u strike then can get back the 5k le.

aiya, over le, dun think abt getting tt 5k back frm him la. if he have the heart to return u ho, dun say u get frm him he aso will auto return u lo.

hahaha! if u eat spicy n ur BM come out spicy i think ur baby will cry alot coz ur baby will wonder, "argh, mummy ur milk so spicy how i drink.." hehhee.

so next week will hear gd news from kelcqi and choc liao ho? eheheh and mayb even moony. hehhee.


wah!! ur edd changed ah? bring fwd by 15days lo!! hehhee. so ur gynae cfm edd 4th may? ur baby gain 400grams in 1 week wo. hehhe. wat gd food have u been feeding him? =)

then ur gynae nv say whether ur baby engaged le nt ah?

ok. *praying in progess...pls kindly make moony's wish come true faster...then she can drool saliva all over her little boy..". hehehe


wah!!! engaged and 1cm dilated! heehee. ur wish of popping soon is coming true!! hehehe.

anyway, enjoy ur matenrity shoot next week ok? hehhee.

durian eat in moderation la...mayb u bug ur hubby to bring u for the durian fiesta? hehee. i told hubby i wan go high tea buffet and durian fiesta when he is back...4 more days and i can have watever i wan to eat! hehhee.

hahaa. nvm la. just say who gg to pop...scally u very zun then everyone will start to bug u and dearie for predictions liao. hehehe.

Just to update my story first...before I read all the outstanding posts!

This is a recap.

23rd April:
8.50pm - We went to TMC at 8.50pm for the 9pm appointment. Scare out of my own wits, R wasn't really being helpful as I was trying to keep calm. We approached the counter to register. Counter nurse made a mistake of collecting only $600 deposit but it's okay.

9.15pm - Went to the labour ward to change. R was placed at the waiting area. By the time finish changing, it was 9.30pm. Was told to lie down and wait for Gynae as they had already called for him. Apparently for him, he gave instructions to the nurse not to give anything to me until he came.

9.50pm - He came. Inserted the tablet for inducing and broke water bag. Then I was transferred to the delivery ward. With my water bag broken and water dripping, I walked to Room 3 (the same room which I went to for hospital tour). Was told to lie on the bed and the insert the tubes for inducing.

10.30pm - started feeling contractions at 20 mins apart. Nurses kept coming in asking if want epidural.

11.50pm - I asked for epidural as the pain hit a high of 100+, I couldn't take it. Nurse checked cervic it was 3cm only!

24th April:
12.20am - Pain was intense as the nurse upped the dosage of the inducing drip! The contractions came every 2mins. It was hurting quite badly. We were lucky that the Epi doc came! By then I was 5cm dialated already. (Damn...he was expensive at $300!). Anyway, R was told to go out while I had my Epi. >_<>

1am - The pain was pretty intense. I could feel the push. After less than 10 pushes, I started having the need to push and there was "water" coming out. After then 5th - 6th push, I told R to get the nurse as the push was more intense.
The nurse came in, place finger in to check cervic...BAD MISTAKE...the push became so bad that the nurses had to grab me and put me upside down (slanted lah) so to prevent the baby from coming before baby come! I was given the mask...I was in LAH LAH land. I couldn't open my eyes, but I can feel the PAIN and push. I could hear "voices" (It's like those dream...hahaha) telling me to hold on and then later gynae rushed in and then it was PUSH.

1.37am - The SCS stress ball wasn't helpful. I squeeze that and R's hand. R's right hands has cuts from my nails. R said that I pushed awhile and she was out already.

Then nurse called R to follow her...but I still felt the need to push. I could feel the needle too! The other nurse ask me to hold the mask and I did again. Again lah lah land until I force myself to take the mask off after the final push (I guess it's the placenta) and the stitching was done.

**I found out much later that Ilyse actually came to fast for them to upp the epi. So that was the pain.

That's abit it for now.
