(2008/05) May 2008

was glad Luke and I went to the lunch at jerry :) Luke was enjoying himself, presented his best self (that is, sat on the hi chair thru out the lunch without wanting to stand up !)exceptionally 'good' boy..guess must be lotsof pretty aunties around, trying to impress all of you! haha!! when he saw rachel's pic, wah !! he smiled like 'di go bei'.wahaha!!

at last, got to meet Alice , Diana and felval..and thanks Choc for keeping her 'promise' to entertain Luke with video ;-)

alice, i went on Thursday wanted to eat the muai chee, guess what ?? it's closed on thurs !! wah liao !! so disappointed...just my luck..its open from 12pm to 930pm..will try again next week or so...

luke mummy !!

Luke is so handsome and charming . And he is so well-behaved that day . Hmmm unlike my boy ....
hahaha. u so funi. just remembered. enjoy ur lunch =)

lukemommy (gina),
haaha. yes, Luke is really v well-behaved lo. handsome and i like his eyes!!! those long lashes!

hahaha. diff babies diff la. Jorel is just more active than other babies =)
Bb08- http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2625418.html?1246256836

Val- yup let him join the 18mos grp =) she was sayin let him join like 1 hr a day to expose him n let him mix ard the class. Which is gd lah instead of stayn up there frm 9 to 6 everyday!
Haha, talkin abt the gst credit, I alrdy spent on a new pair of specs b4 it came in =P nw bo lui again. Hahha.. I told my hb abt the crocs shoes for aldan, he said nw I only buy for our son, he dun hv! Ahhaha
Wat does KGC stands for?? kentucky good chken? lol

Re: confine,emt
my mum was v strict durin my confinemt, everythg also cannot. I usu bathed aft she goes bk at nite.. haha… cant even drink plain water n wash hands under the tap. But aft she went bk, I did all the forbidden things. Hahahha
ting... LOL...same lar...die lar..i tink we sure suffer..if realli will feng shi....

die..i am going crazy over california baby products..coz got on going BP, do u all use conditioner for ur babes? lol... i wan to try all bubbles bath..help!!
Choc- hahaha.. but like wat val says, by thn duno isit cos of old age, spare parts loose so gt feng shi or cos we din do proper confinemt. I rem I was sweatin like crazy everyday! Sm more no aircon!! N fan cannot blow directly at me n stil hv to cover myself w blanket n wear slippers when walkin in the hse =_=
Control!!! hahha… saw ur blog raphael enjoyed the bubbles bath! Reali gd huh? hehhe
bb08 and von, ya loh, i also got so angry that i slap her arm then after that i realise she also dun understand... she pain cry even louder... after that i so heart pain.... then in my crazy mood, i just sit there and cry together loh... hai... jia lat leh... think really cannot use corporal punishment when angry.... cos will lose control out of fustration...
ting...i must say the bubbles bath is good lor!! love it leh..i like the bubbles created and the smell.. also raphael enjoy so much... price no longer an issue...LOL...

u can consider leh..share with u one more pict...

the bubbles blow is using the gymboree bubble...HAHAAA..POISON TIME
Hi ladies,
me back from bintan... nice trip with my boy. haha... but very tiring...

Me also interested in signing up the LNT at safra jurong. hahaa... going to check out this weekend.

I had a very bad confinement.. ahha.. wash hair and bath everyday with hot water. Din eat ginger and sesame oil food. dress lightly, oops.. i broke all the rules, really hope i din get feng shi when i am old.
I want to buy the bubblebath too! CCU too boring for rachel liao, so must excite her abit hehe.
Can check with u... is it like a shower gel as well? Then can play bubble too? Chiam la, my Evian water limited lei... not enough to rinse her body later =D

Re: Confinement
Val, Choc, Ting...
Same same here lah, me also bath and touch water. Like no confinement too. B4 my MIL ask me to wear long pants... i already wear short walking ard liao haha. I also dun like the red dates tea as well, will still drink like one or two cups lar... so i quietly empty the balance everynight... if not, very paisei cos' MIL everyday boiled one pot for me. I drank tons of plain water maybe thats why there's a ball infront of me now =<
Jialat, if realli feng shi, think i will join in the club too (",)

wahaha... no lar, luke so charming, dun look like "di go bei" but more like "Cassernova" keke! Oh, i dun know they closed on thurs, alamak... nvm can always try again, but make sure this time buy a big big plate haha!
my job ok lo. busy but not stressful, time passed very fast when working.

do star learner provide school bus service?

ya lo, very hard to hire new maid. now my in laws want to keep the maid for 6 months, let her finished paying her loan then let her go.

ya when u see whit white teeth inside her gum means teething and sometime it take very long for it to grow out of the gum. for keon the teeth beside his front four teeth takes very long to grow out of the gum, till now still edges only which is like 2 months plus already.

re: confinement
haha.. i ate ice cream during confinement and its my mum who bought and gave it to me! but i do feels the different when doing a more proper confinement. For my first confinement, i still do forbidden stuffs but not so much la and my menses which comes after reduce and last shorter whereas now my menses flow is a lot and last for 1 week!

dolly, lukemommy
handsome luke!

re: pay day
any other spree or bulk purchase with interesting or cheap things? hehe..
Hmm... meaning? Lots of menses or Less menses is good?

Great! My boi is on Sunday 5pm class. Actually I prefer an earlier slot cos this is my boi's sleeping time. But they dun have... :-(

me another one who touch water and bath. initially still can tahan to bath once every 2 days...then later bath once daily and wash hair alternate day....juz tat after i wash my hair i blow dry fast fast lor....got once my sis help to to kor chwee lor...coz she noe i was bathing then happen my parent come over so she lied and say i am pumping in the room...muahahaha...as for my MIL she did nt say much lor...

i also got drink plain water..in fact lot of plain water lor....no wonder my 'italy' aka yi da li still hanging there....


dun frenz u liao lah....u nv edit me in the background away before u post handsome luke pic....
pai seh, cos last nite just uploaded the photo, and quite sleepy to do any editing !

i have been spreeing non-stop, cos i scared tt once i start my new job on monday, i got no time to spree liao ... so far, i have joined around 6 sprees, waiting for my items to reach ! hahaha 3 for rayden, 3 for myself.
hahaha....it ok de lah dolly.


i have booked appt and will be bringing daryl for his chickpox jab this friday evening le....will remember to take his weight and height then tell u ya...
Choc- wah the bubbles bath nt cheap leh =X more ex thn my shampoo n condi! Hahah

Alice- haha! I threw away the ginger water meant for me to wash my hands cos cant wash under the tap.
so sianz rite the ball in frnt of us =( I rem u went to slimmin ctr b4? Did ur tummy slim dwn aft tat?

Lukemummy- ur boy is so charming!!!! Luv his eyes =)

Dolly- wah 6 sprees!!! U best! Hahaha.. I eagerly waitin for aldan’s crocs shoes to arrive! hehe
true for that 1hr per day he gets to explore n get use to a new environment also gd lo. no extra charges for u rite?
lol. ur hubby complaining u nv buy things for him. lately my hubby also hint to me say he running out of clothes to wear if i dun wash the clothes. i told him all along i only wash the clothes once per week. last time nv hear him complain running out of clothes le. hehehe. anyway, since he paid for my cc bill last mth, i will buy him some clothes this mth. whahaha.
KGC = Kentucky GRILLED chicken. they wanna project a better n healthier imagine le.
re: confinement
tell me abt it! it was sooo long! drink 1 bowl of soup (nt so hot type) also perspire like mad! heng got aircon, fan n can bath..if nt imagine i did all these and i already v fedup n irritated. if cant have aircon, fan n bathe i lagi more irritated!

ur mil got confine u to the room only nt? my friend's mil confine her to the room. once she stepped into the living room n watch tv kena shoo-ed back into the room by her mil..so poor thing...

ahahaha. shrinking into earthworm liao ah. nvm. if got any interesting sprees will sms u to poison u so aft work u can still look see =P hahaha.

ya lor tat time we do confinement is so hot...that i wear short and sleveless top lor...i also on aircon to zz at nite and at time will on aircon and hide in the room during the day....then wen in living room and with my MIL, i let her on the ceiling fan lor..coz it is hot + daryl also in the living room mah...then to me i oredi got abit of feng shi as last time i like to bath juz before i zzz mah...so dun care lor...
oh yes, 6 sprees in total ... have been ordering clothings, but damn cheap lor as compared to those tt i bought from retail malls, tt why cannot control.

yeah, remember to inform this earthworm for any cheap spree hor. U, Jo and Choc are my informers ... hahaha
Val- no extra charges. I find it’s a gd idea too.. jus nw he came dwn to mingle w the older children n he was happily walkin ard ma chiam showing off. Hahaha…
Yalor, complain liao lor. Hahha… shall buy my hb sth for his upcoming bday but stil crackin my head on wat to buy!
I rem I was like countin dwn to the end of confinemt! my mum actuali wanted me to do 40 days but heng she decided 1 mth was enough. She also dun allow me to step out of my room except mealtime thn str to my room aft tat n lie in bed =_= hw nt to be fat lidat! but all in all, reali apprec her help cos she did everythg frm cookin to takin care of aldan’s every needs. I was like abit lost aft confinemt over n had to take care of aldan all by myself!

Dolly- hahhaha… the urge so difficult to control rite esp when it’s super cheap! hahahha
thanks for the link above.
i really tear my heart do read tat...
but now make me really WONDER hard whether what nanny does to my baby...
oh oh.. time for a surprise visit soon...
and also make me firmer on sending him to childcare when reach 18mths.

Ladies ,

Good Day ! Was on half day MC cos of flubug !!
The medicine make me so drowsy today called office to take one day leave ....I just hope Jorel dun get the bug from me ...so far so good **touch wood**

Jer ,
Yes star learner do have school bus service !!
I think $100 per month .
I`m going t0 see Perform@Junior heard from my gal frenz feel they are better then star learner.
Read from the forum that most like because they emphasison speech and drama . As most chose star learner cos of the spacious environment .

Will keep you posted!!

Val ,
Your clothing will be at spree 6 too :p


Talking about spree I still have 4 spree not here yet :p hahahah ..spend spend !!
I was also advised by my colleague before that we should not always put up a stern and fierce look, punishment ie cane should not be used all the time too. THis is because as time goes by, they will gradually become not scared of us liao...

So we should also talk sense to them before laying our hands (or even shouting) @ them...though i find it difficult myself too... ;p

Actually think of the positive side. You are alone there so it is easier for you to teach and disclipline your child. Unlike us, mil and fil will always intervence and makes it very difficult for us to teach.

For example, i told my maid that during lunch and dinner, must make sure my boi sits on the high chair. I do not want any1 to carry him around for meal. Instead, my mil always says "he dun want to sit la" as an excuse and carry him while feeding. Haiz...
ur mil dun mind u on aircon ah? nt bad la. sg weather so hot...hw can nt bathe...mayb in the olden days weather nt as bad as nw la but in today's context, v hard to really follow all the "rules &amp; regulations".

yes. we will be ur informers and tempt u frm time to time with our poisons. hehehe.

hahaha. coz he in a new environment n with all the big kor kor n jie jie. hehehe. so wat will he get to do in that 1 hr? so hw u intend to celebrate his bday?
think my parents have an easy time doing my confinement too le. cook, my dad do. wash clothes, my mum wash. bathe damien, my hubby too. i only feed damien, slp with him, eat, watch tv =p but ho, i cant manage to do mch hsework even tho wat damien does whole day is slp, drink poo, slp, drink, poo le. think too busy catching up on slp n pumping liao.

thanks alot =)

v true. more ppl will also means more and diff rules n regulations lo. esp old ppl they feel that they have been thro it, so call tested n proven so they method wldnt go wrong type of thinking...

normally it is our mum who are more concern abt our well being are more tough to 'out talk' them over all the confinement rules de lah...MIL, usually they are more 'lax' on the rules de
Von- ur boy can sit on the high chair durin mealtimes? Mine a while only, wan to stand up n climb out!! nw wil on the wheels on bus dvd for him n he wil guai guai sit while I feed him. but at my mum’s plc, there’s no high chair n he wil move abt as I feed him. v bad habit.. haiz!! Smtimes feed until I so pek chek!!

Val- nt sure yet.. stil waitin for the arrangement on when he joinin the bigger grp. Jus nw was come dwn for awhile niah. Hahah… din reali join the activities.
Hvnt tot of hw to celeb yet. Haha… anyway stil gt 4 more mths =P
U stil wana do hsewrk durin confinemt! Haha.. I was qte happy nt hvg to do things n jus laze ard… wahahha….

Diana- v true! Hahah.. my mil helped me durin the last 2 weeks n she was ok tat I bathed n drink water. 3 days b4 my confinemt ended, I even went out for a haircut (wan to be meimei durin full mth, hahahah) n had kfc for lunch. hahahha
At my own house yes he will be guai guai but at my mil's house, no way! Kids are smart and he knows that his grandma/pa will definitely carry him so he will wail abit (just abit abit only) and my pil will quickly carry him liao...

But if i'm around, (maybe my boi knows I insisted he seats) so he will also guai guai sit down and eat...

I purposely brought 2 chairs, 1 for my mil's place and another I put at home...
At my own house yes he will be guai guai but at my mil's house, no way! Kids are smart and he knows that his grandma/pa will definitely carry him so he will wail abit (just abit abit only) and my pil will quickly carry him liao...

But if i'm around, (maybe my boi knows I insisted he sits down) so he will also guai guai sit down and eat...

I purposely brought 2 chairs, 1 for my mil's place and another I put at home...
oh dear..i did a calculation..i got 7 sprees+bp..waiting for items to reach..then got 3 spree i wan to join but havent join..omg

pediped shipping finally out..

Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38
Jo - $6.23
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18
Val - $6.18
Mummy_yan - $13.32

sorry have to trouble choc to distribute the shoes out.. thanks a million!!
Jer, thanks for the info on teething... ai yo then my gal super slow loh, the 2 bottom white teeth inside for almost 3 months liao... tot once white white very fast will sprout out liao... can faint man... poor girl, can walk already but still no teeth...

Von, in US, the culture is absolutely no corporal punishment at all... haha can get sued. but i still believe in corporal punishment but must use it wisely and not in a fit of anger like what i did... but easier said then done...think positive... haha no one else to intervene, machiam like i queen like that... :p

anyway, today my mood super good leh, my gal tu until 12am then sleep, i still ok leh, hai, so it is me, my stupid pms, why the pms like get worst after having baby?? anyone feels the same?

ting, u dunno how difficult it is to feed my gal, so many toys and non-toy stuff just to make her open omouth eat... the latest is the handphone ringing tones, but i make sure she sit in the highchair to eat... but eat until she refuse to open mouth already, i put her down, she walk around the chair and tables and surprisingly, she will willingly open her mouth to eat!

talking abt spree, as you all know i am in the US permanently, and there is 4th july, US INDEPENDENT DAY sales this weekend, sorry i a bit late to tell you all... i have actually set up a blogshop seliing anything that your hearts may desire in the US... pls visit http://usdesire.wordpress.com

Diana, thanks for sharing... i really cannot stand it leh..stupid nanny, why got such pple one, got cruel maid abuser, cruel maid who abuse children then now got nanny who do such inhumane thing to BABY somemore... shd be shot leh! angry @$&amp;#)%*)$%^ then worst the person who went back to take her baby dun want to report to police... feel like slapping her!
winnedy, shipping paid..


To Account POSB Savings
188-31629-8 winnedy
Amount S$6.38
Transaction Reference 2336704211
Ladies, time to pay lor...

pediped shipping finally out..

Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38 Transaction Reference 2336704211
Jo - $6.23
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38 Transaction reference : 2336733833
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18
Val - $6.18
Mummy_yan - $13.32
Re: pediped shipping charges

To Account POSB Savings 188-31629-8 winnedy
Amount S$6.18
Transaction Reference 2336791772

Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38 Transaction Reference 2336704211
Jo - $6.23
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38 Transaction reference : 2336733833
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18
Val - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336791772
Mummy_yan - $13.32
hahaha. then my parents damn suay to have a daughter like me coz i am too stuborn. they cant outtalk me so they give in or sld i say gave up on me? hahaha.

wahahah. now i know why u wan a yr end baby, coz u n ur hubby both yr end, rite? ehehe. no la. nt during confinement la. is aft confinement coz by then hubby went back to work can sabo him to do hsewk liao. ahhaha.

hahaha. yes. 4th july independent day so i am waiting for sales then i will chiong the spree. whahaha. already know wat to order for some brands le. hehehe. will check out ur blogshop later =)

me nt buying the float swimwear le...i already got the snapper rock swimwear liao le. so i will buy a floating vest instead..but my hubby says too early still...but i will see how lo coz now gss..if got gd offer i will buy n keep first.
Re: pediped shipping charges

trf on behalf of Lynn:

To Account POSB Savings 188-31629-8 winnedy
Amount S$6.18
Transaction Reference 2336831323

Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38 Transaction Reference 2336704211
Jo - $6.23
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38 Transaction reference : 2336733833
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336831323
Val - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336791772
Mummy_yan - $13.32
Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38 Transaction Reference 2336704211
Jo - $6.23
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38 Transaction reference : 2336733833
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336831323
Val - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336791772
Mummy_yan - $13.32 Transaction Reference 2336868901
Jer - $6.26
Choc - $6.38 Transaction Reference 2336704211
Jo - $6.23 Transaction Ref :2336960997
Cheri - $6.38
Dolly - $6.38 Transaction reference : 2336733833
Ting - $6.38
Lynn - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336831323
Val - $6.18 Transaction Reference 2336791772
Mummy_yan - $13.32 Transaction Reference 2336868901
Hi Ladies,
Long time never post, almost forgot my username and password.

Val, thanks for doing the trsf for me. many many thanks!!

Thanks for the spree.

Thanks for collecting the shoe on behalf, mucks!!

Miss lots of gathering and topics in the air, recently lots of things happened around me, works, dylan and hubby.

Because of the house reno, had quite a few agurements with my hubby, we were once did not talk for 2 days just over the small issue like i wanted to have a bigger top for my dressing area, he refused and said that will make the room smaller. sigh...

no prob =)

its like tt de. when doing reno i also had alot of arguments with my hubby. each got to give in abit la...mayb u ask for bigger dressing area then in other room u can give him a bigger space lo. hehehe.

hahaha. why heart heavy? the sales quite worth le..u nv see i order till i go crazy? whahaha.
