(2008/05) May 2008

hi felval,

keep going and keep pumping ... your flow will kick in soon ... i missed my morning pump as my hubby and mil went marketing, so now feeling abit engorement.... i also have to keep to the 3hr pumping as my supply seem to be stagnent and the demand is increasing, my boy now can drink up to 100ml, so i need to keep pumping in order to store for him .... haiz ..... just like a cow.

hi panpan,

i have already transferred the $$ to cheri last night, once the item has been sent, i will re-post to you.

hi cheri,

please check for the transfer

hi jo,

why you so sianz ... while waiting for your bb arrival, you can go out to walk walk mah, and spend time with your hubby, if not, next time, you will hardly have free time ... i feel it is not the pregnancy that is tough, it is the confinment that is tough to pass. Everyday eating the same food, cannot this and cannot that, alot of restrictions.
And also, you do not need to worry so much, G6PD will only be tested on the second day after the bb is born, and since there is no history in your family tree, should not be lah ....

Hihi LAdies,


Welcome to this thread and congrates on your new born.
DO share pics of your lovely baby if your don't mind.


Recently I've been having problems sleeping also. Backache lah, Breathless lah, Or simply cannot sleep. Sometimes even the sleeping medication from KKH also not helping. Then I'll drink some warm milk, sometimes the milk don't even help. Sigh, I'm at my wits end. So now my sleeping pattern totally terok. Imagine I juz woke up now???

Signs of popping doesn't mean will really pop. Haha. Thats what I tell myself. But this morning I had super bad cramps at lower tummy and i squat at the total for 30 mins. Now my legs, thighs, calf all so painful. Everytime when this happens, My anger for my MIL goes up~

Jo, G6PD rite, if you have family history of G6PD, there is a likelihood of you being a carrier.

Keke, I don't stay in Bishan but near Bishan. Hahaha... I stay at AMK. But I'll always frequent Bishan. PM me your contact no lah. Maybe we can meet up for lunch or dinner next time after we pop and done with confinement. Now everywhere I go got supervisor(Hubby). Next time can also jio Muzicgal, Felval also since they also not too far away...


The PD confirm liao ah? YOu don't be too sad ok? I've many friends who grow up with G6PD and they lead a normal life. I believe u can see it from your own bro also rite? Now first thing you n ur hubby need to do is just to clear up all Moth Balls in your house. Even your own cupboard cos you'll carry your baby and you clothes if come into contact wif MOth balls is not so gd for your baby.

Don't let other's words discourage you ok. You mum also bring up your bro rite? And I'm sure she'll give you her support this time round also. As times goes by, you'll realized it's not that hard actually. Cos there's a tendency whatever your child can't eat, you'll not eat also. Soon it'll become a habit. And when your child starts to understand things at ard 3-4 yrs old, you tell him that about his condition, so next time everything he eats, he'll ask you before hand for green light. Good habit also, then you can monitor his snack intake etc.

Hopefully your baby can quickly discharge lah. Else it'll be tough on you also. I'll keep you in prayers today.

I had Er Ren Shi Jie lah! Yesterday morning was with HUbby and his friend to get a Company Van, then wah, tell you hor, last evening almost strike 2nd price in 4D but nv lah. Haha... Cos I tell him next time really very hard to do things like that liao. Everything have to think of baby. Hubby took me to Bugis loh. I juz shop shop walk walk do nothing. Then we caught the show "Chocolate". Quite nice lah for a fighting show and baby happily kicking inside. My hubby said if baby come out can fight nvm, but cannot be autistic like the gal lah... -_-" DUnno why he so enjoy his baby knowing how to fight. She's a gal leh. Later become tomboy or butch then nobody wants her how?

I see how if I wanna BF at nite, the most pump out and ask CL to feed. I wanna rest as much as possible, hopefully my backache will go away forever. I confirm liao, 1st mth with CL ard, I'll ask her let baby go fully on BM. Then when I take over, then I play cheat and give baby FM at nite to stretch the sleeping hours.

You really very Li Hai. I cannot imagine without painkiller. This morning's cramp and half hr squating at the toilet bowl I almost die liao. Now my tummy still cramp cramp leh. I very scare my friend very zhun and scally I pop tml, then that would really mean today is my last day of freedom liao. Later collecting the confinement wine.

Waliao, Why your hubby like that one? Hopefully your PILs don't strike with the nos. Mine hor, don't need hubby to give, they'll auto look through everything to look for "Zhen Zi" loh. That time hubby and I went to collect Wedding Cert and I went to work. Evening I came over, my PILs already saying our Wedding Cert numbers very pretty. Then they dunno bet how much and strike loh. Think MIl strike 500, FIl dunno strike 1-2k plus. Imagine strike liao still take our wedding Amg Pows. KNS one loh.

I tell you hor, I believe she also open up my hospital bag to see the inside loh. She really dunno how to leave my things alone one. My friend brought me bird nest and I left it in the bag and kinda fold it, she also go open up and see when we not ard. Cos I notice the change in the position and also she open up and see and nv fold back. But I bo chup lah. Nothing to hide. She wanna ask hubby, let hubby tell her my friend buy for me one loh. Make her jealous. LOL...

I already transfer alot of my mails back home cos I scare my bank statements all these they go open up and see. I also put all my valuables back my mum's place left only those I got from their side during wedding, whereby she also looked through it tt time already loh. I told my hubby before, he said nothing to hide, nvm. And even spoke up and say his mum only helping us to tidy the room.

My own mum tidy my room for me also nv touch my stuff one loh. Those letters mailed back home all left untouched on the table. That's why last time if I go shopping after work, I'll unload my shopping bags at my mum's place before heading home. Else my MIL see me with shopping bags, will think hubby paid for them etc and demand stuff from him again.

I really pray hard hard she won't come and stay next time. Best don't even step into my house loh. She herself everytime go out lock her own bedroom machiam scare I go and take her stuff like tt. I cannot imagine how she's gonna look through my stuff next time if she is there. Think by that time if it comes true, bound to be a series of quarrels awaiting for me and hubby again becos of her. Sigh... I pray hard hard now...

Sorry, missed your posting. U also staying in Bishan ah? So qiao so qiao.


Long time nv see your postings le. How have you been?
Hi everyone, today PIL, hubby's bro n SIL at my place. So no time to post. Now resting in the room cos headache again. Last night my boy woke up at 4am for milk then after that don't want to sleep and kept crying till 8am. Think his tummy alot of wind and he's uncomfortable. So poor thing..! I wonder what I can do? Hubby bought Infacol wind drops, is it ok for him to take now since he's still not 1 mth old yet? Any idea?

Dolly, I've received your transfer. Still waiting for panpan to transfer.
yanling and missymouse ,

Me stay at street 23 !

Kelcqi ,

Pm you my contact liao . But i cannot stand ppl opening up my stuffs and letters . Everyone need pirvacy ... at least now i`m staying with my parents . But will be moving in few months time wif my PIL as new place not up yet .

Hahaha , tole hubby liao tht we only go back there for weekend . Cos weekday i got to work which bishan is nearer to Orchard . And PIL place sooo far away, dun expect me to travel soo far .And moreover my mum will be looking after my boy most of the time .
hi cheri,

same same ... my boy didnt want or cannot sleep since 12plus until now ... he wants to be carried, and once you put him down in the cot or bed, he started to cry... not sure what happen as well ... btw, for the "infacol wind drops, can you get it at the pharmacy or need to get it from the PD, cause i think my boy also has got wind in his tummy.
Hi yanling,
Im also using PIS.

I pump abt 7-8mins then i feel nothing coming out ald... then i rest for 15mins before trying again...

my lactation officer was saying try not to exceed 15mins each time... take a break then continue...
RE: Avent Manual Pump

is this really tat good???

but i ald bought the PIS....

actually i cant imagine bringing PIS to office to pump... pump where?? toilet? then will be so noisy and everyone can hear!!
im using mommy poko... i have tried dryers, huggies, purreen, pampers (expensive), pampers (cheap) range... from all those samples...

so far i think mommy poko best...

dryers worst!!
cheri, dolly,

my bb also, these few days wana to carry, and i think he got winf=d in his stomach also..

what is infacol wind drops? izzit fei zai shui?
Re: wind drops

what is infacol?

where can i get that?

I got Ridwind from a paedatrician...

my son will have loud explosive poo after eating the medication...
Re: diapers
yueling, i'm using mommy poko (nurse at PD recommends this after i called to ask abt bleeding from bely button as this has a U-shape to prevent touching the belly button area). Has also used pampers NB and Huggies Ultra, both also quite good, will continue using them once my girl's belly button heals completely.

From samples i've tried pureen and dryers. drypers really bad, the sticky tape can stick to baby's delicate skin if not careful, whereas the other brands the tape is the velcro type. Oh, papmers NB (expensive) has both the vecro and the sticky tape thingy, so can stick to baby's skin as well, but not as sticky as dryer's. but so expensive i wonder why they still use the sticky tape!

Re: pumping milk (heehee)
the avent manual pump comes in 3 diffeent configurations, one with 2 small bottles, one with via cups and another is the set with the cooler bag. the pump itself is the same, just see which configuration you wanna use. robinsons having 20% off avent (nett price at john little though) so can consider buying now if you want. it's not too expensive and very portable and quiet to use. time-wise, i tried expressing one side my medela mini electric plus and another side manual, takes abt the same amt of time.

winnedy, did the LC explain why not to exceed the 15mins each time? cos i pump for quite long leh cos still got milk but only a trickle. if no milk already then i take a break and massage and then continue.
winnedy, my gal has loud poo almost everytime leh. that means got wind? just now she's fussing and refuses to sleep, then pick her up to burp, after that ok liao..
hi all,
it's been a while since i login.
My edd is supposed to be on 19 May but i have popped on 26 Apr instead. During a check up, my water bag was on the low side and i had to be induced.

Bb name: Julian
Bb ht: 52cm
Bb Wt: 2.5kg
Popped Date: 26 Apr
Delivered thur: Assisted with epi
Can help to update:
Winnedy, lyn.
currently i also using mummy poko, frm hospital they gv pampers. i feel pampers good cos we can know when bb pee , got change color
below diapers

u said drypers worst huh?
Winnedy ,

Was thinking of using mama Poko too ...heard most of my frez is better .

Ladies ,

Seem like babies are commonly to have wind in stomach ... Hmmm in my mum times , they used this golden brown tin for wind drop . Dunno waht name is call which purchase from the chinese medical hall . That one still work ? Any ladies tried that for baby ?

At least i learn alot of things from you mummies who gave birth liao . But dunno how to rem every single thing ...
Yueling ,

Dunno heard from frez dryers are no good ....but of course looking at cost . Dryers are cheap .
That what my frezs commend .
i read from somewhere... if the poo is loud and explosive, means got wind... the wind come come together with the poo poo...
so which configuration for the avent pump would u recommend?

i am using pigeon milk bottles now... thus was thinking the VIA storage cups one..

are they of the same price??

i just bought Medela PIS Advance 2 weeks ago!!! $669...

dunno if wanna invest another one more...
hi mummies,

so far, i have only tried pampers and mummypoko, both are quite similar and not bad... as there have been alot of bad comments on drypers, although i have them as well, i never let my boy use ...

for those babies who are on breast milk, very siong and costly lor, cos my boy can poo up to 4 - 5 times a day, and it was mentioned that babies on breast milk poo alot ... considered today my boy is 2 weeks, and 4 days, he has used up 1 packet of mummy poko and 1 packet of pampers, and this morning, my hubby just bought another 2 more pack.

hi piggymummy,

i am also not sure on infacol wind drops, waiting for Cheri to advise ... what my mil did earlier was to apply 1 drop of "Ru Yu You" (the one that i think Jo mentioned) on her palm and rubbed, and then placed gently on my boy's tummy, immediately he let go his fart quite loud to relieve the wind inside his tummy.

hi Winnedy,

since you have bought your PIS, why are you considering to get the Avent Manual Pump ?
Winnedy, since u not using avent bottles maybe the via cups would be good? cos can use to staore baby food etc later when baby is older as well.

the bottles pack is the cheapest at like $91+, the via cups ones is abt $10 more, and the one with the cooler bag is more expensive, can't remeber how much.. but if u not using the bottles and no need for the cooler bag then the via cups one would be good.

was thinking of getting the PIS too, but no time to consider cos tat day my hand-me-down pump broke down and badly engorged, sent my hubby out to just buy the mini electric plus. a bit regret.. especially now that one side is not emptying well with the pump.. is the PIS good?
thanks for the encouragement =) ya, slowly the supply is coming in. today evening my baby will be 4days old le.hehe.
today managed to pump out 20ml of BM aft latching him on for 15mins on each side.every drop is like so precious lo...my supply cant meet his demand still but i will work hard =)

why are u squatting for 30mins!? i really peifu u can do it with a big tummy...if me sure die liao laa..
given ur case of having to squat, dun wan to deliver early also hard liao lo...dun understand ur MIL..she herself went thro this stage b4 and sld know how it feels ma...

ya...gynae, PD even nurses also cfm...they sticked the "G6PD DEFICIENT" sticker on his record le...
i know G6PD can lead a normal life la, just that need to avoid certain food n drugs...i know its nt some terminal illnesses or wat but i think it just caught me by surprise ba...
nv nv nv have i expected this, u know? but anyway, my hse no moth balls coz i dun like so no worries. hehehe. i have already asked my mum to go home and clear her cupboards if there are mothballs or any refresher coz she will help me with my boy.

ya. my parents are v supportive...even my bro who has it says its no issue...only when young then need to be careful of wat he eats then when baby grow up need to educate him on G6PD and the donts of it.

today is the 4th day...if by the 7th day he dun need to go under phototherapy then he can go home...else if any of these days he got to go under phototherapy he will need to stay in hosp for another 7days...thanks for ur prayers =)

hehehe.today so quiet also, must have gone on er ren shi jie again huh? or collect ur confinement rice wine?

hahaha. i think most daddies are like tt towards their daughters? so that they know how to protect themselves? ehehhee.

doest matter when u deliver la, be it later tml or when, most impt thing is ur baby is healthy lo...really v impt lo..no health = nthing.

i tell u la, those who gamble heavily sure will auto ask or look for num...my parents when i told them i delivered liao, they only ask how heavy is baby. healthy not? everything ok? my MIL, first thing she asked "wat is the exact time and weight?" then for sure i know wat she wanna do liao.
some habits nv die, do they? ur MIL also lo...leave no privacy to u guys at all...why dun u lock ur door? then when u nt ard she also cant come in. since she locked hers, u lock ur lo. anyway, next time u have ur own hse, u can also lock ur mbr. if she ask u can say "my mbr mah, why cant lock?" hehhee

anyway, told u all i broke out in rashes? its getting worst...now another doc came n see me...he says may prescript steroids to me coz suspect hormones change...need to check if i can take the steriods not coz i am Bfeeding...i hope i can take and pose no danger to baby coz i am really dying of itch and it just spread like mad...
almost my entire body got it liao lo...
yueling, you bot drypers NB? cos the cutting quite small, must try to use early if not will outgrow it soon.

btw, my gal's umbilical cord really did heal well when using mommy poko (although i still have to fold down like pampers), maybe it's softer on the skin? just in case any mummies her have a bot of prob with the umbilical cord healing properly.
any mummies thinking of making the 'tai mao bi' or the umbilical cord stamp? me thinking of doing. first-time mum is like tat, everything also wan to make..
I'm also using PIS but somehow i find the suction not as strong as my manual Avent. With the manual pump, i can see the milk "shot" out. Dunno why, today's my 2nd day of using PIS & noticed that i chipped the valve! hiazz, and yesterday i lost the membranes! So careless!!!

Re: wind
PD said my boy might not be adjusting well to cow's milk, cos very bloated tummy & milk not thoroughly digested. So now hv to feed him soy milk. Also he told me to abstain from dairy & nuts. =(
Re: diapers
Drypers gave my son rashes...& when i change to pampers...all disappeared! Might now change to Goon, cheaper & also quite absorbent.
Re: pumps
Do we need to sterilised after every use? cos i read from the PIS manual tat subsequent use, only need to wash in sopay water & rinse with clear clean water.
hi lynn,

yes, my hubby and i are planning to do the umbilical cord stamp for my boy ... and as we have went there for my boy name, there is still a discount of $38 if we make the stamp.

hi be@n,

yes, although i am not using PIS, i am using Ameda pump, i will sterilize after every pump, just trying to be KS abit.
cos i'm exclusively expressing, i can pump up to 8 times a day...afraid the pump wont be able to withstand all the heat from sterilising.
tracy, no lah.. my dad mm.. he is kinda traditional.. he said i cannot go back n do confinement..
actually b4 i gif birth my MIL gt tell mi if i wanna go back do confinement they r fine wif it..
but my dad is the one nt fine wif it.. haha.. bo bianz ba..
my hubby says nvm lah.. when he is back to wk i only left 1 week to full mth le..
i told him after bb 1 mth i will bring him go my mummy hse.. nt everyday la.. but alternate ba..
cos if i stay at a place for too long i will b bored to death.. ARGH!!

cheri & dolly & kelcqi, haiz.. dun wan lah.. anyway dis is nt my hse.. i dun wan my family members to feel funny..
furthermore, i tink my family wont stay long if they can here.. so nvm ba.. gt to wait lor..

lynn, where u find the photographer?

felval, dun worry.. ur baby will b fine.. u muz b strong ok..

mm.. my bb is doin fine.. mi ah.. i guessed so long my MIL goes back to wk i shld b fine ba.. dunno leh..
i still dun like ppl to b near my boy.. haiz.. sianz..

oh last nite my dear hubby carry our boy over to my room to slp wif us.. mm.. actually its kinda tiring leh..
he will wake up every 3 hrs for milk.. mm.. actually i din slp much.. but still ok.. cos at least i gt to
take care of my boy myself FINALLY!!

ytd my MIL said when she goes back to wk my boy will slp wif my FIL or my SIL den i quickly ask her back
'huh?? i tot u go back to wk liao baby will slp wif mi??' den she said up to mi whether i can cope anot..
haiz.. i noe i tok back but i juz cant control myself.. dun care lah.. i noe she scare i cannot cope wif it..
but i still need to learn mah.. -_-"
hey I stay in AMK too!!! Frequent AMK hub until sian already. haha. which part are you staying at exactly? I'm at St 31 near the Market where they supposedly have the good bak kut teh.

Re: wind in tummy
My CL has been using Yu Yee oil ( Ru2 yi4 you2) for my baby every day. Apparently cannot place directly on the tummy but must rub one or two drops on your palms till warm then rub on baby's tummy. Seems to work.

Re: diapers
I've been using Pampers newborn, so far so good but ex. Thinking of switching as well. My friend recommended pet pet for day time ( cheaper), then pampers for nights and outings cos more absorbent. I've yet to try though.
be@ns, me also pumping exclusively. i try to sterilise twice a day. the avent pump instructions say to sterilse after every use, but the medela says once a day..
jo, missymouse and kelcqi

me staying at st 13. now my block is having lift upgrading so they will cut the electricity on 23rd from 9am to 5pm. now thinking of a way. if not i cannot pump milk, will die of engorgement.

medela PIS, i try to stick to 15 min each time. but sometimes the left breast still got a bit coming out leh. so duno whether to continue or not. tat time at parentcraft, mrs wong was saying, pump abt 5min, stop and massage,then continue to pump again.
hi be@n,

if this case, then maybe you just make sure that you washed it clean after every pump.

BTW, is the Avent Manual Pump really that good ? i have got 1 earlier, but find it damn tiring and no much milk flow, thats why i asked my hubby to go and get the Ameda Electric Pump instead ... from the link, i realised that quite a few mummies commented that it is good, maybe i shall take out and try again ...

hi moony,

welcome to motherhood, and this is called mother instinct. although you find it tiring that your baby needs to drink milk every 3hrs, you are still glad that you are the one who is there for him, right ?
considering the avent manual pump since everyone say its good..

maybe also buy ald, hopefully can express more milk than PIS?

u think that its possible??
dolly, try it. no harm since u already have it...

yueling, your baby has diaper rash on her bottom? u using any diaper rash cream?

i can't remember how much pampers NB was, but per pc wish, it's more expensive than mommy poko i remeber. my gal uses abt 10pcs a day, very heartpain
Re: pumps
i only rinse them with water at nite. cos too lazy and sleepy to wash...

day time, sometimes wash with soap, sometimes sterilise.. i think max sterlise 2-3 times a day..
re: diaper rash cream
i using drapolene.. i think ITS GOOD!!!

cos i got rash after i discharge from hospital.. then i apply my son avent cream... no use... then use drapolene.. IT HELPS!!

hi winnedy,

i am also not sure, cos when i started to use the Avent Manual Pump, that was the first few days after my discharge from the hospital, not sure whether during that time my milk flow has not kick in yet, or whether i am not used to the pump.

Hi lynn,

yes, i realised that my milk flow has stagnent, will bring out and try later and see if it does help.
actually b4 i opened up the PIS, i used hand express... though it takes a longer time, quite efficient...

but eventually opened up the PIS, cos got the STIMULATION mode... but i think also like that loh...

very tempted to get the Avent pump..

i just called robinson... they say the manual pump cost $70plus and the pump-on-the-go set cost abt $120 both after 20% discount..

but what happens i got no more breast milk after 1 mth??? today is day 21...

quantity is not increasing at all... stagnant since day 14....


Wah, you buying 1 cake of everyone in office! I only getting 2 trays of tarts and 2 trays of cakes for my office (got 40+ people). I already order 40+ cakes (plus ang ku kueh + red eggs) for family. Pocket already "burnt"!


Wah..your baby 2 weeks at 3.4kg. Mine hor...already almost 1st mth, her weight is around 3.5kg (her birth weight was 3kg!). Mine eating every 2hr or 3hrs around 70ml now. LOL. I think either her metabolism is high or something else!
