(2008/05) May 2008

Dear all,

I've pop on 16th May at 11.39pm.
My birth story is really long lo.. already dilate to 8cm n stuck there.. in the end got to go emerg c-sect wif epi. When i'm hm will update birth story..

bb's wt : 3.675kg
ht: 52cm
head: 34cm
name: Raphael Lee En(1) Hao(4)
by emeg epi c-sect.

will upload the photo too..

tks! guess should be soon but so near yet so far...

yah... try to ignore the rest lor... so tired of telling everyone not yet leh... My gynae never say what to do if bb still dun come out. He juz keep asking me to wait... sigh...

I'm the only overdue mommy here lor. Gynae says come in only when contractions very close abt 8mins apart.

After the show appeared this morn, not much happenings except for uncomfy feeling and occasional cramps... still waiting... my neck so long already...
Re : Water Bag

Cheri Liao, I am not too sure about the "Water bag burst will dilate very fast part". When i reached hosp, I was 9cm dilated and my water bag only burst like 10mins later after the nurse did the VE and the pushing feeling come. So to certain extend, I think my water bag and baby came out almost same time if nurses have not tahan my bb fm popping.

Whereas for my #1, I was induced. Gynae broke y water bag ard 11pm plus and I only dilated abt 3cm in 4 hours and ultimately delivered my #1 ard 7am plus the nx day.

Hee, I think if i have #3, I would go hosp at first sign of contraction. Who knows the process may be even shortr than my #2 record?
I'm giving one whole banana cake to each colleague. My office total only 25 staff.

I agree the Avent cushion is good!
Dear all mummy,

I given birth to a baby gal on 28/04/08 and started my post Natal massage on the 30/04/08.

This massage Lady by the name of (Mdm Siti- 91460613) service was ready bad an she is a cheater too. At first when I book a 7days session at $280 with her, she was quite good initaily. She only collect a $50 in advance on the 1st day and claim that the balance amount she will collect at the end of the session. Although she is mostly late by about half hour or so, I dun ready mind because she still massage me for about 1half hour plus from the time she reach.

But things turn out sour when I extend my session to 2week!! In my 2nd week session, she collected $100 on the first day of the session. But her session only lasted for 1Hour only!! I tursted her and I given her the money on the 1st day of my 2nd session. But on the 2nd day when she suppose to come, she called me and claim that something happen in her family and she cannot come massage me for the next 2day. I thought something really happen in her family and say ok. But she just dissapper after my 1st Day of session!!

I tried to call her again but she simply did not pick up my phone call. When I tried to sms her she also never reply. Only after my few sms send to her, she than reply me that she is busy. when I tried to sms her back trying to ask her when she can come massage for me again, she just reply me that she did not recieved my sms. (If she did not recieved my sms than how come she know I sms her??). Untill now when I tried to sms her she still never reply me back. I am really very dissapointed with this massage lady. As a new mummy, everybody know that we need money a lot at this moment. And I cannot believed that this Post Natal lady just went off with the money..really very angry!!

I hope that if any mummy really need any massage lady. Pls try to avoid using this lady. She is really bad.
Mel C, understand how you feel cos when I go induced also seems like so near yet so far cos don't know exactly when labour will really start.

mrscheong, I guess different ppl maybe different ba. But so far, my sis, cousin and myself feels after the waterbag burst, dilation is much faster. But u sure are lucky to be 9cm dilated when you reached hospital. Guess maybe first kid always takes a longer time.

panpan, so I'll have it sent to Dolly's address and you collect from her? L/XL is 28-32, u know right? Please PM me your email address or contact number. Thanks.

Tracy, so good, your office so little ppl. I don't know which colleagues to give and which not to give. Headache! haha..
hi, can pls help update? Baby Audrey finally came out on 5th May 2008. Just overdue a couple of days..natural delivery with epidural

baby's weight 2.8kg
baby's height 49cm
hi cheri, i pm u the details le..

thanks both ladies for arranging.

massage lady..
wow it seems that this Siti is quite popular in this cheating method eh...all mummies must beware of her..
faith ,

hmmm...your baby is in the good weight .

Which right now baby is the one who taking in my nutrients as my weight did not change this week .

So have you dilated ?

Ladies ,

Sooo envious everyone are talking abt full month ...i`m still like waiting forever

Vel ,

how long are you in labour before sending in for c-section ?
hi felval,

take it easy, this is the initial stage, which i also faced the same, not used to it, and it takes time, so now you will need to rest well in the hospital.

hi Tracy,

same same, i have got around 80 invite ppl in my list, but after RSVP, i think i can order around 50pax.

hi moony,

glad that you are feeling better today... then you can get your mum and sis to visit you more often.

hi Cheri,

thanks, you can arrange for the items to send to me, and i will re-post to Panpan.

Hi Panpan,

how is this arrangement, can ? so please PM me your address.
hi cheri,

thanks alot ... i have just transferred $31.96 to your account, please check under reference number : 1712789763

hi panpan,

got your address and contact, and will keep you posted.
baby adel had a 2-week-old (her supposed edd) photoshoot.. very pleased with the results.. this is one of my favourite photos.. need to select photos for printing, but hubby went to snooze already..
hi lynn,

compared your 2weeks Adel, with my 2weeks Rayden, my Rayden seem to be on the smaller size ... your Adel looked so cute and chubby.
hi dolly, adel thanks you for the compliment

she's only 2.85kg at birth, me so worried she not gaining enough weight. but at 2 weeks she's 3.4kg, although she's a sleepyhead and frequently misses her feed leh.
re: avent manual pump

went to buy this today (20% at robinsons) cos my left breast does not seem to be emptying well these couple of days. nipples are sore and painful as well with my electric pump.

turns out this pump is really quite effective! agree that the silicon pad makes it quite comfortable. it's cheap and totally silent! may have to use this to round off every pumping session.. but not pump the whole session if not hands will be very tired leh.

i was pumping and my hubby feeding my gal, who knows she extra hungry (overslept and missed one feed completely). when i finish pumping went out my hubby ask me baby still seems hungry how? i just disconnect the avent bottle from the manual pumnp, screw on the teat and ask hubby to feed her, so convenient heehee..

really thanks to you gals here who shared that this pump is good..
any recommendations for a good baby moisturiser? my gal has peeling skin (pd said normal cos they will 'shed' the skin) but it's kinda dry looking..

my sis informed me kiddy palace having sale, 15% for non-members and 20% for members
cheri/dolly, i've emailed two of u

internet banking currently down lei. i transfer money to u tmrw kk?

thats a nice pic!
Hi Lynn,

Ya.. kiddy palace is having a sale, 15% for non-members and 20% for members. I just bought a stretch mark lotion from there just now. Btw, your BB is really cute....
Hi Laddies,

Avent manual bump

I have been trying to use Avent manual pump to express BM but find it hard to use & quite noisy. Not sure i use the wrong way/ assemble wrongly?

Can anyone advise? Thanks
Haiz... So envy those mummies who going to finish their confinement. I kinda scared of the process - the heat, the food (cos i dun take vinegar), cannot bath, the rice wine.. etc - wonder if I can tahan... :p

Until now I still have yet experience any cramps or any other signs... and I left 1wk 3 days to the EDD date.

Btw, at this stage, I still feel breathless and can't sleep although I feel tired, is this normal?
Re: Medela PIS

Hi mummies, anyone using medela pis pump? I need to get the membrane, know where i can purchase it? Today's only my 1st day of using it & i can't believe i've already misplace the membranes! Nowadays really scatter brain.
yaoyaomum, i think perhaps you check the assembly of the pump, it should not be noisy. it's really silent when i used it twice just now. are you getting the vacuum effect of the pump?

be@ns, medela membranes can be bought from mums&babes, they're the distributor of medela. they have a shop at AMK hub and another at united square. or perhaps u can try normal retail stores like john little/robinsons/metro/kiddy palace? i know they sell the set with valves and membranes, but not sure if they sell just the membrane alone.

just finished my pumping session, off to dreamland i go! until baby wakes up that is... -_-
HIhi ladies,

Nv log in last nite cos too tired liao. Ended up tossing and turning in bed till 4 plus haven sleep. I'm so happy today. Cos I went out Pak Tor with my hubby! Been centuries since we juz head out to walk ard aimlessly due to all the symptoms I got, now have the green light from Gynae to walk liao. I told hubby to go out with me cos it might be the last weekend for us as couplehood. So sad when I think of this...


Don't need to be envious of mummies who pop liao. Cos you still have me! Hahaha... I haven pop also. And I don't look forward to it either. But I admit I am envious of mummies going to have their full month soon. Cos I seriously think I'm gonna hate confinement!


So happy to hear you are feeling better. Hehe. That's good news. Can move back to your mum's place? Or maybe get your family to visit you more?

Moony, I don't know leh. Maybe cos now staying at my hubby's place, my neighbours kids early morning started making alot of noise, many times I got woken up also. Esp the Indian family beside our flat, sometime I really open up the window and ask them to stop making so much noise. Shouting and screaming and crying as early as 8am in the morning on weekends. I so looking forward to a good sleep nowadays but keep waking up to pee. Den thinking of confinement and I'll be bunking in with the CL and baby, there goes my peaceful sleep again.


Still having headache? Hopefully no more liao...

Wow, 8cm then had Epi. I know some hospital won't give Epi once after 6cm of dilation cos the doc will usually say it's useless as after 6cm will dilate very fast liao. Guess you made the rite decision. I see Felval doing it with Epi or Gas, I so tempted to try. But my hubby look down on me and say, comfirm screaming non-stop one. Better just spend the 500 to maintain the peace. He scare later end of labour, he ended up in bruises and me ended up in sore throat. -_-" So "supportive" of him rite? Hahaha...

Does your tummy still look like deflated balloon now after using the belt?


I think I'll feel very pissed if my PILs carry my baby next time also. But how to avoid that???

Don't cry or brood over the G6PD issue lah. YOur baby will turn out fine and healthy one... Have faith! Me'll keep u in prayers.

HAha... U sure u wanna be a SAHM ah? I only wanna be a part time SAHM, den work part time. The tot of being disconnected from the outside world like so scary to me.


Tell u hor, juz now i asked my hubby. Next time if we have our own flat, will he give his parents a set of keys? He said no. Then I said, if they request? He said why I scare they "tou tou" come to our house ah? I said no, but I don't like the idea of them having keys and have access to our house juz like that. Then he reveal his mum actually suggested she move over to help us take care of baby. I got a shock! I told him no no no. Better not. Telling my hubby it's better we bing the baby over than having her over, claiming that it's better here cos have my FIL ard and she more comfortable here also. Everytime she come to our room and look through our things I already very pissed. That's why I shifted my valuables back to my mum's place. Hubby bot me a Nike bag to use for Hospital Bag and she started questioning him liao. I cannot imagine she alone in my house and how she's gonna run through my stuff if she moves over. Sigh... I hope my hubby listens to me and not let his parents have access to our own nest.
Jo & Kelqci,

Sorry for late reply coz I have been very busy with my little one these days. He is like "king", no patient to wait for diapers changing & feeding. I got to serve him after every 1 hr. Finally i decided to let go & put him under my MIL's care, sooooo tire liao.

During my false labour time, i do have cramps but that's not yet contraction, maybe it's just a sign before hand, got to time how regular of each cramps then only can conclude it's contraction. Alternatively, do CTG monitoring when u really cramp with the sign of "contraction" where short interval for each count of pain & more regular, but it cost $$.

Not seen you post anything yes & today, you pop liao is it?
Re: Massage lady
I went through 6 sessions massage with Hamidah, found she is quite good. She charge $380 for 7 sessions, sevices include baby bathing, baby massage, body massage from head to toe & tummy wrap for me, jamu to clean womb & boost milk supply.
My baby got quite a lots of wind in the stomach although my MIL try to massage him using some medicated oil but not so effective. After given massage, baby fart a lot and less crying at nights. My tummy also gone smaller each day but I have to bear with tight wrap during these hot days. She also give some advise on BF & how to take care baby.
Overall her service is quite good & i have lose weight for 7 kgs to date, with my tummy almost back to orginal size liao.

If you are interested can call her h/p: 91124903
I check the assembly according to the instructions & found no wrong, also can feel the vacuum suck but the noise is like "yiu yiu" everytime i press down in full. Also the milk seems like not flowing properly into the bottle.

Do you mind to share with me how did you place the pump & what posistion you take when express?
Thanks Lynn.

YaoYao...wat else did u do to help "expel" the wind from yr baby's tummy. My son really has lotsa gas, till him tummy sounds so "tight" when we tap on it...giving me sleepless nites! Poor thing.

I saw an article yesterday from this today's parents publishing. They mentioned that broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts will cause colic. So best avoid if your are breastfeeding your baby.


Choy choy, I haven pop yet! Don't want so soon lah. Now everyone started telling me that they have feelings I'll pop when and when. Hear already damn sian. Today my mum told me she got feeling I'll pop on 22nd, den my friend called n said he thinks I'll pop on Mon, 19th. Faint... This is getting scary...
kelcqi ,

Super super tired but eyes open big big at 5am .
Dun know what happen suddenly so awake and cannot sleep .

Aiya ... at least you have signs that you goin pop anytime . As for me i waited until my neck veri long . So super sian when gynea i won`t pop early and baby is big and master gave the date which is EDD too . I still got to wait for another 10 more days .

Ladies ,

Isn`t true that i can`t attend any baby full month cos my EDD too near . Cos when my mom knew that dolly `s baby full month next weekend disallow me to go .

Dolly ,

So i might not be able to go . Sorry
yaoyaomum, mine o sound when pumping leh.. but if you feel sufficient suction then should be fine right? i find that for this pump, have to lean forward if not the milk will flow under the silicon pad thingy and may leak out.. i have to lean more forward than using my electric pump.. nowadays i just sit in front of the pc and surf the net while pumping, but with the manual pump a bit difficult to type heehee.
morning all...my gynae came to see me this morning and broke the news to hubby and me...my baby is cfm G6PD deficiency...waiting for PD to give us a list of food n drugs to avoid...and how long baby will need to stay here and wat will happen from here on...
jo, dun worry =) G6PD deficiency has nthing to do with cross blood grp. its inherited from parents who are carrier (mostly female) and or G6PD deficient themseles (mostly guys)
normally the hosp will do a blood test for the baby on the 2nd day, so from this test they will know if baby is G6PD deficiency as it means the red blood cells cant function properly...
no news is gd news =)

haiz...nowadays as long as i hear G6PD, my eyes will tear up...

thanks. now i do 3hrly pump, even at nite, in the hosp. hahaha. guess wat? i managed to pump out my 1st 10ml of BM for my baby =)
actually wanted to feed him with the EBM myself but hubby says i sld just let the nursery do it so i can have my slp..so ok lo, pass them the EBM to feed baby...
then this morning i attempted pumping again and its another 10ml. yippie!! finally my baby can taste my BM. hahaha =P

wah!! ur gal so cooperative! hehehe. this shot is nice! =) how was the shoot? was ur gal v cooperative thro out or was it difficult to handle?
which studio u went ah?

haahahah. finally ah, u had some er ren shi jie. hehehe. how did u get him to go out?
tel u ah, confinement even if u dun wanna bunk in with ur CL, dun think u will have a gd slp if u wan to BF ur baby. hehhee.
i have stopped being a lazy pig and do pumping every 3hrs =) its tiring but the end result is worth it! =)
hahaa, u meant to say without epi and laffing gas ba? no la. i scare of injection...so the thot of the epi having the needle poked into my spine is so unbearable.
somemore i know the pain of poking needles but i duno hw pain is the pain of labour, so i didnt take epi lo.
as for laffing gas, nurse did asked me if i wan it when i was 5cm dilated but i rejected coz i was thinking if 5cm i cant tahan and take laffing gas, the pain at the end will be even worst,
if by then the laffing gas has no effect on me and no epi then i die liao lo. so i ren ren ren! keep rejecting the laffing gas altho at one point i almost gave up and told hubby i wan it...he asked me sure?
then i stopped, think abt it and told him no.hahah. at the end, the pain was so much and i already have the urge to push so i already forgot all abt the laffing gas. hehehe
dun care wat others say la. my gynae n my hubby also say i cfm will take epi...end up i didnt n they were so surprised....gynae was even more surprised i didnt take laffing gas...hahaa. they were saying i did natural delivery on the rock.ahaha

hmmm..ur case of nt letting ur PILs carry ur baby v hard since u all stay together le...for me ho, yest my PILs came...b4 they come i carry the baby to slp in my arms, so when they come baby still in my arms slpping...so they dun have the chance to carry..
but they keep taking photos of him when he is slpping...i abit nt happy la..then my hubby gave them all the "zhen zi"...wat the hell...we already say liao dun give but in the end he still give...

haiz..now his fated has been sealed...wat can i do? nthing i do can change the fact le...so wat i can do now is to read up more on G6PD, get more info from PD, then from now on till my baby grows up, have to watch his diet, then when he grows up teach him abt G6PD and etc...
everyone told me, a kid with G6PD is hard to bring up...i know...coz we need to be careful abt wat he eats...nvm, i will try my best...lucky my mum has exp in this...if nt i sure fumble
now waiting for PD to come and cfm how many more days my baby need to stay here then make the necessary arrangement as my hubby also need to return to work in a week's time....and whether i will camp in another cheaper room @ $40/day (w.o much faciliaties, later going to see) or i
will travel back n forth between my hse n hosp (this means nt doing a gd confinement like getting enuf rest). all these need to discuss with my hubby properly once PD comes n furbish us with the info...

hahaha. of coz if can be part time SAHM best la...i also wanan look for part time job or those wk frm hm and data entry lo...last time i already have this thot le...now with the confirmation of G6PD in my boy, the urge to be there with him is even stronger....
but v hard to find part time job and even harder to find home based data entry job le....

eeeks, why ur MIL look thro ur things one? if mine do that i sure bo song and will even say her lo..even my parents also dun dare to look thro my things ok...

how are u n baby Ethan doing now? =)
Hi to all the mummies and mummies to be!

I'm new here but been following this thread for awhile now. Would love to chat and share with you ladies.

Baby's name: Avelyn (1st child, baby princess)
EDD: 15 May
Popped date: 13 May (Induction, natural + epi)
Weight: 3.060kg
Length: 49 cm
Hospital: KKH
Gynae : ML Yeap
felval ,

thank for sharing the info but we won`t get to know we are carrier anot before hand rite ? Cos what we thought that during the fifth month we went for the oscar test . Thought they will all those blood related like theleismia and etc .

I was shock to know abt sooo many many other things after delivery . Raising a child is really never easy
. No wonder my mum kept on saying you will know the taste when mine baby is out .

But you got to cheer up okie ...dun think soo much
You got to rest and eat well in order to get more BF for your boy . JIA YOU JIA YOU
Kelcqi ,

Check with you that you stay bishan isn`t or somewhere near . I stay Bishan !!!

That day was at forum ....you mention that you have sakae sushi and then yummy yohurt and blubble tea. Which all these stuffs have it at junction 8 kekek ...just guessing ?
yoyo.. anybody else staying in Bishan? me too!!! but heard my block is going to have a black out on 23rd cos of lift upgrading. wondering whether i should move to my mother's place for one day. if not i cannot pump out the milk.

hey check with you girls who are using medela PIS, how long do you pump? i usually pump for 15 min, but my left breast still feel full after the pumpint leh.
yanling, i not using PIS, but the mini electric plus. i pump until breasts feel soft, and like almost no more BM coming out lor.
can go for blood test to know if u are a carrier or nt. but does any of ur side or ur hubby side has ny history of G6PD? if nt, ur baby is v safe =)
i dun think during that blood test they tested whether mummy is a carrier or nt lo...i nv thot my baby will have G6PD deficiency lo...but anyway, thanks. i will cheer up.
now need to know more n understand more =)

ya lo...its nt so easy...pregnancy itself still ok...nt so tough, once baby out really is v different...
Felval ,

Ya spoke to my hubby ...is the first time we heard abt this G6PD . Not too sure abt our family tree . At least not both of us or our parents .

For me, I think partly cos' of my breathless that made me can't sleep...

I'm not really excited though.. just waiting aimlessly... Don't know how would I feel the moment when she pops out... hmmmm....
