(2008/04) April 2008

me tried giving the cod liver oil supplement to my boi this morning, thank God..he loves it!
u may want to try it..heard from my friends it does boost baby's immunity system.
RAR : No leh. I bought my multi Vit and Cod Liver Oil from GNC but brand under Childlife. I'm suprise the salesperson told you must be above 2 leh. The Probiotics I got is Udo's choice (infant blend) I got it from states. Joined some Spree. This is intro by my friend la.
As my son is quite picky with food, I gives him multi vit rather then Vit c. I'm sure Vit C is good also la.

Linda : The salesperson tell me cod liver oil good for phlegm. Dunno to believe or not la. Hahaha.
Sputnik: same as you. My girl also only fell sick twice so far ...think its due to 1 year of breastmilk as well. Hope their immunities continue to be so high.
The DHA they sell in GNC is in capsule form. But when chewed, it bursts into liquid. GNC selling so expensive at $42 per bottle! I bought from iherb.com at only S$12+ including shipping.

blessed mummy: You can refer to the Julia Gabriel web site. http://www.juliagabriel.com/eduplay.htm. My girl will be attending the Bilingual Playclub (18 months above) next Sat. Have been q'ing for 8 months for the place. So starting her early at 17 months. Will let you know more details after I attend this Sat.
calamari - so how do you feed the DHA to yr gal? Need to mix in food or they can eat the capsule by itself? It is the childlife one rite? I also always order my supplements from sprees and iherb, so expensive to buy from GNC!
sputnik: its a very small capsule. Just eat the capsule by itself. Once they chew, the liquid will come out.
GNC cut throat!
Hi Calamari,
Re - can u adv me the website add for the supplements i cud get for my boy... btw are they selling the same types as Gnc ? What are the suggested supplements to give for 17mths tot then..?? I do also unstd that Gnc can give up to 35% for bday mth discounts. I m too keen on the Julia & gabriel playsch but was surprised of e long waiting list u mentioned...?

Hi Jules,
i think i have to chk it out with another salesperson again cos likely she is giving me wrong info. Are u giving Dha, Probiotics and cod liver oil on daily basis for yr boy... is his immunity stronger from all these intake cos my boy is prone to flu....?? hr fm u.
what is sambulcos ?

Hi All Mums,
I am currently giving my boy the Neoboitics in satchet form from Guardian & Unity on alternate day basis mixed in his milk intake... However due to the recent spate of his severe 10days bad diahorrea had made casting gradual doubts on this product... Can anyone adv and recommend a good effective probiotics brand ideal for 17mths tot and where can i get them....??? Thanks !!
My girl is also prone to flu. From birth til now, i think she's had flu about 3-4 times. So now that she's going to CC soon, I need to boost her immunity.

So the recommended supplements are cod liver oil, multi vits and sambulcos? Do they take all of these everyday? If so, it looks like a lot to eat hor haha....

Which cod liver oil did u give your boy? liquid form? I dunno whether my girl will like to take all these things leh. If she dun like how??.. sigh

GNC and iherb has such great price difference for exactly the same thing ah? So I shd buy from iherb to save money hehe... almost wanted to go to GNC liao...
RAR: the website where I got the GNC Childlife products is www.iherb.com. Yes, they are selling the same Childlife products as GNC. As for Julia Gabriel, I think the queue is seasonal, also depends on the timings/branches you want to sign up with. E.g. the 9am slots are so popular, I cannot even get that slot even after queuing for 8 months. You can call them up to check.

shelyn: yah lor, the price difference is huge. Get orders from a few friends, order from iherb.com and ship them in via direct DHL shipping. The shipping only S$2+ per bottle nia ;)
Hi RAR : I give the multi vit, Cod liver oil and Probiotics daily. *touchwood* so far he's ok. I was very ill once. Had very bad viral infection and was worried he will get it but he didn't. When he took his DPT jabs at 2,3,4 months, he had high fever. After taking the supplements, he didn't have fever after taking his pneumoccocal. So far, it's quite good for him. I'm not sure if it's due to the supplements or he just became stronger. Haha.

Jts, Just came back from Hi 5 show. Julian enjoyed it so much! he was dancing and singing with the kids. haha.
u can get neurogain DHA from major pharmacy. it is in capsule form. u can add it to porridge or if your kid is able to take the fishy taste, just make a cut on the capsule and "splash" the oil onto his mouth. ;p luckily Jax likes the fishy taste so i usually give him the entire capsule with a cut at corner. he found chewing the capsule fun!

on top of tat i am giving Jax multivit - pharmaton kiddi. also available in pharmacy. this was recommended by PD when we complained that Jax was too small size.

just heard from relative that they give florida orange juice, which contains lots of vit c and pulps, to their kid and found him less prone to flu and cough. maybe i should try giving Jax this... else i am still thinking what brand of vit c should i purchase to improve Jax's immunity. childlife quite exp...
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies..</font>

re: supplements
get childlife products from vitacost spree, much much cheaper.. i bought a number of products, multi vitamins but have yet to start on my boy except sambuccol (only twice), lazy mum always forgets..

my pd, being conventional does not encourage supplements, as he believes coming from food is the best. but i do feel that our babies may not take as much varieties of food.. i bought the Nordic naturals cod live oil at my coll's recommendation but some mummies say it's for kids above 2yo so i dont dare to give.. any ideas? :p

re: jg
I attended a trial when my boy is at 10mths+, i like it. the program outline is as follow:
1. Play time
2. Singing
3. Arts &amp; Craft
4. Snack time
5. Music time
i remember the arts &amp; craft was disastrous.. haha.. the trial was at evans road so they hv more space to do the arts &amp; craft, heard the forum one is milder.. hehee.. music is rather special as instead of playing from the normal player, they have a person to play the music either, guitar or organ.. my boy enjoyed a lot and was very responsive. I did not continue as the play nest (b4 18mo) is only at wkdays. i hope my feedback here is useful
Maro : I also bought Nordic Naturals cod liver oil and I heard above 2 also. So, it's still sitting in my fridge. haha. I dun dare to give Ju too. Tat's why I give him Childlife.
Hi mummies who bought supplements from oversea sprees, may I know whether it's better to order from iherbs or vitacost? Cos there're sprees organsied for both sites and I don't know which one to join.

Also, the total shipping charge (US + Int'l) will be only ard SGD 2+ per bottle issit? Cos i've bought things from overseas sprees twice and both times, after adding in the shipping charges I end up paying more than what I would pay in S'pore so I told myself not to buy from oversea sprees again haha..
so glad my boi likes the orange flavour one from scotts...this morning before we set off for his infantcare he will "remind" me....point point to the bottle and say yummyyy....so cute!
Hi Linda,
Isit the emulsion from scotts? I've never tot of giving that to my girl cos I remembered when I was young my mum tried to gave me and it was so yucky I almost vomitted haha... from then on that bottle has never crossed my mind hehe. Maybe the one I had was original flavour. Can't remember cos it was so long ago and I only tried once and never touch it again.
shelyn: I think Lucky Vitamins, iherb and Vitacost Childlife products prices are all comparable. However I am not sure about the shipping for Lucky Vits and Vitacost as have never ordered from there. The last time, I ordered 5lbs worth of 13 bottles of supplements, the shipping is only SGD$21. That's about $1 to $2 per bottle.
Shelyn - tik u can ask the organiser est cost for shipping cos they have ordered before and should know the estimated per item...just be bit caution that some organisers can charge quite high for shipping cost, etc. Just do a comparision and hope u get ur items @ a lower cost.

I went to Gnc to recfm again on the cod liver oil at another branch and also e salesperson insisted Childlife cod liver oil is meant for 2years and above of which they also shown me as indicated on the instructions for 2years above on the bottle itself... I am kinda confused. Is it indicated on your bottle of cod liver oil as well...?? Rdgs

Thanks for the info... hv chk it out but many different brands thus alittle confused which to order cos forgotten how the packaging looks like at the Gnc outlet. Btw, i went to few childcare today and is upset on the enviornment they provide is not condusive for my tot esp about 20kids are all sharing in one room sleeping on the small frame planks for their noon naps...lost abt decision whether shd send him to chilcare then, do you have any advice or suggestion for me. How about any playschool for few hours that are good instead of childcare ctrs...? hr fm u.

tks for the info, will chk it out too at the pharmacy for the brands u mentioned....

Leo mum
thks, will chk it out too.
Hello RAR: Which cc did you go to have a look? Some CCs have many kids in one class, perhaps try to find one which has only 12 kids max. As for me, if I can help it, I am only sending my daughter to 4 hours playgroup, and not full day; which some ppl call it the half-day childcare. Do you have a budget and which vicinity are you at? We can brainstorm for options.
yes..from scotts. u r rite the original flavour quite fishy smell, tat's why i dun dare let my boi try cos once he rejected the food anything look alike he will also refused to try. heee...this morning he point point to the bottle and say "uhmmmm"...want his spoon of orange flavour fish oil before going to infantcare.
Hi Linda,
Maybe I'll get that to let my girl try too.
I juz realise she has a lot of things to learn b4 she is more prepared to go CC.

One major problem I have with her is that she don't chew so she haven start on rice/fried noodles or similar kind of food yet. Her food everyday is only porridge, macaroni soup, bee hoon soup, mee suah soup. and broccoli if not mashed up she'll spit out.

She's also super picky with food leh. I let her try many types of cakes, bread, bun etc she'll spit out. Makes me go crazy feeding her until i feel like crying liao. sometimes the food haven even reach her mouth she'll use her tongue to push out anything u attempt to put inside. sigh...
hi linda...
my boy loves the orange scotts emulsion too. he'll patiently sit while waiting for his dose of scotts for the day =)
hey shelyn,
i haven't started my boy on rice too... hmm... what are mummies feeding your darlings now? wanna share?
Any mummies here using Avent milk bottles?These few days, my bottle keep on leaking &amp; its so frustrating!!
Once my gal placed the bottle near her mouth, it will leak like mad thus wetting her clothes. So pek cek leh.
talking on avent milk bottle, me doesnt leak but there are some white marks in the internal parts of the bottle?

initially thought it's dirt due to milk but after washing and steralizing, it i still there...

think, its time to change the bottles...must we change it once 6months..?
vonvon...tink got to change regularly leh.... but brand new one hor..i experience unable to tighten properly..then seomtimes leak! sian

so got to ensure wun leak lor...
vonvon: the Avent bottles you have, are they BPA-free? If not, u must change them more regularly leh, like what choc said. I changed my daughter's BPA-free bottles every 4 months.
hi mummies...
i'm using avent bottles too. i change every 3 months. when i first changed to the bigger bottle also leaked. trial and error. now know how to tighten so won't leak =)
Deby: Ju uses Avent bottles too. I also face leaking problems. It's very irritating. I just changed a new set last week *touchwood* no leak for this set.

Blessed mum: My son is on 2 meals rice already. Sometimes give him kuey teow soup or mung bean noodles or Udon. He likes mung bean noodles. Tat day my little cousin was eating Kimchee instand noodles and he had some too. Didn't wanna give him but he was making alot of noise so we gave him one mouth and he asked for more. My maid has been making Pancake, muffins for breakfast and tea for my boy. Sometimes scrambled eggs. Ju doesn't like vegetables but he likes eggplant. Sometimes we fry with egg (filipino food), grill with cheese.

Linda: My son's the opposite. he loves bread, cakes... He doesn't like porridge and soup. I think his no. 1 fav is teriyaki chicken thigh. haha.
Hi all mummies,
my girl is driving me crazy now. Juz need to check, I think I read sometime back that some of the little darlings here went on food strike, don't want to eat and drink issit?

Cos for the past few days, my little girl has been a little devil. She cry until very pathetically over the tiniest thing, don't like to drink milk, eats very little for her meals. sigh... she's already quite skinny, i worry that her food strike will make her even skinnier. Will they stop automatically after a few days? I really wan to cry when I give her milk or food leh.

Jules' mum,
I think u got mixed up. The one who don't like bread and cakes is my girl. Now she don't like soupy food also. Don't know what to give her. What a headache. Now I understand why people don't want to have babies or don't want to have more haha.... kids really gives us headaches and stress
Jules&amp; Sputnik,
Thxs &amp; will chk it out at the website indicated. Ya, indeed extreme confused cos i really saw the instructions on the childlife Cod Liver Oil at Gnc indicated for 2years above dosages thus salesman said wait till 2yrs after cos this is slightly stronger type.... haha they hv got us all so confused, ya.

I went to the childcare which are all montessori-trained at Hillview areas. The ctrs are in semi-detached. After visiting almost 5 centres here which are near my place, i must admit that i may need to change plans for the day care by them. I prefer likewise yourself at the playgroup which is 3or 4hours drop-off for them to play and learn in school. Can u suggest which school is good and any ideas about the fees and teaching structure ?? Btw, i went to Chiltern House by Julia &amp; Garbiel today and find dit quite good but the fees are quite hefty about $900. Subsidy only at $150. What do u think and any recommendations for me ....?
Jules Mum &amp; all mummies....
Re : rice
Also my boy is used to porridge and cant swallow the rice well.., but i think is high time to guide him to eat rice now. Can you share how you cook the rice for yr boy and what ingredients i can mix to make it yummy for him too....?? Thanks

Jules mum,
I hv never bake in my life but now with my son whom enjoy food so much thus i am pitting my limited brain cells to whip him a nice nutritious cake, sponge or sth...? do you have any good simple recipe to pass me... Also how do you make the pancakes and muffins especially ?? I am excited to prepare for my boy. thks.
Shelyn : I think I really got mixed up la. Hahaha. I tot was linda's gal. BTW, Ju always on food strike one. He started as young as 3 months. I was very worried too. I cried so much over it thinking why my baby is different from others. At 5 months, he starved himself for 17 hours! Every 2 months will on strike once. Very sian one. I always say my son puasa.

I used to force my son, beat my son when he dun wanna eat. one incident changed me. I hit him really hard he cried. Very poor thing. Kept stroking his hands where i beat. Must be painful. Then, he dun dare to sit on his highchair for awhile. From tat day on, I told myself cannot do that anymore. I make every mealtime happy for him. I'll clap and praise if he open his mouth big to eat. Make up songs about his food to make him eat. quite silly songs like "ju ju loves to eat chicken with rice... " Funny.. he really eat! haha. If he really dun wan, I won't force. Just let it be. Hoping next meal will be better. Yesterday, he didn't want his rice. Didn't want my pasta too. I gave him yogurt. Luckily he ate, if not i would have called it a day. hahaha. Actually, if I fuss less, my son will eat more. Bully me la...

Is your gal teething? or indigestion? Sometimes indigestion also will have no appetite. Or, she wants other food? Keep trying even if she rejected once. Some kids takes awhile to adapt to new taste. Or, they just dun feel like eating that at that moment. I know it's very stressful but keep it cool. Your gal will feel it.

Rar : Chiltern house is for 3 yrs old and above right? Did u check out Pibo or Preschool by the park? I'm thinking of sending julian to 1/2 day playschool too.. Still considering.

Rice : Slowly intro him. i used to feed few grains by few grains. You can try cooking soft rice for a start too. Now Ju can take spoonful of rice we eat. As for dishes, he eats wat we eat except those too spicy or with seafood. Ju dun like baby food. He eats best if we have meals together as a family. Sometimes we cook frozen roti prata for him.

My maid is sleeping now. I'll give you the recipe she has tomorrow. As for pancake, we just buy the premixes. I think the brand is "white wings" or something. i was shocked Ju ate 3 pancakes this morning.
RAR: oh i used to stay at Hillview too
but have since moved and moving again in Nov! I remembered there is a White Lodge at Hillview. Have you checked it out? I kinda like their curriculum the last i checked. But think its not cheap either. The problem with half day playgroups is that after minusing the miserable subsidy, you might as well send your child to full day cc as its only $100 or so difference. Sigh...but i am still sticking to half day playgroup!
u r not alone! me having same issue with my boi..i (and the infantcare teachers) have been trying to encourage my boi to try bread, steam cakes, cakes, pao and bread look alike, all attempts failed. he will take and feed the didi and jiejie in his class (or his papa at home) once we try to place bread and cakes on his table...faint! just told his papa this morning i GIVE UP...think i ate too much sandwiches while preg with him...ha ha...a little worry about him moving to the tot's class next month cos the centre serve bread and cheese for breakfast and tea time quite often, think at least once a day..so scare my boi may go hungry....

dun worry about your girl haven't learn to chew well yet. my boi also can't really chew that well (only like 10 teeths so far) but somehow he still manage to join us during dinner time for rice and soup or fried beehoon.

Jules' mum,
u r not wrong...my boi like shelyn's princess also dun like bread and look alike...very headache for me cause every morning must cook potatoes, eggs...oh ya, he also dun want pancakes and cereal now...FAINT! u so lucky your baby loves bread..can give bread with cheese, bread with egg, bread with veg...wow..so fun!
hope my boi will learn to eat some bread when he start his tot's class next month.

i agreed with u, the diff bet half &amp; full day CC is minor. i let my boi attend full day CC but i usually fetch him home early if i'm done with the chores early. if half day, then i've got to rush to pick him by 1pm if not, got penalty leh. full day i can take my time and fetch him about 3 or 5 plus (after having dinner with papa sometimes or some personal time shopping).
lindachang: the school which i registered strongly discourage parents to pick the child up early if you enrol in full day.
What's your penalty like if you pick your child late when you have enrolled for half day?
blessed mummy,
so cute rite...seeing them wait patiently for their cod liver oil...
i started my boi with rice and soup for dinner 2 weeks plus ago when he refused to take porridge for dinner (funny leh...he will kuai kuai eat his porridge for lunch but dinner he'll refused to take his porridge)...

oh dear...i have not been very diligent in changing my boi's bottles, also forgot when i changed them.
i use avent bottles too.
ohh is it...hmmmm..my boi attends the CC since 4 months old, so probably they are use to me coming early to play with my boi &amp; friends or just bring my boi home/for a swim. if they have good activities/class in the noon session then i will go jalang jalang and not disturb him. think the penalty is $10 per 15 mins but usually they will give so allowance before imposing the penalty.
Jules mum,
Will chk out more playshcools that ryan can stay for few hrs. Yes, u r right, Chiltern hse is for 2.5yrs to 3yrs old... but need to be on high waiting list to be in thus must enrol earlier. Wow, ur maid is pretty good, ya. She can bake muffins which my maid is not even able to cook well for my son... hr fm u then, thks.

So, where are u shifting to again in Nov...now the pty mkt is high. Is also good time to sell house now.... As for the schools, how u think of lorna Whiston and julia gabriel... i thought of putting him for 3hrs playschool...
hi mummies,

i change my normal Avent bottles when my boy turned one so it's time for changing again this round.
so far, not much leaking for mine except the stains. but hor, my mag mag leaks alot!!!!!!!!

on CC, i am puting him to half day (7am to 1pm) playgroup at sparkletots (downstair my place) next yr, when he turns 24 months.

on food, mine is also a fussy eater, must see his mood one. he only eats well with maid when no one at home, when we are at home, this little one tried all tricks to avoid his mealtime. he's on porridge, mee sua, bee hoon with all the fish, carrot, potato, minced pork/chicken, pumkin...snack time will be honeystar, panda chiffon cake, four leave bakery, heehee!

oh ya, recently he loves this...

thin waffer with vanilla taste.

oh, i am going for the polliwog play + gym this weekends, any mummies went?
i am keen in GUG trial...will make a trip down soon....

gave "yu gan you" to my boy, smell fishy &amp; horrible...but coaxing him to have it daily...
RAR: Yah, I am property-craze this year. When you sell high, u buy high as well, and vice versa, hehe. I am shifting to west coast vicinity in nov so registered her for the nearest school there, which is Pat's Schoolhouse (don't want to spend too much time travelling). Lorna Whiston emphasised a lot on linguistic skills I think, it started out focusing on children with dyslexia but have done well as a nursery/kindie. As for Julia Gabriel, I am trying the weekend bilingual playclub only this weekend, will let u know how it goes. No point going to JG trial cos by the time the kid is an eligible age for the class to go for trial, u will probably be in the long q to wait for a place! I have got 2 friends' kids who go for 3x a week playgroup at JG. They have enjoyed it and found it fruitful so far. But siong for the mummies (they are SAHMs), cos everyday must bring child to the class, unless u are staying very near the school. Btw, another super KS thing, my daughter is already in the queue for JG Edudrama classes for end of next year placement cos the staff told me this class q is even longer! So just put her name there first :p

Have you checked out White Lodge?

Do you have msn?
Your boy is fussy eater but still eat quite a lot of things like pumpkin, honeystar, pandan cake etc. Mine don't eat pumpkin, cornflakes, all cakes etc. She has no breakfast and teatime one. All she has is milk in morning ard 7.30-8am then lunch at 11.30am. In between sometimes i'll give her some fruits/bread/cereal etc but of cos it's juz try luck lah. Sometimes she eats more, sometimes 2 bite and that's it. Afternoon also no snack.

But luckily she love cheese and heinz yoghurt/fruits. When she eat cheese/yoghurt, no need any entertainment. Can juz sit on the floor and eat properly, mouth open big big waiting for the next spoon haha. No need to be constrained to high chair.

Jules' mum,
I also suspect she's teething. But she looks like she's teething for a long long time liao leh. She has 8 teeth now, so the next to come out shd be the molar. The gums look swollen and white and she's been biting her fingers but for about 1-2 months still no sign of the teeth haha.

I'm quite concerned about her food and ability to eat rice cos she's going to CC soon. Will start her in Nov cos I'm going back to work next year. I don't think the teachers at CC will have the patience to feed and coax her if she don't wan to eat. So now trying to train her according to CC style as much as possible so she can get used to it and won't starve at CC.
