(2008/04) April 2008

Linda : Try slowly la... Give him more time? My son started eating bread at 6 months. Maybe that's why he likes bread? He didn't like rice. It took about 1 month before he accepted rice.

Von : Ju likes the wafer too. Actually I like also. haha. I always share it with him. BTW, I'm going Polliwogs this sunday too. I went there once and I like it.

Shelyn : My son dun like vege. but he eats eggplant and spinach. All others, he will spit out. Cheese and Yogurt good for them ah. Sometimes he dun eat lunch or dinner, I will give him yogurt. Better than not eating. Haha. ju's gums were swelling since his 1st birthday. The 3 molars just broke through. More to come.. sian... keep trying with food. The taste are foreign to her. Give her some time to get use to it. My son is a very fussy boy. I think lots of mum here heard me complain on regular basis. Hahaha. After trying and trying, he begin to accept more variety.

Rar : here's the recipe as promised. She got this from 1 of the baby recipe book. I find it quite nice.

Blueberry squares

125g unsalted butter (but i use salted)
75g Golden Caster Sugar
2 Eggs
2 drop Vanilla essence
125g Self raising flour
175g berries (blueberry, raspberry, Cranberry...)

Preheat over to 180C. Grease cake tin
Beat butter and sugar until soft and fluffy, gradually add eggs
Beat in vanilla essence, fold in flour add berries & mix well.
Spoon mixture into tin Bake for 25-30 min
Hi Kea,
what size you looking for? boys or girls? my boy using mamy poko pants. don't mind giving you if the right size =)
blessed mummy

is ok, don need to trouble , i manage to get the number and call for 1 L n 1 XL... =)..thanks so much of your kind thoughts , appreciate it =)
Jules' mum,
me started giving my boi bread since he turned 6 months old...rejected! think he really dun like to texture...luckily, he likes his rice well
trying out jap noodle tonite...

my boi also using mamy poko pants and pampers pants..think u can go to their websites and do a request for sample.
Jules' mum and Linda,
my girl used to like bread a lot but now somehow she don't like anymore. I used to give her plain bread, peanut butter bread and cheese bread. Now, she only come by to take a few bite when I'm eating my bread... when I give her her own bread, she'll eat a few mouth and start spitting again.

Lunch today is a headache again. Sigh... I cooked egg noodle for her (her 1st try), she dun like, so I add dark soy sauce and sesame oil, every 1 mouth she eat, spit out 3-4 mouth. The yee mee that I have, she also eat a few mouth then start spitting out. Gave her heinz banana porridge then she happily eat. Give her milk with milo also dun wan. I really wan to faint liao leh. But luckily it's my maid who's feeding her. I only try to feed a few mouth. Otherwise I think I'll beat her liao.

By the way, issit ok to give them jar food everyday? I heard that it's not very good cos next time they'll grow up to like junk food issit?
Also, if she don't like to drink milk, issit ok if I stop giving her milk for a few days so she'll forget the taste and phobia for milk and start to drink properly again? Any mummy try this b4?

I really run out of ideas to make her eat leh.
hey mummies, Byron recently started to reject his porridge too. He will spit out 1 mouthful after eating 2 mouthfuls. Making such a big mess in the house!!!

can I check if any babies had the same symptoms; Byron suddenly develop puffy eyes for the pass few days (like goldfish eyes after an allergy, juz not so bad). so obvious that strangers will give him a second look. I brought him to PD today and doc said it could be link to his runny nose/throat infection. Wonder how long it will last. poor boy.... eyes oredi so small, now even smaller
Any mummies interested to buy a set of Chinese Logico? Wanted to get the local English set but it's too expensive..

I got a small set of the Chinese version to see the quality and found it quite ok, now thinking of getting the big set.

This is the one I'm thinking of getting.. http://mumnbabes.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=72&products_id=579

The seller says can give slight discount if buy multiple sets, so if any mummies keen to join me pls PM me okie..

Do not hv msn... thanks for yr feedback. Let me know how is the class for JG bilingual playgroup cos i am planning that too except now has already enrolled him in Schichida... Meantime enrollement for JG playschool dont start now till next year so hv to wait then. Afterall, the distance does count as well if otherwise is indeed tiring to bring him afar and back after just few hours again...

Hi Jules Mum.
Heaps thanks for yr recipe ...i am excited to try it out soon. Will let you know if it taste well...haha.
understand how u feel..me also complaining to papa that i'm running out of ideas on his bao bei's dinner...now i just fry egg with long beans, ABC soup, steamed fish, grilled fish, steamed drumstick..whatever i want to have for dinner..i just give my boi too.

oh...early september my boi also rejected most of the food offered to him (including his fav milk milk). when he spit out his food/shake his head when i try to feed him, i will just ask him whether he had enough/whether he is not hungry and therefore dun want to eat...if he shake shake his head, i'll just tell him that "ohhh...okie...if u r hungry later, then u let mama know k." i worry but didn't want to force feed him...luckily after 5 days of food-strike, he's happily eating his rice & milk milk again. last nite has to stop he from eating too much of grapes..

we have no clue why my boi refused his food and suddenly start eating so well again...think probably teething?? got bored in eating the same kind of food?? really not sure leh, how i wish our babies can talk and communicate to us soon..sometimes cry cry i also have no clue why...haiz...so xin tong to c them cry cry so much. but i find that my boi eat well when me & papa eat together with him, he'll feed himself while we eat (i'll "top up" his mouth with another spoon of rice as and when his mouth is empty)...

re. milk...i asked PD, he say can try banana milk, strawberry milk etc if baby refused formula milk. how about soya milk? one trick i do is do steamed/scrumble eggs and add lot of formula milk and veg to it.

oh dear...i think your tot's sore throat may be the cause of him not taking his porridge..painful. can try giving him cool barley water, yoghurt and chilled fruits to ease his discomfort. hmmm..can also let the porridge cool down before feeding him. i remember the doctor gave my boi some medication for his sore throat which is quite effective, just 2 drops into his mouth half an hour before food.
Linda : Your boy is exactly like my boy! Sometimes dun eat, sometimes eat so much that i get worried. Tat day, ate 3 pancakes! My son must be thinking.. mummy is so weird. DOn't eat also scold, eat also scold. Haha. I also don't force him to eat now and I feel he eats better. My son also eats better if we eat together esp eating daddy and mummy's food. Maybe babies got their moods too la.

Milk : I have yet to give him flavoured milk. Though he rejects formula, but he's ok with fresh milk. I guess it's because it's cold. My son rejects fruits.

Scuba : Oh dear. Is Byron better? Did the pd give him some zyrtec for the allergy? Hope he gets well soon.

Rar : No prob. Do try it. I find it quite tasty.

Shelyn : maybe your gal accepts new taste slowly? keep trying. I read in some books about jar food too. Dunno how true. But my brother ate alot of jar food when young. he really likes junk food. He's 26 now and doesn't eat vege or fruits. Dunno if it's coincident. Keep trying.
Hi all,
May I know what do u all mean when you say your kids eat more when you don't fuss so much? I duno how much is fuss too much and what is don't fuss too much leh..

My problem is this. My Sara used to eat while watching dvd and it was quite ok until past few weeks. After eating a few mouth, she would turn away from her food, spit out, cover her mouth etc. Initially we thought she don't like to watch that particular disc so we change to another disc, give her toys etc and it worked for a few days.

Then the situation got worse each day until she started to fuss right from the start. 1st mouth already whine, turn away etc and we keep changing her disc, toys, sing songs until I get fed up. Meal time became 1hr+ and yet still can't finish.

Now, I don't let her watch any dvd while eating. She'll eat at the table with me. But still doesn't work. She still don't want to eat. So when she don't eat what I cook for her, should I keep trying to give her other food that she want to eat? Or should I let her starve and know what's hungry?

Usually I will give her other food so long as she want to eat. Today I didn't offer her other food. Before her nap I gave her some milo milk and that's it. So to what extend is not to fuss too much?

Also, I always read that we should restrict their meal time to 20-30min. Do u all follow this rule? I try to follow but it's impossible leh. If finish meal within 30min most likely she's eaten only about 10 baby spoon of the food. Now I think 30min only about 5 spoon, with all the struggle, crying etc... sigh...
i am quite new here~
just wanna check out if there is any pre-school or childcare to recommend~
as my son is 18mth next mth~
kinna last min~
am looking for:
1. more teacher then bb env.
2. near queenstown as i dont drive and a SHM

thanks mummies for your help~
RAR: my girl enjoyed her 1st Julia Gabriel bilingual playclub class very much
Today she wanted to have a look at the art and craft she did yesterday, showed that she remembered. Basically there were 10 students in the class, with 2 teachers (1 english, 1 chinese) and 2 other helpers. So ratio was very good. Class started with free play, then continued to introduction, music, singing and dancing. Then the teachers proceeded to introducing the alphabet of the day, which is 'K'. A lot of emphasis on the phonics...the teacher will say 'Ke ke ke ke K". Then this is followed by art and craft session where the kids get to do simple craft work of cos with the help of the parents. Then after that they adjourned to the playground where they play with many many Little Tikes and Step 2 toys, followed by snack time. The class ended with story telling, magic box and singing. Very wonderful 2 hours. Well worth the $60!!!
shelyn, my boy also rejected solid few months back. he was only willing to take in milk. as for other food, he would oni take in 1 or 2 mouthful and then he would not eat anymore. in fact this behaviour carried on for close to 2 months. my pd oso mentioned could be teething. after 2 months, he started taking food again but no signs of new teeth. a month later, after he has puasa for 2 months, then i see the new molars cutting out. so i guess it could be discomfort that is caused by teething. so probably u juz supplement wif milk until she is ready to take solid again ba.
Shelyn : for me, if I prepare something and my son don't wanna eat, I'll give him another 1 or 2 alternatives. Sometimes he just take 2-3 mouth of each things I give him. If he still don't want or cry, I'll just stop feeding. If he don't eat, I'll give him his milk at his usual time. I've not given him milo. Julian has got mood. One day he'll like this food so much that he eat lots 2nd day he don't even wanna taste it. He tend to eat better if we give him our food. I know some parents are still not comfortable giving their child adult food as it's got seasonings and the way it's cook. But, for me, as long as he eats, I don't really mind.
Hi mushloom,
wah your boy puasa for 2 months ah? very worrying rite? I hope mine is also teething and will be back to normal after the teething.. Cos I'm afraid she's just being picky and fussy then I'll have headache for many years to come haha.

Jule's mum,
today I cooked fried macaroni and she ate same thing as us. She ate a few pieces (have to cut each macaroni into half and each time she only eat 1 piece) then start her spitting again. Then I gave her the usual macaroni soup with dvd and it worked this time haha. Maybe she know if she try to be funny again then no more dvd for her =P

There're a few things she will not reject, like cheese, heinz jar yoghurt and a few heinz jar porridge/cereal but not sure whether these are nutritious enough leh. Cos I didn't breastfeed her for long and feels very guilty so I always try to make up for the 'goodness' she lost out by giving her more nutritious food.

But I'm so happy that she finally can chew her food liao. So at least she won't have problem eating CC food but now it's a matter of whether she wan to eat. Sigh... This I can't teach..
Posting this on behalf of my friend. Have a pair of IL Divo Concert Tickets worth S$242 selling off cheaply for $100 nett cos her granny passed away.

Date: 21 Sept 09
Time: 8pm
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium

To collect from my home in Clementi. She wanted us to have the tickets but we can't find anyone to babysit Dana so hoping to help her sell the tickets.

If anyone keen, quickly PM me. Thanks and Happy Hari Raya holidays.
for me, i let my boi feed himself when we are at home (me with another bowl and "helping" him along). he'll usually concentrate for 20 mins before putting his little fingers to play with his food...at this time i will just remove his bowl (will ignore his protest and scream) and ask him whether he is full and whether he would like some fruits now. he will kuai kuai when i mentioned FRUITS esp ORANGE!! sometimes he eats only a few mouths of his foods but because he starts playing with them i hengxing have to remove his bowl and try to feed him with mine instead, if he continue to rejected the food i offered...i'll just give him fruits and assumed he is not hungry. haiz...think our babies now think that they are little adults and want us to respect their wishes (decisions???)....kekeke....as long as they are happy & growing up well, think we have not much of a concern and worries...

dun b too stress ya..think just let them b...(fingers crossed)..soon they will learn to eat enough. :D
So quiet hor? Let me start by posting some pics... Have taken the week off to look after yan coz she starting CC next week... Also took lots of pictures... got me thinking how much did i miss out from her life with me at work everyday... Anyway, just to share a pic i took of her today...

Good choice for property, west coast area- hidden gem, high rental yield..
Don't know if its 1 km to nan hua primary as well, hehe.

I tell you we Singaporean really crazy, buy property to get into good school.

all mummies out there
I was a SAHM until 3 months back decided to find a job. Thus become a property agent thinking that i will have more time for my boy compared to fixed working hour.

Any mummies still breastfeeding? I need help to stop , was trying to stop since he was 4 months till now still latch on.very tired.
lovemum: here you appear again ahahahha! how have u been? Yeah, my place is within 1 km of Nan Hua Pri but i supposed my girl will be going to Fairfield cos its my old sch keke. But daddy wants her to go CHIJ...Eh u become property agent ah? I feel like taking the exams too, after seeing how much my agent has earned from me AHAHAHAHH! ;) Hope u will succeed in your new career! As for bfeeding, can you cold-turkey him?
Since we are at pics, a photo of 3 April girls (taken 2 weeks ago) who have come to be good friends with one another
, although they do have their fair share of fights ;)


From left: Koori's Kaylen, Stefylim's Luann, Calamari's Kayla

Maybe we can see some April boys' pics? ;)
toddlers who refused food
I gave my son v soft food when i tot tt he's teething. Soft food that he just swallowed each mouthful. I also varied the grain to pique his interest. Sometimes pasta (blended), cous cous (his fave). HTH.

I think his teeth r grown out now. All 16 except for molars, i just wish he will take a shorter time for his meals. Ha...
These few days, my gal is having constipation lor. She really have to strain so hard before the thing comes out. Sometimes, it can even take hours!See liao oso heartpain cos she keep crying. Tried giving her prunes & yakult but none of them helped.
Anyone has remedies??
Luckily my girl stop her food strike and is eating well now. Thanks to all the mummies who gave me all the advice.

Now I hope (juz like clover) that her teeth can grow faster. She has only 8 teeth now (4 top, 4 bottom) all incisors only so she can take very long to chew. Poor girl... chew until her jaws tired also haven finish her meals haha...
deby, can try probiotics and tummy massage (clockwise)..

my girl seems to constipate on the day after she takes the childlife cod liver oil. cos she takes the cod liver oil and multi-vit on alt days.. anyone has the same experience? if i give her multi-vits on consecutive days she'll be ok, if cod liver oil for consecutive days very jialat..
fruits, vege and plenty of water helps for my boy. fruits like peach, pear, apple and banana. if all else fails, mebe use suppository from PD. usually the hard bit needs to come out then the soft ones can follow.
deby : Ya. drink lots of water. My son doesn't like fruits so i give him fruit juice or even very diluted ribena or barley. She just need lots of fluid. Like jo's D, ju also. the hard bit will come out then soft already.

Lynn : Ju on both childlife multi vit and cod liver oil everyday. No constipation prob. But he also takes probiotics.

Sputnik : I was there last sunday. It was very crowded even at 10am as there was a birthday party there. At 11, 1/2 the crowd went to the room for party so it was slightly better.
