(2008/04) April 2008

same here.. my company also give 3 days this year. Next yr will be 6days...cant wait too!

yeah, my hubby's company also give 6 days! so really depend on individual company. From MOM:

The childcare leave entitlement of 6 days per year will be pro-rated for the period 17 Aug 08 to 31 Dec 08 for eligible employees, which works out to 3 days. However, if an employee has already taken 2 days of childcare leave under the Employment Act prior to 17 Aug 08, he/she will only be entitled to 1 additional day of childcare leave until the end of the year. These 3 days will be employer-paid. Where employers are able to grant up to the full 6 days of childcare leave, the Government will pay for the additional days of childcare leave taken, up to the maximum of 3 days.
yeap for this year.. this is the reply from MOM when my colleague wrote to them.

think some company lazy (like mine), dont wan more work so just gave us the prorated of 3 days..
Hi Angel, u can tell them xin1 mi3..they shld know. but to me no diff....although xin mi suppose to be easy cook.

Childcare leave, mine oni 2 days sobz sobz
sob sob... mine also 2 days only

i also blur..hee..think i call tmr n ask clearly... cause i tink is if company can give the 3 days extra, government will pay with capping $500 per day nia...
alien one is normally selling $266 but dunno y this time round sell $248. like not selling any more cos SSW is the sole distributor so by rite shld not have oth distributor.
what a terrible night..

my girl has reduced milk intake (okay, that's old news) since saturday but i attributed it to the weekend and us being out and her being distracted and excited.

anyway it did not improve yesterday and today, and on top of it she has been crying uncontrollably on and off. today she did it again and i suddenly saw whitish patches inside her mouth when she opened it wide and cried loudly. i suspect it's thrush so it must be causing her pain which should explain the crying and milk refusal (even when asleep).

my regular PD is not open this evening by the time i discovered the problem, so had to scramble to look for another PD nearby. anyway took her to Baby Bear children's clinic in Woodlands. told the doc about the suspected thrush and also about her milk intake. actually i haven't start telling him abt her milk refusal yet. just told him she takes only 600+ml per day. he immediately said she has a shallow stomach and asked if we needed to feed her while asleep? i was taken aback, either he could read fortunes and tell by my girl's face or my panda eyes cos he hasn't even examined her yet! he went on to say that she cannot finish 150ml of milk at one go, true enough her max is only a pathetic 120ml. he says just to feed small frequent meals no choice, but then come all the bad news..

1. it'll get increasingly more difficult to feed her cos she'll sleep less and she'll be smarter and less easy to fool into drinking milk.
2. changing to formula won't help as she has probably formed a negative association with the bottle (feed = reflux and pain) that's why can only feed when asleep
3. she will NOT grow out of this 'phase'
4. she'll similarly be difficult to feed solids and also will only tolerate small meals
5. she'll prob never be interested in milk

i'm so depressed receiving all these bad news on the day she turns 6 months old exactly. it's pretty sad

and then hubby went home and dunno how he washed my pump he broke my personalfit funnel. now he rush out to buy cos i very scared of getting blocked ducts again

good news is mine's not the worst case of milk refusal. he says got other feed up to 6 small meals of cereal per day because of milk refusal. but must feed more waterif she dun take milk.

i was very upset and kept asking if i increase cereal feed won;t my girl be missing out on her nutrients? he say won't. then i asked when can start porridge and what i can put inside. he says can start porridge now with vege and puree eveything. 7 months onwards can start meat, and he says to use fatty meat and blend also. cos my girl drink less milk than other babies so need to get her fats elsewhere.

very sad lah, dunno what i did or fail to do to cause my girl to be like this

After reading your post, I'm worried and sian. Sound so much like Julian! And I tot by introducing semi solid might help. BIG Sigh!!!

Like Adele, Julian's 6 months today too. We didn't have a very good day too
He has stuffy nose and rejected milk. Was cranky these 2 days too. So difficult to pacify. He used to be able to finish 180ml at 1 go. Recently dunno why he can only take 120ml. These 2 days worse, it has been 60 - 90ml. Today, he only took 540ml! I tried feeding him while he is asleep. These 2 days he rejected too. End up crying. I always ask myself what I did that causes my son to be like that too...
oh dear lynn, sorry to hear that.

ya, like jules' mum, i also feel worried after reading. coz my boy is also like that. recently he only takes milk in 50-60ml. yest he only took 250ml total! in a day! i am thinking he is teething but not sure. all along he doesn't take much milk.

and these few days he has been crying alot too, screaming his head off at nite, in fact. duno why.

he was quite interested in cereals n porridge, eating from spoon, but these few days, also take lesser. oh dear!

i hope somehow, all these will pass. =( somehow. for all the mummies and babies having this prob.
( mummies who baby refuse milk)
The PD not bad hor. My PD only says he will drink when he is hungry, can't be bother attitude. I must change PD.

My boy also like that only drink milk when asleep if not drink and fall asleep. As he refuse bottle and i latch on only so i don't know the amt he drinks. But one thing is that he will wake up at least 2-3 in the middle of the night to nurse.

If i bring him out, worse.. whole day don't need to drink. coz he will look here look there can not nap so can not drink milk.

You don't be upset. your girl look so cute. and she is doing very well in her development. I am sure one day she will hold the bottle by herself and finish one big bottle of milk. Let's... jia you..
By Winter: Can, for those who wants to order BPA-free Avent bottles, can PM me. Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45)
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

Amt taken: US$ 153.81
Open bal: US$46.19

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Lynn and Jules' Mum,
May I ask the weight and height of your bubs?

It sounds to me that your PD wasn't alarmed at all. I take it that this is common enough and Adel must still be at an acceptable weight and height.

I'm very sorry to hear that he had nothing but bad news to offer you tonight but if anything, you now know what to expect. And I hope that it better equips you to deal with what might come.
You need to believe that YOU DID NOTHING TO CAUSE THIS.

Some babies are more difficult than others, it's tough but we have to roll with the punches.
Doctors know a lot, but they can't predict everything.
He says that Adel won't grow out of it, but anything is possible. Perhaps that can be a hopeful, encouraging thought for you.

Just to share, Ethan's teething again and his intake these days is upsetting.
Today for instance; he had 180ml for breakfast and 2 x 5tbsp cereal + 120ml FM for lunch and tea.
That's it. No dinner, nothing. His last feed was at 1.30pm.

Lots of moms experience feeding woes, you're not alone.
And like you said, yours is not the worst case of milk refusal, so take heart

There is much else to be thankful for, try not to let feeding woes prevent you from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

For all you know, things will pick up when you introduce porridge.
Best of luck!
yeah, dont be so disheartened ok? u definitely did nothing to cause this. i feel you have done a lot for adel, being such a great mum. i'm sure she'll grow healthy, bubbly and well. take care, we'll be here to listen and share yr woes!
yupz lynn, believe that we, mothers & babies, will get past it somehow.

we must try to feed in quality not quantity then.

everyday i am hoping for my boy to do better and better...he hasn't even learnt how to flip!

jia you lynn, and all mummies. later on, there will be more than just feeding woes, so must be strong mummies. =)
Hi Mummies,
My bb is 6 months too and she is feeding so little... only 1.5teaspoon of cereal a day. very hard to feed her as she likes to turn her head here and there, i think only half the food i feed her goes into her mouth. n bcos of the difficulty to feed her, my mum does not like to feed her and insist that milk is enough. can't seem to convince her that she needs more to grow at this age and milk is no longer enough. very stressed over this. this is my 2nd bb actually but i've nvr had so much prob w eating for my #1!
hi maomi,
my daughter flipped only at 5 months- not very early too, and she hates to be on her tummy! when she flips she will start crying. they will flip eventually, but i understand ur anxiety, cos i was waiting and waiting for her to flip. n i tend to compare her w her brother who flipped at 10 wks. now i keep thinking how is she gg to sit up if she does not like to be on her tummy!
hi dec pt, heheh..my boy hates to be on his tummy too. but he can sit albeit some wobbliness. i am thinking how he is going to CRAWL! haha..guess he may juz skip it and go on to walking.

the babies nowadays are harder to please eh? that's what my mum says. v hard to "ci hou" hahah!
U-Like blender club.. sounds nice! hehe I find it really makes my life easier. Lesser things to assemble compared to my traditional blender.

re porridge
Actually, we tried cooking plain rice with water, add sweet potato, then blend. My boy likes it. You need to use the 2 blades to mill the grains into powder. Powdered rice takes only 10mins to cook. If you use stove top to cook your porridge, you have to stir constantly and it is going to be very tedious. So, if blending is not an option, maybe a slow cooker will be good.

I have also ground whitebaits into fine powdery form using the U-Like blender. Just wash and fry until dry, then blend. But have not tried it on baby. hehe
Those companies who give 6 days childcare leave this year, i must say that they are super generous! hehe They can't even claim for that 3 days as recommended by mom guideline, and not to mention 6 days!
I say we wait until after thanksgiving before getting the Ergo. Cos there might be more sales online. I will keep you all updated kay?
i have called MOM...this year can be 6days if company generous...and also 3 days can be claimable from Governement with capping of $500/day inclusive of this yr...
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning, mummies</font>

So happy cos manage to feed my boy the apple puree for his night snack yesterday.. he does not like it the first time, so buy another brands of apples, he loves it

u-like blender club,
hehe.. finally use the blender to make the apple puree..
Morning Mummies.....so many of u used the U-like blender. I mus start using it as well...

Any mummies have bb doing the following things.
1) Throw things on the floor and stare at tat thing
2) Very clingy and oni selective ppl can carry them

Now mine is holding onto the bedrail and standing up and wanting to move a step forward..so worried that he really fell over the bedrail..no matter how we educate or lightly smack, he be smiling to us!
Gd morning mummies!

Vonn, my gal still cant sit up on her own much less stand up! Your boy is really developing fast wor!

For the past 1 wk, my gal has been refusing to unlatch in the nite feeds. She usually will drink and doze off and I will unlatch her and place her back in her cot, however, she has recently refused to be unlatched. She will throw tantrums by arching her back and throwing herself and wail. So i have no choice but to latch her again... the problem is, she takes up to 45mins to 1hr to finally allow me to unlatch her when she is in deep sleep and she wakes up 2 - 3 times in the nite. So tiring! Any mummies babies like dat? Dunno is it teething or wat? Nowadays she will also use her gums to bite my nipples hard. *faint*
Pagin for Diva..
have been trying to email you to yr yahoo account but the emails keeps bounced back.

can pm me? cos need to check with you regarding the X'Mas bib!
any mummies using moulinex handheld blender? easy to use to blend rice into fine grains? or easy to blend puree?

U-like blender:
easy to blend baby puree?
the moulinex, think summer's mama using it..

as for the u-like, i think it's real easy. i have used the 4 blades and done in seconds. haha..
GOOD Morning mummies...

CCL...my co gives 6days..hee hee hee...i'm enjoying the benefits

tsukushi...i did the same for white bait..n add into the porridge to cook..my gal loves it...yummy yummy

vonn..my gal will swing her toys then throw it on to the floor...then she will look at the toy n whine wanting us to pick it up for...ha ha ha...very naughty

jaspire...when your gal bites u, make sure u smack her cheeks so that she knows its painful to bite...dun make it a habit for her if not when her teeth comes out trust me it's gonna be very painful...

my gal is also bite my nipples...i check her gums...found out her lower gum got a sharp white little thing...she is teething...ur gal might be teething too!!!
stefylim, I wanna smack my gal's cheeks or mouth. But hor, she is suffering from eczema and its very red ard her mouth. See liao very "sim tia", much less to want to smack her mouth. So i will just chide her and she will innocently look at me. Haiz...

Geryl, i checked but found no whitish thingy leh. Dunno when she is teething cos since she 2mths + been drooling alot and everyone tells me she is teething but till now, not even a single tooth. Haha... but frankly, I rather she not sprout her teeth so soon.
hi mummies,

who was the last to buy the calendula cream from jgal's list? i can't seem to find the latest list in the numerous archived threads. help!
my son is also waking up numerous times, not to feed but just cranky &amp; needed some cuddles. Been going on for weeks! haha..so i just go with the flow...but being a terrible mom, a couple of nites, been giving him cold shoulder. Let him cried for 30mins then only attend to him. Trying to break this terrible habit.

oh dear...another mummy just advice me not to give cold shoulder too often...must set a routine for him instead, so he'll know when to play, eat sleep etc...aiyoh, now i'm super guilty!
