(2008/04) April 2008

piggy mummy, it could the weather, my girl has been crying a lot too. so i let her sleep with me in a cooler 26-28 deg room... you can try swaddling too.

calamari - since u using the glass bottles, wat type of caps u using? Issit those plastic caps that you can buy from TMC pharmacy, abt $1 each? Cos was thinking quite exp to use these caps...

Anyone keen to take over my medela breastmilk bags, pigeon breastpads, and pigeon fridge-to-go cooler bag? All brand new.

Interested PM for details.
Re: Baby Crying
My boy also cry, and there were times when I carried him from 3pm to 6pm. The moment I want to put him down, he cry. So I used sarong (yao lan) and since then, I am free to do my chores :) I know there are pros and cons of using sarong, but it works for my boy and that's all it matters.

RE : Amount of feed to BB
All BB are different, as long as BB do not merlion the milk out after feed, it is all right to feed them the amount they want. My friend's bb took 180ml before 1st month. Guess every bb growth spur is different.
i tried swaddling my baby (both cloth and swaddle me).. doesn't work for me leh.

this morning hubby fed baby at 4am and she fuss and cry till 5am. i was wondering why she refuse to sleep. end up ask hubby to bring her to me. i carry then she sleep. end up i put her on my lap and we both slept..
my mother iL like to let b sleep on tummy (on her)..i find it very dangerous leh
My baby now sleeps on my bed with me and hubby, find it more convenient coz can latch her on at night without getting up. She sleeps better also with me beside her. In the day she usually will fall asleep on me then i put her down. she likes to be carried upright with her head on my shoulder then she will nudge herself downwards and crouch on my tummy with her head on my breast then she fall asleep... There were many times when i carried her like that both of us fell asleep on the sofa ;P
piggy_mummy, in fact my PD advised to put baby on prone position (tummy down) during the day when there is adult supervision. Will reduce wind in tummy. Also baby will be less likely to get startled.
my boy doesn't like to be swaddled. he'd struggle out of the cloth / swaddler, and when he can't (like when using swaddleme), he'd wake and cry.

he's been sleeping face up since day 1, i wonder if he'll ever adapt to sleeping face down!
Have you tasted your own milk before?

As my baby was fussing over the bottle one day, I decided to picked up my courage and sipped a bit. Both refidgerated and freezed. The former still taste ok but the latter is really yucky lor, made me wanna vomit, rancid taste leh.. only put for 2 weeks nia...

So i think probably may just feed my bb with refridgerated ones and if no choice then freezed ones..
I just cut my bb finger, got blood. very heartpain.
she cried so loudly but awhile only. coz i intend not to let her wear mitten alrd. i told hubby & i got scolded... he said let him cut if not i will hurt her again. haiz i'm a clumsy mum...
<font color="0000ff">morning all..
it had been super long since i last post... anyone miss me anot... haha

btw anyone going to motherhood fair tomorrow... want to meet up.. please PM me hor....

oh rite any1 collecting 7-11 Doraemon 2008 Euro Stars , my elder boy collecting left with 4 more... see any1 have for extra... missing 1,2,5 &amp; 7</font>
cheesycake, u not alone. I also accidentally cut bb's finger, husband even used camera to take down as evidence(but guess he just wanna tease me la). Really heart pain hor... I think is quite common using baby nail clipper. Even experience baby nanny like my mil also made the mistake before. Ever since I use baby scissors le, easier to cut and no accident so far. Dont't worry, it will heal nicely in a few days time.
cherish, me also unable clean the inner part so leave it as it is. PD said just try to clean as much as possible without reaching too far back in.
i also accidently cut my gal's finger, can see a piece of skin being strip off, so heart pain &amp; got scolded by my husband. my SIL advise me to use scissors &amp; really is much easier.

whenever my gal cry, i'll try to carry her &amp; she likes the upright position. if that doesn't works, i'll put her in the yao lan. But am trying not to let her sleep in the yaolan all the time during the day (at night, she'll sleep in her cot). but when i put her on the mattress, she'll not sleep, eyes open big big &amp; after awhile she'll cry. how can i not let her sleep in the yaolan? my gal nanny said try not to let her sleep in the yaolan if not when we bring her out, she'll wants to "yao yao"... how?

as for cleaning, i try to reach as far in as possible when she cry out loud &amp; do a quick one...though is really heart pain to see her cry out loud, but after a few times, got used to it. &amp; now she knows that i'm cleaning her tongue, she'll sort of suck my finger, so that i won't be able to clean, so cute..
i cut my baby's fingernails today. i find using the baby nail clippers easier , but since so many here prefer the scissors cos it's safer, mebe i sh try it out... what brand nail scissors are u all using?
poshies, where is the motherhood fair?

Breastpump: Anyone using the medela "swing" electric pump? good to use or not?

anyone bb never poo for serveral days? my bb nowadays poo only once a few days..how to make her poo everyday? is it b'cos she not eating enough? she hate to drink water(even with added gripewater)...
Re: Cutting of finger nails
mummies, maybe you would like to cut them while they are sleepingor latching them on? I often cut when baby is latching on so there is minimal movement.

Cloudeme: Motherhood fair is at Expo. But I wanna know what time it is open so that can avoid the crowd.

I have read up that some babies did not poo for 10 days and it is alright so long as baby does not contispate and the stools passed out are not hard ones. Probably baby has digested the milk? My boy always love to poo during feed, even if nothing likes to force out. Which I believed to cause a bit of bleeding that time. Every time he did that, I will tell him not to poo out.. lol

is ur bb on total BF? If yes, then no worry coz e intake hs digested.

my boy is like urs. he poo once every few days and once he poo that day, it's like 1/4 of a bottle of mustard.

Re: Cutting of finger nails
use a bb scissor is much better. Try Pigeon
re: cutting of finger nails

ok i will try scissor next time. very scare end up cuting her flesh again. heartpain loh...

re: cleaning of tongue

i will reach as far as i could. i use warm drinking water only. so far cleanse quite well. i will do it morning &amp; evening time before milk feed.
nails.. i bought 2 clipper. 1 tollyjoy which is very difficult to use. and NUK one which is quite good.
i manage to use the nuk one to cut without hurting her.

ebm.. i having abit of problem here.. my gal is drinking more and more and i dun have enuff :| all my frozen milk are used up. I think tomorrow she may get FM liao
sputnik: Yes, I bought the bottle caps from TMC and Cheong Choon at Chinatown. Have 130 caps with me to date! Hahahaha! So have spent almost $100 on caps alone, lucky glass bottles are free. Its still cheaper than buying FM. ;)

Btw, I have about 20 bottle caps, brand new and unused to let go at 80 cents per piece. PM me if u are interested
cheesycake, I cut my bb thumb too. Heartache but no choice. I braced myself and cut his fingernail again after an hour and this time, no injury :)

Esther, is the milk freeze together with fish and meat? Heard from friend that the frozen milk will absorb the smell from the fish esp, then it will be a bit stinko.
mummies, any tips to make bb sleep on tummy?

it's supposed to let them sleep better and help with tummy wind, but my girl hates being on her tummy

any idea how to make her like the prone position better? i read that most babies would like to be in this position but not my girl or am i doing something wrong? need any pillows or anything to make her more comfortable?
Hi all,

I am new to this forum.

Would like to share that my bb (just 2 mth old)sleeps better and longer when he is tummy down. when he is not asleep and i put him on his tummy, he will do the "push up" and will not sleep. wat i do is to cuddle him to sleep first then put him on his tummy to sleep n tap tap him on his back.

as for the swaddle me thingy, i use it to wrap bb after he has fallen to sleep and he will usually sleep for a longer time.
I tasted my milk and fm before, fresh, refrigerated and frozen ones. The best is still bm, i think taste best esp if u take sweet things like cakes etc, bm will also be sweet. If put in fridge and temperature is not cold enough, it will taste fishy. So i usually put straight into freezer with a ziploc bag and the it taste like the fresh ones as it is very cold in freezer. Well there are fresh poultry in the freezer so ziploc bag is an added filter for me to put my milk bottle in in before storing. However i usually store less than 3 weeks.

I also cleaned a few times of my girl's tongue and that was this time that i was so pissed with my mum that i traumatized my girl by cleaing so far into that she cried for a while. Usually i just used hanky to talk to her and she thinks i am playing w her and she is ok. I think whenever i want to test if she is hungry, i usually use her hanky and test her lips instead of using my hands. Tired of having to keep washing my hands before touching her lips. So i think she thinks it is feeding or playing time.

I have not tried cutting my girl's nails yet. Usually my mum does it with the little fingernail clip i bought for her from kiddy place. It is really good as the cutter is so short and round which i think it is easier compared to clipper that looks like a normal scissor to me.

Dun think i will join the outing at botanic gardens food court. Think i cannt manage on my own to take bb there and nursing as comfortably as i would like. Yesterday i went for another outing in someone's home and i already couldnt managed w/o the help of my mum. carry bb, bag and food, very xiong.

If u girls are going for another outing in someone's home, do let me know before i go to KL in late june or early july.
Outing 02
Date: 28th June 2008(Sat)
Venue: Bt Panjang (Senja Rd)- My Humble Nest
Timing: 11-2pm or 330-6pm

Interested Party:
1) Yo, #1&amp;2 (Host)

Since you are not going to the outing, how do you want to collect the milk bag from me? via postage?

Btw, I do encourage you to bring bb out on your own. It's a learning process. You will soon learn to handle it by yourself.
My HB is back then as we will be taking bb for her 2nd jab of 6-in-1 on 27 June. Hopefully no fever, if not, cannt join but i wd put my name down first as i have help from HB to send me there and carry things. Hopefully bb dun have fever and feel ok for us to be out again

Outing 02
Date: 28th June 2008(Sat)
Venue: Bt Panjang (Senja Rd)- My Humble Nest
Timing: 11-2pm or 330-6pm

Interested Party:
1) Yo, #1&amp;2 (Host)
2) Simp n bb
OK can post to me. Let me have ur details and i transfer the amt to ur account.

Am thinking of getting a carrier seriously as i realised my bb doesnt really like to be in the pouch. Cant be in more than 10mins. And if have to carry bag, her and other things, i realli dun know how to manage. Currently havnt buy any stroller in spore yet, in kl, we have 1 as gift from friends. Haiz i am thinking of getting stroller end of the year and get carrier instead. Still deciding.
Hi Sputnik,
I used medela bfree bottle or pigeon bottle that comes w the PIS pump and pigeon steriliser to store as i heard that glass bottle may crack. BTW, i only ahve 2 glass bottle as feeding purpose nia. I am thinking of using sterilised milk bags to store as it is more compact and saves space in a freezer that is already full of things. However i still use glass bottle to feed ebm or fm w my bb. Havnt try milkbags yet, so am getting from xiang. Hear that the review on lansino milkbags are good as got zipper.

Simp - OIC... i currently storing using glass bottles in freezer, but find that it takes up space and the caps quite exp, so will try the lansinosh milkbags also. So i guess u put straight in freezer and thaw when baby needs to drink..
