(2008/04) April 2008

sorry.. sorry.. i keep changing my post..
Okay.. let's stick with a single item and each set to be $30 for easy calculation. Any extra will go to the shipping fee. i will post my actual transaction cost here for you gals to see.

kea. the learning kit is a "machine". You suppose to put in the leapfrog books into the machine. then the machine will then "tell story"
it's interactive.

I think there is 1 book that come with the set.
Yes, there's a sample book that comes with the set. There are actually many many titles of books available. It's highly interactive. The book will sing or read just by e touch of a finger.
<font color="0000ff"><u>Leapfrog spree</u></font>
Learning system order. 1 set is SGD30 exclude shipping.
<table border=1><tr><td> s/n</TD><TD>NICK </TD><TD> Item</TD><TD>Total(SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Jgal</TD><TD> LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Stefylim</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Kea</TD><TD>LS-blue</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Puffish</TD><TD>LS-blue</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>cyl_16</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Sputnik</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Transfer to me when i am ready to order :)
The spree will go thru once we hit 17 sets.

For books/toys order,it will be a seperate spree.
please specify in the following format.
Nick :
Item url:
Price in USD:
Price in SGD:
Total(SGD) :

Transfer to me when i am ready to order :)
The spree will go thru once we hit (SGD500).
i think they sell in singapore also.. you all can check out at the stores.

anyway, when the item come our bb will be ard 4/5 mths.. just nice

kea : okay
I will be going to the gathering on Tue, will pick up my controlwear from you and pass you the top up for the shipping charges too.

Re: motherhood fair
Erm, i didn't buy alot of things this morning when i went. Friso and Nestle have booths there. Pampers, Nepia, Huggies, Dryers and Pureen have booths there too. The longest queue belongs to pampers and huggies. Not too sure about the promo at these booths coz i didn't buy anything from there. But Nepia has a baby's club thing going on. Join them as members can order diapers at $14 per pkt instead of $15 per pkt for the mth of Jun. Buying their diapers there is $15 for a pkt plus 4 more pcs. Other than that there r booths by mumsfairy and mums in mind.
Hi Jgal, I also want to get the following books as well:

NICK: Puffish

1. LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!


USD 9.99
SGD 14.50

2.LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish


USD 9.99
SGD 14.50

Total price USD 19.98
Total price SGD 29.00

Thank you so much for organising this spree! Do let me know when I need to transfer $ to you. =)
strawberry :
<font color="0000ff">my first touch leapPad </font> is for age 3-6. It uses different books and also there is magic pen.


<font color="0000ff">little touch leapPad </font> is for age 6mth - 3yrs
It uses touch to activate the animation.


Esther : I think it shld be okay. That's why i am separating the leappad order and the books/toys.
I see frm other spree the leappad probably going to be ard SGD30@.
Hi mummies,

Please excuse me for interrupting for this commercial break:




I am from the Jul08 MTBs thread and I'm organising a BP for LBS. If I can get 10 mummies to sign up for this BP, we will enjoy the following package:

1 unlimited photo session of 30 minutes for our little precious with 3 outfit changes (own clothes). In the end we will have the following prints at <font color="0000ff">$90</font> - 1 super 8R + 4 x 5R shots (add $15 per additional person).

The current price is now $120 for the same package as shown in their rate card: www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates

If we have more than 15 in the group, we will enjoy a special price of $200 for the CD of all shots of the photo session (unedited), instead of $250

To look at their work, do check out their website or scroll up to some of the older posts:

Interested parties please PM me. I will collect deposit of $50 upon confirmation, and the remainder of $40 when the BP closes. If we don't meet the minimum number of mummies of 10 by the end of June then I will refund all deposits.

<font color="0000ff">The only restriction is that your shoots have to be scheduled between 1 July and 30 Sept 2008.</font>

Mummies participating
1. Pinkbunny
Learning System order ($30 each learning system)
<table border=1><tr><td>S/N</TD><TD>NICK </TD><TD> Item</TD><TD>Total(SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Jgal</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Stefylim</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Kea</TD><TD>LS-Blue</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Puffish</TD><TD>LS-Blue</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>cyl_16</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Sputnik</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Jgal</TD><TD>LS-Blue</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Koori</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Esther Zhang</TD><TD>LS-Pink</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Books and Toys
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item name</TD><TD>Price(USD)</TD><TD>Total(USD)</TD><TD>Total(SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Esther Zhang</TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>9.98</TD><TD>14.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Dora the Explorer A Gift from Big Sister Dora</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>19.89</TD><TD>29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Puffish</TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>19.89</TD><TD>29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish</TD><TD>9.99 </TD></TR><TR><TD>STEFYLIM</TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Dora the Explorer A Gift from Big Sister Dora</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>19.89</TD><TD>29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!</TD><TD>9.99 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Jo : not sample books lah :p that are books that are quite good to start off for a 6mth old
Additional books is to keep reading interesting lor ..

the system can be use up to 5 yr old. Baby cannot be reading the same books for 3 yrs.. i think mama will grow crazy.. readin the same thing.. ha haha

may i join in as well ?

Nick - Serena

1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Learning System (Blue)


USD 19.99
SGD 30.00

2)LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!


USD 9.99
SGD 14.50

2.LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish


USD 9.99
SGD 14.50

Total SGD 59.00
Yo : i have unopen pack that i not urgently need to use. you want them first? i can mail to you this sat first (postage shld be $1). When xiang get her good, she then pass me your pack.
hi Jgal

I wanna join ur leapfrog spree.

1. LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Learning System (BLUE)
Price : USD 19.99

S$ 30.00

2. LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!

USD 9.99
SGD 14.50

3.LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish


USD 9.99
SGD 14.50
Okay.. spree for the <font color="0000ff">leappad learning system </font> is <blink><font color="ff0000">closed</font></blink>!!! The books/toys are still open.
All who ordered.
Please transfer $30 to DBS Saving 001-1-053838 and specify LP-<nick> as payee, then email transaction details. [email protected]
sherin, i wan to join the spree for the books. but rushing out now and have to check against the books i already have later this evening. can i let you know by tonight?
