(2008/04) April 2008

calamari - thanks for the offer on the caps. I still hv some, but will be looking into using milkbags for storage instead cos the caps quite exp and the glass bottles take up quite a bit of space and can't store much also.

Hi Simp,

Have bought my baby bjorn carrier from Firstfewyear as i cant tahan my baby weight liao and he still dont quite like to sit on his pram.
starling, i've already posted it out for you yesterday.

oh mummies, by the way, i do have six brand new (seal unopened) pigeon breastmilk containers to let go. 3 bottles in a pack is retailing for $15.20. I have two sets. PM me if u are interested.
Hi, Jo

The milkbag is still in U.S. There is a confusion and Comgateway informed that I should be receiving in abt 6 business days time.

U need the milkbag urgently? I still have an unopened box. I can send it to you first.

When I am out with baby alone, I will use mrt. Ethan will travelled in his stroller and I will carry a diaper bag. The diaper bag will be "hooked" onto the stroller.

That's how I managed. Haven't travelled in a cab before when I am with bb alone.

Planned to take a cab to the outing. will see if I can managed..
i was searching for mead johnson...and found this link...bt dont know where the milk powder is manufacture...will drop by the shop later and let u all know...

haiz..i envy those got alot of BM..mine drop alot even though now on Fenugreek
Simp, I agree with xiang that you shld try to bring baby out on ur own. Maybe to places closer to home.
I drive most of the time. Got once, before i figured how to use e infant seat, seatbelt, my girl "flew" out of her carseat when i brake v hard. Luckily she is ok. NOw i learnt my lesson. Always belt her up first. I brought her out on the MRT before. I put her in my pouch. She will guai guai sleep throughout. I think she loves e pouch.
Now i got a maid, hee, much easier, no need to worry abt all these already. Think this help is pretty god-sent. No need to worry abt a crying baby or no time for myself...

Is their charges high? I am looking to move a super-single bed. Do they wrapped the furnitures before shifting?
No worries. Am still deciding if i shd get a carrier. Waiting for Hb to come back before we hunt the carrier. There is another brand as well called pikkolo, not available in spore yet, It is like a combination of bjorn and ergo. I wonder if it is worth the investment.

Am thinking if bb does not like the pouch, then i would store it and see if my next bb wants to use. If not, then i would sell away. So far i have not taken mrt or bus or taxi with bb alone, always in the presence of my parents or Hb with cars. Dun know how to manage as both hands are used to hold bb and then i tried to sling the bag. Very challenging for me, really an adventure. Really need a good carrier or a reasonable stroller to help me. We did get a carrier but the gap is so wide that i feel that bb is falling out of the carrier and the next still need support. However i think bb likes to be put in the carrier as there is movement and she can sleep. However good carriers are exp just like stroller. Bjorn and ergo all cost above $150, hmm if it is cheaper it would be great.

Yes, i thaw the milk bottle from freezer using hot water, faster than the bottle warmer.
Xiang - wow u dare to take mrt with bb alone, i don dare...hehe...so far only took cab with my mom but never bring bb out alone. The outing will be the 1st outing with bb alone.
so far, i only used strollers when i'm going out with my mum or hubby. our strollers ( peg perego n quinny) are qyite huge n requires quite a bit of effort in malls. So my pouch is my fav choice. Now i cant use e cradle method anymore, she cant fit in already...
koori...me too...this outing will be the first time i bring bb out alone...thk will bring her in the pouch...easier ha ha ha
personally i think their charges are reasonable. u may want to cal them to get a quote. yes they do wrap up all our furnitures.

actually i hv already bought this littletouch leapPad fr BP. will be collecting it this week.
orh .. got blue and pink leh .. mine is little gal. I want the pink one leh :p bp only blue.

Calamari : I wake up to pump yesterday at 11 (50ml)and 3 am (20ml!!!) ..... I went back to work liao so i worry my gal no enuff milk
jgal: Yah, i am looking out for spree on leappad

sherin: nice seeing u yesterday

yo: looking fwd to see u this weekend
sorry I can't make it for 28 June (again!) as will be going sentosa for the weekend as its my mom's birthday.
jgal: I also looking for pink one. Always have spree for leappad one. If i see, i inform u ok. As for milk ss, maybe u want to try drinking lotsa warm fluids like milo, before u pump? Are u stressed at work? Sometimes stress can cause dip in ss.
Calamari: you want to buy? i think i will order frm them direct and use my vpost. I thinking of giving it as Xmas present for my nephew also.
calamari : orh.. hee he.. just see your msg. Okay.. i will wait for leappad spress.. I not stress. Just that baby is drinking more and more.. We keep track of how much she drinks daily in her little milk record book..ha haha ...
Hi Cherish
I have used MIM sling. Bought the sateen & i find that it is v cooling for both mummy & baby. Have not tried the pouch.

I'll keep u all posted if i can join in on 12 June. V scared of bringing gal out alone & being caught in a situation that there's no place to bf as she doesnt like bottle. anyone using the sling to bf in public before?
jgal: I also keep a record of my bb's milk intake in my blackberry. Read in a web site that avg intake should be about 750ml but my girl avg only 650ml leh
jgal....if u order thk i also wan to get a set for my gal...

maybe we shld do our own spree here...ha ha ha...u wanna organise again since u got vpost acct... :p
RE: BB Milk intake

me too keep a record of my ger's intake...these days i try to space out her feeding to 2.5-3hrs and each 100-110ml or latch on but seems like intake lesser coz nw she onli wake up 1 time at nite to drink...

am trying to increase her intake each feed slowly so that she gets enuff...
hi all,
just came back from my shopping..and pop by the shop on the cheap FM..apparently those discounted FM are already out of stock as the shop is clearing infant items..to concentrade on home health care items...They still left a few tins but have increase the price.(is the same as NTUC) Told the shop owner that he should remove from his website to prevent misunderstanding.

haiz..tot we found a good bargain. pai say everyone...

dun worry too much abt bf in e public. i usually will sit one corner, position my boy to his comfortable position, lift my top and latch him on. if too many ppl, i'll use a cloth or the sling to cover...at times when m slinging my boy, i'll just lower the clothes and do some adjustment and then he latches on...

to those who are stepping out of the hse on ur own, "Jia You". There's always the 1st time and it'll get better.... Just take ur time,plan early and no stress...

Re:Sling or Pouch
I hv both.
newborn to 3/4mths, sling is gd...
but... when they get older, a pouch is easier... and wont strain ur shoulder too much as the wt is even out on both side

u hv a box of spare milk bag to space is it??? what's the brand and how much?
Outing 02
Date: 28th June 2008(Sat)
Venue: Bt Panjang (Senja Rd)- My Humble Nest
Timing: 11-2pm or 330-6pm

Interested Party:
1) Yo, #1&2 (Host)
2) Simp n bb
amy, controlwears are here. i haveny got ur address.

calamari, yes, nice meeting u! How does e controlwear fit?

cherish, i'm using pouch. have made myself a few. i use silk, brocade, cotton. Hee different ones to match different clothes n occassion.
I find pouch easier, perhaps coz i'm short so i don like e sling as it has e "drape".

Regarding spree for leapfrog, frm experience, in order to get a low shipping rate, we always have to hope that these online stores pack our orders into small boxes. this will minimise shipping as it is usually charged based on its volume instead of its actual weight (which is cheaper). And there are many instances where leapfrog or even those merchandiser will pack steroforms into e boxes. It result in us paying alot of shipping fees for e steroforms or even just "air". So my advice is that u guys may want to try ordering just e same product. It will be easier for them to pack, without stuffing in too much steroforms. As different products will most likely lead to a more irregular shape.
Outing 02
Date: 28th June 2008(Sat)
Venue: Bt Panjang (Senja Rd)- My Humble Nest
Timing: 11-2pm or 330-6pm

Interested Party:
1) Yo, #1&2 (Host)
2) Simp n bb
3) Chewy & Elliot
<font color="0000ff"><u>Leapfrog spree</u></font>
Only learning system. 1 set is SGD30 exclude shipping.

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK </TD><TD> Item</TD><TD>Total(SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jgal</TD><TD> Learning system(Pink)</TD><TD>60 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Learning system orange </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stefylim</TD><TD>Learning system(Pink)</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kea</TD><TD>Learning system(Blue)</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Transfer to me when i am ready to order

The spree will go thru once we hit 17 sets.
