(2008/04) April 2008

Hi sherin,

No problem
Could i ask if you are diluting the milk i.e adding more water than normal, so that's why your girl can drink 200ml? I understand from a pedi that we shouldn't dilute the milk cos it doesn't really help to give them so much water when they are young. As for the cranky factor, most babies have the urge the suckle, so you can try giving her the pacifier instead of so much milk. Like jamie said, do consult your pedi. Cos overfeeding might cause overweight babies :p

She is heavy ! not sure if over weight. But actually she's not cranky. So dont think she is drinking out of crankiness. She will stop when she's full. She rejects pacifiers. I gave it to her coz i think it will give her a sense of security but she will spit it out even if i try to hold on to it. She sleeps better, without pacifiers too. I dont think my milk is diluted. It's more or less as per the instructions on e tin.
sherin, your baby won't scratch heself without mittens? cos mine even after trimming the nails will scratch her face leh, dun dare to go without mittens..
Lynn - mine used to scratch herself when i took it off when she's 6-7weeks. Yday i took off she seem to be able to control her hands better so i never let her wear anymore.
hi, thanks all for the encouragement. I guess the worry i'm facing is that i need to pump every 3 hrs, so if i'm alone with baby may not be able to do this. Hv worked hard to build up my ss so dun want to see it go to waste. My MIL will be helping out by coming over for a few hrs, so hopefully it will work out...
lynn, nope. No scratches le. U have to be sure that the ends of the nails are properly cut. must be rounded.
Koori, yes. She is learn to grab things and play with e cot mobile, so i took them off.
calamari - understand that you store your EBM in glass bottles? Wat type of glass bottles u using? Is it those that you get from the hospital nursery? But the max such glass bottles can hold is abt 120-130ml..
joelle, i got that rocker thing also. I got it frm Robinsons. It's $99. I think you can get it frm stores like kiddy palace also.
What is this solution from medical hall that can use to clean bb's tongue? What is the name and price? Now using water to clean her tongue or salted veg leaves to clean it.

Is the rocker safe if bb know how to climb or turn herself? If yes, i may ask Hb to check out and buy 1 in kl to kee bb entertained while i do work. Very xiong to carry most of the time. Think i would let her cry more if i am taking care of her alone in kl. Any gss for this item?

Ur ger very
can drink so much hee. My bb looks like giant and mum says she looks like 4 to 5 mths old bb instead of 2 mth old bb. Think she is like me, super growth lady as well. our bb seems to be taking cereal well with milk. Maybe can use rice water with milk. Less heaty and filling as well, gentler on stomach too! My ger drinks abt 90ml usually unless growth spurt, she will drink like 120-130ml.
The rocker is quite safe but when bb knows how to turn, better standby an adult. Right now, we just let him sleep in the rocker while we do our things. The rocker is shaped in such a way like mummy's womb (imo la) and my boy felt v cosy and safe with the vib. Can be converted to a chair when he is older. Quite worth it in my opinion.
simp, it's interesting to hear that u can use salted veg. I'm using the one frm medical hall. It's called glycerin mouth paint. Some medical hall sells it at $2.50 although on e box it's printed $3.00. My mum has been using it frm my time then my bros.
GSS --> u may want to try kiddy palace. 15% for non member, 20% off for members.
U giving cereal as well? As sure if she's like me. My mum delivered me at 4kg and was a giant, eating and drinking alot and according to my mum, i started teething at 2 mths old. Ppl do comment that she is big for a 2 mth old baby. But my hubby is quite big size also. Not sure if it's genes or wat. rice water? u mean the water we use to wash our rice? i'm not sure if i can start solids for her at 3 mths old. will have to consult PD. in the day, very worse, she seems to be hungry even faster. I just have to entertain her until 3 hours is up.
the rocker is quite safe. it's not easy to get up frm e bouncer or turn. U may want to consider the combi one. Can rock and can push baby ard e house.
sputnik: yup, I am storing my EBM in glass bottles, ranging from 100ml to 130 ml. I obtained all the glass bottles from TMC nursery as well as from mummies in the forum. In the day, she will be bottlefed about 5 times, so I will take down 6 bottles from freezer to thaw. The 6th bottle will be split into 5 times so that every bottle we feed her is 120 ml.

Sherin: Your bb intake really a lot leh. Maybe u should check with PD. My PD and LC told me max 120 ml only leh, or else may lead to overfeeding and obesity.

Piggymummy: Maybe u can buy an activity gym for your baby. My girl loves it. She's got 3 different kinds at home. Babies also love music and light.

Koori: I took out my daughter's mittens on her 5th week after we trim her nails. I want to let her explore with her fingers. Now she starts sucking her fingers liao but not the thumb. She sucks her 2nd and 3rd fingers hahaha.

joellez: You can get FP rockers from any major dept stores.
mitten: im still putting on mitten for my bb. think i have to take out and trim her nails more often
let her feel things with her bare hand alrd...

Sherin: i just cleaned my bb tongue again. this time she's alright. i use warm drinking water and dipped it with hanky to clean her gum n tongue. i din go in too deep or else she will feel like vomiting. the one i got is green color box. wow my my gal is a small drinker compare to ur bb. she drink 90ml only, if too full she will vomit out.

simp: i got it for $2. brand is same as sherin one. i heard from my mum my grandma last time also use salted veg leaves to clean my tongue...
Dropped you a mail on my orders

Re: wearing mittens
I also took off my gal's mittens after she is 6wks old but at night when we sleep in air con room i let her wear them and after bathing coz thats when her hands and feet tend to feel cold.
I also took off her mittens when she reached 1st mth. Agreed that there are many scratches in the initial stages. She bled twice. Once was when she scratched the edge of her nose and the other on the edge of her eye. All healed within 3 days, amazing how fast they really recovered w no scars

Hmm maybe can get hb to buy the glycerin mouth pint. Can u all post the picture here. My mum used salted veg leaves and i was like hello r u sure. Then i saw that she washes it cleanly before using it to clean her tongue, how clean i really dun know.

Rice water hmm maybe it is those already boiled water like porridge water. It is more filling. I have not tried it yet as so far she either on bm /ebm /fm. My mum say can start feeding her rice water when she is 4 mths old. I got a book on to show us when and how to cook bb food for bb when they r 4 or 6 mth onwards till toddler. I thgt it is very informative and useful esp i dun really wan to 100% listen to mummies' experience only. I want facts and details and that book is good for use.
I just brought my baby to PD for her first does of 6 in 1 and rotavirus yesterday... poor gal developed fever
then these few days she is fussing over her bottle again... Haiz... i already resigned to the fact that she will not like the bottle thus will not drink alot when bottle fed probably will only drink enough to make her dun fee hungry but these 2 days she is only drinking 40 - 50ml when bottle fed... very worrying lei... when i go back to work and she is total bottle fed in the day how???

Oh and i made a mistake. The package price i mentioned that last time about 6 in 1 and kidslink is only applicable to their sengkang branch. all other branches charge $144 per does for 6 in 1... Pai sei pai sei...
I tried Pigeon teats, NUK teats but never try avent ones... the pigeon perilistic teats are better for her coz the other teats i put in her mouth she like dunno how to suck like that. at least the new pigeon teats she know how to suck just that she is pushing it around... Very worried that she will lose weight and suffer when i go back to work...
Amy - did PD give fever medicine? I gave my ger half the dose of fever medicine soon after she took the jab din wait till she got fever...my mom say its to prevent @ least fever wont be so serious. Don give up on the bottle feed cos she has to get used to it, tik after a while she will get used.

Btw - i heard from my frenz tat 6in1 usually will get fever, 5in1 usually no.
simp - where did you buy the book from? I am interested to get the book too... so that I will have a guide to know what to feed baby... Abit at a lost on what to feed baby when we can introduce solids to them...

My dad was saying that he wants to start feeding baby with solids from 4 months... I told him dun try anything funny... we can only start weaning baby from 6 months.
bumwear mummies..

today i let my girl try her bumwear again, looks fine, not so over-sized and as big as i remembered it to be the last time i tried on her. think can let her start wearing already (not to mention my store of disposables are going low..)

but i've a question, what do you let your babies wear when wearing bumwear? cannot wear rompers aleady since must pull down and cover the diaper right? so can only wear like a tee-shirt top? 90% of all my baby clothes are rompers or the kind leh...
Burpy babe,
Title: The first complete nutrition guide for asian parents - Feed your child right by Lynn Alexander & Yeong Boon Yee. Available in mph, times. Cost i think is between $20 and $40.
I dun button the rompers when my gal wear bumwear. i just pull them all the way down. I find that t shirt tops r short, her little tummy is always exposed...
mummies, do you carry your baby whenever he/she cries? these few daes i realised tat my boy will cry or should i say scream at the top of his lungs if i were to lay him down. he will stop crying if i were to carry him. i am worried that if i were to carry him i may spoil him. but on the other hand he may be feeling insecure n needs the hug. what do you mummies think?
Thanks Simp. Will look out for it... = )

Mushloom - could it be that ur baby has some wind in his stomach and needs to be burped? Sometimes my girl is like that.. and after we hold her upright and keep tapping her back.. she let off a loud burp.. and is alright liao....
Re: Diapers

I am letting my boy use NTUC Diapers. Quite cotton feel. One pack 60 pieces about $10.50 after discount. So one piece is less than $0.10. I use it at night and change every 2-3 hourly. When I bring him out, will use mamy poko.

Re: storing of EBM.
For frozen EBM, I read a previous post stating that frozen EBM can only be stored fr 2 months. I tot is 6 months ? so which is which ? Confused ...
i uses sterile gauze to clean my gal's mouth & tongue which mrs wong taught us. wet it first & then clean the tongue. ... & also to help me differiate the wash cloth & the cloth for cleaning the mouth
prawnie, i read that frozen ebm can be stored for 3 months?? confusing right?

amy, thanks for the idea, will just pull down the romper and not button. maybe gotta wait a couple of weeks before letting her wear, cos her poop still very runny. today dunno how even managed to leak out the back of the diaper. canot imagine clearing up the poopy mess if she was wearing bumwear..

mushloom, my baby is sometimes like that, just want to be carried. of cos must check if it's time to feed, dirty diaper or need to burp first. but sometimes after all is checked and well she still just cry and fuss. carry her then ok already. i dun have the heart to just leave her to cry. furthermore she has tummy wind and some reflux problem, dun wan to aggravate it with her crying. so i'll just give in and carry lor. hiaz...

re: cleaning of baby's mouth
my mum uses a wet cloth and some brown powder thingy bought from the chinese medical hall.. it's in a small yellow cube container.
burpy babe: no leh burped him oredi.

lynn: ya he juz wanna be carried. have fed n changed him n he will still cry. he only stopped when i carried him donno why the sudden fuss these few daes. todae i let him cry... n after 5 min tears rolled down wor... felt so bad. quickly carried n hugged him
6mths is only if u have a seperate chest freezer or the freezer compartment is dedicated to only storing EBM.

I think the shelflife of frozen EBm is 3mths but play safe coz will only let bb consume EBM that is maximum 2mths old coz like the food we eat, we will not eat anything that expires on the very day right?
Do u use nappy liner when you let her wear the bumwear diapers? coz i find that with the nappy liner it catches the solid stuff of the poo very well so quite easy to clean...
Ya, lucky doc got give fever medicine but yesterday night at 2am suddenly she wake up crying then we realise that she is having fever again coz after the first dose of fever med we thought it has gone off so we did not feed her medicine 6hrs later... Gave us a scare and i couldn't sleep properly...
i dunno what is wrong with my baby today... she hasn't been really sleeping the whole day... but she also never cry and want to be carried... just lying there staring and making noises sometimes but when i carry her for her feed, she slept then after i put her down in less than 10mins she is wide awake again *scratch head*
can understand ur dilemma. i've read about some parenting styles online - attachment parenting, and the stricter schedule style like gina ford's. when baby gets extra cranky, i am always tempted to enforce tough love and let him cry it out. but never had the heart to do so!
think our babies going through the bao bao stage.. mine too. when we carry him he sound asleep but when put him down in less than 10s he wake up again and wants to be carried again.

we though he moody after a pregant woman touch him. old wivies tale that baby xiao chi.
same amy, my bb is awake since 10am this morning...
she sort of fix to this routine, as in every morning once wake up, she will not sleep back, until night time when she is really very tired.. she sleep about 12hr to 14hr per day.
Think most baby like to be hug/carry. Sometimes my boy also quite cranky. When he very tired and cant sleep, he keep crying. Will rock him, pat his buttok, talk to him softly.
blessedmummie: Could not pm you. I have sent you an email on the lansinoh milk bag spree. Will email you once i make the transfer. Thanks !!
hi mummies

you can try swaddling again if you have stopped swaddling your baby. It helps to 'relieve' crying significantly and babies tend to sleep faster and longer when swaddled.

Of course, if you can, carry your baby when they cry, cos if you leave your bb to cry for too long without picking him/her up, they will think you don't love them. It affects their emotional development as well.

I still carry my girl as fast as I can wwhenever she cries, unless she is affecting me with her crying and I need to step away from the pressure coming from inconsolable crying.

don know y, my bb crying non stop fr 10pm these 3 days, izzit colic? we use pacifier to stop him fr cry n he will fall as sleep. beside pacifier, what can we do?
